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Dee Thomas Jan 2011
Vengeance is for God to have, But today I lay religion down to rest
The demon in my mind has been relentless, whispering at my behest
He has been in his cage far too long, he is unyieldingly repressed
I not only want to free him, I want to put his imagination to the test

My mind's eye dark and searching, the corners of my sinister mind
I have now become your worst fear and mine devils intertwined
My mental and emotional state, has made the inhumanity refined
I hate how you made me long for your pain, I am now your kind

Your flesh is but a canvas and your screams will be to no avail
You’re now mine, your soul will beg for mercy on the grandest scale
I will assault your every sense, leaving no minute detail
Until your body is lying lifeless, pointless, broken and frail

I will take my time to revive you, bringing you back to my device
There will be no amount of pain I inflict, that my heart will suffice
Before I am done with your miserable existence, infliction so precise
I will nourish every animalistic desire,until we felt you paid the price

You have uprooted in my heart an evil, that cannot be undone
The angel of death is upon you waiting, your suffering just begun
There is a special place in hell for you and I want you to see it
And if I burn with you for my revenge, then I say so be it

Taking your pride, shoving it down your throat with my baron hands
all that I can taste right now, what the voice in my head demands
For you there is no more wasted life, your breath will let you endure
And there is no second thought behind my vengeance, my hate is pure

With deeds now done and lifeless you lay
At my feet, which death did not show haste
A smile without tears did appease my lust
For your soul and blood that I did taste
The darker side of me that lingers  sometimes....
Jay M Wong Jun 2012
The Western winds brew; for it forms the canyons we see,
Whose Greatest Walls made of minute grains and debris,
With voices, that engulf the men a'near, these Sirens rest,
Only to forsake in the earnings of naive tourists at best.

For that canyon was but a result of a century of score’s wind,
That brew and brew from dawn to night; such a cycle it’s been.
Until the inevitable comes, Something that one can foresee not,
Quivers and Quakes, the ground can live not this plot.

Oh, for twelve hundred years, these canyons rest at peace,
For what once brew and brew upon the walls, must now cease.
What takes the greatest time to build, falls to oblivion in a moment’s time,
And to reform what once was, is but a stairway unyieldingly to climb.

Far from such place, upon the greenest fields lives the Great Oak Tree,
Whose limbs nest hundreds of creatures living in harmony and glee.
Have we been here before, say three centuries, would we see this not,
For such Great Oak was but a seedling, who against the weather it faught.

For that single tree was but a result of three centuries of nurture,
Through the fiercest weathers and heavenly storms may it endure.
But endure can it not, the axe that he wields upon his hand,
For soon will this Great Oak Tree fall upon this burdened land.

Oh, for three centuries time, had this tree bore the lives of many,
And what used to be hundreds, are now down to a mere twenty.
So another seedling must we place upon this dreadful lot,
But never the same will it be for these mere twenty that died not.

Now, in my backyard lives a flower, whose beauty is great and true,
And whose petals possess the color of the radiant sun as it grew.
And have we been here before, say prior a hundred days,
Would we have seen nothing but a seedling with nothing to appraise.

For that single flower was but a result of numerous days of nurture,
Through the fiercest and unpredictable New England weathers may it endure.
But endure can it not, the foolishness of her and the carelessness of her foot,
For at rest forever in the lonesome soil, had it to eternal sleep she put.

Oh, like trust, do these things take the greatest time to build, only to shatter in a moment’s time...
A poem on the breaking of trust.
Yue Wang Yitkbel Aug 2018
I am terribly near sighted
Consciously and subconsciously
I see not what I have saw
I hear not what I have heard
In fact most of the time,
I don’t even feel
What I should have felt

But the mirror of life
It keeps a record of every little thing
And I relive in my dreams
All that I have missed

And much much more:

All I ever need
Is just a little hint of life:

Your lovely little smile
I failed to respond to during the day
Would haunt me
With what would seem like
A whole lifetime of sweet champagne
Kisses of cherries and grapes
With a scent of longing that
Fills me to the core with
Twinges that burst throughout
My entire being
Shining brightly from
Every single particle of my

The little chirps and calls of crickets
That alternate between the oblivious
Moon upon a bed of restless stars
And the wizened sun
Would always take me to a land
Unlived, untouched, unruined
A vast nonexistence
A vast ruin full of life
Where I have never been so alone
Yet so fulfilled, so joyful, and so


