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zebra Aug 2019
Under the advice of legal counsel I declare that the entire content of my filthy disgusting poems about *******, *******, smelly feet, tremulous flesh perspiration, bleeding, crying, screaming **** me to shreds; are for  the purposes of bending minds and hearts towards becoming a *** addict, **** fiend, pervert or masturbatory worm gob ***** and that I do not vouch for the veracity of the content; since I'm not my right mind due to large amounts of amyloid plaque build up in my gerontological decrepitudinous brain that strangely pulsates the mind box sexuality of a disturbed twelve year old boy who likes to watch his teenage sister and her cheer leader pom pom pony tail crew in the shower while playing with himself. I in no way waive any and all of my rights as a free citizen of the world to any individual, group, agency, government or any other entity, and that the use of any content posted by me for any purpose other than personal entertainment, population paste, or creepy oyster droppings, is NOT granted, and furthermore that I reserve the right to hit on all your friends, write poems like scuzzy snake spray, and tell your mother if you're caught reading it or sitting at the computer for hours with a jumbo tube of KY spaffing throat yogurt, protein shakes, bath tub bubbles with bloodshot bulging eyes and saliva drool squiggles down Sally sloppy lips

Shove it where you love it
585 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
there's a monkey in my television
he doesn't speak well
but he sure talks good
hes a real politician
Mr Do Right
he much appreciates my support
while ******* in every room of the house
marking his territory
which is everywhere
and promising lavender horizons
with words like a luster of stumps
turning lives into vagrant shadows
freezing dreams like skin tags

he's **** high in **** and graft
having *** ******
American way of life
while he grandstands  
riding a tricycle on the ceiling
all business like
a lazy worthless *******
with a slush fund
and no limit to what he will do
flanked with mullah lawyers and the clergy
minions lackeys and body guards
he sits terminal 
upon a throne
like a jagged mouth
sure to be swallowed
struggling against the menacing whispers
of those do wrongs and the unborn

world soul disgruntled
a slave to being a tyrant
ready to **** all transgressors
of his vainglory
and a willing toilet mouth
to all above
gobbling and grateful  
when they flush
the god of money ******
leading by example
serving with distinction
Remembering William Burroughs
584 · Jul 2019
zebra Jul 2019
577 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
we are
built from the inside out
like a peach
saturated with yearning

at the core
a pit
gods curse

a gnawing insistent mouth
a hollow writhing
veiled by shames
insult of desire

must i beg you
to love me
or better yet
let death give me rest
to forget
573 · Jun 2017
zebra Jun 2017
in the house of poems
there are no words
only sheaths of rapture
color and puzzle cutouts
on an empty table
composed of shadow thin
aching smoke ghosts
aphotic and tender
twisting souls in labyrinths lurid
*** shake sweet inky *******
that turn earth
to pleasure domes
and shadows
like cimmerian children
in harsh judgment
******* on
purple night shade candies
burning incense and black candles
uncrossing energies foreboding
while subterranean crystals
refract burnished glows
pulsing blood diamonds
in sacred heart manias
throb with warm breathy kisses
on plates of ash
a terrace of pink flickering tongues
drooling and biting
that turn mere pleasure
into inflammations of ecstasy
oozing creme de menthe saliva
where souls levitate and flutter
on bilious stained beds
being impregnated with verse
smelling of warm **** cauldron

fetuses curl
in their little crib's
and bubble tapioca lyric wrangles
afterbirths purged
poems emerge
like sand bars and palm tree islands
sopping woven tunnels

caress upturned poetic posteriors
dancing in glitter frilly word tutus
while torrid confessions
dreaded breakdowns
and resurrections
dress themselves in garments
of language re-pleat
quickened by eloquence
in the house of poems
569 · Jun 2017
zebra Jun 2017
have you read the book of lies
such a comfort
to know how acceptable we are
like well placed silverware
as long as i keep moon shadow
in a cellar box shut tight
where little cocka demons
play unuttered
you can't hear them rustling about
i shake little bats and owls from my socks

am i lookin congenial today
just a teensy icky inside
bubbles in the belly
clinched toes in crowded shoes
hope i'm not dead and don't know it

my graciousness plastered on
like white sheep over a goat
to get what i need of course
to make friends and influence
about my ti ti ticks
the way my fi fi fingers fi fi fidget

