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Terry O'Leary Mar 2016
The typewriters tap,
with a rat-a-tat-tat,
like a fourth estate rap
to provide us the pap
(that serves as a snack with a rat-a-tat-tat)
in a newspaper scrap
crammed with meaningless crap
from the editor's yap
(spewing flimflamy flak, booming rat-a-tat-tat)
after gashing a gap
in the daily recap
with a snip in a snap-
sounding thundery clap
crackng rat-a-tat-tat and a rat-a-tat-tat.

And the talking heads speak
with a rat-a-tat-tat,
of the news of the week,
tweaking tongue in the cheek
(with a click and a clack like a rat-a-tat-tat),
thus ignoring critique
'cause they're mild and too meek
in the midst of the reek
to report of the wrack (except rat-a-tat-tat)
whilst the pundits (oblique
when protecting the chic
of the upper class clique
at the top of the peak)
chatter rat-a-tat-tat and a rat-a-tat-tat.

The NRA ghouls
plug a rat-a-tat-tat
while their blood money tools
fill the Hill’s vestibules
(where deceit behind drapes drips a rat-a-tat-tat),
spreading folly that fuels
frenzied hands of young fools
bringing guns into schools
(at the drop of a hat there's a rat-a-tat-tat
splashing blood in warm pools)
for now anarchy rules
(which the hype ridicules
'til the temperature cools)
hailing rat-a-tat-tat and a rat-a-tat-tat.

Lawless cops, cutting loose
with a rat-a-tat-tat
spraying bullets profuse
without any excuse
(just a split second splat with a rat-a-tat-tat),
splay a rattled recluse
like a Thanksgiving goose
gushing cranberry juice
from six slugs in the back (with a rat-a-tat-tat).
To redress such abuse,
bend the branch of a spruce
with a neck in a noose
while Death's drums beat diffuse’
rolling rat-a-tat-tat and a rat-a-tat-tat.

War brings freedom to all
with a rat-a-tat-tat
(well, excluding the thrall
with fear, facing the wall
[ often smacked with a bat, throbbing rat-a-tat-tat ],
until feeling the call
to creep out of the kraal
biting back with a gall
[ with a *** for a tat and a rat-a-tat-tat ],
or to mangle and maul
if still able to crawl
and be part of the brawl
in a freak free-for-all,
midst a rat-a-tat-tat and a rat-a-tat-tat).

Holy warmongers praise,
with a rat-a-tat-tat,
any soldier that slays
and all rockets that raze
(the drones zoom with a vroom and a rat-a-tat-tat)
leaving smoky arrays
of gray ghosts in the haze
cloaking mute cabarets
(hushed, the hip and the hop, by the rat-a-tat-tat)
while ol’ Cerberus bays
with mankind in his gaze,
so society prays  
as it rots and decays
(Satan's trumpets of doom blare a rat-a-tat-tat)
until one of these days
in a flash through the maze
mighty mushrooms will blaze
with invisible  rays,
fin’lly braising the craze
of the rat-a-tat-tat,
   and the
Got Guanxi Jun 2015
soldier of fortune, making moves on the battlefield,
chess checking chances,
Suntzu advances,
as the sun moves and dances.
creeping in trenches, sleeping in shifts,
bullets fly overhead as you hope that they'll miss.
butterflys in the rose fields,
butchered guys in the poppy fields.
broken dreams, decimated teams,
regiments unravelled at the seems
unrivalled scenes that you could never believe.
superhuman movements and medals achieved.
let go and breath, silently amongst violence and tryrants.
No man planned, for no mans land.
The best laid plans lead to mass graves,
massacres last for days, it's hard to understand.
tactics underhand, gas masks steal identies,
you must move fast to counteract the effects of mustard gas
and hidden identities.
popup cemetries, innovative remedies,
death strikes at any moment,
yet it's hard to keep focus.
Don't lose your mind.
Mistakes of mankind, repeated in time.
babyfaced freshmen turn to hardface veterans in the spaces of seconds.
replaced in moments with conscripted kids deplaced from happy homes.
men never found and no chance to atone.
warmongers amongst them that soon change there tones.
railway children leave villages in rubble.
cornered and in trouble as the bodycount doubles.
darknights spent in candlelight
children sleep in there bed as bombers glide overhead.
the bleek reality goes over there heads.
the blitz is a travesty that decimates articheture and leaves structures in travesty.
calamities in the evening and in the morning a start clarity of the destructive reality.
hindsight in bombsites, mortuaries from mortar shells
instructions to give them hell,
you believe them less as each days passes.
bodies piled up in masses, teardrops without caskets.
only dogtags identify the men in the bodybags.
men treated worse than dogs, the living skip over the corpses
of fallen comrades
peace will not come fast. hard to run fast with rations and rucksacks.
bullets start to wizz past as they proceed to fufil dumbtasks,
whiskey in hip flasks. trying to shoot back,
wishing you just get a lift back home to the motherland.
Fighting in foreign lands,
your mother holds her head in her wrinkled hands,
her husband holds her close and hes been there before you.
fought in the great war too and lived through to tell the tale
and ironically see history repeating itself.
a picture of their son sits on the shelf.
he lies wounded in battle, needing there help.
o well.
give them hell.
its just one of many stories to tell.
This was influenced by a verse by Ra Rugged Man
nivek Apr 2014
someone from all the tribes
always had war
in their heart
infected the weak
the ones we lost
and loathed
in their havoc
nivek Jul 2014
your neon thoughts lit the sky
beaming a hidden message
all were caught like rabbits
we should have kept running
Pia Montalban Aug 2015
This is no love poem
No love, no art work, no poem
No music nor rhythm
But of images