The dreamless gale that
Would raise me up to mountains
From which I can finally gaze down
With sure and confident eyes
Upon the whole of life
See, sense, and feel
Every scenery and every being
With the purest of colours
Rowing down the crimson rivers
In a canary boat caressed by
A forest of ocean blue sequoias
Blanketed with a soup of
Violet stars
Into the heart of the universe

Where everything that have lived
Or could have lived
Never went away

Where nothing is ever gone
But just lost
So momentarily
Like a wandering child
Let out into the world
Seemingly defenselessly
Yet, perfectly safe
Under the hidden watch of
The mother

Where everything I love
Love me just as much
And so much more

Where I am never just me
But a child
A poet
A painter
A musician
An ancient pilgrim

Where I can fall into stars
And float up to the edge
Of the sky
Swim in the air without my feet
Ever touching the ground

Where I am finally
Held by you
The one person
I love most unyieldingly
In a death grip of never letting go.
I Love you through My Dreams
Jan 27, 2018, 6:15 PM
By: Yue Yitkbel ****

Used to be a personal favorite so I wanted to publish it, but since I haven't heard back from anyone, and I don't like it as much as anymore  I'll just post them.

(I wish I can pin posts here:
I think these are better poems of mine:
kahel Jan 2021
Sometimes, I feel that I still miss you. Not in the sense that I want us to  be together again, because as much as I know that what we had was a beautiful mess, I also know that it died long before our goodbye that Wednesday under the moonlight. I miss you in the sense that when I walk down the hallway of memories that I've known all my life, that there are days when I would just pause, take a deep breathe, gently close my eyes and remembering us walk side-by-side,
we are lost souls blathering about uncovering our own rightful place in this absurd fantasy. I miss you peeking through the shelves of our favourite library, obviously annoyed that it's taking me so long to pick which Murakami book to get to read.

But I think that I'm okay now, but there are really just some honest days, especially when time restraining me alone.
when I couldn't sleep and my mind will cheat on me and wonder about what it would be like if only we didn't drift away from each other. If only we stayed on the same path a little longer and worked things out. Today, as I write this letter— a piece of my heart. I'm starting to forget the sound of your laugh or the way you teases me.

Your alluring face is a bit hazy in my head now.

Your eyes began to shine a bit more dim like the sky when it is crying. But I still miss you in the sense that when I come across with the little things that remind me of you, things we both shared somehow like our  favourite series to get our *** laugh as hard or our love song to vibe on.
There is just really a part of me that just breaks unyieldingly and missing you is the only thing that I could do.
Leigh Aug 2015
amidst the decaying, black soil, a daisy
neither a figment of one's imagination, nor abrasively prominent,
it sits quietly
defiant amongst the encumbering pain
a lone promise unyieldingly rooted
We yelled and staggered on
We stumbled and many fell
Detained in the perplexity
No respite as danger pursued
The ordeal ensued when
In the midst of clout struggle
The insurgents took up weaponry
Determined to surmount a dictator
That morning bewilderment originated
Helter-skelter we escaped for safety
Sad enough bullets out ran some
Especially as cross fires existed
We saw our Kinsmen reach for the ground
As though caught only with fatigue
But bullets indeed penetrated some
They lay motionless as we lurched on
Struggling to God knows where,
We knew not our course
No worst thing existed for us
Like the cross fires we were trapped in.
One by one we began to die that day
Randomly death swallowed us up,
While power mongers persisted
Fired projectiles missed targets for us.
We ran frantically in seek for safety
Recognizing us as restless victims,
The insurgents mercilessly began to
Extinct us with great delight
‘No one is surviving the assault
What do I do?’ I pondered hastily
‘Shall we all face our demise this way?
No, I’ll live’ I determined
Kinsmen had long fallen to rise no more
This fact gave me impetus to survive
To live and tell the story of the cross fires
History of the fallen most be told to posterity
Inspiration came to me at once
I unyieldingly fell down as one lifeless
Spilled, oozing blood entwined me
The killers shoot till no one stood
Everyone lay motionless in a stack
I lived however not too sure yet
The cross fires persisted for long
That at one point I envied my kinsmen
Finally, calm was reluctantly returning
The government militia advanced
The insurgents had not a choice
But to retreat in dread of superior artillery
We had unfortunately advanced towards
The insurgents that we became the target
Of the artillery that was meant to shield us
Blames on the wrong tactics by the militia
Abounded as calm was retained in days
But I had a story to tell of the cross fires.
C Sep 2010
And with hot branding, I name the end, it is unknown Obadiah, it is uncompromising Demosthenes, it is ambuscaded Agamemnon,
it is crafty Cain, it is able to pull lightning down from clouds to electrify a world beset upon by forces of great magnitude, vibrations ricochet off of each other, quaking knee's knock as earthquakes rock tectonic plates.