my towels are folded
and in place
vanilla cup cakes with sprinkles
all in a row
like little ballerinas prancing
as plutonic volcanoes heat
like spires pandemonium

my life a white glove inspection
all pressed and starched
like a mythic poem
written by a ******
stiff with holiness
as saints float over my head
yet the world
for all my good
a thunderous
black light
a poem about the struggle between who we are and our face to he world
569 · May 2017
zebra May 2017
i met you
o lush queen
a witch with a spell
first an innocent glare
im not feeling so well

your a tree
growing out of my chest
the sap falls upwards
my eyes splitting like quartz
branches spring from my ears
my mouth moss and violets
567 · Jul 2021
You Babe
zebra Jul 2021
i wont hurt you babe
but i'm no lady boy
566 · Dec 2016
temple of splendors
zebra Dec 2016
your are my temple of splendors...
goddess consort...
treasure trove of images
blood cries of bowels being eviscerated ..
so sweet the delicious horrors ...
cry as i lick **** ******* with kisses
at once tender beyond human comprehension
more gorgeous then the glitter of stars
and bludgeon brutal
you beaten to death by glittering *****
and stuffed in a filthy wood box
nailed and roped your mouth like blood jam
a ghastly contortion
your ******* dark brooding
your weeping blood tears
your toes bleeding and half eaten
i love you ooooow

do you want to know how i love you????
like god and the devil
always one with the other
in love with each other as they are
tender kisses and slow hurts
all at once
for you
always dieing ...always resurrected
always held and adored my beloved
im crying for your touch
My poems remain explorations of the subconscious ******
If i where a film maker or a novelist  you  would see me telling a story not judge me  although i admit to my paraphilias  
These poems  are lunar anamorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive  impulses we all share
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about
566 · Aug 2016
Dark Hobby
zebra Aug 2016
being a fidget
and all difficult
like a five sided rubics cube
my wife
who wont **** me any more
after 30 short years
of marital bliss
said Zebra
you need a hobby
something to busy yourself

but needing one
alone does not help
you really have to have a passion

well i thought
im a pervy son o *****
and love *******
and ***** ***** thoughts
so contemplated
as i stroked my jelly
can i do this all day
can i make it a hobby
take the pressure off the old girl

well yeahaaaaa
if i could just
share with others
like a womb with a view
but i need a little help
would you mind
oh so willing
fantasy girl

show me your sweet darkness
your twisted despicable hunger
blood, fire, tears from a long days beating
choking on butter **** **** and kisses
while on bended knees bleeding...
your **** drooling tears for more
gorgeous hell lover
show yourself in minds eye
with legs spread wide
arched feet
painted toes the color of darkness
poised for the onslaught
mouth all pouty
eyes blazing...
face in a twist

i tell her
I have a thousand ways to pleasure you
as i squeeze out her tears of blood
from every pore hole and ******
loving sweet fluttering cries
come shudder from cruel thrills embrace
the knife deep
the rope tight...
ill take all afternoon to drown you.
what are bubble baths for?
or go up in flames dancing headless
or still yet sweet ****
a poison bite perhaps
delicious love and pain
a special cocktail for you

pretty girl
you deserve a pretty obliteration
from a sinister poet
with a slobbering ****
and blood razor kisses

you make my **** rock
shimmie shimmie co co bop
oooowww i love you...
your sweet ****** from hell
do the *** **** me
sick in the head
bonga bonga

My wife said
hows your new hobby honey
it must be pretty fun
you've gotten so quiet
what a pleasure
your not a bother at all any more
and kinder then ever
your on to something

i knew then
i had ascended in sin
and would fall in virtue
finally at peace with my self
thank god
adult explicit ****** dark funny
zebra Jul 2017
Eros......****** love, hot slow gooey ***** and *****....foot kissing *** slave that covered

Philia...shared good will.....hell that covered except maybe when i keep you chained up in the bathroom for a week at a time
but you  finally realized it's for your own good love....wish you where my kissin cousin....ok so **** that

Agape ......universal love...selflessness.....You would die for me ...your definitely selfless....mmmm but it does make you wet so ?????

Ladus....practical love...i think we are a little weak in that department since no one is givin any one no money

Philautia...self love you love your self ?...I know i love myself more when you love me too but i do have self esteem issues :)

****** Torture *** Love.....****** to death discovered in a dumpster feet over the head..kinda stinky with big **** eating grin ....definitely cant wait to try that ..grrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!

