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552 · Sep 2019
Played my cards wrong
Danny Sep 2019
Fine and light it poured
On and on and on
While I waited or not
Maybe I was hiding
Hoping it would stop
So in peace I could walk
But on and on and on
It fell and kept on falling

Didn't want to get wet
I thought I was good at risk management
But time had no patience
Flew away left me here
Now the clouds have burst
On and on it pours
Like a dam that's been suffering for long
I've played my cards wrong

Home is where I'm supposed to be
Having a cup of hot tea
But I'm stuck like meat or green
Lodged between the teeth
Far from home
Can't hit the road
Lost in my thoughts already catching cold
I guess I'll have to go even if it means I'll be soaked
Walking home in the rain cursing myself, so wet
337 · Sep 2019
Down a long dark road
Danny Sep 2019
Take a piece of my heart and keep it in a jar
Let it be kissed at first light by the soft burst of sunshine
If the universe can hear the evening prayers you say on my behalf
Let the light find me on the other sideĀ and lead me right into paradise

Take a piece of my soul and keep it in your glow
About to get taken away so in your hands I lay it trusting it to be safe
Can't stay here no, have to go down this long dark road where in years to come could be my home
It's hard to say if I'll ever find my way out of the filth and clay and see the other shades again

Take a piece of me keep it green daily as you breathe life into it
So if ever I'm lost it in my walk around the walls in search for the elves and unicorn
Let it be that which stills the tempest in my being leading me home to peace
And that soft voice that calls, out loud setting my course right away from the dark where a even a jot of light gets lost
329 · Oct 2019
Plant a tree
Danny Oct 2019
We could kindle the twigs and the fallen leaves
Dry as a dead dingo's donger
And make a fire which burns for a while
But betimes would flicker and out it goes sooner or later

We could even build a house skillfully like the cassican
Sight to a sore eyes on completion
A beautiful paradise and definitely talk of the town
But talks are like baby fat they always disappear

We could write in the sand as we stand on the shore
The tale of our union but the tides will come
Or even inscribe on a rock the symbol of our love
There for years until denudation knocks

So I think it's better if we dig the ground
Not to keep the dead but to grow a life
As we sow a seed which grows for life
Come the seasons under the sun

A saviour on a sunny day
With nectariferous flowers bearing fruit with seeds
A zoar for birds and other figures of life
Green that adds to the already colourful work of art

Come let's plant a tree today on the spot
Where our hearts melted like iron in a furnace
As the smith forges what he pleases
Where we met after days spent following the treasure trail

Where we first kissed and nothing else mattered
But the wrestle of two lit tongues
Right where love found us and we found love
The clouds bearing witness

Though a howling gale may rise
Bring it down like the leaves in autumn
But there's always a contingency plan
Seeds that will sprout in spring
314 · Oct 2019
Flesh and blood
Danny Oct 2019
Could be called a beautifully made mess

A torn new dress shot through with silver threads

Decorated coffin rotten inside

Well, the lid is as free as a lame leg

Unsheathe your sword and cut my humble skin

Pain I may feel which make us feel alive

But will you be able to stand the sight?

A gentle pool that will have been set wild

Looking at me with eyes that give me chills

Like I'm a god on the throne, that's so sick

I am flesh and blood just like the next man

Walking on a slippery floor, cursed to fall

When the ice starts to crack under my feet

All I shall give to stay above water
I know I have flaws but that simply makes me human, I think
301 · Dec 2019
Thirsty Soul
Danny Dec 2019
Do you think you can riddle me this riddle
Do you think you can help me cross the river and not leave me in the middle

Do you think you can stand it if I pierced your heart with a needle
Do you think you can wait till it's over and not wriggle

Do you think our night calls can be more than the usual jingle
Though It's hard for me to dive in deep but I would if you make it simple

This frown on my face is not becoming and neither is the wrinkle
But when I'm with you like an ironed shirt I lose the crinkles

Is it possible for me to get your right  dimple
I like them and I'm wishing we can mingle

How would you like to remake the ****** *******
Can you go all night or you will fall into a deep sleep like the little

I'm bad at this and I'm pretty sure it will brickle
I want a lot, I've become so selfish that I won't even let you nibble

Touch down before take off thank goodness I'm not shiftful
Hope I won't kick it the way I was born and bred, single

I'm a thirsty soul but I keep breaking my water bottle, it's so brittle
A little desperate, would drink from a brook that has shrunk into a mere trickle

It's sure that we're going to crash if we cruise in this 2007 beetle
But dropping a stone in the pond is the only way to see the ripples

We'll never know what happens in Seattle, downpour or mizzle
If we don't tempt fate, what we think will always be fickle
If you don't start here you'll never get there
268 · Oct 2019
Danny Oct 2019
Let's make love all night
Like the rain does to the earth
Every time it pours