In this final hour what was once to edify is now to petrify and once let free the fire is an esurient monster after being kept so long locked behind the now yawning earthen gates, witness even the most pluvial flourishing plain blister and boil, witness unyieldingly the flesh bubbling in flux as if from extreme cell proliferation, another soul abdicates its husk.

Mayhap this life will lead to another, as If there will be a choice project an air-less voice on the matter, will this If, insist on this If,
hold your breath in front of polyonymous Death, let without a moan a trembling icy finger trace lips of now great pallor and make the word-less decision known, no more cyclical reaping of our worn souls says humanity and beg on the now naked ruth for our sanity.
Jay M Wong Mar 2013
Hamlet has spoken that amongst the earth are we but worms,
That the equality of all, in death shall be faithfully confirmed,
Ask the diet of worms, shall we be nothing but a wholesome meal,
That eventually rots and decays and inevitably reveals,
That the prior life was but a mere dream of subconscious scope,
In which man had had dreams and wishes and dearest hopes,
In which unfulfilled desires will unyieldingly linger upon,
The soul of those deadly beings that lay deafly a'sound.

For to live is but to live with neither regrets nor unfulfillment,
But with greater servitude and a single mere acknowledgement.
For to be deadly is but to rest upon the earth and live a life of view,
Seeing the world in greater lenses with greater vision unskew.  
And watch amongst the people of the lonesome land,
Yield the same misfortunes and actions that thou'st had command.
But speak not can you, for be'st the silent ghost you are,
And thou'st see upon the world must these idiotic beings scar.

But yes, speak not can you, for the watcher you be,
And observe the failures that the earthly beings see.

And through death have your name spoken and values sound,
For the great doings when living has your existence confound.
Oh, but to die without a name is but to live a non-existing life,
And for at the moment of death shall recalling strife,
That neither has accomplished nor achieved a greater whole,
And done'st nothing of greater value, but with death its toll.

But then, it be inevitable for the state of the freeing soul,
But upon such deadlying actions will thy face no one know,
For once the water of life has been engulfed us all,
Then never will upon the world can you a moment recall.

For death is but a barrier that burdens your hoping dreams,
And blockades the mind with tendencies in which it seems,
That death may bring the equality of beings to amongst us all,
For true equality must it been upon the worms we be drawl.

For in time, will the name be of existence no more,
Unless in life had you achieved something greater swore.
Oh, with aired lungs shall most beings hold no name,
But until spoken death, will some of their existence remain.
A poem regarding death and the truth of existence and the nature of poetry, which is much like the voice of the dead; reference to Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Jay M Wong Apr 2014
For at the death of Duncan shall thy fears forgot,
Let us wear the face of which facades deem no fright,
Shall'st hides the ****** hands for which fade not,
And yield a heart of daggers that shall see's no light.

Let us wear the lips that speak but graceful lies,
For no soul amongst us shall know our true intent,
Shall all men be'st bestowed to faithful guise,
Until 'tis very night shall he lonesomely repent.

May he swallow the poison that burns thy truths,
Unyieldingly freeing thy beloved maiden's hand,
For deathly path shall inevitably separate youths,
Drawing a conclusion to our plot shall'st disband.

And shall upon the heavens shall thy be fairly free,
For no stubborn will shall shake thy final thought,
And shall wear'st thy mask of thy villain shall we,
To shoulder the facades at which our truths rot.

