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Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, great warriors of mother earth
These are the men I love, they know what love's worth

I see them and I smile, and I say "Come love me Tonight"
Love me long into the night, love me under the moonlight

And the warrior with skin sun-kissed, comes
and strokes my hair and strokes my legs, and holds me close,
and closer even, and then...

He caresses my face and kisses me long, long into the night
And together we smoke some magic, and he kisses me more
Then says, "my darling, my love, please never leave my sight"
And the world slips away, O' we are no longer of this world

We have spun away into the cosmos, We have become light
Flowing like ribbons, ever changing, chasing away darkness  

Together my warrior love and I , O' we have become one,
One, a  luminous vivacious light of a beautiful origin


Where­ rattlesnakes are sliding across a prairie forgotten,
And the western wind twirls up a twirling dustbowl  

Whispers upon the wind, ancient voices of our ancestors
  Across the land of the wild buffalo, and ancient crowe

When time unwinds and more than silence can be heard,
Just hold on silently for a moment, and listen closely

Sometimes a young child's cry, sometimes a jubilant laugh
Many voices of our ancestors, A sweet song of long ago

An amazing and rare piece of antiquity
Secrets of the Voynich manuscript
I find So Mysterious yet so captivating 
A beautiful language not revealing
Uniquely expressive are the paintings
Somewhat exotic are the drawings
Leaves one with an astonished feeling
A  castle grand under a starry light
beyond  a dragon enjoying the night
And seven sisters soaking in a spring
As herbs and dainty flowers sing
Foliage green and blooms in blue
Stems standing tall, strong and true
Colors are vibrant bleeding through
Palms, and fronds and ferns, too
And inky blue with leaves of six
Roots partitioned into pieces and bits
Sunflowers and tiny red flowers
O' and a divine constellation shower
beauty imagined, beauty redefined
Oh this beauty I alone have found
amidst a poetic language unknown
penned with a quill by a poet of long ago
.....hopefully the poet would be honored with my tribute
An errant search hath brought me here,
To the rabble rousers feigning an ear,
Complain, complain, yell, scream and jeer,
Seems to me it's not your year?

Label, bait, point your fingers and blame,
Knowing your side has lost the game.
No, America just won't be the same,
Asylum no longer, -run by the insane.
Okay friends, Hats off to Mr. Trump the man of Steel
He's a great big fish, Americans caught on a Reel

He's made a big promise and he's made a huge Deal
He's giving us the facts, and he's keeping it Real

He's got his act together and he's laying down the Law
He's fighting bad guys, and building a great, big Wall

SO Just sit back, and don't worry about a thing My Friend
Coz the man of steel's, gonna make America great Again
~The End~
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
i am drowned in my own affections
and afflictions;
each day i fall again and again
for both new and old.
why am i so burdened by love?
why does it seep like honey,
like sweat
from my every pore?
why do i want everyone’s love
all to myself when i am so
full of it for dozens?
What once was
  Never happened
  The way we thought that it did.
Become aware of how it has been,
And how it shall be again.

So when my mind
Concurs to you who
  Loves to lie beneath my skin.

My truth divides  
Two sides
Truth and denial
At war within.
My pencil scribbles
on this empty sheet
defining the story of my life.
Incoherent lines for
incoherent thoughts,
unable to describe this strife.

These useless words dance
on the empty edges of lined pain.
These ruthless monsters rejoice
on  the empty corners of my brain.

My mind is a battlefield
of meaningless words
and demons of the past.
The only hero left
is a sole broken soul
that'll never even last.

But one look at you
and the lost soul is no more.
Something new flickers,
there's some hope for the war.

But the flicker of hope vanishes
as the last straying colors fade grey.
The hero knows it is a zero,
and doesn't want you to stay.

Because I'd let hope in to help,
but it's too late to try.
I have to fight this battle myself
Can't let you in to drown and die.

I'm bad news and a lost cause
all rolled into one
I may smile but I'm shattered,
incurable when the day is done.

Like these words I pour out.

Chained up by demons, too broken to shout
Another winter and it is as cold as Jack frost ever did Bring
With an icy Bling
Jack laughed and he sang
A winter cold with signature ice-cycles as his calling card...
After the Joy of Christmas had come and it had gone..
The aftermath of such lie in the trash waiting to be hauled from your frosty back yard.
Three to four grooling months his vengeance is well played.
Until you plan and prepare through the warmer seasons
Until you can hit him in the cold spot
In warmth as you are the one who can now shout and to him, taunt.
Jack,frost, Jack Frost, He is our cold dead hand.
If he cannot get me I've broken his seasonal song and broke up his band.
Good ole' yoko uno was not a factor, here, to break up your band.
Jack, my friend, here's to my warmed environment
To you with the eager eyes sitting out in your cold
I hope your icy fingers break off on the **** you once chilled
as I broke your game and watched as IT WAS YOU who STILL LOSE and Grow COLDER!
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