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Gracie Knoll Dec 2016
Princess Leia, we bid thee bye
May the Force be with you as you fly
Through unforgetting hearts and minds
As Empires fall & the Rebells rise
Your story unfolding before our eyes

We look at your legacy of New Hope
How you melted the heart of Han Solo
Risked your life to save the galaxy far
Did your part destroying the Death Star
And in your heart forgave that vile Darth Vader

Such a person we shall remember
Rest in peace Carrie Fisher.
RIP Princess.
Magdalynn OLeary Mar 2012
You are like
the smoke left
on my clothes
after a bonfire

summer’s salty sweet
taste still sticky on
warm skin

are the last breath
of autumn sunset
so pink
once orange
slow to disappear
off the horizon

you’re winter’s
chilly breath
all the way to
the center of
my feeble heart

thump thump thump
like the springtime
again and again

pierce me with your sweet
green dagger

dragonfly wings
unnatural beauty

you my
slow season

my wanton

8 month
long lost

sweet girl
how I missed you

late summer

soul sweeper
Rlavr Jun 2013
I want you to understand
How long two years is
Seven hundred thirty days
Longer than five hundred, but less that one thousand
Two years is the chorus of Seasons of Love,
Sang twice.
Two springs
Two autumns
Two winters
And two summers.

Two years is the curving and twisting path
That leads up
To the crests and valleys of triumph and frustration
Which, ultimately,
Leads back to your eyes.

The summer breeze used to smell of you
But, in these two years, it smells like defeat and
Regret and remorse and
Climate change and my sneezes.

Winter used to take me back
To your penmanship
Your bold faced, shouted, loopy cursive
Declaring that yes, you love me
And that you hope that I like this book.
Winter now, is cold solitude
That seems to never fully dissipate
Not even for a moment
In two full years.

I don't remember spring,
Or autumn
You were never in the liminal.
You were black, or white
Unstoppable, or silent
Hopeful, or bitter
All solstice
And no equinox

Two years is as long as the strands of your influence
And the reach of my memory
Which I try to hold out to and touch
But it is intangible, and vague
So I flinch away

Two years is the quiet ambivalence
That penetrated all the levels of my consciousness to no end
All you, you
Always you

Two years is the pain of recall
The suffering of unforgetting
Which cannot be drowned out
By bitter alcohol in the throat
Or burned out
By fire in the back of the tongue

I remember you told me
That you were scared of pain.
I told you I live for it
And you called me Optimus Prime
So when you wonder
Why I never called
It is because I am Optimus Prime,
I will die, if you ease the pain
As I have lived for two years.

I want you to know
That I am not sorry.
At least not today
When your name is mentioned in the TV,
I switch channels
Because they almost always say that you are dead
Which is half-credible.

How long is two years?
Long enough, I guess
But not nearly long enough to forget your words,
Or find someone new.
I remember not stopping writing this until the last word.
abysmal Sep 2013
Waking up next to you is scary.

And before your vehement self-loathing causes you to interpret this as an insult; I'll explain what I mean as best as I can.

I'm scared because I always wake up before you; and I know that all I'll want to do is watch you.
That's dangerous because it only makes me love you more.
The way you heavily breathe through your mouth as a result of a congested nose, the way the relaxing and contracting of your intercostal muscles cause your small body to bounce up and down in a perfectly rythmatic manner. The way your heartbeat fills the entire room. So much so that I have to susurrate the bed sheets to mask the sound so my unforgetting heart doesn't fall any deeper into the enigma that is you.

Then you wake up.

You look at me with disoriented green eyes and matted brown hair and smile. You smile at me exactly the same way I've been smiling at you for the past ten minutes.

It's scary

Because by that point the clamorous sound of your heart beat is quickly replaced by mine. Sometimes I'm scared that you'll hear it. And you'll know.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
Scott took a slug of his beer, reached
deep into the breast pocket of his coat, and
pulled out an empty pack of marlboros.
He flipped the top and was distraught
when he saw the empty space where
his addiction should've been hiding.

As he shrugged his way into that coat,
which has warmed him for years, he thought:
Jeez, these sleeves are ******* cold!
He told Vince, the immortal barkeep, that he'd
return ever so briefly as he stepped out into
the weighted rains and ceaseless winds.