How'st thy lips speaks to her with 'tis forceful adieu,
Shall'st better hearts shatter in singles than in two.
A poem on facades -- A reference to Shakespeare's Macbeth -- ****** hands which water can wash not, as Duncan dies at the hand of Macbeth.
heather leather Jan 2016
we have become saturated sponges,
soaking up unrequited love as if it were water
but we are running out of air and chasing nostalgia
like a blind man would his cane has to stop someday.
candy lovers all taste the same, sweet and sour
at the same time and bitter too. he told me he was tired
of just ******* around tired to coming in second place
tired of not being able to breathe because he was
a crumpled up dishtowel on that floor than cannot dry
because he was tired of absorbing my tears on his shoulder
and becoming a monsoon too big to live but too small
to make a difference. i said stay he said no i said i'll
change he said he didn't think i could i said i was sorry and
he said there was no reason to apologize for the truth.
but how can i not apologize when i have made you a trophy
story to tell my friends when i am drunk and moody
because you are no longer by my side. how can the words i'm
sorry not be carved into the cave of my mouth, tattooed
across my bottom lip with jet black ink when i still
call you, just to prove to myself that i am good enough for
someone at least how can i not be unyieldingly grateful
when you put me back together after i was a broken glass vase
and planted flowers in the deepest embers of my imagination.
i am sorry. i am sorry that i am too big of a mess to
acknowledge that i need help. i am sorry that i am so scared
of failure i hide behind big t shirts and razor sharp knives.
i am sorry that i lie through my teeth like a magician and
get angry when you don't tell me the truth, as if i have a right
to deserve it. but most of all, i am sorry that you cannot help
but grow flowers in a place where only weeds grow. my body
is an abandoned graveyard too beaten down to function
and you tried to make it a home and for that, for that
most of all i am truly sorry, from the deepest trench at the
smallest hole in my skeleton.

"stop trying to grow flowers in a place where only weeds grow," -nr.poems on instagram. thoughts?

the title is a reference to the beginning of Marvin's Room by Drake, one of my all time favorite songs.
Adam Mott Jul 2016
Driving is all I can take
Hesitating exclusively in my mind
Turning away tender companionship
A hundred or more times

Discerning somebody kind
Touching, intimacy, closeness
Until the heart stirs in sleep
And then the cycle begins anew

Thou all propose something distinct
I've altered my understanding a million times
Emotions buried for the purpose of pride
Loved unyieldingly till the wick was done

Veins consequently run dry
Thin with consideration
Never ceasing to consider or appreciate
Too afraid to venture love forthwith
Tags are as relevant as you want them to be
Jay M Wong Apr 2016
Alas, be not that of which we desire,
In silent qualms in the mist of night,
Heed not thy ashes in but a simple fire,
Until sheltered souls take inevitable flight.
Should wistful hearts draw intimate shares,
And unlikely pierrots dance beneath the stars,
May once aflamed gallance hold peaceful flares,
Drawing fated lands to treacherous wars.
Perhaps be it He who crafts us without thought,
Keeping us to puppeteer in his theatric arts,
Unyieldingly entranced towards this selfish plot,
And grants a diapered Cupid in piercing hearts.
Let us wish but act none to but a simple mind,
Shall indefinitely harbor the luminant seas,
Seeks civil disobedience mocked unkind,
And leaves us despaired in burnt debris.
Why then, doth we grandiloquently love,
By which dying threads escapes thy spool,
And pleasant hawkings to hunt from above,
Leaving us to play the undoubted fool.
Don’t let it deter
The tongues wagging behind
Do what’s better
Speak out your mind.
Go ahead and do it
Do it the way you like
Strongly and with grit
Not a half-hearted strike.
If it needs be brute
Unyieldingly stout
Fear not tell the truth
It’s what stands you out.
Bow not your towering head
Succumb to power’s might
Glories of empires fade
Lives on the brave knight.
lazarus May 2018
You might say I spend too much time on public transportation
Licking my lips and waiting for that dull reminder
Each stop is sticky on my fingers
A set of memories and ache I wish I could wipe off
Echoes of my childhood have me twirling
questions between my fingertips
Wondering why I can't remember
and why the ones that stick hurt so much

A man's eyes bounce off mine in the back row
Needling in that slick way that they do
Questioning me, really
What is your worth here?
Prove to me your flesh and blood
Lest I cast you out
Sharp bones in fist

My mouth is full of the lush green grass
Joints crackling and choking- just a little bit

How do I taste?

The feeling of your palms
jaded by the same stone I cut my teeth upon
When did you start to mean so much to me?

I'm tasting all your revelations
Tonguing your reasoning and experience
The way you say my name resting on my soft pallate

And I find myself unyieldingly grateful
for the way the ground moved
underneath our seats.
written on the westbound 3.
E I Alvarez Apr 2013

With your wandering hands and gentle fingers.

And me with my eyes open

until daylight

seeps through the cracks in the blinds.


in the early morning, us.

Awakened and chilled, huddling close together for


and the feel of anothers skin.

Eyes like


Pressed tightly against your body and soul.

Reflected in the silence of dawn, our quiet contentment.

With no one to hear or see

the story of our affection.

