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Dec 2015 · 2.8k
To Mr. Mysterious
A man of short words and infinite meanings.
Mr. Mysterious.

You disappeared from my life
You came back more alive.

I don't understand
This game you want to hang
Tell me, what do you want.
Why you came back?
Is this fellow has resentment from the past?

You don't know me
Neither do I
We have one thing in common
Your eyes can't lie.
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
I found me
I wake up everyday
with an urge that makes my heart run
Gives me the energy to stand up.

Im sorry
Is not you
neither him
is it.

I found real love
in the corner of the street
In the road while I drive
In the smile of a kid
In the songs that my radio plays
In the mirror of my bathroom

I found real love
In the place I never went before
In the moment I never thought
In the song I never heard
and in the person I never met before
Oct 2015 · 1.8k
Stop worrying
One day you will make peace with yours demons,
and the chaos in your heart will settle flat.

And maybe for first time in your life,
life will smile right back to you
and welcome you home.
Oct 2015 · 651
The instant of a blink
How beautiful it is
to live in a world
where nothing lasts forever

We must learn to fall in love
with the inside us

Only there,
Every moment living,
will be..
Every moment..
worth dying for.
Oct 2015 · 1.8k
Ocean blue
The one thing
that will always remind me of you
is the ocean
your  eyes are so blue
that they look like water
and how sad is it to say
that every time I look those iris
I try not to be true
That a part of me
is still thinking of you
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
*I'm ready*
I'm ready to go home..
I open a bottle of wine,
That I've been saving for a special occasion.
I bought a package of smokes,
I turn my favorite tunes

I think I'm ready to start..
Opening boxes,
Folding clothes.
Sipping, smoking and singing
Closing boxes.

I'm almost ready to go outside..
Is dark and cold,
The last one
Sipping, smoking and singing
Closing doors.

I'm ready,
**I'm ready to go.
Jul 2015 · 1.8k
He is running for me
While I'm chasing you
I'll give him a chance
He does what you don't do.

Irony comes by
I saw him today with a big smile
And he remind me
That the way he looks at me
Is the way I used to look at you.
Inexplainable bright that shines
From his blue sea eyes  
He kisses me and he loves me too.

He is running for me
And I am chasing you,
I'll give him a chance
He likes me the way I like you
He likes me not like you
Jul 2015 · 1.4k
The face you see standing in front of your door
Doesn't want you anymore

You steal her weekend nights
You rewind the thoughts of her mind

The face you see standing in front of your door
Is not into it anymore

It was question of time
For her to realize
That you where never down for her
When the sun is about to rise
Neither when the moon says goodbye

The face you see standing infront of your door
Is not waiting anymore
Jul 2015 · 878
I know them very well,
They hypnotize you with their powers of seduction
The line between real and fantasy
starts to blur…starts to blur.

Dreams and nightmares
warm,very shinny and clouds with rain
The line between the real and fantasy
is all an illusion of his game.

Water is unclear
don't know if its pure
or if its poison
drink it careful
might be no cure

Dreams and nightmares
you'd better wake up
The line between real and fantasy
just turn the lights on
and keep your mouth shut.

Deep breath
a quite suffocating might be
count down cutting oxygen.
The line between the real and fantasy
3,2,1.. what if its not the end
Jul 2015 · 1.4k
Has been long that I didn't remember you.
Creating fiction chords in my head
of that old song we used to sing together.

The piano leaving me with hair erections
reminding me that pores exist.

The bass taking place
giving short detail
and pressing my body slowly,
gently and deeply into the couch.

And the voice..
warm voice that is injecting
ridiculous amounts of dopamine
directly thru my brain,
driving me to this stage of complete satisfaction.

Feel granted to be the one
who can spike chemical reactions
from the inside of my being
to the outside of my skin
..without a touch.

Kid, what more ****** that could be?
Jul 2015 · 939
Lonely Girl
Kiss me like if this night was the last night.

Night, last night you could see beyond my eyes.

Eyes, beyond my eyes there is this lonely girl.

Girl, lonely girl wondering who could listen to her.

Kiss her thru this last night beyond her eyes.

           Lonely girl just listen to her.
Jul 2015 · 549
You were always gone,
I was always wrong.
I'm happy to know now that you were just another one.
And I'm the only one of your another's that now is gone.
Jul 2015 · 929
Colorful Gray
Boston, what a colorfully gray city you are.
At daytime Downtown seems busy.
People in suits, always walking with a purpose and defined destination.
Never stops.

People don't act if they don't have reason to.
And how the sun is hiding the people are as well.

When the bright white moon comes up, the narrow streets are quite, no soul is found.

Im the lector of the unwritten letter,
the crowd of a canceled opera,
the observer of an unrecorded satirical filmstrip of this colorfully gray city. Boston
Jul 2015 · 358
Drops of Water
Face lift up to the sky
Waiting for the the first drop of rain to purify my body
From all the dirt of the crowd that causes so much pain
That I don't feel my skin again.

Exact temperature my pores needed
to feel the exact sensation of relief
hairs straight and hard
so hard that would brush all the leaves in the ground.

Drops of water,
come to me.
Drops of water,
my skin is thirsty cant you see?

A layer of second skin comes off
taking years of corrupted experiences take it away rough
there is a desperation inside that is screaming regrets and too much self careless.

Im afraid that would not be enough for you
to purify this damaged body.
But I have hope
that you will make me feel a little better with your drops of water
I beg come to me.
Drops of water
I miss the tenderness that it used to be.

— The End —