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862 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
she didn't know it
but she had been bitten
not really by any body
more like a vision
of a vacant stare
and girating open mouth lips
like a strange idea
for a face
that caused a gnawing hunger
evoking a devils form
maybe a virus
that consumed her
while groaning as if almost human

she would wake up in the dead of night
imagining vividly
a veiled man
wet with sweat
a blood spilled mouth
raw and naked
sloping between her legs
biting her inner thighs
his teeth like syringes
with a lapping black sapphire tongue
it hurt so
but she let him
strangely she loved every second
and stroked his thick black hair
as he consumed her
and called her mommy
in a thick accent
that reminded her of summer heat
and wild groves

it happened every night
after she woke
she looked forward to it
she would wait
her **** an oozing wound
and recite

*come sweet demon
come and eat
drink your fill
my blood is sweet

my flesh is willing
my soul is yours
do what thou wilt
on all fours

come to me
this very night
crack my bones
do it right

will i die
a long slow death
keep drinking love
take my breath

my ******* hard
bite me deep
my legs spread wide
you are my creep

i need you so
your blood **** berry
don't stop now
my **** is cherry

finish this thing
you started cruel
i need you so
watch me drool

now i slip
take it all
kisses tender
watch me fall

a dark abyss
veins run dry
hold me close
let me die


she wept
she loved the pain
almost finished
dissolved like rain
854 · Jul 2018
zebra Jul 2018
I told her she had a beautiful countenance
that i felt
a gnawing relentless desire for her

she looked at me with tender eyes
and shivering wet lips
and called out

"oink oink
bark bark
woof woof
851 · Jul 2019
zebra Jul 2019
a one dimensional
*** ***** brain
in a three dimensional hologram of consciousness

i am a dumb wind
a slouching mongrel soul
carved in corpusles

its twenty six dimensions stupid!

mind like a radish in a **** slum  
inhabiting a no return winter
of hollow helled mountains

  soon to be dead
like disappearing smoke
i hear my voice
trying to count its molecules
with a slathering tongue
needle numb
and a brocaded Vox throat of tears
while eyes plead floating
like cataract clouds

Shadrach Meshach and Abednego
shinning baptism ufo's
god ***** shimmering in space
no reality quotient here
in a fitted sim built blood machine
of flimsy bone locomotion's
looking for time slips
by lifes prodding night stick
in a distortion field

i turn the wheel of shapeless shadows
in Satan's mill
waiting dormant
****** and  muzzled
in a 666 cosmic zip code

im just another
****** **** ***** Jew
******* ******
apple bend over
living to pay the ******* rent
in a house fallen before its built
panting staccato deja vu's
in a no return winter
of pandemonium

in this knot of blotting screams
i try desperately to levitate
from this spittoon of ascending ***** matter

here gold turns to chalk
and i'm always doing gods work
with the devils pride
like a bug in the grass
There's a tattered photo
Carbon dated
250,000 BC
Looks just like me
Except my skull
Looked like a balloon
845 · Oct 2020
Black Hole Air
zebra Oct 2020
her bones
like splintered stone
scatter the blood of a darker self

                              "a high note at a low point"

eyes flicker red flames
nightmare's wine
beats the soul to the ground
in secret's place
where bodies are poems

                            "bodies of a puzzled lust"

Venus in furs
fractures chime and broken bell

                            "tell me how she hooked your mind"

staccato aphasia
trembles disrupted linearities
in a coffined mouth
as visions brim
by a mindless god's
elective horrors
in balconies of eternity

                                  "let your hands be her hands"

vertigo falls through windows
black hole air

                                    *"the coat that covers paradise uncovers hell"
Non-narrative poetry
Non-narrative poetry does not tell any story, unlike the narrative poetry. This kind of poetry reveals the speaker’s emotion, feeling, thought, mode, attitude, belief, observation, experience, state of mind etc. Poets of non-narrative poetry directly address the readers, without describing the characters and their actions.
817 · Aug 2016
The Hurt Me Hurt You Club
zebra Aug 2016
sauntered down
to the
very private
hurt me hurt you club
the waft of perfume
fragrant in the air
***** music
in the distance

the club
a place for hard players
lovers of
voluptuous ****** cruelties

as i approach
the dark glitter lights
of hidden casbah's
dark blood dens
i apprehend
laughing shrieks and tender coos

i hear an old refrain

let me entertain you
let me make you mine
and if your real good
ill make you feel good
and we will have a real good time

trawling hungry masochists
soft furniture girls and boys
holding impossible posses
down side up
embraced by moon skulled sadists
bending bending
oh snap,
blood plumes
again and again and again

popped by
big cocked poppers
arms and legs piled high
soaked in drool
and **** *** yum
silky flesh
habanero hot blood kisses
scurred like a fat lizard
slow cooked
fall off the bone
melt in your mouth
tastes just like chicken

stamina unimaginable
oh the blade sir
as her sweet ****
convulsed in endless waves
of crimson plush shimmers

she faked death sweetly
made believe she couldn't breath
eyes mute
mouth gapping careless
hungry for silky flesh
goes down like a
butter scotch float fizz

posed on the slab
legs wide
like a bridge exposing
tender flanks inner thighs
pinkish slave feet scorched
tremulous from adorations flames
all rocky horror picture show
wrapped in each other like spools

she writhed and cried
another one across
the mouth please
hard harder harder
i need it sir
her yins edge a yang
bottoming the top
almost homicide
her hearts desire
she groans
like a wind through a canyon

blood mouth saliva
gives way to grateful release
and dreadful tears
that vanquish
like rocks through a window
as she bled and ******
a creel of *****
butter butter butter
her mouth a tongue of heaven
hot house girl in a blaze
dancing hell *****
gorgeous !