Let the clock tick tock
Added weight make the bed creak
Your beat's all I hear

Soon you'll have to go
And leave me dry a long time
Wish you'd take me on

Let's take this moment
Make immortal memories
With mortal bodies

Let's stay up all night
Seal every kiss with lightning
****** in our tale

Soon the moon will leave
And the stars will retire
Doubt you'll still be here
266 · Sep 2019
I miss me
Danny Sep 2019
Sometimes I wonder where I lost myself
But it's hard to retrace my steps
Rain has fallen and the footprints have been washed away
Lost in time, hanging in space never to be seen again

I think I miss me, the old me
Or maybe I never lost myself, just grew out of him
Or maybe the new me is just the devil I need
A necessary evil maybe just maybe
258 · Sep 2019
No faith in fate
Danny Sep 2019
Was just a kid with no silver spoon
Yet didn't see the world in black and white instead as colourful
Thought of the gods as super heroes
So waited earnestly for them to come to his aid

Like the periwinkles by the ocean
Get washed by the tides in any direction
So it was with him, poor kid
Yet days went by everyday with no greetings from his adored

So many questions he needed answers
No one could or would give because nobody knew any better
Who would put an innocent kid in this cruel world?
Was he a criminal of the hardened type in his previous life?

Got tired of waiting on the edges of miracles, been doing that all his life
Cursing under his breath threw his chill pills into a flowing river Nile
Stopped asking the day what Providence had for him
Started believing in himself soon as he stopped believing in them

Lost his wrong convictions when he broke free
His words were "***** destiny the partial queen
I had all in on inception so I'd rather put my luck on my inside
Than put my faith in the hands of fate

I know that no one would take me to El Dorado
Only i can take me to where me wants to go
I'm not an architect but i design the life I love and see
Nor am i a builder but i build my own world in this world
Believe in yourself
234 · Apr 2020
Danse macabre
Danny Apr 2020
Someday, one day, maybe sooner, perhaps later
You'll find yourself at the mercy of the one that shows and knows not mercy
The one with a vacuum in his chest, void of a heart and a soul
You'll be charmed by his grim and be compelled to follow his lead
No questions will be asked for you'll be as gullible as a new born baby
O! how the mighty fall and crumble on sight of his flowing robe and scythe
Eyes filled with such vast darkness which tells morbid tales

I can only hope you'll be able to look back at the home you'll be leaving behind
As you take a long walk with your newly found company
And be at peace with yourself, serene with no regrets
No assigned souls left untouched and no present unwrapped
No moments you'd like to rewrite and no wrongs to make right
No unfinished business to take care of
The journey is one way and your ticket will have been bought

And it's not like you'll even have a choice or stand a chance
Cos the music will be on and he'll most certainly have his dance
As he has done before, time and time again and as he'll still do
Been doing it for long in your shadow and even mine too
Gaining mastery of every step , trying different rhythm
Either in a tux or a tee-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans
This is the most fun part of the job so it has to be perfect
The dance of death
225 · Oct 2019
Made not for me
Danny Oct 2019
Even if you were a piece of a larger cake
Being passed round on a silver plate
As we all are huddled up
Around the fire to get some warm
I wouldn't pick you still
And it's not like I'm satisfied
But one just take what one can
That's the crazy world we live in

What a beautiful picturesque
A good dream of us in eden
But fast turning into a night terror
With nobody to wake me up
Making me sweat like a pig
Not because I want to
But pencils, that's all we're
Beggars can't be choosers

I **** so much for a shooter
Even though for you I am a sucker
The twinkles have filed complaints
For always missing anytime I aim
Maybe I'm meant to loiter with them
And not be an outrider for the moon
Off they go, smokes and mirrors
You were made not for me
A love that is so far.
223 · Nov 2019
The fault in our stars
Danny Nov 2019
Yesterday I mounted  the wind
Laughing hard as the breeze slapped my face
It tickled like grass under the thighs
A pleasant feeling to be afloat
Rocking with the waves

Supine in the recliner at dusk
Up in the sky on top of the world
Legs crossed, breaking nuts, bottoms up
A vigneron never labours in vain
Supped from my cup my finely brewed wine like a god

Right now I'm purring like a **** in boots
As I ride my roan horse with vigor
Filling every cranny with sunshine
Walking full of life with fire in my bones
Smoke from my mouth is evident

But there's a but,
The fault in our stars
Puddle after the rain
A thought fast moulding fear
A lot of questions clogging the mind
An impending threat

Would the sun shine all day?
Hang around at dusk
Instead of sinking in the west
Stay up through the night
And even till dawn morrows
Or will it again do what it does

