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Michael Sorley Nov 2014
The sadness gets to much at times
Breathless, thought of depression hits without a trace
You're just another pretty face
Dancing with the devil never sounded so good

Betraying is just an act of being a coward
With the stench of regret stains the air
Nothing more then a mire feeling
Dancing among the failures of life

The taste of sin
The smell of greed
With blood tainted in black
Watch as the trusted become the untrusted
It's just the way life
wrote this poem based on my feeling of how I felt by being betrayed and some what lied to by someone
Poetic T Mar 2014
They peer through the cracks to what can be
seen, neighbours once were close but secrets kept
behind closed doors that only those who pass know
what it is.

In the days of old doors open, now
locks decorate each door as untrusted are those
called the neigbours or of those on the street.

Whispers whisk near each door of jealousy, untrusted
though gossip is the enemy. There is always the grumpy
nes that no matter how polite, they wish you never
moved in and will never think of you as the neighbour
there is no community.

Secrets some times heard through a window or
open door, which we turn a blind eye to as its
there problem nothing to do with me. neighbours
not my friends but not my enemy.
Mo Apr 2017
Blood to bone
it doesn't matter
All you see
is what I'm not
I don't do drugs
I hardly ever drink
and when I do
It's only a sip or two
But those sips to you
is like a drink or two
I do what I tell you
and nothing more
I tell you my secrets
and all that
Plus much more
But that doesn't matter
no matter what I do
I'm untrusted
Even though you deny
Within your actions it's all true

depressed annoyed untrusted
Seema Sep 2017
I've heard the gossips you've spread
I am hurt with the words and all these tears
Spitting venom to spin on threads
For the secret was buried for many years

The truth you twisted, so now I am characterless
But truth has always won hearts over heartless
For every mouth that speaks, wrong against me
Will be ******* on their own venoms, you'll see

As for you, a shameless trusted friend
I've always favored you in your down time
Now all has come to an untrusted end
Your deeds are no less than a childish crime...

Israel Ortiz Jr Jan 2014
I was fishing for a clue or the glue;
I can't remember which one. But I
found myself in black eyeliner -
feeling cold and blue, talking
gibberish and smelling foul. A
rot of a thousand clowns.

You circle me, shark-like. You
foolishly engage me with your
***** infused breath. I nakedly
Tango in my head - scream
inwardly, but I see bulls laughing
at me with untrusted eyes.

I vow never to be that stupid again.
Drifting beyond a state of here
nor there. A bleeding truth, dreams.
Have I gone way too far? I feel
the break from the heat, cool breeze.
The oven and its scent of fresh baked bread.

I am washed of my sins now, but I still
feel snakes in my bed. Or is it that I
am dreaming it? Bizarre! The fog has
covered my eyes - blindly. How will I
continue to cope with my own sickening
thoughts? No meds, just freelancing.

How do you deal with the highs and lows
of life? I imagine it and then put it down
on paper. For private eyes only. But soon
everything comes out to the light - exposed!
I settle in for the night and leave all my
worries for the morning.

Clearly, I never wished to be more - happier.
I think I just nudged myself awake!
Rita Feb 2012
I've never stood on this side of "unforgiveness" before.

A whole different kind of pain that I've known nothing about, ever, in my lifetime.

A place, I never dreamed I'd end up.
I'd never done anything unforgivable before, to anyone.
But here I am in this.. Place, time, diminsion...

A place so sad and Harsh, uncaring and cruel that it  rips apart my very worth, a day at a time.
Leaving all of me mangled, on memory's cold, dusty floor.

I see myself through your eyes and even I despise myself.
I'm locked inside inaccurate details that somehow become hard lined truth and fact without reason or exception.

Only worthy of the harshest punishment.

Truth doesn't live here in this tortured place of long halls of funhouse-like mirrors created by your mind.. imaginary demons distort even the purest memory of who I really am, and what I was to you.

I should simply no longer exist like this, in my Un-pardonable grave of disgrace.  
Non-deserving of even the smallest shred of mercy.

Through your eyes I am a worthless *****, a liar and manipulator and heartless...
Or worse...

A faceless, nobody that you never knew.

I hardly recognize myself in this distorted view.
But who am I to defend my own worth to one who once saw me worthy to love?

I'm not worth fixing now or worthy of defending.
I'm  just a unforgiven act that can never be redeemed.

You can't hear my screams or my telling you that this isn't ME!
It truly isn't ME!

I whisper "I'm sorry's" into the dark, until even I'm tired of hearing it.
Helplessly and hopelessly I fell into places I've never been before.  
The darkest side of hate and disgust.