have you been
To the hurt me hurt you club
a twisted snarl of desire
a trundle of lust
in Satan's back room party
while a tarnished
dark glitter sign glows forth
in bold grotesque
if you hunger
for kisses that drown
oh so wrong
the sign it self
a neon headless ******* fire
swaying her hips gently
at the arched entrance

a golden voice sings

let me entertain you
let me make you mine
and if your real good
ill make you feel good
and we will have a real good time
My poems remain explorations of the subconscious ******
If i where a film maker or a novelist  you  would see me telling a story, not judge me, although i admit to my paraphilias  
These poems  are lunar anamorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive  impulses we all share
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about and then again  you may feel more complete some how if you do....I always loved that dark thing that sleeps with in me
804 · Dec 2018
zebra Dec 2018
oh better not say that
weaving tongue
better not cut my ***** off
with malignant algorithm's
better not think lions shredding hyenas
while veiled demons lick ******* for car payments
and boarder children gnash heaping tears of blood
desperate for their parents loving arms
and soft troubled kisses

God looks upon his creation and says
"and it is good"

what will people think
am i a nice person
birthday face
shut eyed stiff
not dangerous, like a gun in the face

did i say the right thing,
cypher of morality
the knot of good, a slow strangle
a frightened worm
that wont risk tears

here come the scissors

technology brains wired like weaponized monkeys
eater of crumbs
heatless heart ransomed for the ******* rent

can i disappear
like a dead cat in a black box
better then tripping all over my self

strings attached with hooks
to digital shunted limbs
relics of modernism,
office life
boring like seamless gray linoleum
talking scapegoats hissing

always haunted by what's missing
guts spilling through clutched fingers

apologizing to a faceless crowd of sea shells
and bagged heads

spread sheet minds like computer screens
sitting all day, tabulators
data schmata
narrow chairs; bellies cascade and bloat
frenetic fingers and burning eyes
lungs exhaling only
robo faux; shut up
happy chappy snappy
key punchers
punched out

there's a part of me thats been crying since birth

be careful
the wolf is at the door
in this land;
the land of the free and the brave
802 · Jun 2017
zebra Jun 2017
deep deep
in the
in the inner inner
cauldron of self
one can hear weeping
it is Achlys
daughter of Nyx

pale emaciated
her razor teeth chattering
over pomegranate tongue saliva
elongated mottled nails like shears
etch a wooden table
and sever small rodents
for nourishment

dismal girl with swollen knees
thick dust upon her shoulders
her nostril's dripping
like drenched grass
demons concealment veiled
yet her scut barely hidden

while attraction remains
the fabric of existence
the sacramental bed of Christianity
carries the fear of authenticity
the aperture of *** betrayed
by girded *****

renders self a darkened hollow
incomplete and hypocrite
absent of beauties gift
a pink light bleeding
of the night
800 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
1) : No Animal poems
2) : No Extreme poems
3) : No Old whatsoever poems
4) : No *** poems
5) : No ****** poems
6) : No Casandra complex poems
7) : No Celebs poems No wait thats OK!
8) : No ******* poems
9) : No Disambiguation poems.
10) :No go **** yourself poems
11): No **** me poems
12): No *** poems
13): No love poems
14): No hate poems
15): No nature poems
16): No political poems
17) No happy poems
18) No ****** poems
19) No poems about body functions
20) No funny poems
21) No honey poems
22) No poems about, AI malfunctions
23) No poems about no poems ;)
*just refine
out of
A COLLABORATION WITH Temporal Fugue and Rose
797 · May 2017
zebra May 2017
she was 3 feet 7 inches        
with enlarged aureoles        
that almost entirely        
covered her small *******        
and an *** so mondo        
that it needed a wheel barrel        
to hold it so she could walk upright      
her lips where plush for kissing        
with a look on her face        
that caught the Bishops eye        
and caused him to growl lecherously          
his stunted reddened member enlarged        
while she postured        
pretending to hang herself        
over the toilet bowl        
this is how they spent most Saturday nights        
in the rectory        
their favorite little routine        
as Christ looked on        
his eyes shrouded in       
the darkest Dior sunglasses        
she pranced and gurgled        
went slack-jawed        
her tongue flapping        
turning vermilion        
drooping and feigning death spasms        
pretending to perish        
inspiring him to beatific *******        
as he sacrificed their babies        
to the oblivion        
of a toilet paper ***        
thus kneeling between her legs        
he became the humble recipient        
of adorations *******        
790 · May 2018
Do I?
zebra May 2018
do i have to have mental problems
like water balloons
to write poetry?

does it always have to be raining
all dark storms
and ****** tampons
little scalding knives
and ankle biting insects
while i get an *** whoopin
from the boogyman?

do i have to be desolated
like OCDeeed
with a garnish of cancer
and hemorrhoids?

must i be feelin
like a rotten corpse in carnival hell
in a prehistoric asylum
made of poops and dust  
or can i just be happily *****
in a deranged sort of way?

do i
need to be thinkin
a tight cord
your throat
feet flexed
the feminine yield
pink and taught
pulsating orifice
face down
lucid breath
out of my ****** mind

do i?
788 · Jun 2019
zebra Jun 2019
could it be a *******
like cotton buds
from the ***** flower

a witched river
under dark clouds
of brooms that don't fly anymore
maybe in need of an upgrade

perhaps a spell of weaponized winds
with insinuated floating ghouls
shaking their lopsided claws
under blood orchards
and diagrams of grief

while they follow their noses
looking for *****

*******; the scent of zyzzyva
loving oozing laughter
like thirsty skin
needles; **** heroine stuck on toe picket fences
mimicry of ducks blood butter
like a crime scene of kisses that went to far
eggs and runny yokes left on a thigh
the ****** burps
*** legacy legs
lookin for love
auto asphyxiated in a closet fringy and hanging with a hardon
lost eyes and drool
somewhere in Thailand
after spicy noodle soup