On balance I'd say our relationship is right on track
561 · Apr 2017
FILTH : a Love Poem
zebra Apr 2017
ill be good  
just like i should  
oh hurt my ****  
its your lolly pop  

well darling love slave  
you are in for a treat  
I will bite your *****
as you lick my feet

o beloved  
i lick your feet  
my ***** are yours  
you are so sweet  

my hot sweet boy toy  
your face my **** will rock  
then have you for a feast  
as I slow **** your ****

ill kiss you all over  
and drown in your ***  
ill *** in your mouth  
a creamy mass  

I'll swallow your ***  
all the last milky drops  
wiggle your tongue  
my cherry bomb pops

i lick and **** gooey *****  
all up  
my tongue up inside like a starved  
little pup  

now come and bleed  
you little hot *****  
i love when your scream  
ill tremble and twitch  

oh you'll get a river of blood  
when my woman time comes  
your mouth drowns in my flood  
coos moans and thrums * 

i love blood  
ll squeal and ill thrum  
as i lick and i ****  
an ill cu cu cu cummm  

fill up my womb  
as I convulse on your ****  
Let me feel yummy *****  
oozing fast and so thick*  

ill *** in you deep  
and **** your soul  
spread wide sweetheart  
and let it roll  
*my soul is wide open  
and so is my heart  
we expand in the light  
jewelled sparkles of dark
poets in love
560 · Apr 2017
zebra Apr 2017
a black and white
photograph of her
posed demure and *******
smoking a thin panatela
in a silver and ivory baroque studded cigarette holder
she looking off elegantly aloof
with soft sienna eyes
tender feet brushing legs
under tables of flowing wine
Maxes Opera House Cafe
with miles of smiles
and pink fizz giggles
lips that talk in kisses
and a voice like fondled blooms

that was thirty years ago

dark edges of anger
like knives through walls and hearts
cold touch-less nights
caressed by shadows cast
the bodies alchemy, deranged
silences punctuate arguments,
make up ***, vanquished,
souls bleached in the kiln of war
rattled moons
brittle hides
abandons dance
we've both gone our own way
and running out of patience
yet at the core
an irreducible bond
by history and memory
we cleave to whats left of life
and each other
last grasp in retrograde
soft sienna eyes
557 · Aug 2019
zebra Aug 2019
diaphanous girl
a headless masquerade
her black lipstick and shivering pearls
giggle like earthquake chandeliers

festooned  buttocks
curves a lyrical hell of desire

pocket eyes
dead suns  
yield vacant split azure vault
a fetish horror  
zoomorphic and decapitated

a thrilled non compos mentis
her mouth widens
like a line turning into a circle
turning into a jagged city
of twining red wet mayhem

fish head stare
and toothy kisses
on red abdomen posy hook
jutting her spine for sadistic fires
she rolls her velvet thighs
a wrench
and twitch
a mad headless lunar sputnik
circumambulates spit tongue sputum

she is the eye in the sky of eternal night
her spirit impaled upon
torrential mountain libidos
impaled on a wild life park of *****

wet ******* a basket of skulls
she nestled
her depraved tilted crown
lilting onto the stained guillotine

saying come on
i can hardly wait to get started
make me the ghastly queen
goddess of the witching hour
bone blood
and black glitter dead of night
guillotine fetish
556 · Feb 2017
Warm Kiss Cocktail
zebra Feb 2017
on a
555 · Jul 2016
Love Is
zebra Jul 2016
love is a cruel
all consuming intensity
a dark crime
watch me crumble
at your feet
554 · May 2017
zebra May 2017
i dream of her
flourish mouth spiral
eyes drawn down
naked lips cocktail
lost ******* waiting
bare ankles linger
for graces slave bracelet
and fire branded buttocks

her face a
punctilious smile
are you my fate she asked
i am a little inky mouse
and your a fat tabby
i belong in your jaws
will you throw me around
drop flip spin and play
buffet little me
with pointy needle teeth
and dainty pink meow tongue
can i entice with milky thighs
slow melodies and careening hips

