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Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
Tell me I'm beautiful
Then tell a lie
Hug me with need
Before you make me cry

Kiss me with passion
Then cut me down
Love you for everything you are
You are tired of having me around

Heart is sore from fighting
Morning, noon, nightfall
Wish I stood my ground
To you I once more crawl

Peace of mind or a piece of mine?
A place to run to or away from?
Hoping to experience love again
Instead looks like I'm going numb

With the scars upon my heart
See me almost exactly the same
Why can't you always make me feel beautiful?
Instead of feeling constant pain
How many times have you been called beautiful by someone who eventually made you feel ugly?
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
You do not miss me
A painful fact which only
Makes me miss you more
Do you miss me like I miss you?
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
I cannot stand who I've become
Cannot stand my own reflection
This person I view in the mirror
With no grasp of time or direction

Expectation destroying tender brain
Watching it chase thoughts around
Want to corrall the wayward beasts
To some corner to never be found

Time keeps doing *****
Throwing me place to place
I attempt to assert dominance
It responds by quickening pace

Fearing not the days passing
But my use of how many given
Not for lack of trying you see
I work hard but most days aren't worth living

My arms too weak to carry this load
My dreams too disobedient
Walls are whispering to eachother
Starting to question my sanity and sense

I cannot see my image clearly
Behold no beauty in my eyes
Pacing through flaws as I please
Every night escape with highs

Struggling to remember who I was before
Lost important parts of my soul
Wish I had done things differently
I'd sacrifice all I own to again be whole
I look at myself in the mirror and can't help but think I'm the worst version of myself I could possibly be
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
Being around you makes me happy
It also makes me sad
In the shadow of indecision
Burned both hearts bad

Deeply scorched scornful words
Into space inside your tender chest
My head cluttered, no room to think
Strong arms where my fears are pressed

I hope you will be okay if I go
You give no reason to leave
Staying because I own no excuse
That is not how love should be
I know what being in love feels like and it isn't obligation and insecurity and feeling down all the time
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
The only time I ever smiled was with you
Your presence the sole thing able to coax out a laugh
I regret putting my happiness in your hands to hold
Now it's trapped inside a fading photograph
Don't put your happiness in anyone else's hands, they'll drop it. They'll drop it every time.
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
You will forget me
Soon enough we will see which
One of us loves more
You will forget me soon enough. But I I'll still mumble your name in my sleep.
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