hurt me
hurt you
i'm an evil boweval
a Zyzzyva come to love you
zebra Apr 2017
Thee invoke Thee
The Lord God
to forge union with the Lord of Light and Darkness
Holy art Thou  
Lord of the Universe...
the underlying emanation  
animator of creation
formless, self effulgent
that i may fuse my Soul  
with the Eternal Born-less One

my third eye a deafening blaze  
transfixed on nuclear inner light
as my wife tries on a top at Macy's
i stand before a full length triptych mirror
entranced, scrying  

staring at my reflection  
an imminence white light figure
gossamer radiant expanse
and towers above my head
its feet planted  
in my skull  
my cranium its foot pillow
sight in its feet
my eyes its wires to the world
and the cold fields of ego
its instrument subsumed

the voice of higher self  
said unto me

Let yourself enter the Path of  Darkness  
and peradventure  
there shall you find the light
I am the only being in an Abyss of Darkness;  
From an Abyss of Darkness came i forth  
ere my birth  
from the silence of a Primal Sleep

And the voice of ages answered unto my Soul:
I am he who formulates in Darkness
the Light that Shineth,
yet the Darkness comprehndeth it not

as i heard my wife call out  
"oh honey i like this one"

i whispered to my self  
in breathlessness  

I invoke Thee,  
the Terrible and Invisible God
who dwelleth in the void place of the Spirit
and in barbarous tongues of fire  
i vibrated sonorous  
the arcane names of The Infinite
that only initiates mouth like mad men
and called unto Him
make all Spirits of the firmament  
and of the Ether  
upon the Earth and under the Earth  
on dry land and in Water,
and of Whirling Air  
and of Rushing Fire
and every Spell and Scourge of God  
obedient unto me

my wife appeared
newly adorned
in a summer blouse
the color of Spanish walnut  
asking hi honey  
what do you think?

o yeah i nod
i love your new blouse
oh my god ,  
on sale, you say
only $49. 95  
such a deal.
Chinese for lunch ?
Moo goo *** pan
oh yes please
my favorite
she smiled
some elements excerpted from
781 · Feb 2018
Catechism of Tantra
zebra Feb 2018
off with the mask of religion
an atavistic projection
in a sleeping catacomb

desire lives in the human heart
we are as he and she
unholy until fused in ecstasy

God and Goddess
in a state of perpetual expanding ******

his mouth upon her sumptuous *****
she upon his pedestal of rainbows
her loving slave
her feet sweeten the earth

her ******* mouth and haunches
oh she a writhing moon
her throat and womb engorged with his pulsing shaft
giving praise
aqueous diamonds spilling
glitter and cream
manna from heaven
she undulates and coos
a glistened drool
pleading take all

her vaginal cauldron eternal darkness
red tulips blazing
a burning bush
the place of creation
a point of light
everywhere with in her
a fire of adoration burning them alive
their love a fever so hot
that even hell cant stand the heat

exit door
no way out
life a glaring dream work
without the abolition of time
having no more victims to devour
we must devour ourselves
towards an original form of lived existence
beyond this tragic universe

ill love you like a god
and ******* like the devil
so bend down low sweet girl
your beautiful ***
my altar of devotion
I give thanks to your curving form
you are my lord's prayer
my catechism

like father
like son
774 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
there are no safe words
in love
except for
for we are devoured
helplessly by each other
through a rose window invitation
of delicate kisses
and shared dreams
putting an end to desolations cruel gnaw

to the beginning of dependency
cowardice and war
mirth and ravishment  
frustration and fulfillment
periods of ruin and building up
the face of time withers all

everything in time my dear

there are no safe words
in love
except for
yes to all that is given
and every bitter pill
771 · Jul 2016
Post Orgasm
zebra Jul 2016
Post ******

beautiful woman
oh that was sublime

you said
you never
had a man
love your *** like that before

i loved the way
you giggled
and cooed
as i nuzzled your
little dark rose ****
and licked and ******
like a rippling lake
that kisses wading toes

how you looked up
with those eager
bright eyes
your hair flat back
like a picture frame
your gorgeous plush
lips cradling my ****

your head danced
back and forth
like voodoo princess
possessed of the
**** ****
lick ****
that drive men
to lusts insanity

in the end
we ended up in another room
blood and ****
stained walls and floors
cries fluttered little curtains

i forced your body like grapes
through a garlic press
so i could drink you down
my mouth stained
my bones dyed the color of your eye pits

you begged
nail me to the floorboards
fill my veins with your blood
fling me to the moon
caress my shadow soul
where i'm alone
in the sleep world

and then
came the convulsive
muscular *******
wave upon heaping wave
tsunamis of guttural ecstasy
and for a moment

our cries echo
sticking to walls
like unsubstantiated specters
that now haunt
in perpetuity

and then there is
and kisses
and kisses
and kisses

mouthwatering kisses
and we both know
kisses like this should never end
zebra Nov 2020
in days of old
when knights were bold
returning battle-weary wounded
would be taken to temples
where priestesses
noble ******
dressed their wounds
with salves and medicinal herbs
to heal 
and perform voluptuously ****** acts
for love and pleasure

a fevered joining
in the realm of the senses
spirit with flesh
in Venusian worship
devotion to sacred desires
courtesans of divinity
sacred hearts
with eager wet mouths
oh so willing open sacred *****

women of the highest character
once consecrated ladies
sadly lost to us
like arcane holy waters
that gave spiritual blow jobs
to wash away the pain
now in history's dust bin
of ***** dreams

sad vaginas and *****
desolated cups and ******

things get worse with time
in our Victorian phantasm
of serial monogamies
and broken heart
trunk music marriages
"Persian houri, the Arabic hur and the Greek porne (from which our word “*******” is derived). It is of course also cognate to “harlot” (another personal favorite, though it sounds a bit affected nowadays) and may be connected to Har, one of the bynames of the Babylonian *****-goddess Ishtar"
746 · May 2019
zebra May 2019
There is a part of us
that isn't quite alive