I'm not worth your words anymore or worth hearing.
Scarcely worth a thought.
Cast out and banned far away from you.
Nothing more than garbage beside the roadway.

I am no more, my feelings are muted.
I'm out of sight and mind, therefore I don't exist.

I am in fact.. Nothing.

Your thoughts of hate so sharp that it penetrates my shattered heart.
I can't even feel myself breathe anymore.
Not dead, but not alive.

I wish that I could bleed or die, but that would give relief that I don't deserve.

Untrusted, unloved and carefully judged and sentenced to a silent hell of hatred and death, that no human should ever see or feel.

I used to love seeing myself through your eyes and now I have to close my eyes because I'm too scary and disgusting to look at.

Doomed,  better off dead, am I, than to live unforgiven in this dark, silent torture..
Hated by the same heart that once loved me before my fall from grace.
Unable to plead my case before the judge who charged my sins.

So cold and unfamiliar that I don't even recognize the heart that I once knew as the extension of my own.

Now banished to a
literal hell without a door.

Copyright protected
sankavi Oct 2018
I want to trust
but I can't
and I don't know if I ever will again

there was a time I trusted
far beyond the stars and moon

then one day it came crashing down like a meteor falling out of space
so out of place, it lies there broken
in an unknown place

here I am in a familiar place
not knowing where I am
who am i

i know everyone here not trusting a single soul
because they've all hurt me
always to leave

so here i am standing alone
in an unknown world
i don't want anyone

not anyone whos gonna leave
or hurt me
no one

id rather be alone
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2016
Earth to earth, Oh ashes to ashes and dust to dust,
How strange, how familiar, human connection is untrusted
when we awake, each passing day, knowingly that by sunset
Those words would be read out loud
Over an innocent, black brother’s grave site tonight
Too many tears, too many mishaps
who scattered those bullet caps,

Too, many innocent lives have been taken
By the hand of the nervous police,
Even The birds keep gliding in the air shows solidarity
In respect of the dead:
Some human wish they were like them they said.
A charge is one thing. A conviction is another
Black lives does matter.
Who pulled the trigger, which got the last laugh?
The innocent or the victims

More weeks of demonstration,
the fight for the white house continues with words not arms
Blood in the Inner City Streets, subways
and shopping malls, bias and frustration, sound the alarms

Who pulled the trigger, which got the last laugh?
The guns, or the victims,

My poetics tone this morning.
voice your opinion
Elaenor Aisling Jul 2022
Longing is trammeled in my throat
Oh the honeyed years
Before I knew what to miss,
Untrusted, unspoken
I exhale its blue haze
Between the last note sung
And the first note heard.
You are the wonted dream—
The consoling ache
Wearing away at softened bones
With every wish
Unheard, unanswered
The stars are so beautiful and so cruel
Our untethered threads
Adrift in the firmament
Yet untied.
My dear friend you are the betrayl in enimies,
My dear love you are the struggle in life,
My dear heart you are the untrusted in gossip,
My dear world I will watch you fall,
I will watch as we collapse,
Harmony Sapphire Mar 2015
Disregarded,  no thanks.
I no longer fall for the pranks.
I withdraw my cash from the bank.
On a scale of one to ten how do I rank?
Poverty stenches & stank.
Stale & untrusted.
Broken,  abandoned,  & undusted.
Defeated,  hobbled, & now rusted.
Felonies & misdeameanors busted.
Lawbreakers, corruded & crusted.

Marry a man with a job & a van.
Who does all that he can.
My secret wish on a shooting star.
To stop getting drunk at the bar.
A walk to his momma's house isn't far.

Work ethics get my kiss.
Employment was my wish.
Success is our bliss.

Like jawbreakers dangerous & senseless.
Civilization settlers & makers.
Pioneers,  homemakers, waiters, bakers, & Quakers.
The towns folk are usually broke.
Different walks of life is no joke.
Occupations & professions of a wife.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Pen Lux Jul 2015
feed me cherries
I'm feeling daring
shut out of caring
music's blaring
you're in my dreams
morphing right in front of me
moonlight dusted, coarse,
tip tap toeing
tip tap
tipping over and drizzling,
sizzling steam
let me scream
no one is listening
James Riddle Jul 2013
Hate so pure it scortches the ground
as I walk this dark, lonely road
The shadows feel my presence
and demons quake at the sight
Satan is to afraid to claim this wretched child
for it it more powerful than he