Making his way down the road towards the
inevitable gas station while counting his
dollars and cents, Scott is blinded to the world.
But a seventh sense strikes him suddenly
and he hears his neck creak as he looks up,
over, and across the busy street.

Wait, he thinks, how did she get here?
yet there she stands alone on the corner.
I'm drunk, the thoughts roar, she's no more..
Cars and trucks cut through his vision and
she is but an afterimage, her dripping hair
blowing in the unforgetting winds.

She's gone man, his mind screams to him,
but it's his eyes that deter potential lies.
He actually sees her over there, even meeting
her own eyes in an endless moment of futility.
Whispering incomprehensibly to himself
he steps towards her, onto the street.

That's when life becomes shrouded in
screeching tires and burning brakes,
and Scott forgets all about his smoke break.
That's when life becomes darkness,
and she fades away into the rain as
a bus paints the road with his brain.
Celia Sep 2018
Sitting here, next to you,
Side by side, as idle equals,
A girls heart is not as tough,
A boy's hands are just as rough.
We play and laugh, you make me cry,
I truly think I might just die.

Sitting here, next to you,
Side by side, as idle equals,
Gonna lose me at the drop of a hat,
No, I’m worth more than that.
Make me think I’m letting you down when I say no,
I think I’ll lose you altogether if I say go.

Sitting here, next to you,
Side by side, as idle equals,
You say that I am special, but we both know I’m not,
And you get what it is, that notch that you want.
I forgive you, and go on, with my unforgetting mind,
Don’t you know that I’m really not gonna be just fine?

You start to wonder what it was that you did that blew it,
The truth is we know, what you did and why you do it.
Make me feel like nothing, like trash, like ****,
Funny how I’m the one who always takes the hit.
And sitting here, next to you, two lives whose manor will never cross,
I know now, that we will never be idle equals.
This is dedicated to every person out there that has felt this way in a relationship. In the moment it's always hard to see a way out, but once you find the exit you take it and never go back.

Forgeting is easy, Forgiving is hard.
mads Jan 2012
I'm going to make a collage
of all the things you never said
to me
And burn it.

I'm going to put all the pictures
of us together
in a folder
and burn it.

I'll make a list
of sentences
of words
that i remember
you spoke
and burn it too.

I'll compose an array of feelings
smiles and tears
that you left with me here
and burn it.

And if I could
I'd take every memory
from my
unforgetting mind
leave them in this house
and if I could
if only I could
I'd let fire consume this house too.
Overwhelmed Jul 2011
from silent thunder
breeds thunderous

the rain is following
like I feel it should

there was a day like this once

perhaps the most
important day of
my life

but that day is gone
and so is the feeling,
the happiness,
and the

the rain was just
like this

I was just like


so there’s the rain


to you,
my old friend,
I bid goodnight
and good
This digital screen, these provisioned dreams for our collective conscious
What a glorified team, this planet
it's rulers
All painted and standing in blood coated sand
from conquests;
Met with unforgetting eyes
they birth wolves that howl in the day
only to speak their own name
as the world
and no one else

Cherish me
my hidden pride
I know you're there
beyond my self concerning sorry soul
and beyond my self control
as I was born
in front of this digital screen
as some dream of
for myself
of myself
and unto thyself

it's time to cut that out
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
His mouth was sickly twisted in an eternal smile
His upper limbs were disgustingly vile;
all torn up and lifeless
Just hanging about,
like two drunken men passed out

His upper torso was bare for all to see
It was misshapen and cut in slices from left to right
As if in punishment for some ill gotten deed

His eyes were open, looking about
Taking in his surroundings with an unforgetting gaze
His feet were crushed together in a strange way
His legs were covered by the maggots of death
that wriggled about him feasting on his flesh