until hollow-starved lunacy is sated

while showing the bright side
her hidden darkness emerged
when i tricked her into hurting herself

she would say come on trick me, trick me, trick me
and i would tell her
Count Dragool with ****** tube fingers
would take her slow
if she hit her self hard across the mouth
and she would scream to Eden
bash mashley thrash me
i want the men with red tridents
and ding **** tails too
while she watched my eyes
like surveillance drones
as if a great confederation of *****
marched towards her

certainly not painless
but the pain of an addict
who knows all to well the pleasure of the needle
first the little sting and then the great oooow

she is butter on the stove
im the rare drug
a Do Do bird beaking flesh
a cold hard *******

she a yielding intricacy of complications
a bald Rapunzel
feeling under abused till now
with black crow lips and bangled earings
like a long jangling math problem that ends
with a big O

O popping blood berries
like pink flower hysterical *******
shooting bullets from tattooed
hip belted pistols
on a singing red bed

her limbs a yawing stretch
a torn zipper
being yanked up and down
a frenzy of crying blasphemies and raw kisses
dancing the bend over
on knotted knees
incised a writhing dance cha cha

creel of blood
cha cha cha
744 · Aug 2018
Roses Are Red
zebra Aug 2018
"roses are red
ice cream is cold
get ******* naked
and do as your told"
author unknown
730 · Jul 2016
Bending Towards You
zebra Jul 2016
i bend towards you
hold your sweet head
a glowing rapture
and bring my shimmering lips
slowly to yours

your eyes brighten my heart
its that perfect solitary  moment
when two souls fuse
when time stops
when the world fades
that inexplicable undertow of feeling
lifts high
and then pulls down hard
into waters of voluptuous pangs
and smoldering ruins

i am thrilled from the bottoms of my feet
up through my **** and ****
while my mouth swells with saliva
as if hungry
and my brain catches fire
i want every molecule
cherubim kisses
your flesh
your blood
your eyes burning
like a lecher
******* drown me
eat me
**** me

and i slip my swollen aching ****
into your beautiful mouth
looking at you
as you **** me
falling falling falling
threw your soul like glitter
zebra Jul 2016
oh my darling
i eat your belly
i love it so
it taste like jelly

you **** my ****
it feels so good
i eat your ***
like i should

your toes are sweet
i kiss you and cry
im going to **** you
and watch you die

open up
i make a cut
you smile big
say im a ****

i burn your *******
oh daddy please
that hurty good
what a tease

wants the knife
in her tummy
i stick it in hard
its not funny

i cut her mouth
with a razor blade
she loves my ****
says got it made

burn me beat me
all night long
**** me dead daddy
ill sing a song

i love your ****
and die to be dead
break me crush me
like you said

oh there goes my rib cage
broken to bits
more drugs please
and chew off my ****

do you like girl toes
aren't they pretty
cut them off please
oh its a pity

oh not to worry
soon ill be dead
with that stare
laying in bed

oh i bleed pretty
you cut off my toes
hurt my face
please brake my nose

hit me hard
in the head
rattle my brains
give me a med

now **** me **** me
ow its good
you promised fire
burn me like wood

light me up
i want to dance
to sway like Kali
watch me prance

oh i samba
shake my ***
love you so
i roll in glass

**** me **** me
so very soon
i want to burn
like a fiery moon

your **** is god
i cant get enough
**** me daddy
show me your stuff

oh you  grin
bleeding and broken
says it was fun
please make me smokin

its that time my love
heres the fluid
put the lighter to you
she inflames like a druid

she screams she howls
she burns in hell
shes beginning to smell

i jump on your body
cause it seems insane
you push me off
and scream i love the pain

and you go oooww aaahh ooow
mmmm burn burn burn
im embers now honey
cooked to a turn

i suffered so much
oh i scowled and cried
did you love it baby
did you like that i died

i did it for you
to feel your sweet love
so you'd adore me forever
and now im above

i cant come back
got no where to land
remember me always
my body is sand

no baby no baby
your face is a mess
i **** your ashes
and love you no less

there you lie
a hideous beauty
i eat your powder
your still a cu-tie
721 · Nov 2020
*Drinking You
zebra Nov 2020
***** addled eyes
glare bamba laya
dance monkeys
and thrill freaky
tinkling lady fingers
that glide rosy shaped bottle *****
for laden boughs
of wick and petrol mix.

she said
dont make me say 666
possum claw and dagger *****  
kissy talk
ooo nooo nooo
not the inflatable Jesus with silver fangs
that tears mercilessly
at my innocent trembling curves
and promiscuous spirit

her sighs and thighs
like flesh stellar nebula
opens curtsy ****
red mutating mouth
labyrinth of undulating petals
gasps spit and pearls

this swallowing scavenger
throat of spiral armed galaxies
like sails of fire 
yield wet lips 
while diamond eyes smoke
hounded moons
to lick summers perfume
menstruum's ****** tongue

drinking you
"The violence of censorship is more violent than the danger of *******"
Judith Butler
Judith Pamela Butler (born February 24, 1956) is an American philosopher and gender theorist whose work has influenced political philosophy, ethics, and the fields of third-wave feminist, queer, and literary theory. In 1993, they began teaching at the University of California, Berkeley, where they have served, beginning in 1998, as the Maxine Elliot Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature and the Program of Critical Theory. They are also the Hannah Arendt Chair at the European Graduate School.
721 · Jul 2018
Hurt Me
zebra Jul 2018
hurt me
she begged!

with big kissing eyes
dark erotica,,adult
717 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
two ladies
dressed to ****
give me a shiver
give me a thrill

they kiss each other
their mouths pink and bright
tender and cruel
a kiss then a bite