Of farmers exultant
Though they break their backs,
Or their bones creak,
With every slash of their sickles,
The heavy strokes
Wounding light in the fiery heat of noon,
The gaunt-faced sons of earth,
Bringing home harvests of gold
To the people's granary,
Where no greedy landlords are in sight.
For centuries, the land robbers
Had squeezed their souls dry
In constant toil.
It may be that their time is up.

But this is no love poem
No love, no art work, no poem
But of history

Of workers milling around a lingering twilight.
Pounding their hammers with their might,
Ecstatic at the thought of freedom,
Yet battling still, long dreaded ills
Of feudal *******, barratry,
Storing up for the people’s cause,
Building a new commune in the new place
Freed from the landlord-minded President
From the imperialist ogres
Of IMF-World Bank and Uncle Sam,
The warmongers,
From oppression
And poverty and wretchedness
That, like a python, had wound
Around them to the end.

But this is no love poem
No love, no art work, no poem
No fictive tale but of radiant truth.

As throngs of men
And women march
Out of their homes
With new-found hope,
Gathering strength
As from a blasting storm,
Defiant now of lying saints or heroes
Or of murderer Presidents
Who speak with forked tongues,
As the throng march out into the streets
Flooding the cities,
Ready to offer their lives for freedom
To them would come such happiness,
Such love
No poem would express,
No art suffice to render.

This is no love poem
No piece of art, no song
Only a sense
Of how it is to tell of battles won,
Of folding in to feel the surge of triumph
Though brief perhaps,
Within this flashpoint moment
Of the people's war.
Esz-Pe-Bea Jul 2014
It's the next best thing!
It's a scream!
It's got a screen!
and a million little buttons
that won't ever do a thing
to erase that feeling
that you're feeling.

why you are always waiting.

like the Rockie's or the Canyon.
like Columbus and the the great depression.
like Woodstock and world wars.
like the Illad and the Odyssey and The Beatles.

something more than
The consumer generation.
a definition through epic episodes.
a defining moment.

The revolution has been sponsored
by manufacturers and broadcasters
and warmongers and pundits
and people getting paid to tell you what you think.
and what do you think?
Why are we content with being incomplete?
unfinished and beat?

What the **** is so Comfy about that seat?

You are not generation X
or Y or Nothing or Nowhere.
or any of these false names they've created
to make us believe we are less than we are.
we've been duped.
the youth is not the future anymore.
It's firmly in the grip of the old and accomplished.
Your fate is their whim for a dollar.
Your life is fuel for the fires.
crass entertainment inspires your desires.

And well, **** that.
pull the wires from your brain
and we'll fight to regain.
what territory they've taken away.
Make decisions for ourselves today.
December 11th, 2011.  Part of a series of Status Updates.  Only now does it gain a proper title.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Without Peace We All Know Where We're Headed......