He lay there were I had left him
In his eternal sleep
For I killed him, happily
Releasing my anguish on his youthful soul
As I look at him now
I can only, laughingly, think one thing:
What a morbid scene
Do you remember
When you confessed
About the strange woman
Do you remember
How you cried and begged
For my forgiveness
Thats how I feel
Every single day
Guilty shameful
Sorry and regretful
Do you remember that feeling
Like your heart was broken
Because you hurt me
Thats what its like now
I'm broken because
My past can't be erased
And I hurt you
And I feel that shame
That heartache
I feel like
My mistakes
Shouldn't hold us back
But its all they do
They bubble to the top
Of your unforgetting mind
And can't be washed away
Or stirred in
For the time we were together
I buried those painful memories
Because I had something new
Something real and wonderful
And now you released the memories
Like they werent three years ago
But just last week
And I stew in my shame
And I wonder
Why it feels like this
Because I was faithful
And yet that fact is so insignificant
Im sorry for my sins
Im sorry that i was lonely
And nothing and wanted
To be wanted
Im sorry I laid there instead of fought
Im sorry they never asked me
If its what I wanted
And just took
But you should know something
I made a promise to God
That I would never again
Lay there and take what I didn't want
That I'd try to be stronger
And I've kept that promise
And I plan to for the rest of my life
I told God I was sorry
And that im not who i use to be
And that I was thankful
Because I changed only when you saved me
And he started answering my prayers again
Because the reason I didnt believe in him
Once upon a time
Wasnt because I doubted him
But because I fear He saw me
And ignored me by not bringing you back
Because at first I prayed for you
And then I stopped
Because I lost faith not in Him but myself
I degraded myself into nothing
And I feared that He couldnt help
Or wouldn't after what I did
So I turned my back
And I've asked for forgiveness
And He gives it every time i breathe
And He gave me forgiveness
And showed me He was there
Because He gave me what I wanted all
Those lonely years
He gave me time with you
And I know that this wont change anything
Because nothing will
You want fairness
Even if it ruins everything
Your willing to feel that shame
Willing to commit that sin
With a soul you dont love
To take revenge
On what God forgave me for
To take revenge on a girl
That has long since been dead
And I understand
I really do
But that doesnt mean
It doesn't **** me inside
Not because what your gonna do
But because what your gonna feel
Your gonna feel that shame that I do
Every time you think about it
Or whenever its brought up
And I just dont want you to be unhappier
Because you thought it could fix things
Because I dont think thats how it'll be fixed
I think WE need to work on it
Remind each other that
We have so much together
Too many memories and dreams to just ****
I think we can fix things
Not with other people
But with each other
And with God.
somewhere where they are aware

put aside
fields of clay

inside, you
surround weathered strides

who can I
float alone towards

devise a
pearl reject


an ocean
not regressed

for nothing

all at once
Erianna Hill May 2015
The rhythm of life so fast, the beat so contagious.
The harmony wonderfully ear-pleasing, the note on one accord.

The waves of life turbulent, the motion so changing.
The ride a beautiful crashing sight, the current a fierce pull.

The color of life so varied, the lens so resolute.
The shade magically mobile, the hue slightly wavering.

The heartbeat of life so steady, the lungs so pink and full.
The brain magnificently retaining all, the body fully functioning.

The possibilities of life so many, the opportunities so endless.
The experiences psychologically mentoring, the stages slowly passing fast.

The pen of life so permanent, the pages so stained.
The story so irreversibly absolute, the book a never ending continuation.

The reality of life so hazy, the consciousness so unforgetting.
The love so heartwarmingly touching, my existence fleeting.

And when dust returns to dust, I  pray that I am remembered.
effie ebbtide May 2018
where do i even begin? to point
into five outward points is an idea that
only translucent particles of nothing or everything
can enjoy with real, unwashed hands.
the glassy revery of daffodils

and powers of numbers stretch
to an aether, a void worth unmentioning, unforgetting,
reforgetting and rementioning.
i say goodnight, even if we're already dreaming,
and maybe the night might undo its amnesia.
md-writer Apr 2019
traitorous brother of mine
unseen like splinters
and deeper than mines
unloved, unlovely
a speaker of wind
blow on the coals and
destroy every

crashing far below upon
a shore of molten ore,
that symphony of silence
stares and swiftly
takes the gore

laughing gods of
cruel men,
take and leave no rest
for them
to slave for in the night.

Heart's beat fast
like horses
running from a flood,
to lift all other dangers
far above one burning sun.