******* brush soft
*****'s get wet
hands ***** *******
drools like a pet

******* explode
spasms and creams
hands touching thighs
sizzling dreams

oh they love
all candy and ***
shadowed eyes
lips like ***

ones a slave
the other her queen
then they switch
kiss and scream

its hotter then hot
a burning **** sun
melting butter slits
a tempest of fun

doing the rumba
pretty dance feet
swaying hips
gawd its sweet

lovely behinds
moving in place
what i want always
is ***** mouth face
711 · Apr 2019
*Snake Wedding
zebra Apr 2019
soul mates
in mud pomade
each one half of the other

a headless body
and a bodiless head
two monsters
severed halves of a snake

the head with no heart
ravaged with criminal ambition

and she; the heart; a pulsing ache, headless
made him nauseous with her ceaseless churning

disjuncture of passed and future
a gnashed twig
shattering time

slamming doors in each other's faces
through a disaster of eternities

on a black ash stair case
they ate the light of the world

a death fascination
yet could not die

and all was night
blind oblong
a brailled egg

in a curse of dreams
shadows desperate for love
they never find

snake wedding
a poem of rahu and ketu
711 · Mar 2017
Cross Road
zebra Mar 2017
theres a juncture
a crossroad
Papa Legba
voodoo god
doorway to the loa
and Baudelaire
poet extraordinaire
when youthful passions and eroticism are sullied
and pretty pretty flies away
from years used up
and gravities command
a slow draying
suffocates leaps of consciousness
and leaves in its wake
belly bloats sagging gut
****** lines
slowing metabolism
and a host of other accumulated degradations

cruel revelations unpeel the chilled soul
as the light of the body is eroded
by time
and the horror of solitude sets in

a conjunction of creeps moon and Venus
show us new enticements
Satan's *** nail
an independent morality
flowers of evil
the eroticism of aesthetic suffering.
like idle hands in something filthy to ******
the glistening buttery *** of youth gone by
and in its place
forbidden undulations of dark dreams
and the beauty of ****** horror

or what then may i ask
the imagine-less drab canvass
of the castrated high minded middle class?
709 · Jan 2017
Mannequin World
zebra Jan 2017
its nice to be in shape
buffed up
in mannequin world

ive frequented gyms
for years
i like nice bodies

to often though
thats where nice
self admiring gym gods
squeeze out their last
leg press
bench press
slappin five
in the theater of
acoustic grunts
a public exhibition
of self aggrandizement
while the lost
look on
who fear being objectified
while obsessed
objectify themselves

wana be icons too
magnets of adoration
unable to imagine
that their imagine-less
waxed bleached buffed
and mute
by group think

desolated hungry women
by the direct approach
in avoidance
of the blood hot glance
liking to believe its their mind
that should excite
testosterone soaked men

these young women
pretending not to care
and show their
come **** me daddy
tears of desire
dreaming of the one
turning down the fleshy offerings
of Aphrodite
with eyes that say
i don't think so
for fear of being called a *****
in Mannequin World
709 · May 2018
Thesis Anti Thesis
zebra May 2018
I'm an
anti feminist feminist
anti misogynist misogynist
anti homophobe homophobe
anti sadist sadist
anti ******* *******
anti racist racist

so things always
never workout
705 · Jan 2017
Hard Candy
zebra Jan 2017
the moment he saw her
he was transfixed
she struck him
like high voltage barbed wire
up through the bowel

his brain caught fire
a spontaneous combustion

wi­ld eyed *****
with a mouth
like a vampire
**** dancing
lickity splits
sizzle goo crotch
pink fizz *****
holding out a
spiked dogie collar

My poems remain explorations of the subconscious ******
If i where a film maker or a novelist  you  would see me telling a story, not judge me, although i admit to my paraphilias  
These poems  are lunar anamorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive  impulses we all share
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about and then again  you may feel more complete some how if you do....I always loved that dark thing that sleeps with in me
zebra Oct 2017
is on a heart shaped pedestal
sometimes the first casualty of desire
at the mercy of a thousand transgressions
from ticks and triggers
of dark labyrinths primal
and subtle torments of the soul  

body language comes sprightly  
from chaotic corridors
a reckless black sea
all crossed arms
eye roles of refusal
strategies of power
proclamations of will
and pretty please poisons
front stabbers anguish over back stabbers anguished
the strong cherish the weak
impelled to rescue
as if delicate mewing kittens
from desolations cold blade
abandonments slow violence

then to reconcile
hearts sooty overcast moon
love is a two way street
and i move on to hold precious you
in pain stricken arms

my shelter
in a cruel world
of fire and ice
oh to feel her kisses
after blood and thunder
to adore heart breaks mend
to dispel tenderly, dark clouds
as sun sets a new
and no matter the pain
to forgive everything
yet limping still

a slow melting snow
that we may caress each other
the only
kindness and soft place to fall
we may ever know
seeking deliverance
in each other's
dark musty warmth

to make up
in a tangle of tears,
wet kisses
unctuous heated breath
tender mercies
love is
on a heart shaped pedestal
love and pain
690 · May 2017
zebra May 2017
heres your chance to become a supreme being
a dot in a circle
the point of imminent transcendence
the glitter of endless seas
a secure position
and a good job if you can get it

first assignment

develop a sense of place
hollow yourself out
to situate your creation
mix the ethers up
within your infinity of self
like witches mix a cauldron
good work


now with the spirituous mist
populate your creation
from the astral

i like to be called

lets not get stuck
you can easily afford
not to be so small minded
whats with caring what your called
you and your multiple
titular names

lots a pretty beings
dreamboats i'd say
like a bunch of colored balloons
very good so far
i really appreciate that part


next assignment

figure out a way
to sustain and perpetuate your creatures

what ever you say
can we move on now?