The Hate is pulsing through my veins
what has humanity done to me
a monster I have become
feared by everyone, wanted by none
forever cursed to walk alone
heartless, souless, I carry on

I am glad you fear me...
I am glad you hate me...
it shows me who I really am
an outcast, a misfit. untrusted, unloved
Only one has shown me kindness
then she to turned and joined the crowd

*A scepticle, they point and they stare,
but afraid they are to meet my gaze.
Am I as vile as they say, a creature so
crule that they fear him more than the
devil himself. the proof is in your faces
and if it is all true, then I am more than
happy to say Welcome To Hell
the danky of danky,
takin nd start bakin,
  smell's like a pear fruity so fruity.
you just go bake it,
Inhale, enjoy. relax deploy..
stay lit stay fit, Keep open

eye's open -
    be loe
                 they might even glow ,
glossy and slow
                  they  sure will all  know. and point you to blame,
the roach coach came and taught you the game.
lend me your lighter to make this flame brighter
heat up this fire and help you get higher,
you're mouth's a bit sticky I bet it taste's icky,
doe's it look white?.  you'll sure be alright .,
nick name to the cotton dry mouth tastes like rotton,.
awh, don't say where you bought it or how you got it.
I will be busted and you,
just untrusted.....

jessica  *applegate
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
A past corrupted.
Innocence & happiness is interrupted.
Evil & sin in this house has erupted.

Justice does not protect & serve.
Criminals never get the incarceration they deserve.
To do unspeakable crimes they have the nerve.

In Mexico....
To be some perverts ***.
Unreported child *** crimes bestow.
Law enforcement will never know.

Low priority cases never made it to the Hall of Justice.
Uncredible witness unrecommended.
My custodial declarations untrusted.

Too many  crimes to count on two hands with fingers of five.
Low lives with cheated wives.
In jails they are still alive.
The queen bee of their hive.

A trust destroyed & betrayed.
A little girls self-esteem frazzled & frayed.
In danger she stayed.
Clueless friends with daily she played.
In my bed at night beside me his sickness laid.
To sell my *** so he could get paid.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
they might even glow ,
glossy and slow
                  they  sure will all  know. and point you to blame,
the roach coach came and taught you the game.
lend me your lighter to make this flame brighter
heat up this fire and help you get higher,
you're mouth's a bit sticky I bet it taste's icky,
doe's it look white?.  you'll sure be alright .,
nick name to the cotton dry mouth tastes like rotton,.
awh, don't say where you bought it or how you got it.
I will be busted and you,
just untrusted.....

jessica     *applegate
Alodia Aug 2014
I was misguided by your love
tangled by your caress
which is sweet, anyways
opened the same door for years
cause I know what to find
how to find
where to find
behind the same door
paranoid with the trust
and the untrusted
hang in there for a moment
stuck and trapped
on the thing behind
you call it obsession
I call it devotion
I’m a custody behind bars
waiting to be punished for a long time more
and I’ll be there for whole my life
and this is not a threat
Sean Kassab Apr 2012
I reached into the night and touched the sky as a star fell heavy into this untrusted land. I caught it in my hand and it hit me at the speed of fright. I outstretched my palm to see this cradled light, this heat, it was a heart and I knew its hesitant beat through my bones. it was my own. Though it had blue eyes through which true beauty shone.  Its red hair so fair and fine wasn't mine, it wasn't mine but it's song was the same, it had a name. By chance it did dance a delicate ballet into my soul. I knew instantly then that I was made whole and that scars could subside with the healing of wounds. This gift, this boon, was without end in this delicate friend. Who whispered softy as the doves and touched me with a love so clean that I knew I was walking in a waking dream.
Anshula Nema Jan 2016
Can't they see I don't fit them?
Or do they just wanna prove how kind they are?
Like seriously?
I'm sick and tired of all the in house drama,
I can't fake those smiles anymore.
I can't!
But surely they can,
And will always do that.

I bet they can survive without me,
And it's gonna be hard for me.

But do I have a choice?
The answer is NO.
What if I don't make that choice now,
Would it hurt?
Making a choice is truly a choice,
And I have no other but this.

Faking a smile,
Faking a laughter,
Faking a friend,
Faking to be who I can't be.
Guess what, I'm done with them.
Like seriously done.

Can't they just come,
And say,
"We don't need you",
I would readily walk away,
Without complaining.

"BEST FRIEND", they tagged me,
Did they really mean it?
"We TRUST you", they said,
Did they really did?
"We NEED you", they told,
Did they really needed me?
These questions still remain unanswered,
And the funny part is,
They are gonna remain unanswered for forever.