Agony lives in those souls
with dry and crusted tears,
layered by the thousands
for the simple
earthen spore.

Life or death, it's spreading
and there's nothing left to do,
unseeing eyes have turned away
and listening ears are

Spitting gods of fire,
the infinity of war,
simmers slightly, spatters,
while scented candles bore.

Deeply into nostrils flared
the sacrifice abhorred
by man and all the kindnesses
of aelven daughters
to please a god.

This doubting rustic
truth obscures
no dragon fuels his love
for dreams;
but listing warily
that ship's a parchment breaker,
a far, long way from home

Desire, sweet god,
defining every ordnance,
every lyre's sweet undoing
with sicknesses
of the heavy-laden soul:
deep delight in all
forbidden things
well up, and godly grief cannot
unstopper such a harsh
and human
drugging of the mind.

God! Above! You sit,
we sink; you smile,
we wilt, into the cracking
hopelessness of helpless other men.
Devour us all, you light of glory!
Let the fire of your spirit

Disgruntled murmurs,
death's gaze green
- the envy of his duty
slipped away by soft

All wrong, the world creaks
around the miracle imposed
like so many crystal shards
pressed in and yet
not bleeding.

One of us, you say,
He's come and living,
a miracle of flesh and bones
and spirit-filled

No, you lie.
I won't believe such nonsense,
for the aloes are away,
no sweet syrup salve exists
to balm my broken sores.
You lie.

Devils laugh in whispered
lurking just behind the mind,
undoing tiny winglets
from the bodies
of God's flies.

Unimagined terror, and the
worst of your bad dreams,
fall like heartless bits of honey
on the putrid flesh of

...these broken children
sitting huddled up,
bitten off on every side
like the cookie crumbles - gently -
when you **** the sweet

Happy little dancing feet
will never come again,
not now or ever near to me
I'm dragon-born and

It's my own curse come back,
my sensible defeat,
the folly of a tongue unchained
with hideous things to speak.

Tearing ribbons off my hand,
I reach up for twinkling sky,
for one last breath of sweet
dear light
before the grant to die.

Unknown above, the stars blink out
the universe is winking;
and false-patterned light comes
closer to the wreckage of my

The eyes of angels glowing,
the scent of suns unseen,
of walking in the forests of the
long-forsaken sheen.
Planets breath their last - expire -
and stars are broken clean,
but still they slip like shadows
towards this darkened piece of

It's all the last things
that long followed,
all the final thoughts unseen,
as the miracle of flesh and bones
is lifted up and freed.

Lift your eyes up to the heavens,
let my goodness filter clean,
open all the cracking corners
of your god-forsaken being
till the end.

Laughter sounds a bell-toll,
listen for the second strike,
yet the hammer never falls
for I have travelled
into night.

Confusion cramps its
elbows in the corner of my
and the god of heaven's thunder
laughs beside him. He is mine.

his wounds are flowing freely,
the ****** balm sweeps over me.
I gasp - the burning agony
of every sting revealed.
Blood for blood and
stripes untold,
every fraction that they hold,
weeps into the ravening
of unforgotten, unforgetting

April 5
Po Jan 2017
Farewell, I said;
I bid you goodbye
Then, I let out
A deep, troubled sigh

Because I knew
That you were the kind
Who could never leave
My unforgetting mind
Please give me feedback about the poem :)
Chloe Hunt Nov 2018
Out of place
Lost in a world of dark
Craving for a taste of adventure
But never enough
This is me

In love with a guy who won’t last
A world full of unforgetting lust
Craving for attention that doesn’t seem to pass
This is me

Confused on who I want
A world full of questions
Shamed of the things I have done
My body a piece of jewelry
My mind automatically tries to flaunt
This is me

Moving from one party to another
A world full of sin and temptations
Craving to say yes when I should say no
This is me

Heaven in my heart but hell on my breath
A world full of light that isn’t promised yet
Craving for redemption
I never end up getting
This is me

where they are aware

place inside
my field of clay


surround weathered strides

who can I
float alone towards

devise a
pearl reject


an ocean
not regressed

for nothing

all at once

be it freak show
or sacrilege

Larry Dixon Nov 2017
Having these amazing feelings invade my mind.
Trying to find something I don’t believe is there.
These feelings are of wondrous kind.
But often lead to dispair.