whats with all the
mental problems
and famine?
be a  good
for gods sake
and amp up the happiness please
they are like bunch of sick cats down there


ooooo noooooo !!!!!
there not suppose to **** and eat each other
what the **** are you thinking

are you stupid


stop with the smog of hell
your creatures live in terror
living only to be destroyed

go sit in the corner
facing the wall
the dunce cap too
your a bad


a *****
we will have to call your parents
for retribution*

676 · Jun 2017
zebra Jun 2017
tell me no secrets
i'll tell you know lies
heaven is
in-between your thighs

may i stay their
i'll never leave
pull up a chair
to you i cleave

your better then god
hot yummy cream
i cant get enough
im starting to beam

i'm getting so hot
what will i do
goin crazy baby
lovin you
669 · Apr 2017
zebra Apr 2017
she became sexually excited
by the thought of being eaten
like a piece of spit roasted chicken
slow cooked
fall off the bone
melt in your mouth
**** food

as she reflected back
she could not remember a time
when she did not harbor
this venomous ache
wanting wanting wanting
what she should not want

she obsessed
some times she dare cut herself
admiring the split tissue
first thin white peaks
the emergent sticky red plush
then the little red river Nile
just a taste
better not eat to much

one summer evening
sitting alone
in a crowded pub
sharing a table with a strange couple
not from around here.
definitely not
may be from outer space

girl became fixated on
their presence

their intensity pierced
like a needle through a banana

both of them lean & tall
almost architectural
like black rod iron gates en-castleations
hair combed straight back jet black
like licorice

the woman wore a tight small bun
ornate rings with enshrined family crest
manicured like Malibu real estate
both dressed to ****

girl was drawn to them
they emitted a sense of terror
thrilling her, making her sweat
they looked good enough to eat her

she felt her **** dampen
as they all peered at each other
the man, the woman
siting before her
like Medusa's
with shape shift mouths
and eyes that kiss your soul
till it bleeds
making girl feel like lamb chops
with a side of pom fritz
perhaps a glass of merlot

the woman mused at her
with eyes like black Cole
touched her hand and said
so veautiful

girl found herself in a plain house dress
******-less, bare foot
her toes had been lovingly painted
black with with rich clear lacquer
with no memory of her arrival

woman saunters in
buoyant like a pink float
******* clad

her countenance
like white seamless marble
her eye socket darkened
like pouting dark rose ****
walked to girl
kiss her mouth
then again and again
each time longer deeper sweeter
like a swarm of licking bees
i am yellow daffodils girl thought

man enters like grand swinging doors
to a great cathedral
licks kisses girls mouth
so tender
he tasted of dark butter ***
a hint of worm perhaps
touching her *******
her ******* growing attentive
**** wet wet wet
like low hanging summer fruit

man says we are not human
we are


may we please eat you my love
we like for food and the darkest ***
we treasure every morsel
your blood gives us strength
your viscera a prized dark stew
your death brings us optimism
your sacrifice sustains us
we eat you with tears of blood
because we love you
and your body is our holy sacrament
you are our Christ

girl says
you are my destiny
my beloveds
come show me your love
feast on me
take me slow with kisses, black mamba tongue and razor teeth
i do not run from you my darlings

girl disrobed
centered herself on the table
spreads her self wide
like a contortionist
knees held to her chest
toes pointed
feet arched

the man and the woman
on all 4s
hovered like hyenas
first with kisses
womans *** curved like a pearl
her ******* longish as if
stretched silk
with foreboding dark plum aureoles

the mans ****
arterial contoured like a tear drop
a creeping snake with dark appetites
a dispenser of paralytic toxin and MDA
a **** thats poisons and exults
some where between love and death

each of them beautiful
girl thought ooooooowwww

there where long periods of kissing at first
then wet tongues insinuating themselves
in dark rose ****
pink primrose *****
mouths feeding mouths feeding mouths
foot adorations and then teeth and little bites
and mumblings about the grace of Satan
and uncrossing themselves
and thunderous goetic rituals
for fear that god would take their girl away
their lovely food
there sweet bleeding lover
their robe of blood
and starve them
they wept tears of gratitude
as they licked and tore flesh

the pain of their bites excited girl
oh it hurt so
braking her soul
as they ate her sweetbreads

pushed passed limits
pushed past limitlessness
despicable delirious delicious
her **** inflamed

girl thought in fractured clouds
and heaping *******
before fading in to dark water labyrinths

finally she thought
i am lamb chops
with aside of pom fritz
perhaps a glass of merlot

but most of all i am girl
feeding those i love

her very last words
come my darklings
finish me now
clean your plates
drink your wine
and remember

eat up
there are children starving in Africa
661 · Jan 2017
zebra Jan 2017
im bilingual
i speak
baby talk
zebra Aug 2016
she said you scare me
are you a ghoul
she started to cry
i started to drool

oh no my dear
im an angel of light
let me kiss your *****
i might just bite

now im scared
she said to me
please no hurty
im going to ***

well Mr ghoul
have i seen your before
don't you play music
in a club called the store

yes i do
i can really sing
she said guys with a voice
are really my thing

sing accapella
and don't be shy
do it good
and ill scream and cry

then ill be thrilled
you can do what you need
the bad boy ghoul
can take the lead

i sang for the girl
with volume and heart
she loved it like crazy
said tear me apart

oh you monster
your **** is so grand
are you sure your a musician
and have a band

i like to sing
hit all the notes
use false set-to
my group is called jolts

oh yeah i like that
you are a ghoul
oh for music
ill let you be cruel

i love hot rhythms
and melodies
play me hard
like black and white keys

bang me to the congas
ill sway my hips
i shake my ****
and kiss your lips

oh little girl
getting carried away
you bit my *****
and beg to stay

i was the ghoul
and had you nervous
but now your on top
are you in the service

hell no bad boy
im not that tough
just a little *****
who likes it rough

stroke me big daddy
sing accapella
now whos the ghoul
and whos the nice fella
656 · May 2021
Mother Knows Best
zebra May 2021
she took it in the ***
like a lethal dose of patriarchy
only to realize
it was one of the most beautiful experiences of her life

so much for
the air brushed culture
that mother knows best
647 · Jun 2017
zebra Jun 2017
may i please
love you
touch your hand
meditate its slender form
feel each of your fingers
study their shape and bend
wanting your entire hand in my mouth
dreaming of you
clutching hard and desperate
that i may shed blood to sweeten your day
like dark berry jam

tattoo you with inky hooks !