pierce me
and thrill to my vaporous hiss
show me savage
plunder and swoon
night shade kisses please
and swallow
543 · Apr 2019
Unknown Address
zebra Apr 2019
I am an unknown address
a cut and paste from me to you
solitude to solitude
an immense intimacy
of intimate immensity
a primitive pleasure

this language of the gesture
sometimes defying convention
dissolving the literal

moving from eye to ear
to inner ear
to inner eye

the reader and writer
albeit short;
a marriage of sorts
a work of Intertextuality
538 · Mar 2017
zebra Mar 2017
i was five
she stood before me for the first time
looking down
like a great bird with ****
and a face that said
made to kiss
a mouth that said
warm lips
enter here
pour your heart into me
and aquatic sharp eyes
pulled me into her soul
where i happily lost myself

i was smitten
rapturous in love

spilled through my small body
and ravaged me
cherry pepper hot
an electrical storm
thunder shock lust
quiet despair

lust for want
and despair for
what must be denied
i knew even then
i would never crawl, over, through, or into

looking up into her blue eyes
inhaling her countenance
i inquired
whats under your dress

she replied smiling

we where in love

my face piqued
with heat and blood
my heart trembled
my legs weakened
my feet got hot
my little *****

i thought dance
do the **** ****
i want to kiss your feet
i will toss my self
under your dress
mouth first
to taste you
your love slave

my father married her
i could hear them laugh and **** at night
i would imagine it was me
**** in hand

somewhere their marriage turned
an inferno of bickering
and snarls
the critic
and mom
the back stabber
a war that lasted decades

my love and admiration
for my father
the hero
turned despot
withering to hate

mom finally
from a life she didn't want anymore
but before she did she looked into my eyes
calling to me
from deep to deep
lover,lover, lover

i dreamt of her last night as i often do
we made love  
she covered me with her body
and i wept and kissed her
thinking she was mine
524 · May 2017
zebra May 2017
eyes in the trees
slick brindled bark
like overgrown
muscled animals
every hamlet filled with life
delicate toads
war colors like origami kaleidoscopes
in clutching copulation
secreting their viscous eggs
onto moistened leaves and petals
vines strangling their neighbors
wrestling for sunlight
a million years of combat
ant warrior slaves
breaching a **** of
a herculean tree
harvested in descending labyrinths
for there insatiable queen
royal *****

the forest eats herself
and lives forever
all of nature
a choir of
vibrant doomed blossoms
******* life out of death
like rats in a bag of snakes
glory one moment
damnation the next
a rhythmic limp through hell
with a fly that devils him
520 · Nov 2018
zebra Nov 2018
She twerks
I party
518 · Sep 2016
Devils Brew
zebra Sep 2016
wana make a devils brew
maybe you already have
its easy
just want something with all your heart
and never get it despite every effort
have you suffered an accumulation of insults and deprivations
is it not like eating barbed wire and rocks
a chewed claw
that lacerates the pallet
and tears the throat
as it goes down

loves corpse
the burial of the unrequited
a devil is dragged to life out of that grave
its every impulse retribution

if you don't kiss me
ill bite you
if you don't love me
ill hate you
if you don't caress me
ill beat you
if you don't **** me
ill **** you
if you think me ugly
ill disfigure you
if you intimidate me
ill darken your soul with fear
if you ignore me
ill stalk you
if you take from me that which i have not given
i will grow teeth
like cleavers a glitter
and eat all your dreams
if you enslave me
i will strip you of freedoms privilege
if you look at me sideways
i will curse your soul
with a blink-less evil eye

he is here on earth by gods decree
hurled down
to this head stone of a planet
this mud ball coffin
to kick the guile and ignorance out of us
force our evolution
all this submerged
underneath our civility
and good manners

if you want to see it
look at your own reflection
and make a face of horrors
roll your eyes wide widdershins
are you not ghastly

the sin is not the skin
it is the limits of mind

we live in a world of devils fighting devils
each shrunken creature
thinking themselves godly
ridding war chariots
with square wheels
and appalling blood stained hooks

is that not the history of the world
is Satan not a deity
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
517 · Sep 2019
zebra Sep 2019
a gaudy toxic tapestry
of filthy lies

dogma and tribalism
on parade as
515 · Sep 2018
Summer in The Mouth
zebra Sep 2018
drawn in light
twin in lust
like ripe mango

in the dead of winter
like summer in the mouth
506 · Feb 2017
Trump ...reality quotient
zebra Feb 2017
Trump may be wrong
but at least hes consistent
don't confuse him with the facts
hes already made up his mind
500 · Jun 2019
zebra Jun 2019
"Poetry leads to the same place as all forms of eroticism
to the blending and fusion of separate objects.
It leads us to death, and through death to continuity.
Poetry is eternity; the sun matched with the sea."