"Stop!", I say to myself,
Stop being who you are not,
Stop being that rude to yourself,
Stop hurting yourself,

And that's how she died,
With some unanswered questions in her head,
With that fake smile,
With that untrusted soul,
With the tag of fake Best Friend.
**With her soul which was pure, yet misunderstood.
Be yourself, do not fake who you are not!
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Pride smiles while Envy laughs.
Subsides but does not last.
Contentment worthwhile.
Broken hearts shatter in half.
Misery mourns, crys, & dies.
Sobs our eyes rob.
Love his heart steals.
A fantasy is not real.
The date's last meal.
Uttering regretful words.
Believed & understood.
Undoubted & muted.
Disagreed & disputed.
Lies to confuse & offend.
No compassion or friends.
Disgusted & untrusted.
Abused & defiled.
Deceived & unstyled.
Ignored & not worthwhile.
Uncredited, feared, hated,
unsettled, ungeared, & debated.
Unpatience has waited.

Prostitutes will go anywhere, with anyone, at anytime, & do anything.

© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved,
Culpoetry Nov 2013
The week beginning
The seventh of the tenth
Twenty thirteens from my final death

Wings clipped now, time is done
Madness has manifest
straight after sweet love

Scouring the undertow
dusky and dusted
I dream of the willow
pure yet untrusted

I envision a broken halo
charred, shattered and rusted;
utterly finished, diminshed
as if we have never lived

All this respect we had claimed and craved
Caught our fire and went up in frames of flames

And the lie that called us all to see
Eye to eye has fallen three degrees

So if you hear the sound of my voice again,
then know I'm three thirteens, awaiting death
You who has shown me everything
in every way,
by blessing me with such love,
bestows me with knowledge of you
my love ...

My benevolent heart, and your gentle smile
makes me cry with joy, in our crowning city
that will spark the nocturnal flame.

You stand firm against my heart
what is cherished on this earth.
My eyes speak tongues like Saints
in accents of sweet
passion ...

Bit by bit my passion
your presence becomes a stairway
embodied by your image
that sealed my sacred adoration
within the true inspiring love ...

My time on earth will be bound with heaven
and its industry supreme wisdom
and power, the pleasing light
that passes through the portal of my soul
that brightens with your proud
towers of love ...
As I untrusted my heart to you...

Debbie Brooks 2014
Alan S Bailey Mar 2017
Forgive me...
I have "spoken wrong" again, been unjust with my words
Forgive me...
I have been eccentric, I haven't followed your personal ideals
Forgive me...
I am on a path to the other side, I am drinking
this "poison" down, it will be my own "undoing"
Forgive me...
Somehow these activities have been the grease
which lubricate the "devils wheels"
Forgive me...
I am underneath all "normalcy," I have seen things
that the children "should not ever see"
Forgive me...
There is a path I have tread upon that bares your mark,
I didn't see the mark before hand but "knew better"
Forgive me...
You are the one! You will show me the way, I am yours
to ****** upon all knowledge both right and wrong
Forgive me...
I will always be in your shadow, I am poor but still
I have "spoiled myself" with work that is lesser

~You will never say two simple words,
they are beyond your comprehension~

~You the "mature," "wise" old one with years of
learning and "pure" precision~

~I am always in your debt, you never need me,
I alone make the untrusted decision~

The two words you would never say are simple:

*~I'm Sorry~
Here goes...! Well at least I tried!
Many  a times,
A door of imagination
Pretendingly kept open
To allure
To steal the emotional waves
Mocked and gained...
Be aware
Somebody is watching you...

Marshall Gass Feb 2014
I came from nowhere into the sunlight bright
staring harsh at the way it looked when released
from the thick of dark  dank  open spaces
of the mind like skyscrapers
looming in awe at unopened alleyways.

Writers and Poets with dark and dense language
lurked on every page offering
wisdom and wonder at all that existed
and I was taken aback by the grit and gristle
of their tongues in torture and bonehard
determination to say things real and true.
My first lesson was obedience
at the citadels of learning.

Soon the words began to form and fix
in the minds eye, each picture drafted
in the souls eternal fire of seeking solace
from within a lone slim space of knowledge.
We were wild then, travelling in jungles
where beasts roamed with hookahs and chains
and belted the night with rabid beats
of rhymes and rhythm bongo drums
that cascaded through waterfalls of lust
and loneliness.

woodstock soon came around with a growl
from Hendrix and a soulful guitar solo
that lifted our energies beyond mud
and music into higher ground where
love and peace co-existed with boundaries
and lines of policemen with batons.