Give peace a chance, will those of nobility declare
Intelligence of spirit, who could ever compare
Valiantly fighting the evil in the world, unwilling to fail
Earnestly helping those needy, without ever becoming frail

Peacefully sacrificing time and energy without ever reconsidering
Endangering themselves to constantly make a difference
Antagonizing the establishment for an instance
Coming home with battle scars to wear and none to share
Emphasizing they are not heroes, only that "they care"

Angering all others, for showing they disagree

Considering the options with nowhere to hide
Hiroshima and its aftermaths, would never subside
Attempting to disrupt, what those warmongers insist
No necessity to justify, the results do persist
Coming full circle does our world continue to exist
Ending in oblivion, if we don't learn how to desist
A short poem on the importance and need of pursuing peace, and the great nobility of all those that have sacrificed themselves in one way or another to TRY and bring about that peace. As world history has shown time and again, death and devastation on a world (numbers) scale, sadly, are all too real.
Jake Bentley Jun 2013
Parliament's headquarters--Back alley for smokes n' such.
Politicians deliberating on the bread and the butter
While the starving go hungry and the Truth begins to suffer.
Never point to the signs on the wall
12 steps, Denial before the fall.

Consumerist, zombie shuffle back to the car, the market's full up.
Look for the polyethylene creamer. Metallic coated groceries
For the plastic (PORTIS issued) consumer.
"Coke is it" they would say as they take the morning grind (black/two sugar.)

Racists make the sea of Policy makers and warmongers,
Bathing in other's poverty, hunger and pain;
Fearing death before the climb, G-d before the fall
Slashing at the necks of basilisks until they turn to stone.  
Blind and petrified to the core,
I swear God, Parliament will smoke no more.

Comes along the Harbinger, you've got one new message.
Message one, There is no god, only me. I'm your Hypocrisy.
Cry to an empty thought, kid the kidders, sin among sinners.
Shamble back to Parliament's sanctuary, the legislators are in,
Let Smokes n' Such begin.
Again, wrote this while listening to Eyedea and Abilities, thoughts I've had and personal experiences (sometimes simultaneous) Some of the content is also influenced by White Noise (Don Delillo)
I was so proud
Following Cupid
The greatest Cherub
Gifting all of mankind
With the power of love

Aiming the arrows
Dipped in that emotion
Where two fall together
Giving their precious hearts
To be with one another

We never leave anyone out
Be it man loving woman
Man in love with man
Woman falling for woman
Need be, even man and sheep

But I tried to stop war once
Shooting arrows at Presidents
Hoping two men of power
Could bring the love of peace
To a world deeply in need

They had to assassinate them
Put two more warmongers in charge
So once again I tried
Once more they were assassinated
So I hung up my bow and arrow

You see, never blame the Presidents
Because they are only puppets
On strings, led by power mad Generals
Using war to make a profit
But also preventing true love
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2014
These are the words and the actuality
that in conjunction,
drive mothers of young children
to depression and distraction

Poets to look inwards yet once more,
for sources of olden inspiration,
finding only
been there, done that

Warmongers to chop lick lips
in eager anticipation of
past and future smokey glories,
gun batteries sparking and
other men's children dying

Overcast and cast out is loveliness,
only words of ancient, somber lineage,
populate, pursue and expectorate,
sunny notions and love poetry none,
dried up, to fallen leave piles dispatched

For on this day of rest, the foggy sky
grants no permission slips to draft
smiley faces and upbeat tempos,
comforts foods perhaps, but nary a
comfort word to make us cheery

Enslaved to nature this day too,
my exteriors reflect inward and my
mirror'd observatory of starry images
no longer available on any
of my two thousand TV channels

I have checked each one in a
be-quiet-you're-too-noisy dismay groaning,
as well as my ordinary, toujours,
quiet desperation

The sun tantrum tantalizes for I see
it's bodacious attacks repelled
by cloud banks rich with deposits of gloom

Slip into a mystery, an old novella
of Stephen Kings, an homage to the
drama of the four seasons, but this old friend
is elementary ancient, for its tales
are deep sad, writ upon weary worn pages
and tho apropos, grant no comfort

The sailors all to bed have gone,
plowing pillows instead of waves

The squirrels and other homeowners,
in view of the absence human,
are cheek to chop, jowls acorn full,
doing "Storage Wars" of winter prep,
in HD, in broad daylight arrogance,
mocking the summer man, adding their
sauciness to his moody blues
meal of melancholia

Am I such a creature of nature,
that I am captive no matter
what the sky color be,
is there a moody madness the
psychiatrists have labelled
that best describes a nature slave
most unnaturally?