499 · Jun 2019
Dead To Earth
zebra Jun 2019
i live in a thousand mirrors of the marvelous
a weightless rhythm
singing like flickering mud

drinking in the lady of the moon
her river of dreams
clothed in conch shells and goat lungs
she loves me against her soft feet
against cotton puffs and the consecration

she consecrates me in spit and blood
rubber throated **** long as a giraffe neck

slum drummers drum
among tin fires and pig guts

thee I invoke thee

shaking the rattle

snake of the spine

angel headed devil girl
treasure trove of phantasmagoria
womb of eternal darkness
the light everywhere with in her

and she speaks in the shadows  

Dionysian belly dancers
weave curving hips
and rise out of masks and ***** hair
out of clouds and rice

i am throat and fist
holy molecules
jumping like a verb
a wing and a heart

crown of life
dead to earth
498 · Feb 2018
Killer Poem...Ero Guro
zebra Feb 2018
come to me
I am death
lotsa kisses
take your breath

tiger ****
the darkest hiss
will you dance
and sway your hips

your made for this
on your knees
a pretty knife
what a tease

wait not
for *****'s embrace
your legs spread
scores razors trace

will you smile
and say ooooow
another please
take me true

while we lick
you bend and writhe
across the mouth
a slow bleeds stride

serpents cry
let death grow
take me hard
a sweet cold glow

more you weep
one last blink
strangled sweet
a vortex sink

switch blades tongue
licks you deep
darkness comes
death is steep

pretty you
now its done
heels over head
sugar blood spun
death *** explicit adult
498 · Jul 2019
Asshole...The Poem
zebra Jul 2019
she moves her mouth
wet lip chatter and eating
it makes me think
of her pinkish ****** lips
and her tender tawny ******
like a lollypop
a surprise tootsie roll center
with a urethral delicate opening
the **** eye
her pipsqueak fig staring myopically

a dark vulnerable miasma
it is the shape of gods 3rd eye

a material correspondence
to the heavens
not the sky that whistles through canyons
but the astral worlds of angelics'
a thanksgiving feast
of rebuked back door paradise
a glistening hemic muscle
vomiting stormy air
for my throbbing nightingale protuberance.

as it swells imperious *****
and raptures tight waving spasm's
from long smooth canoe strokes
squirting succotash and tadpoles
into her velvet
banana booth
chapel of ****

and greedy ache
smothers gloriously
this melodic snake
in her one eyed doll head

she smiles
i need it in the ***

and i asked
as it winked a drivel

dark floret  
do you love me?
495 · Oct 2017
zebra Oct 2017
the truth
a petrified sphinx
idol of the natural mind
plagues of fear
and riddles of the world
determined by stark and anguished introspections
passions and beliefs
apocalyptic visions
shadows and voices
by philosophers that sleep
without her tender curves
and clinging kisses

let's lounge around
in fire red *******
my face a tempest
melting between spread thighs
my tongue a rampaging monster
contemplating the meaning
of  butter cups and honey pots
that drool tears of gratitude
on a boulevard of arched feet
and dimpled buttocks
cream and cuddles
my holy sacrament

she is
alter to the gods
and besides breath it self
all the truth i will ever know
485 · Feb 2018
zebra Feb 2018
you never tell me to go **** myself
unless you want to help me do it
like when you get on your knees
after doing the knife stamp dance
loving my sickness as your own
Your *** a weaving curl

if I asked you to eat worms
you'd run to the tackle store
and buy a box of them
put on blood red lipstick
and tarnish your gleaming pearly whites
you all leg spread
**** on a plate
doing the shimmy
and gobble them down
making your tongue brown
like **** from hell
flashing your eyes like lightning
and laugh making me eat the rest
before ordering me to lick your ***
like Mr. Clean
all **** and span

obedience is our lubricant
each other's darkest secret dreams
baked in the fires of a red-hot furnace
mixing our ashes
and boiling blood