may i please
brush your face with o so tremulous a touch
catch your buttercup smile and languid honey breath
caress your hair like a soft kittens sway  
be entranced by your glistening aqueous lips

brand you
with scalding iron !

your every move
a charm
that tumbles through echoes canyons
my heart a vaulted moon quivering
your every glance scorching me
sizzling like bacon on a hot tin roof
while moistened pink tongue
licks across pearly whites
sending bolts of scintillant refulgence
booming  through me
shaking me to the floor

scar you with daggid cutlery !

can you feel me breaking for you
your eyes, synagogues for worship
vanishing at you feet
you sweeten crests soul
do you see through me like a window
your pinned butterfly
foot slave
ticker tape love machine
printing staccato
marks and remarks
may i love you
may i come close
may i fall at your knees

open your throat
that willingly yields
veins and rivulets of red blood kisses
flooding me like child birth
into arms of love

waiting shaking
through the heart

may i please
love poem
646 · Sep 2016
Proximities Neglect
zebra Sep 2016
The way we love
is deep ocean rolling
into the depths
parts unknown
as her hips sway in my mind
to a melodious Adagio
and every day,
when we talk
she unravels
like the threads of a scanty dress
more exposed
our souls held
in a steady grip
caressed at first
like nested fledglings
open mouths begging
blood bells weeping
swallowing each others souls
like bears
eat up-leaping salmon
pink tongues
frothy saliva
and runny roe sacks
loves hungry mouth

a ***** head
a brute
storming her *****
sweet fluttering nightingale
singing the high notes
she opened
like queen snake
pierced to the core
royal lady weeping
lost in heaven
and then cut off
we hang up the phone
left longing
for more words
butter kisses,
butter kisses
mixed with
whisper cocktails
a sea of fire
that singe and burn

our love
a flaming pink cloud
brains like cheese melts
mouths like powder fizz
our feet and thighs
flexed and scorched
by lurid desire

and if it gets murky
if the fog blinds us
we hold a tender stretch
of vastness
and endless lighted torches
as the lifeline pulls through
a pulsing chord
binding hearts
by threads of light and crimson plush
fused by cosmic fires white
hollowing parched sockets
pumping out epiphanies
in beaten silken swords
full of faith
spines like temple columns
i am free to love her
as trees cradle monarchs
both of us
children of the heavens
dark lover yielding
in lustful throngs
as we thrill
in the realm of the senses
like dancing flowers
in sprinkles of dew and light
as love blushes
and shimmers up around us
like rhythms of a thousand kissing eyes
penetrates sinews and the body electric
like winged Venus
when two souls
love each other
yet obstructed
by oceans and continents
a colossal brood of lands
while beneath
shrug tectonic groans

our love
air and fire
while flesh remains
un-thawed by proximities neglect
panes of ice

644 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
there is a place
in fetish land
where breathing idols
live below the belt
their busy mouths unveiled
soiled shimmering lips yielding
warm spit
thick and wet
the crimson flood
is the flood of love

Dark Hazel
legs spread
like a baby in a bathtub
wiggling her toes
and circulating flesh
in vaporous waters
with scarlet rings through her nose
and smarmy Gods command
neoprene priestesses
***** with a switch blade
and an ***** to die for

color me on my knees
**** lovin derrière kisser
reading comics
the book of *****
while she queen's glare
through ***** party masks
jitterbug arcane rituals glitter
hellions in love
you can smell the volcanoes

malleable baby dolls
with tiger skin bindings
evoke eager spires
through tribal unga bunga
shimmy **** and ***
drenched in yearning
night fires and sacrificial rants
*****'s like fat plums weeping pink milk
mouthed terrorized ******* drooling

tarnished yoga's
of dancing feet scorched
inferno's of pleasure
vanquishing the temples of normalcy

the sky is red with rituals
souls set free
in a **** for all
like a cluster of stars spooling a galaxy
643 · Dec 2020
Borscht Belt Doc
zebra Dec 2020
he watched her excitedly
eat **** shaped food
especially eclairs
as she languidly tongued
the white buttercream
from the sides of her mouth

thinking of her
his masturbations
powered the lights
of the Catskills

it wasn't just his profession
it was his obsession

just another horney
borsht belt gynecologist
643 · Mar 2019
The Marrying Kind
zebra Mar 2019
you need each other
like a vampires needs blood

you've always loved her ***
those long legs

unexpected arguments
the word no
fantasies of make up ***
make up ***

late night sneaking farts
off spring


debt and drudgery
till half dead
weight gain from a sagging liver
and retching love

labyrinth's of desire and anger
divorce; the sword of Damocles
a mad hatter
Zyklon B shower

seeing stupid through her eyes
my face like a vitrine of broken masks
the way she looks in floppy slippers
or dressed up in black and pearls

snoring with a gaping mouth
of floating spirits in intricate patterns
of  darkness made of nothing

making believe your with someone else
*** fantasies I've never spoken of
in sultry dioramas of glistening leg shows
mosaic starred
baiting unguent nights

on my knees again
eating thorns
and she is more adorable than the rumba

a hot arsonist setting me on fire
canopy of flowers
golden apples and blood
pouring down shade sun and rain