They set forth a perpetual emotion of wonder.
Something that warms my heart.
A feeling that hits me like thunder.
I’m afraid I’ve been hit by cupids dart.

So intertwined around it’s core.
So lost in such a familiar setting.
But you’re the one I adore.
And these feelings are so unforgetting.

This feeling is sometimes unbearable.
But most of the time it’s not so terrible
John Doe Oct 2017
enchanting light can guide you in darkness, quell your fears.

she's hot, will warm those who respect her But burn those who don't.

A light with an unforgetting luminous glow

When you look at her you smile from the way she brings back good memories

Some get lost in the way she dances in the wind agents the darkening sky

She was a beautiful kind of chaos
Jennifer thomas Sep 2017
I see you see me
Familiar, unforgetting
Like a child coming home
Every fault in my crack
Every line in my detail
I see me beautiful
Rhan Vincent Jul 2020
Feeling that you're still with him?
Its frustrating.
The feeling that she loves him and she doesn't likes you...
Its kind of annoying.

And the moment I knew that you left him.
That was satisfying.
But the feeling that you're with me.
Its exciting.

The feeling that you got your crush to like you back
It is Amazing!
The feeling that you loved me and you said I love you for the first time...

My heart is racing,
My lungs are pounding.
That moment.
Its surprising!
Yet its unforgetting.

Realizing that we could be a thing.
And were under the moon and stars, your beauty is so captivating, and I'm literally mesmerizing.

But seeing you hugging him that night.
Maybe your getting back tonight?
My feelings are deeply hurt inside.
Well I'm mad but I have no right...

Drowning in a sea full of tears.
I thought we could've lasted for years.
Well cheers!
Let's drink some beers!

I hope this memory disappears!
Even if you're near,
A few blocks from here,
Let's make things clear.

I was there!
When you needed someone.
I was there!
When you were crying all night.
I was there!
When you need to open up something.
I was there!

But reality hits me.
Who am I? To get jealous?
Who am I? To love you?
And who am I? To stop the both of you.

It was all a dream,
I was assuming.
You don't even like me.
I was not the one that you're seeking
That it hurts so much!
That I'm regretting.

And I thought that we could be a thing.
We could workout as something.
I really thought that we were a something.
Something special to each other.
But you guys are something,
Someone who are meant to be.
That is not for me.
You guys are really something.
A pair, a perfect two that made us nothing.

Deep inside,
My heart is breaking.
My heart is Aching.
I don't know the words to say it but its literally
The feeling inside like its splitting.

I keep on overthinking.
This is just getting worst.
I should be sleeping.
But I remembered we just go and on, all night talking.

Even if the sun is up,
Were still not stopping.
I thought Our love will last,
I was Hoping.

"I miss you!"
That was our greeting.
That was the very first thing that were sending,
And receiving.
However I didn't said good bye to you.
All I said is I truly love you...

A day has gone by,
Let's move on and let this day get by.
This is my last try,
Well Now good bye...
You know these feelings?
TheConcretePoet Oct 2019
The bond.
The tightness.
I touch the number one.
The unforgetting.
The initial clumsiness.
I touch the number 3
The you.
The me.
The small talk of weather,
what makes me a man,
and you a Godess.
I touch the number five.
The dripping euphoria of playful intimate chatter.
The moment I saw those curvy hips swaying to song I hold dear.
The secured hours together I only deliciously imagined your ******* captive by my hands, my mouth wantingly, lustfully agape for your hardened *******.
The days I seduced ALL of you , your lips quivering... climatically speechless....
I touch the number one.

And ohhh...

That look in your eyes.
The look of those eyes giving in to passion, falling off to every angle, back of the head , catatonic.
The moment you realize this feels a lot like paradise and your world seems a bit like a perfectly fitting glove...., a bit in your breathe deep and know the hands that now sculpt and massage every curve of your aching wanting body wish to make you quiver till the first of never.
I touch the number one.
The chaos is lived within a ******.
The ****** you and I and the nosy neighbors for that matter, will not soon forget.
I touch the number one again and again and again.
The neighbors open their windows further...

— The End —