Will I still be lurking on cloud nine?
Where the mood is set
And the time is right
A calm in honor of the halcyon
Where there's no need to cheese for the camera
For the smile is always straight up from the soul
212 · Apr 2020
Slipping away
Danny Apr 2020
I have done no wrong but I'm sorry nonetheless
We could tussle with fate but that's all we get
As much as it hurts my poor soul to do so
I must accept what ever it is I find in life's roll of presents
As we are just puppets on some strings
Thespians acting according to a script
Dancers flowing like a river to a rhythm
And a singer singing along to a riddim
Beggars can't be choosers they say
So I'll stand ashore and watch you slip away
The story has no happy ever after after all
But there's still some silver lining in the dark cloud that looms over the mountain top
Sometimes holding on is more painful than letting go
198 · Apr 2020
Danny Apr 2020
Love me
Like you've never loved before
And like you'll never love again
Till I can't take it anymore cos I'm filled up
And until the only thing left in the plate set before me is more of it

Hold me
Like a mother holds her new born child
Looking into its eyes, fast forgetting the pain and whatnots she's been through
Till the delicate smell of your fragrance becomes my shield
And until my skin starts to melt into yours

Touch me
Till your prints are boldly engraved on me
Let your hands run wild and wide all through and true
Let it wander around my body,it's yours for the taken
Don't hold back, this is all I've ever wanted

Kiss me
Till the taste of your lips linger on even after you're done
Till I'm wasted and as drunk as a skunk
Or don't you know your mouth is an ocean of wine
I'll gladly swim in it until my strength is gone and I drown

Leave me
Only when I tell you to which I'm pretty sure is never
Never forget we're bound from now till forever
And even before the clock started to run its never ending race
Let it be the one thing you don't know how to do
188 · Sep 2019
How I wish
Danny Sep 2019
How I wish
That I could wish
Anytime I wish
For my wish
To be more than just a wish
Oh! How I wish
188 · Oct 2019
Poor John Doe
Danny Oct 2019
You've got blood on your hands
I don't think they are yours because there's a body on the ground
Lying an inch away from where you now stand
That must be the poor John doe

Smitten and broken at the same time
What has he done what are his crimes?
He must have ****** the gods off to deserve such a life
Oh poor John doe

I blame you for this unfortunate incident
Why smell when you knew you were not interested
Ye wicked tree why extend a branch to help when you had no strength
I feel so sorry for John Doe

He knew you were so far yet he reached and took a leap of faith
He placed his bet on luck which ran out the middle of the way
He gave it all he got which was his all but you still didn't reciprocate
Now he's got nothing left oh poor John Doe
176 · Jan 2020
Danny Jan 2020
More than a dark comedy it's pure tragedy
Enigma enshrouded in a mist of painful puzzle
Mural paintings now inconspicuous in the murk
Off-white faces staring into space, a thousand miles away
Rewinding to relive each moment like a tape in a cassette player
Inaudible shrieks of laughter and indistinct voices
Existent only in the crevasses of our hearts, now flooded
Silent as light a drop flows outward and down the cheek
Wrote this for a close friend.
She passed away yesterday.
Unripe yet fell from the tree.
Trees not in blossom now withered.
Elixirs don't exist now an elegy has to.
I'll just keep holding on to the memories
169 · Jan 2020
Danny Jan 2020
No music but the pen won't stop taking the hand for a dance on the stage

No tides, the halcyon has come to brood but the ink won't stop flowing over the banks

No noise but the empty canvass won't stop shouting at the painter to smear his paints and quit dilly-dallying
Drippy pen
164 · Sep 2019
Too close
Danny Sep 2019
I blame you for what you did
But I don't judge you I love you still
It doesn't matter now does it?
You're safe in his arms while I'm here stuck

Took the light with you when you left
I never saw it coming would have prepared
Now all day long my eyes are red
There's a dam in my eyes that's about  to burst

I was ready to do whatever for you whenever
Would have gone anywhere with you wherever
You destroyed me when you said you were head over
Must have been as blind as a bat that you couldn't see that I was hurt

Seated by my side asking me if he was good for you
Didn't want to seem like a bad guy so I had to feign happy for you
Now i can't stop cursing myself because I was a ****** fool
I thought we had a thing but no there was never an us

Your words cut deeper than a knife
Seeing you with him used to be death in paradise
Note the tense for I made it out alive
I wish you the happily ever after that you want

It's all over now and i admit i got too close
I'll be fine, I just overdosed on the wrong dose
Thanks for being a part of my story even though I never chose
I'll just keep holding on the thought that the sun will be bring me love when the morning comes
160 · Sep 2019
Time, they say heals
Danny Sep 2019
There will always be a seat for you in my heart
Though in a long while to come will remain empty
Just beyond the horizon I can see dark clouds gathering ready to strike
And also the mighty storm warming up like an athlete, I'm bracing tight

The paths we walked and the seas we sailed
That flower you placed by the window in my room to give it a warm touch
Do you remember that summer night on the couch, lights out
A lot of memories that we made together, so hard to throw them out

It would be a step away from being almost impossible to forget you
But I have a feeling I'll be fine just need to make some tweaks
I'm betting my money on time they say it heals
I guess we'll have to wait and see if it it's as good as they say it is

— The End —