Soon we loved each other on the streets
of shame uncaring for the masses that lay
strangled by traditions of the old
and battered regimes. Our music carried
us into a universal song which started
then and never stopped four decades gone.

what we started in those freedom years
still parades the streets of our individualism
today with a different costume.
The shackles that we unchained
were replaced by those who felt burdened
by the guilt of freedom and excess.

Even today the Capitols burn with angry mobs
tearing political fences and building barricades
of stone hard determination and raised fists
in defiance of subjugation and slaughter
as they race towards a wide open gate
where walls and ****** windows do not
get them down fast enough.

The cities will continue to burn
to mark the decades  we bled loose
the power from dictators armoured carriers
and concubines of greed and injustice
as we ourselves built shells of steel
around our embattled homes and liberties.
Freedom is a right. It will be fought.

In every continent there burns a bonfire
lit by few that smoulders and shudders
in the rubble of military might
but that will not deter the protection
and peace. The bonfires are fed by the few
who boiled their blood in their thinking
for all the others.

Over the radio and tv promises will
echo hollow and insipid as the faces
of the masters who seem impervious to pain
and unwilling to smear the ashes of their own born
against their foreheads of power.

A time will come when peace will settle again
and the rousing reception of rain bearing
clouds will cool the tempers of the trusted
and the untrusted.

We will soon be gone but we leave a legacy
of will that will course through the veins
of our children and grandchildren
and for years to come the poems
we write will stand testimony to the demons
we locked back into the cages of the past.

The power to pen will return to the people.
Takes you back to journey for freedom that started in the early 70s and still rages.
Powerful you are and Almighty is your name;
Heaven being your dwelling place
And earth thy creation.

Since my childhood, I’ve heard of you
As savior, mighty, redeemer and everlasting
I thought all those shall come to pass
As days fade away and time goes.
I believed there’s an end to everything
But none of my thoughts were true.

Only because…
You are the unchanging changer;
The uncreated creator;
The unseen seer; and
The untrusted trust.

My childhood days are over
And you’re still called Jehovah
You’re nature’s antonym
When days becomes nights and darker;
Instead of being powerless and older
Amazingly that’s when you become powerful and bolder.

For your constant nature O’ God,
Almighty God still suits you well even today.
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
I came from nowhere into the sunlight bright
staring harsh at the way it looked when released
from the thick of dark  dank  open spaces
of the mind like skyscrapers
looming in awe at unopened alleyways.

Writers and Poets with dark and dense language
lurked on every page offering
wisdom and wonder at all that existed
and I was taken aback by the grit and gristle
of their tongues in torture and bonehard
determination to say things real and true.
My first lesson was obedience
at the citadels of learning.

Soon the words began to form and fix
in the minds eye, each picture drafted
in the souls eternal fire of seeking solace
from within a lone slim space of knowledge.
We were wild then, travelling in jungles
where beasts roamed with hookahs and chains
and belted the night with rabid beats
of rhymes and rhythm bongo drums
that cascaded through waterfalls of lust
and loneliness.

woodstock soon came around with a growl
from Hendrix and a soulful guitar solo
that lifted our energies beyond mud
and music into higher ground where
love and peace co-existed with boundaries
and lines of policemen with batons.

Soon we loved each other on the streets
of shame uncaring for the masses that lay
strangled by traditions of the old
and battered regimes. Our music carried
us into a universal song which started
then and never stopped four decades gone.

what we started in those freedom years
still parades the streets of our individualism
today with a different costume.
The shackles that we unchained
were replaced by those who felt burdened
by the guilt of freedom and excess.

Even today the Capitols burn with angry mobs
tearing political fences and building barricades
of stone hard determination and raised fists
in defiance of subjugation and slaughter
as they race towards a wide open gate
where walls and ****** windows do not
get them down fast enough.

The cities will continue to burn
to mark the decades  we bled loose
the power from dictators armoured carriers
and concubines of greed and injustice
as we ourselves built shells of steel
around our embattled homes and liberties.
Freedom is a right. It will be fought.

In every continent there burns a bonfire
lit by few that smoulders and shudders
in the rubble of military might
but that will not deter the protection
and peace. The bonfires are fed by the few
who boiled their blood in their thinking
for all the others.

Over the radio and tv promises will
echo hollow and insipid as the faces
of the masters who seem impervious to pain
and unwilling to smear the ashes of their own born
against their foreheads of power.

