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A single word can fill you
With a thousand feelings
And memories.
Some are warm, happy,
Fuzzy feelings that you enjoy;
Others... not so much.
Yelling, pain, insults;
Dysfunction, blame, guilt.
But "family" is not always
The same thing as *
Sometimes home is a person,
Who makes you feel loved.
They make you feel wanted
And secure in their embrace.
They give you those happy, fuzzy
Feelings and light thoughts
On your dark days.
And you, my friend...
You are home to me.
February 25, 2017.
Inspired by some of friends that have helped me through my hardest times. Thank you Mer and Will. If you ever see this, know that I love you both so much.
Stare infinitely into the looking glass,
I see a face that's not my own,
Eyes that aren't human,
Lips that move without my intention.

My eyes are plagued with tears,
Flowing down my cheeks,
Madness seeps out of every pore,
I laugh at the reflection of what I see,
For it's not me.
Don't cry tender soul it's not your time
Ask me anything and you shall see
Nothing is as hard as it used to be
I've brought you strawberry milk, let me nom your feet
Everything is perfect, your kisses all over me
L**ove me like I do you, you are the start of everything
Don't be so bitter last love of mine
It wasn't a lie or a waste of time
You taught me much about who I am
And more about who I am not
I am no *****, no criminal, no thot
But I am worthy of love and lust and touch
You taught me to be gracious and grateful and kind
You taught me to love someone like me
That wasn't you now I can see
But it's not like it wasn't meant to be
So don't be bitter last love of mine
Time will mend you have her and I have wine
Speak ill as you will I can't stop what you do
But I have learnt to forgive
and so should you
Maybe the stars feel lonely too,
perhaps they’re hurting inside,
crying through the night
because they can’t have you.

All I want is for your poison
to black out my light
just like the sun fades the stars
with every sunrise.

And as the stars stare at you
the sadness haunts me,
their spirits wander lonely
the same way as I do.
in the darkness,
there are different kinds of light
there are lights that;
too bright for you to see the truth,
too dim for you to distinguish the reality from fantasy.
there are also lights that may burn you down.

but the best of all is the light that comes from him---
Our Father.

Our God

lesson #4 from moth

To be able to distinguish the different kind of lights is to open the eyes of your heart.

tap or click the #igmslessonsfromanimals tag button to read the other lessons
we have
different perspective
in looking at

We are guided by our own point of view.
We judge according to our perception, philosophy and beliefs.
So don't talk if it is not necessary.
It may harm other people.

This has already been posted on my Facebook account. Heres the link;=100000722533030&set;=a.1292331727467566.1073741851.100000722533030&refid;=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1292331694134236%3Atl_objid.1292331694134236%3Athid.100000722533030%3A306061129499414%3A82%3A0%3A1480579199%3A993645753784453870&__tn__=E
i was once a piece
of beautiful paper,
cut into a heart-shape,
colored with red and
neatly placed at the left
side of my chest.

and then you came
with your heart on fire,
i am enchanted by your warmth
that i let you embrace me.
but i never thought that your fire,
would burn me down.

i was once a piece
of beautiful paper.
but now,
i am no more than
a piece of small gray particles,
forgotten ashes
scattered by the wind

never to be found

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