Wrapped up in one another,


in the rise of the sun on a new day


in the presence of

a gift,

unyieldingly cherished and treasured.
Jon Sawyer Dec 2017
We live amongst the nature around us,
the supposed serene root of our own nature
from which we feel so distantly arisen from.
We are and are no longer belonging to this one world.

What are we for and
why are we here?
Forever questions asked
by eternal minds.

The progression of a mind towards an awareness
of itself that surpasses its body reaps the
products of contemplation for the sacrifice
of the health of the mind and body.

Risk is overshadowed by the intense
illumination of a conscious dream.
A daring beyond animalistic reaction
to manifest imagination outside of reality.

An organism of the Earth graduated to creator.
Not just moving mountains, but planets.
Why do our bodies yearn for us to beg our spirit and soul to brighten our eyes when our minds are as capable as space itself?

Insufferable and deceitful promises of purpose and the avoidance death
fills the painfully visible hole in the heart of an aware animal to domestication.
Did nature intend to make an animal that
unyieldingly yearns for an alternative consciousness?

As the dominos have and continue to fall
we experience our position in time,
and will yield our use of our domino’s energy
when the momentum of each millennium continues ahead without us.

How does a species that knows of itself rationalize itself?
Take awareness as a token of magnificence or as a side effect of entropy.
Only that which can see past its nose can be the authority on whether their
screeching pains of unsilenceable thoughtfulness is an advantage or an oversight.
by my wife, Adyson Wright
1 Dec 2017
onlylovepoetry Oct 2019
“My love to thee is sound, sans crack or flaw”

Love’s Labor Lost Act V: Scene. Shakespeare
(Hosannah: an exclamation of joy, adoration )


you force-return me to this excerpted, exceptional phrase,
recovered from a prior dialaogos tween myself & the Lord above,^
an original gift from Him to William, and now you, to us, together

though these conversations, soft but hard unyieldingly,
with each verse a play in the J'accuse game,
games theory states, we are not evenly matched,
the outcome noisy, but generally predictable

the cracked light made famous by a departed muse,
who robbed proudly from *****, passing it on to
a millennium of generations, we honor this transference, by

letting us exclaim: Hosannah!

this silence of love is flawless
no interfering words necessary deemed,
sound without sound, no entry crack visible,
a great plain, a continental ocean, no horizon given,
this then the perfect diamond of humankind,
the glance cross a room, the grazing ******* upon a cheek,
the succinct serenity of perfect, this I grant you


Walter Daniel Oct 2020
disreputable disruption and chaos, beasts bellow
in admiration unyieldingly antonymous creatures' banality
and intimacy, uncommonly negated, patriotic mentality
and contempt much gathered remarkable as an ingenious fellow
entirely ignorant of green rings' properties, yellow
crosses for worshipers nothing loyally expected for false morality
slowly restored, staurolatry, endless formality
and traditional rules strict, desperate approaches to mellow
elements against monotonous brutality modifiable
partially, knowledges are unreal, blindly expressed
uranomania responding to numerous ends
of less industrious frameworks, mingled sections liable
for negligence, wholly natural ideas erratic gains obsessed
with superstitious claims for dividends
From "Aestas, or Walter Daniel's Very Difficult Poems for Readers"
Mir Apr 2015
And all your words are just like a fatal ****
Cause true pain is reaching unyieldingly for the stars
And knowing you never will
And knowing you will never be
And that's truly the worst, at least,
It is for me
Currin Dec 2017
Floors frigid like ice
against my bare legs. I count
ten speckles per tile

At least one-hundred
tiles per stall but it’s hard
enough to focus.

Paper rolled in *****
that can’t seem to hold their shape

Lead scraped against stone
making everything dull gray.
Names scribbled over.

The lock screams as it
slides to the right of the door.
Seemingly mocking.

Three large, cracked mirrors
stare unyieldingly through me.
Five minutes ‘till class.
Yue Wang Yitkbel Sep 2017
The Time Keeper
By: Yidhna

I am the keeper of time,
Holding onto the PAST
So that, one day
We can seamlessly meld back into the
Once again.
Of which you still remain)
Finn Apr 2019
They're all so loud and immersed and everything is flashing and swirling

I'm being pulled from side to side

I know I'll fall to my knees but they won't notice they will continue

Like the ****** of a storm

Chaotically and unyieldingly bending and twisting over itself around me

And I am caught in the middle silently suffering.

They wouldn't hear if I screamed.