I repair to the couch and chips,
reruns to pretend distraction and
poetry to record my inaction

The weather lady, a fresh faced blonde,
smiles white and exclaims that
the work week commencing tomorrow
all sunny all unseasonable warm,
and my groans so loud,
I am banished to parts bedroom foreign,
where I am ordered to write
perfunctory odes to gloom,
in silenced doom
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2010
There's a well of disappointment
In observing human nature,
For regardless of the colour,
The religion or the creed;
There's a metabolic failure
Apparent in the makeup,
And it's all about ego
And materialistic greed.

I see it in the corporate's
And the hallowed halls of banking,
It drips like grease from politics
And stains God's children too.
It permeates the populace
With a cloak of ashen pallor
And extends from Kings and Demigods
Through humanity to you.

And even little children
Are caught up in the maelstrom
Through television's fanfare
Of fashion and excess,
I feel tragedy unfolding
In our hedonist behaviour
I see brother clawing brother
And the future in distress.

Take a look around you
At the evidence of trouble
Observe the calamity
Of Wall Street's greed.
Feel the discomfort
Of intrusion by Government,
Feel the pain in the pocket
Of taxation's bleed.

The war drums are pounding
All over the planet
Greed and anxiety
Run hand in hand,
Corporate warmongers
Driving the politics
Flailing for more
As their empires expand.

What of the people?
We ordinary people,
Who invisibly strive
Pushed and shoved
Bought and bartered,
....In this tempest of greed
What chance have we?

On another sick, sick day.
Mangere Bridge
12 February 2010
Joe Cole Jul 2014
What madness is taking over this world?
Why the mothers, why the children?
When I was a soldier I made a choice
I knew the risks.
I blame them all.
Taliban, Israelies, Americans even my own countrymen
Yes, all the warmongers who make money from the sale of arms
All the radicals who don't believe in democracy
All those who steal the lands and destroy the homes
of those less educated or less wealthy
I hope those responsible can sleep soundly at night
Those who fire the randomly aimed rocket and shell
can wash the blood stains from their hands.
They don't have to listen to the weeping mothers
They can close theirs eyes and ears to the anguish
of families ripped apart
They are never close enougn to smell the cloying stench
of drying blood and rotting bodies

Were it in my power to do so I would take them there
And rub their noses in it
nivek Dec 2023
jumping on the bandwagon
many gnash their teeth;

impotent side line warmongers;
disguised as would be poets.
Brent Kincaid Mar 2017
How many are there?
I doubt anyone is aware
At least half the population;
A fact that should really scare
And yet decades go by
And they still don’t awaken
And now our trust in them
Is powerfully and fatally shaken.

It’s the Narcissistic Generation
And it could mean the death
Of freedom and democracy
With one last dying breath
Because like most committees
The members are the kind of jerks
Who want all the goodies
But will not ever do the work.

We have a country of slackers
Who were raised to be spoiled fools
Who want all the structure made
But will not pick up one tool.
So if this country falls apart
And becomes a dream of history
For me and people like myself
It will be no amazing mystery.

The USA will falter silently
And maybe fall over and die
And none of the people responsible
Will admit they’re the reason why.
It will not be done by foreigners
The way warmongers always cried.
Instead it will be by malingerers;
Self-inflicted by the dunces inside.
Alex Evans Mar 2019
christianized, zealous warmongers with ****** stains on stainless steel blades
hauling with them the great flapping insignias of royalty, emblems of their special heritage
disregarding the fact blood flows warm and fast all the same, nobody spared
familiar ties shattered over petty disputes of land and territory in the name of a great purpose
a great purpose disguising glory-seekers and painters whose favorite color is red
led by a massive snowy warhorse with crimson hooves and jet black beady eyes
old, worn, and of a raggedy golden mane forever worshipped
it is my fate to follow
(that’s what they tell me)

