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May 2016 · 568
The Balance of 3
A thousand moments drip by
One millisecond of time seeps through the cracks
If only happiness could flow through this river indefinitely
Instead it seems that it's feliz is dampened with melancholy

How one instant you can taste the sweet lips of harvest love
After the heart has ripened and fully blooms for you
But then suddenly meet the crow that rips your stability away
As the river is plagued, the crow steals your heart to the sky
Dangling it miles above your head
Taunting you with the feeling of being truly dead.

If my river is sorrowed and my sky devoured
The land seems the only place to go.
I search for refuge in the barren wasteland
Yet find myself solely longing for a swim
And being tempted by the clouds to take to the sky.

It is in this moment that epiphany finds its true meaning.
I can not simply search in these respective realms through solitary actions
Only the transparent soul can navigate these barriers
Finding its purity to make travel worth while.

Therefore I shall roam the sky
Therefore I shall bask in the sea
Therefore I shall embrace the land
For I know that when one is injured, aid is found in another.
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
Family of Seasons
The dew that forms on spring grass.
The sun rays that shine through summer windows.
The crisp leaves that blow through autumn winds.
The snow flurries that illuminate the wintery chills.

These are the most common poetic topics...
But why?

The face of poetry is abstract and unseen.
Its mask shifts and changes into ideas of understanding,
Depending on the listener...

The beauty of nature has effortless expression
It practically writes for itself.

But the fire of Love is another matter.
"Bye, love you!" "I love that!" "C'mon love."
The name appears more often than necessary,
But is it truly understood, like nature?

It seems my generation has forgotten Love's definition.
"Love: an intense feeling of deep affection."

I don't love my cereal, I love my mom's caring personality.
I don't love my car, I love my dad's willingness to trust.
I don't love my tickets to Disney, I love my younger brother's sense of fun.
I don't love my toothbrush, I love my eldest brother's teaching disposition.

Love is a part of nature, it's true,
But it is not meant to be taken as lightly.

Nature is easily seen through our widening pupils,
Every move it makes is impossible to go unnoticed.
Love's invisibility is easy to let slip by,
You have to look closely to find it.

True Love is never found in objects.
True Love is found in families of all different seasons.
Let's bring back Love's real definition.
Jun 2015 · 2.8k
Sex of the Imagination
Collaboration is key.
A thought that penetrates one imagination
Can become an idea formed with another.
Two heads are better than one.

It's fulfilling to grace one's mind with friendships.
Don't our thoughts get lonely?
Trapped inside our heads all day...
Never being born into a blue world of possibilities.

The imagination is the world's philosophical ***.
Imagination is a collaborative process to make purple from blue and red.
Two heads, creating one coherent idea that leaps into the world,
Ready to exercise its originality.

Oh yeah, the world needs some more imagination,
Because *** is just too good to pass up.
This started off supposed to be about how I love collaborating with other artists...but then it just got *****. Whoops!
Jun 2015 · 1.9k
Dawn hits.
The smoky mists of the night fade away.
All that was once existent is blurred into nothingness.
A new beginning starts.

The old nightlife is somehow forgotten.
Nothing from the past can penetrate the force of the future.
It must all remain where it belongs...

But how can something so important be lost?
It is believed that dawn shall fade the night away.
Day will take over and the darkness shall subside.
But the night is never truly forgotten.

Without night, there shall be no day.
Without night, there shall be no dawn.

The memories of night can never fade.
For the light of day is met with dusk,
And dusk shall once again bring the images of night in all its beauty.

Dawn may begin, but it is not a means to an end.
Dusk shall return night to the world,
Old memories once again becoming a reality.
Just some 4 a.m. thoughts...
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Sonnet: Your Smirk
The sonata streams, soars through the starlight                      
I play you my songs, but still you can’t hear
My music used to woo you toward the right
Yet now my notes don’t carry far, I fear
The love between us is a one-way street
I pray that you’ll see me in a new light
The lack luster of my eyes breaths defeat                              
What I wish for should not be such a fight
And then, for an instant, I see you smirk.                                  
And then, the crows feet of your eyes wrinkle.
And then, I feel confidence start to work.
And then, I try to make your eyes twinkle.
               My feelings pour into sweet honey’d tongue.                
               Your giggles in my ear, forever rung.
Jun 2015 · 866
Life's Ladder
The ladder is so simple.
It is used
to climb
to see the heavens.

The ladder is so simple.
With a grasp of its outer shell

The ladder is so simple.
But it requires such effort to move upwards
Each rung requires a jump from the previous.
A leap of faith-
Ending in the starting place with no new vertical accomplishments
Continuing with a crash on the next, elevated rung,
Repeating the process once again.

                Then there’s the other option.
                To grasp the sides of the ladder when man has finished climbing,
                Slinking, slithering down the smooth sides of the legs
                Where you smack the bottom.

The ladder is so simple.
It’s easy for man to climb.
Each rung is a new goal to reach.
There’s a constant need to land on top
like a nobleman chasing the crown.

               The hard part is saying goodbye to the heights achieved.
               “Are the rungs pointless if man should pass them all coming back                        down?”
“Are the leaps of faith worth the energy in the end?”
But the hardest question of all-

*“When does man know to sink?”
Jun 2015 · 726
Maneuvering the Night Sky
May the kaleidoscope clusters of constellations
Be your Guide through the galaxy.
Their Light outlining the path to take
like an airplane’s aisle way as it soars through the sky.

May the Moon decorate your nights
So there is never darkness ahead.
The Light that penetrates your eyes
Forever stays as the HaloRingsBendandBlurTogether

May you swallow the sun
With one LARGE gulp.
Tasting the flavor of Intensity
as you absorb its Wisdom of many centuries.

May you grow up to be Righteous
Righting the smallest of wrongs.
May you grow up to be Courageous
Fighting for every star, no matter the universe it belongs.
May you grow up to be Loved.

May you grow up to be Loved.
Jun 2015 · 3.9k
Behind Closed Doors
Behind closed doors I see the world
Others look, but cannot see...

To look into the pain of a beating heart
To see the cape of black surrounding love
Why must I hide?
Why must I live in fear?
I want to feel brave,

But it’s not possible.

I’ve been locked away, behind closed doors.
Alone in the dark,
Thoughts rush through my head.

I want to express my feelings,
I want to be myself
But life has cursed me.

Am I a slave of love?
I’m forced to watch its powers
But never feel for myself.

My heart is locked away with the rest of me.
It still has the urges
To reach out...
       to love.

But if I reach out, I will be attacked.
If I reach out, I will be hurt.
If I reach out, the world will see me bare.
If the world sees me, I’m doomed.

I’m forced to watch love, and never experience it.
Is this what the world is supposed to be?
Am I supposed to be locked behind closed doors?
Am I meant to just be a prop in this silly game of God?
Why aren’t there answers?
Why can’t I be cured?
Why can’t the world see ME?

Alas, this is what I wonder
As the darkness draws me back in,
As my heart is draped with a black curtain,
I must stay here.

Locked behind closed doors.
Locked from the world.
Locked from me.

Maybe one day I can eventually leave this darkness...

But sadly once I leave this barren space,
I believe there is only more darkness to come
The darkness to come won’t be caused by me however,
Others will cause it.

So I guess the question to answer is, “which darkness is lighter?”

My darkness?

Or the world’s?
My first poem written years ago...

— The End —