decades of the same sentences
and the same dead sea silences
in claustrophobic tangles
of devotion

seeing who dies first
or left desolate;
with a legacy
of gnawing remembrance
that chew moth to cloth
lantern of vapors; weeping

it beats the hell out of being alone
at the end
I go back to the beginning

the marrying kind
640 · Dec 2016
im your fuckin daddy
zebra Dec 2016
im your ****** daddy
be my ****** *****
your gona get it hard
make your ***** twitch

your ******* is mine
i **** it sweet all day
when the evening comes
my little ***** will pray

oh daddy daddy hurt me
im your little *****
**** me till i bleed
then strangle me some more

you are my sushi tushi
ill nail you to walls
******* so deep
they'll never find my *****
626 · Oct 2017
zebra Oct 2017
i'm choosing different parts of me
i suffer from an excess of reality
a war between ideal and real
id's demons unloosed
trampling super ego
but not without Gods retribution

a self divided by fragments
of loving and loathing
*** and mouth
and the speed of things
accelerating cause and effect

an anorexic history
that feeds on ephemeral visions, metaphors, signs and symbols
and wares it self out counting time
days worked
money made and paid

a ****** possessed
of a fictional self in a run on dream
of passed and future
absent of a present
620 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
when i was three
i dreamt myself naked
on stage
before a great audience laughing
in the glare of stardust

i was horrified

no doubt the beginning
of a need to cover up

the birth of a liar
my soul and destiny
a terminating lotus bud
nocturnal pulse
a tarnished soul
shuddering in a cave

what i do
a veiled secret

am i despicable ?
being what i should not be
loving what i should not love
wanting what i should not want
and then i discovered you

will you come out
and be who you shouldn't be
but are
take what you shouldn't want
but crave
and love what you shouldn't love
but die without

im here
frightened and exposed
aghast and in love
waiting for you
617 · Feb 2017
Peanut Butter Cookie
zebra Feb 2017
in your kitchen
watching you
pretty big eyed
elf girl coquette
toe head
saucy freckles
pretty bare feet

smiling at me
would you like a
peanut butter cookie you asked
yes please i said
as i watched your lovely fingers
make me another

love at first bite
615 · Jun 2019
Ritual of Hedon
zebra Jun 2019
hot and close
i **** the moon
in her dusted bell of caves
and notched noir crotch

she got red like a thirsty knife
in flames oval then thin
till the blood candied
into sugar fruit
and I drew strength from her dreams
those teaming gutters of the moon

***** boys with **** and thick with makeup
watch like laughing hyenas
through a winking diorama
of jumbling ***** and kicking feet
in shades of lunar water

oh this compulsive dream
me touching myself
kissing her golden apple ****
tabernacle of liquid jewels
curled split
jam slammed

this haunting mirage of desire
desire; born from having nothing

holding her face
tongue to tears
a lighted loon of sadness
cascades through fingers like bone dust
and i fall into myself

molasse's seep and gather
in a stone sea of wet music

vapor of darkness
mad nag hunger growls
meet me now!
613 · Jul 2021
zebra Jul 2021
The God of innumerable blazing universes
and every incalculable dimension
remains an irreducible fact of physics
as a point in space
beyond all human understanding
and religious precepts
yet remains
the ineffable source of all that there is
or will ever be.
A no-mind contemplating a no-thing
understand each other perfectly
yield the gift of immortality
606 · Aug 2016
Face High Wet
zebra Aug 2016
you sweet **** beautiful thing
to kiss
to hold
to cover you
with my souls adorations
and the bodies
quaking passions

im forced to endlessly
stuff my feelings
as if suffocating
into a place
absent of an
entrance or exit
giving me
the no comfort
of black frigid
and dead ends

the pain of separation
can only be released
when you pull me with
living hands
into you
like warm waters
hold me desperately tight
and slit me open
with your shimmering lips
and heart braking kisses
so i can fall
to pieces
at your splendid
feminine feet
that i may
finally release
my endless aching
a coiled burden
and find my self
stupidly happy
flushed and warm
face high wet
601 · Mar 2018
When We Where In love
zebra Mar 2018
when we where in love
i had the wings of an angel

now my wings
fast and hard
unable to fly
off the ground

from angel to shroud
moth-eaten wings

all that is left
to fly
to flames
596 · Feb 2017
Before We Know Kindness
zebra Feb 2017
we are silly moons
a primal scream
gaggle of wants
having not yet understood
our own vulnerability
and its connection to others
the agony of self
by the sacrifices yet to come

in effect a criminal mind

as a child growing up in brooklyn
my friends and i would
make a mad dash
out of ching-a-lings
chopsuey restaurant
after eating sumptuously
with out paying the bill
electrified with terror and excitement
at the thought of being grabbed
by a chinese boogy man
and laughing breathless
when finally
out of harms way
sadistically delighting
by the panic
we caused
as some red faced hyperventilating waiter
caved trying to catch
five little hell boys
fury fast

all adults
were filthy rich
compared to us urchins
idling in the darkness and tenements
sniffing glue
in a number 2 brown paper bag
hole in the pocket poor
slow starters
pressing through
the dragging weight
of a barren world
not yet knowing
we too will toil endlessly
worry sick for loved ones
and quake at endless indignities
trying to eek out a living
like the waiter we robbed of his pittance
on this Sisyphean rock

our lives
stretched out before us
a white knuckle ride
between hope
and quiet desperation
struggling not to be swallowed
through pitted black holes
and fake floors
into downward mobility

our pin ball souls
like small metal *****
jarred and knocked
from one ringing bell to the next
in a turbulent game
player or not
without an inkling
of the fated
dark signature
written into our genes
by deaths hand
595 · Dec 2018
Same Blood
zebra Dec 2018
same blood
different bodies

same air
different lungs

same truth
violent contradictions
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