biblical storytales springing to life as they gallivant across the country singing do-goods
while their actions connotate some great demon lurking about behind their holy words
valiant warriors in service to a mighty omnipresent deity watching woefully from above
as they unnecessarily **** innocents that they knew it was wrong to ******
blind belief is as alive as bloodlust to them, screaming their lungs out for the almighty
they are the salvation and the scourge, leeches of the land and lordly leaders for long
fearful eyes of aliens stare to the sky and grovel in a piteous attempt for mercy
he cannot condone this
(and that’s what they don’t)

knights of cardboard armor and ironclad skulls falling by the thousands
yet they relentlessly hunt the enemy like predatory raptors of the past, voracious
not yet declawed or defanged as they are before the plastic wisdom of man claiming to be
the god of glory, gold, and gore; suddenly he is a savage ravager and avenger of the undead
men swear themselves to a cloaked idol in order to become accusers of the guilty
when the openness of perception may be all that is truly necessary
even kings are defenseless against the all-consuming force of religious blessing
how is it just?

god’s greatest success
god’s greatest regret
(am i both or neither?)
( A poem I wrote many months ago when muslims were being killed in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, but it still applies in recent refreshed genocide of Palestinians)

Wars round the corner,      
wars at every bend      
Could it be that all this warring  
  would never ever end?      
Mass massacre and genocide      
is what we fear and apprehend     
Selfish apartheid oppressing poor folks      
On suppressing others they depend!      
Why can't folks borrow love      
and peace too learn to lend?      
For peace-loving persons      wars are hard to comprehend      
But in which blessed century      
will the world its ways amend?    
Why not be all sincere      
when peace they recommend?      
   Its hard to not avenge the dead      
So to revenge and defend      
some will feel the need to offend   
 Yet the oppressed dying more is the trend    
Why can't we all as Adam's progeny      
simply unite and blend?      
The world's tearing apart,     which saviour's gonna mend?    
When the scissors of tyranny      
all peace efforts ruthlessly rend!    

 When will all the saviours      from heavenly heaven descend?      
So we watch and hear all war cries      
unto thin air ascend!      
When peace be the only choice,      
the only probable trend!      
Ah, instead of fending off war drums      
why peace plans off we fend?      
Why peace is so complicated      
with double standards at every bend?      
Will all state treasuries on aggression alone      
their budgets, finances spend?     
Why can't every foe we know      
turn into a caring friend?        
So we're stalked by friendship    
 and ambushed by love godsend!    
 A world where warlords      and  war heroes become zeroes   
 who in the first place did offend.

  With peace may no nation      
merely play and pretend!      
Hypocrisy is calling freedom fighters terrorists      while their State bombing and shelling  never end.
invariably long speeches
full of thoughts
empty of ideas
to improve a failing nation
with harmonic discrepancies
platformed and supported by
blood painted canvases
framed by the wailing
of those inflicted with the disease of war and politics
( those pitiful necessary evils)
no second thought
emanates from those wasteful
vain men and women
no. no second thought emanates to empathize the eternal
sadness wrought by their selfish actions;
this son of a dead man
is brought to you by
the politicians and CEOS
(sick warmongers)
in Armani suits and Rolexes
who seem to walk out of time
and they will send him
to the same fate as his father
never fully understanding
the complex waves of emotion
overriding and rolling over neural thoughts
just another face
just another body
just another life
now just another number
pitifully printed nameless
in wasteful
paper news
nivek Dec 2017
heroes and criminals
where lines blur.
Avalon's Respite Dec 2015
Just illusion, a monstrous nightmare vanquished
with a ray of orange sunshine upon the tongue.
Mellowed with God's own gracious herb;
fiery gilded hairs of Acapulco Gold.

Bob, our coarse prophet of peace's dream,
his sallow voice arrived on autumn's dry wind.
Janis sang with sad, painful screams,
lilting ballads of fated, melancholy sin.

Flower children swaying,
moving to a blaring din.
******, naked bodies entwined.
Massing round a roaring flame
projecting the awesome power of love.
Childish hopes, banishing the nightmare of war
to naught but a bard's sorrowful tale.

How might you spill your brother's blood?
Reclined together, ****** by the shore,
watching pink and purple penguins
as they frolic in a rolling sea of split pea soup.
Diving within the shifting colors for treasures of ham.

"Make love, not war!
   Make love, not war!
     Make love, not war!"