A time will come when peace will settle again
and the rousing reception of rain bearing
clouds will cool the tempers of the trusted
and the untrusted.

We will soon be gone but we leave a legacy
of will that will course through the veins
of our children and grandchildren
and for years to come the poems
we write will stand testimony to the demons
we locked back into the cages of the past.

The power to pen will return to the people.

Author Notes
I come from a generation that tasted freedom from traditions in the best way possible. Four decades on that unshackling still unfolds.This poem talks of that transition. It is long and will continue on and on until that bonfire subsides!
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
derelictmemory Jun 2015
You let things fall through the cracks
Watch them slip away
Watch them float to the ocean floor

              Lost words.
                                    Last words.
                                                          ­Unsaid words.

But gripping too tightly breaks things
Crushing memories
                                     Crippling silence
Holding on for longer than necessary

No wind is strong enough
       No amount of time is still enough
             No conversation lasted for long enough

I love you.
                    Not said enough.

Unwired, untrusted
Unfinished, undone
Colour me foolish,
                                  colour me blind.
Colour me foolish,
                                  colour me blind.

Stories have been written about misfortune
Tales have been told about loss
But it didn't prepare me for this
       it didn't prepare me for this

Being irrevocably in love
          and never knowing
                  never knowing

Too little; time
             ­     words
                  memories.          Too late; time
                                                            ­    hours
                                                       ­         days
                                                   ­             words
                                              ­                  memories.

Are you even listening?
        Did you ever pay attention?

"I could never leave you...
  I'm so sorry..."
                                              "I love you..."

The end.
                The end.
                                 The end.
                                                  The end.
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
An old heart unused & rusted.
A sinister mind ignored & untrusted.
Don't turn your back on evil.
Your instincts is to trust what you feel.
Use your eyes to detect who is wise.
Use your mind to search for love to find.
Use your heart to become someone's sweetheart.
Use your voice to make your own choice.
Use your ears to lead a path you steer.
Use your nose to attract who you chose.
Use all your senses to dissolve your fearless fences.
Value your original thought.
Cursive is no longer taught.
Happiness is a joy for a girl & a boy.
Respect is not a persuasion.
Self-esteem to let your aura gleam.
Anger is hatred with steam.
Peace is your soul's release.
Suicide is not a lesson.
Loneliness is depression.
Strength in yourself you have to find.
Fear is a weakness of a feeble mind.
Love is a feeling of admiration.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
When he told me he was in love with me, I didn't sweat it
Tomorrow he will probably say he has realized new things
And has had a change of heart
He is a roller coaster
A light switch
I feel bad that I do not take him seriously
He is human, but he does not let himself seem human
Therefore I do not feel bad that I do not feel bad
It makes sense if you think about it
I'm dying inside.
My soul inside is dimming
Other entities ride me like a motorbike.
Out and made an example of for all of mankind.No pride.

Crashing my soul into a brick wall.
I have too much physical and mental pain
To keep pretending
with all of my strength
Not to fall.

The dark people
who bash you about like Raggedy Andy
Deny their acts
You feel untrusted and crazy.
A "toy" that is sweet, to them, like "Candy."

I cannot prove my worth to deaf ears
Nor blind eyes
I pay my dues
Who knows how to silence these fears?
I want to run.
No way to go.
I wish to end it and fly into the Heavens
No bravery to finish what my mother started.
Am I lazy for needing to rest?
Or am I destined to be the failed "dearly departed?"
They said stay away like I was allergic to her presence....
Whispered quiet warnings of her guaranteed disappointment...
Lied about her intentions so to make her untrusted....
Made her a villain in my "story" and wrote her off...
But when she got close she made me feel like I was addicted...
Her presence made her whispers seem so priceless ...
Now she seems so trusted I intend to make her mine...
To me the. Story became about us if only for a chapter...
And now addicted to her love I could almost say....
She made me live happily ever after ...
Jayme Sep 2018
"But I love you!" She cried as he walked away,
The lies she wore like a skin had lost their sway.
All the twisted tales she'd spun,
All the stories she'd told come undone.
Now all that was left was this one small claim,
This claim that her love for him was what's to blame.
He laughed at her supposed despair,
Their twisted relationship was now beyond repair.
He had believed those splendid tales she'd wove,
She had grown attached to her lying trove.
She hid behind her lies like shields,
They betrayed her and weakened the truth they concealed.
They hurt her and deemed her untrusted,
The truth she hid grew more and more rusted.
Until "I love you" was the only phrase she trusted.

— The End —