what's next ?
bare feet on hot coals
rope burns
little strangles and tender kisses
cherry blood **** to devour
ballet toe licking
my **** wrapped by you in a square  knot
whos the queen
whos the king
whos the *****
princess of ***** deeds
whos groveling in the mud
begging for a spanking
******* like red raspberries

we are

tears of passion
saliva kisses
each other's kabuki **** doll

hurt me, hurt you
we cry and die
loving like coiled monsters in heaven

when we walk down the street
arm in arm we know
no one could ever have us
like we have each other
sick twisted lovebirds
gargling bloodstones
bending over for each other
at every turn
**** and ****** rings
to pull us along
**** forced open
fingers lickin good
spicy screaming kisses like nettles
on drunken nights
our *** like dripping buds
black cat perfume
our bed an ancient red alter
spikes for sacrifice
all golden glow

Queen Snakes
voluptuously ******
cuddle in Carpathian mists
484 · Dec 2016
zebra Dec 2016
when i think of you
twin souls burning
your kisses, dark chocolate
when your gone
its a devils black pit
hopeless to a wild heart
and a jutting **** in zebra striped pants
better come get me
subsume me in flames and incense
zombie lover on fire
eyes bulged
smudged mouth gaping
feet scorched
*** turned to jelly
blood bell kisses
your **** are eyes smiling
your hips
metronomes trance
your darkness is incandescent
i want to live feeling this way
the way you make me
484 · Apr 2017
Love Letter and Poem
zebra Apr 2017
I could spend hours playing with you
rubbing my aching ****
against your pink jewel ******* lips
drooling tears
licking your silky musk ****
homage goddess pert kitty ****
drowning you in tender kisses
my sweet darling
putting off the ******
to be
close close close
and finally holding you down so very hard
so you cant move an inch

then you would know princess
when you looked into my loving eyes
i could not hold back any longer
looking deep into your soul
i would press you to the bed
like a hot iron
as we convulse heaving ******* into each other
loving loving loving
i would pour fire and milk deep into your sweet womb
kisses never ceasing
cradling your head
swearing endless love, protection and never ending spring
as i crack open your little ***** until it bleeds
and make you shudder with *******
begging me to split you in half.

do the **** death dance
i love you like cherry pie
take the blade or the lance
and shake your *** till you die
take a pretty pose while we insert the silver knife
maybe baby will cry
as your emptied of your life
strike a pose in dance
as if your going to fly
let me kiss your tears
oh baby you can try
i kiss your pretty feet
while you *** my love oh my
spread your pretty legs
i *** in you and cry
My poems remain explorations of the subconscious ******
If i where a film maker or a novelist  you  would see me telling a story, not judge me, although i admit to my paraphilias
These poems  are lunar anamorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive  impulses we all share
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about and then again  you may feel more complete some how if you do....I always loved that dark thing that sleeps with in me
482 · May 2016
Heart Break
zebra May 2016
heartbreak **** ache
where are you pretty baby
miss you
**** so hurts mommy
please baby doll
i'm searching for you
warm *****
wet mouth
dark rose
so hungry
so very much
so very very
so so so
479 · May 2019
zebra May 2019
my souls a ploughed ground
a chandelier of bones
staring into a night
black star
third eye
a wing with sight
sitting on the knee of lotus
the knee of listening
the knee of your voice
i move from some inner locomotion
distant from the mind's arson
that old inner argument,
self; a plucked thorn
a burning city dire

i vacillate like a shifting shadow
a feathered ghost
skull of the arcane
and in a split second
find you like a spaceship in the woods.
477 · Apr 2017
zebra Apr 2017
i carefully typed out    
your love,    
a cascading serenade    
it read    
your **** is candy lemonade    
i flinched upon reading    
what i had not written    
never could i type such scurrilous lines    
i shook my head,    
regrouped and very carefully typed out    
your flaxen hair like silk caresses my soul    
it read    
your wet **** lips plush drools in pools   
deeply perplexed    
i did not write such lasciviousness    
am i going mad,    
i thought    
this can't be happening    
what will i do    
what will my publisher say    
the advance to pay the rent    
i told myself get a hard grip    
and very very carefully typed out    
your eyes are azure waves of loves adoration    
there, i said    
see all is well    
as i watched each letter print out    
so very conscientiously    
thank gawd i thought,    
barley blinked    
and looked down upon my work    
only to read    
your mouth a tender trove    
my **** for tender licks    
for pleasures grace stretched wide    
imploring lickity splits    
perhaps I'm a victim    
of hot *******' kisses ****    
or just some lost demons    
spasms writing  
Freudian slips
476 · Jul 2016
Marriage and Infidelity
zebra Jul 2016
are we not owned
by people who need us
like legs
do we not
need them like arms