We were but children, playing with grand theory.
Alas, lucidity comes with old wisdom.
Our dream was lost to history's dusty files
as warmongers dined within ivory towers.

To think...
such a simple design could end the horror.
One mass of chanting, ****** teens,
color blind, hands embraced as one,
man, woman and child.

Just illusion...
a drug induced fantasy of a dream.

And "The Nightmare" regained
it's baneful power.

© S.Loeding
All Rights Reserved
Mitchell Nov 2011
The censors are in
And the mad houses
Have been unlocked
For the carnival

Friends and former
Lovers embrace your
Bodies and watch the
Clouds billow in the distance

For the background is
Always more beautiful
Then the horrid

Not in this hour
But the next there
Will be social

There will be a fire
To be put out that
All the masses of the
World can see and
Truly understand and

As of right now,
Blasting his horn in my
Right ear, causing
Blood hemorages of
Every type and sort

But what of love!

What of pure hate!

What of a human race

Legions of snarling dogs
Licking their chops for
The next fix that will COME
But not

Consumption is a word
No one
Will's to understand

Small has always
Equaled weak

And the born strong
Will never back peddle

In evolution

It just



So to abide the wealthy
Warmongers piling
Ammunition on top of
And inside their
Grandmother's brazers!

Is to let them win a
Game they were meant to

Roads were meant to be walked on
Mountains meant to be conquered
But people,
What were we
Meant to do

****** are the greedy,
for theirs is a paucity of spirit.

****** are the callous,
for their hearts lack empathy.

****** are the pompous,
for all they can see are themselves.

****** are the self-righteous,
for their faith is shallow.

****** are the merciless,
for they shall be denied mercy.

****** are the bigoted,
for they do not know love.

****** are the warmongers,
for they shall be called the children of hell.

****** are they who persecute those who are different,
for they shall never know peace.
nivek Feb 2021
Politicians wield rhetoric
with pumped fists of emphasis

all the while
generation after generation after generation

taking advantage of youth
and the idealism of the young

women and men, not much more than children
give themselves to the fire.
OnlyEggy Dec 2010
And then there is you
your bladed mind ran through
yet standing so tall
but looking so small
with your spirit tumbled
but still not humbled
by the sound of the glaives
from the tongues of knaves
where the hurt and the pain
join the bleak and the vain
in the choir of the dark
as you re-embark
on the road of deserters
where pothole subverters
and their petty warmongers
look to curb all your hungers
as you look for salvation
but find the starvation
of hatred's embraces
as history retraces
the same path that I'd taken
but was forsaken
by the rock that shook
as my pride it took
and I found no dawn
following the fallen pawn
where I lay down to die
and yet up you fly
climbing over bodies begot
with distances I just could not
and as you run through your life
full of misery and strife
remember the folly of the few
who fell to the dark before you
Another Insomniac Poem (AIP)- From Tough Guys Wear Pink
Paul M Chafer Sep 2010
We can begin with you,
And ask, is it too much to hope?
Why, when we yearn for peace,
Can we not have a Kingdom Of Mankind?
Must the squabbles, some, millennia old,
Permanently persist, from century to century?
Will the warmongers never tire?
Never cease their enduring need to ****?
Is an ideal, a belief, or a cause,
Worth the taking of life: any life?
Must men, women, and even children,
Suffer for a difference of opinion?
The world has to change; must change!
Sense and sensibility, must prevail!
Please, reach out, make a difference,
We can begin with you.

© Paul Chafer 2014
© with Author
Stephen S Apr 2018
They're coming, they're coming.
Come on, get out of bed.
Start running, start running,
unless you'd rather be dead.

They're shooting, they're shooting,
keep your head low.
They're looting, they're looting.
Everything's gonna go!

They're screaming, they're screaming,
"****** death to the poor!"
It's seeming, it's seeming,
things have rot to the core.

They're fighting, they're fighting,
anyone in their way.
Flame igniting, flame igniting,
it won't be held at bay,

They're rushing, they're rushing,
They've cut off every route.
So crushing, so crushing.
Can't escape the pursuit.

They've found us, They've found us,
there's no where to run.
All around us, all around us,
The end has begun.
brandon nagley May 2015
Apparition's of the darkest of days,
Swept feet,rythmless beats, bang on dark caves!!!

Abject, abject , come out of thy tombs, the warmongers draweth near in silk satin platoons!!!!