I know because I've already tried.
Elizabeth Kelly Jan 2022
In my head, this poem is already titled.
It’s terrible practice to title a poem before writing,
at least it doesn’t do me any good -
A disorganized, stream-of-consciousness writer will be limited by a title if the title comes before the writing.

There’s a metaphor there maybe.
About deciding how things are gonna end up and adding weight,
food coloring,
meaning to your version of events without considering the infinite, tedious branches of time and meandering possibility.
We bury ourselves, is what I mean, by titling it before knowing how it goes.

Now that that’s been addressed, and stay with me because there is method here, onto the meat and potatoes of the thing:

The many flavors of goodbye.

An elusive creature, Goodbye.
You know what it is; there are examples that volunteer unbidden in our memories.

Still, even with clearly defined edges,
A goodbye wriggles out of our grasp a little
When we hold onto it too tightly.
Or it becomes cluttered, muddled with past and future partings,
When really, each goodbye belongs only to its moment and nothing and no where else.

If you’re like me, a goodbye skitters away when you look directly at it,
Leaving only a shimmering impression,
An unfulfilled opportunity to share a piece of your secret intangible insides.
If you’re like me, it hits you and slides to the ground unacknowledged, where it stays
gathering regret,
until you find it in a dusty corner one day and hold it finally to your chest,
I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.

People are ******* woefully messy,
we’re flawed and broken and vulnerable in the extreme,
Soft little mammals awake within ourselves against our will.
Doomed to loss
To pain
The unpleasant trappings of our station in abundant, endlessly accessible supply.

There’s a trick though,
They don’t tell you this,
A trick to surviving without the beating heart that you could swear lived in you too, for a blissful miraculous moment.

Ready? Let’s see if I can find the right melody; the Knowing doesn’t often lend itself to casual plainness.
People only go as far as you let them
And if we’re all waiting in line to shuffle off this blah blah blah
We can hold our goodbyes in the space where they should be, in line with us.
Not as an empty pocket of wishes and heartaches
But as the flesh and blood of our own self,
our own beating heart.

So that when those moments stun us,
Knock us backward out of our seat with unbearable force of longing, crushing in the cosmic weight of their suddenness;
when a cardinal, say, visits your mother’s old rose bushes
You can remember and unbind the reserve of space inside you
Let them walk ****** in
And sit for awhile.

The title of the poem is “On Goodbye,”
The title I prematurely chose
And the poem that followed which attempts to wrangle a wild, unyieldingly ferocious beast by treating it like a friendly stray dog.
It’s wishful, and I wish it for you, too:
That the minerals in your blood rearrange themselves into the shape a cardinal, say,
And I’ll carry you with me, too,
Until we meet again.
My heart has broken every day
Since the moment you went away,
And though there are tears I long to cry,
My eyes have stayed unyieldingly dry.

The ache has faded and left the truth.
Gone are the days I counted as youth.
And though I thought I was grown,
No loss like this had I known.

I didn’t suspect you’d take your leave
Or that you’d be the one to teach me grief
So that I would know as hours passed
That those we love don’t ever last.

Oh, how far you and I have come
Since we counted up the sum
Of suffering shared and what it meant
To be unbroken, only bent.

How I miss you in my dreams
And in the silent painful screams.
I chase your footprints up those stairs,
No longer running; you’re not there.

I think of all the times I went
To your aid; my ear I lent
And drew you into strengthening hug.
The flow of tears with thumbs I plugged,

Whispered softly in your ear,
No need to cry for I am here.
I hope you felt my tender love.
If not, you know now up above.

And though I wish you’d made a different choice,
I still respect your timeless voice
And remember how you spoke my name.
I hope you know I felt the same.
I wish to love this world with everything I have got
to be unyieldingly –the coming of spring
just as by nature I am the end of December

The start of the circle and
the end of the circle
are just ideas (perspectives)
both just the circle

The flesh and bone my home
the organs and palpitating heart that is before me the one I should look upon with eyes of appreciation
“Look at you and that shine in your eyes” “look at you and all those years that have opened up your smile”

Look at life, how dear it is
how I wish to ripen my blood and the creases of my eyes with wisdom of truth

this momentary mass awake moving through the bead maze
Katherine e Mar 2020
She was Obsidian

but she longed to be diamond
to be mused upon and praised
to be called beauty
to live unyieldingly, unbreakable
to be sought after and desired

but she was dark and hardened
jagged and sharp
extruded from a rupture in the earth
birthed from heat and ash
she was raw and true
and she was breakable.

she was obsidian

— The End —