are marriages
not like towns
populated by
deep foundations and
structures almost immovable

at first
they where beautiful places
rich in florid gardens
with sweet scents
that intoxicate

and paths of communication
where built

then slowly
they became beaten paths
then beaten down paths
then dis-junctures

the flowers faded
and love
became history
and history
turned to dust
like ancient locals
ghost towns
bereft of the fragrant
brittle, parched
like dead sea scrolls

and now there is us
like wet drool
rich in
****** ambitions

the far off future
be dammed
let it be
what it must be
let gravity be gravity

i want you
voluptuous fruit
big bite please
476 · Dec 2017
zebra Dec 2017
im trying to write a PC poem
perhaps something like
im nice looking for a whiteish Jew man
with blue eyes
instead of just a nice looking man
if you don't mind the occasional flatulence
air fresheners
as i like to call them
write maybe something about broken hearts
and the weather when its raining
as in a stormy life and a rocky relationship
how i love the unique symmetry of each and every snow flake
i was also thinkin azure skies and verdant fields kinda poetry
maybe how i always wanted a bigger ****
so i didn't have to try so hard to impress the ladies
with my personality
which never really works anyway
at least not as much
as a big baloney roll snurkeling down my leg in tight jeans

Its not lost on me that that last idea isn't PC enough to become a published poet
like ive always dreamed
i mean can you name me a laureate who writes about that stuff

see what kinda road blocks i run into
when i write something
i really care about
476 · Nov 2020
zebra Nov 2020
Q.309 is the fire of existence pushing to action transforming the ideological Materia in revolutionary spirit.


Q.309 is the confirmation of the enlightening action above the primordial waters found in the structure and in the function of the eye.


Q.309 is every union originating from dissimilar things with adulterous spirit.
Our anamnesis nullifies the liturgical and ritual tradition; the attitude in us pushing to the repetition of the ritualistic gesture intended as an offer and as a proof of the memory is amplified by the life itself.


Q.309 is the radical conflict with the existing world and a new identity to be achieved through a process of identification with the will of the abyss that contains all: through this conflict you become a concupiscent being.


Q.309 is the cult of the slough whose common thread is constituted by the constant sexualization of the human world and of the divine sphere, bringing them closer till the overlap.


Q.309 is the energetic foundation and dynamism typical of the devolutive systems.


We turn our gaze to the underlying face of the Materia and we consolidate our desire in her; the concupiscence is our vis generandi through which our gnostic process of emanation is activated.


The Flesh of God melts with the one who creates him.

[From MEQOM YAD/Assur #1]
471 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
in the mourning
right after
my first sip of coffee
i sip you
465 · Feb 2021
Does Anyone Know
zebra Feb 2021
does anyone know
where i can get an app
of a strange woman
moaning in the bedroom?
464 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
please cut along dotted line
459 · May 2017
Silky Silky Darling
zebra May 2017
i love to see you like that
sitting smiling up in bed
you **** my **** so sweet
are you ready to get dead

sweet kisses and goodbyes
shoot me honey said
a 22 in my mouth
a bullet in the head

your gorgeous my beloved
your hair will get so ******
why don't we brush it for a while
before your skull is putty

you say you want to help
cleaning is a bear
no worries honey bunny
its worth your ghastly stare

o silky silky darling
your my ***** ***** dream
dance goddess dance
are you gona scream

i love your *** like mad
your adorations glory
pull back your pretty head
your ****** will be gory

every hole i'll kiss
i love and need and lick
please baby please
you know i'm twisted sick

i'm full of aching kisses
lets have a wedding white
no time to be my misses
dispatched before midnight

but then my pain begins
i killed you for a thrill
your all i ever wanted
and now so very still

you may be dead my darling
i thought i could be strong
i'm weeping for your touch
but i know it wasn't wrong

i feel you with my soul
your kisses haunt my lips
i awake a weeping vision
my heart torn and rips