Cold hit's the wall, rain hits thine door, the floodgates flap open, no rubies on shore!!!

We art all one!! Grains of sand enlightened to Egyptian sun. We art all free, but slaves to what is..

Gather thine good's, for the abysmal's now understood!!!

For their laughing is now mixed with tears, for its thy blood now that sheds humanities darkest of fears!!!

Thy hearts burden is heavy!!!

Thine eye's, dragged and soaked.

Thou canst run from thine self thou Master of dark cloak!!!!!!!!

Tip-top silently, ourn Whisper's go through a box,
Lock me up, tie me down,

For this heart beat's slowly to STOP!!!!!!!!!!
Blood. Hate. Fire. Steel. Control.
The ill intent of Zionist pigs lead the masses over a cliff labeled as a zenith of industry and freedom
Lives taken in exchange for false honor, awarded medals in the eye of bloodthirsty media ******
   but neglected by the country for which they laid down life and limb
How long can this house of cards hold before imploding upon the innocent at no expense of the same warmongers that catalyzed the casualty of a nation of sheep
nivek Aug 2014
death stalks on the wind
warmongers utopia;
start saying your prayers
Based on Putins boast that Russia is a nuclear power while talking to a youth conference
When the talking is done
When the **** hits the fan
When the lights all go out.

The strategy is to make us see our
brothers as enemies,
which frees the blame from the ones
who start wars in my name.

We collude with them by buying their lies
by learning to despise,
by seeing our brothers through the
warmongers eyes.

And when the lights do go out and
the **** hits the fan and the talking is
whose son will you ****?
or will you even care?
Olivia Kent Nov 2015
A spring coiled tight.
Taut as a snake with fangs held tight shut.
Twisted nations, playing at war,
War,as never seen before.
Chess is a game of war.
Everyday people.
The warmongers pawns.
Religion features with dem bishops,
Even religion and power feature in the game of chess.
Who has the power?
In the real world.
Darker and heavier.
Descending skies are falling in.
Another war none will win.
Out of man's control.
Magniloquent chess?
Jonny Angel Mar 2014
We The People
spend infinite minutes
arguing over semantics
& while they pit us
against each other,
it's business as usual
for the warmongers,
those greedy tax collectors
filling their own coffers
full of our money
& calling our losses
the cyclic effect
of the global economy.
When will we wake up?
Joe Wilson Feb 2015
Have we really lost our way
Open warfare every day
Perhaps if some could compromise
Earnest talks could open eyes.

Sparing children from seeing death
Plaguing memories till dying breath
Rights of all, to live and be healthy
Interfering warmongers who only get wealthy
No money, the poor go to food banks
Guess you dine anywhere if you sell tanks
Somebody making a fortune from others.

Each bullet fired can **** someone’s brothers
Talks round the tables among heads of state
Extracting solutions before it’s too late
Roses should be given by lovers on a date
Not on the gravestones of victims of hate
Armageddon is the end-game we fear
Let’s step back from the edge,  it’s dangerously near.

©Joe Wilson – Hope Springs Eternal…2015
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Apparition's of the darkest of days,
Swept feet,rythmless beats, bang on dark caves!!!

Abject, abject , come out of thy tombs, the warmongers draweth near in silk satin platoons!!!!

Cold hit's the wall, rain hits thine door, the floodgates flap open, no rubies on shore!!!

We art all one!! Grains of sand enlightened to Egyptian sun. We art all free, but slaves to what is..

Gather thine good's, for the abysmal's now understood!!!

For their laughing is now mixed with tears, for its thy blood now that sheds humanities darkest of fears!!!

Thy hearts burden is heavy!!!

Thine eyes dragged and soaked,

Thou canst run from thine self thou Master of dark cloak!!!!!!!!

Tip-top silently, our Whisper's go through a box,
Lock me up, tie me down,

For this heart beats slowly to STOP!!!!!!!!
Old poem
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
History seems to clearly show,
Mankind does not want to know,
How to live in peace with grace,
That's not for the human race

Humans like to show their might,
Always looking for a fight,
So kindness is for the weak,
And niceties are for the meek

They're not happy all is well,
In wartime more arms they sell,
Spreading love we must not heed,
Making war is what we need

If God did make Earth and Man
He must have erred somewhere then

— The End —