o silky silky darling
458 · Feb 2017
The Bitch and the Bard
zebra Feb 2017
she said im a *****
he said im a bard
its a ****** up fairy tale
that might get you hard

whats with all the metaphorical indiscretions she chided
i don't know he quipped
but metaphors deary
gets me excited

what do they mean
who the hell knows
you can read them forever
and cant afford clothes

a poem a day
sometimes two
i cant buy a house
or even a shoe

whats for dinner
a big words stew
its a low calorie meal
it will have to do

whats in it she said
some nouns and some verbs
could use some lettuce
and maybe some herbs

what the hell
go get a job
i would of course
but i am a snob

besides i could never write
in a complete line
with proper punctuations
like Gertrude Stein
450 · Aug 2019
Look Into My Eyes
zebra Aug 2019
dissolute neo transgressive
a fantasy lauded libertine
self mythologizer
writing ugly comments
on corrosive voids like black outs
broken verses sounded out
in mangled staccato
needing rearranged horizons
like olives without pimentos
and skies cobbled from
thatched metal bones
in moonless poems
with no dream life
no naked glimpses
no clawing
not even a drop of blood to whiff
and already cauterized
anemic-scapes of thorn-less rosettes
emptied of black tongued gimps
and tattooed ******

no Lilliputians
swimming in marsh swamps
and no snarling brays

there are mouths to fill
with pounding gristle
and ***** to bleed
like pull apart flake strudel
that squeal rapturously
shedding seas
of gagging exorcisms  

widen your thighs
look into my eyes
449 · Aug 2017
zebra Aug 2017
we have fallen madly in love
or perhaps
we have just fallen in love
or we certainly
love each other
but maybe
we just need each other

a moratorium on desolation
its possible no one else would have us
and solitude will seal us in
like black stone gargoyles
that crush the sky

will we not turn to naked rain
wandering transparencies
bodiless monsters
like desolated desserts
with led mouths
horizons in retrograde
while ****** lips
sallow vagrant hollows

our eyes windmills veiled
stained with tears
road signs
no one can read
and weeping
no one hears
449 · Feb 2019
zebra Feb 2019
I distance myself from me
away I move a million miles
beyond the homicidal floor of self
and its narrow dead sticky
fly paper walls

away from chatter castrati
and miraculous mirrors
away from vanity and horror
and the voices of shadow

I distance myself from me
I step from lunary worlds and big blue marble

and I have only
a river of breaths
like transparent shaped hands
dominion of air
in a cage of bones
all petty fetters
448 · Mar 2019
Spirit Flies
zebra Mar 2019
her body the bones of the earth
with a heart like an oozing slit

a goblin infusoria blur
smatter cautioning lips
on a golden head
and radiate a tumbling ludicrous halo
for a saintly gutted fish still making caviar
to feed blind kittens

a curdled soul warps the mind
the moon hiccups
a sky-rocket
and her kisses seal a destiny
with a trickle wetted mouth
and bulgy ******; exultation of love
like bellowing lungs

flesh falls
spirit flies
443 · May 2019
zebra May 2019
the night disappears
without a touch
and your eyes stare like boiling heavens

you are monster kisses I can crawl up to
lips blood clot cake
that never heal
it rains howling phantasms, concrete
and dead eye bombs
nightingales of tragedy  

this is my dream of the world
her form a moving mouth

she fills it
with a billion slums like black flowers
vast and strange  

our sin
we are born clueless
and die that way too
443 · Jul 2019
Wicked Holy Child
zebra Jul 2019
I am an unanswerable mystery to myself

griefs food

belief in uncertainty
is like a medicine that makes me ill
loving the danger of things
like a tender ******
or the superstitious atheist
or the oversexed who convert to Catholicism

in a tither of religiosity
I lift Mother Mary's dress for a taste

irreducibly splintered inside
I feel
religion is quiet like the dead
and im pulsing sin
passionate perverted and metaphysical
a lover of hard headed ******
and goo girls
whispering ***** things in my ear

oooow mercy of nakedness
she holds my **** like a gun
pulls the trigger
and i pop her
panting she bleeds out butter ****

got her good
that big hearted ******* *******

the Devil has his contemplatives
as does God
and Christians say **** that
This is an intertextual piece
partly based on Pico Iyer's
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