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Francie Lynch Jul 2018
Birthed by altruism or selfishness,
Motivated by personal gain
Or the forfeiting of a nation;
It's the betrayal of friends,
Country, cause and trust.
Benedict Arnold,
The traitor has many personas.

Traitors are hated by those they prefer. (Tacitus)

I forgive those who ****** and steal,
but a traitor, never.

A nation cannot survive treason from within...
He rots the soul of a nation...
No wise man ever thought a traitor should be trusted.

Softness to traitors will destroy us all. (Robespierre)

An open enemy, however criminal, is no traitor. (Spooner)

To have a traitor as an ally is to have an enemy in waiting. (Carey)

It is the just decree of heaven that a traitor never sees
his danger till his ruin is at hand.

There are but two parties now... traitors and patriots. (U.S. Grant)

If I had one bullet and I was faced by both enemy and traitor,
I would let the traitor have it.

There is a special place in hell reserved for traitors. (J. Trudeau)

Every man must be for the U.S. or against it.
There can be no neutrals... only patriots or traitors.
(S. Douglas)

Et tu, POTUS. (F. Lynch)
2020 Campaign Slogan: "Make Rusmerica Great"
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
.that's what the term: Slavic, implies... slave?! what?! not in my language, etymologically speaking... słowo, słowianin, word, Slav, respectively... i don't know where these quasi-Germanic peoples of the anglophone world get their ideas from, esp. from a, "missing" epsilon. wankers.

- and the main difference between a Slavic
language and a quasi-Germanic language
akin to English or French?
                   clarity of syllables,
   and a pivot on pseudo-Roman graphemes,
albeit not concentrated (for aesthetic
purposes) on crafting graphemes out
of vowels... more or less consonants...
English has this concept already...
   cheap as chips...
             prime **** of the shire
    (CH                                SH)
but the main difference is...
                            we don't use the surd
                         ­        g'bur
                   syllable count: 2
                                  you say the first letter,
have a nanosecond pause and the second
syllable enters:  g'boor...
                   which is a word, roughly defined
as: someone who's boorish,
               a noun, not an adjective...
but in english?
    wait...     diagnosis...
                            so like an electron clouds
surrounding a nucleus...
   (electrons do not exist in orbits,
clouds, quantum clouds to be precise,
they enter the antimatter dimension,
pop up and disappear in randomized
places, within a definite spatial complex
that constitutes what is known as
an atom)...
              too many ******* particulars
in the anglophone language...
         which is probably why i love it so
        and because the englischzunge
has so many particular instances of
"correct" speech... and no diacritical
methodology... well...
                     hmm... a ******* rainbow of accents!
i love the Indian: bud bud... bud bud...
hearing it feels like riding a *******
camel over uneven ground... bud bud...
note - budwasserscheisse -
who, in their right state of mind -
ferments rice, and adds it to the fermentation
of barley?!
   o.k., the alternative... budscheissewasser...
take your pick...
    it appears that my original ambition
was to speak the native language better
than the natives...
   have i succeeded?
               god almighty and all that is
glorious about hell's pandemonium...
   i miss the trill of the R...
      either tongue numbing in English...
or a ******* hark in French...
but as i was sometime ago informed...
the French used to trill the R...
  they: rrrrrrroled the rattle and found
a snake...
                      trill? when you pass a breath
that slaps the tongue against your
hard palate...
                     like a rattlesnake...
   i'm so happy that it still exists in certain
        it's a hark in French,
             and a tongue numbing heimlich
in English...
like the tongue was injected with an
anesthetic borrowed from dentistry,
                or some other random *******.
- and yes, i couldn't learn French,
because i was already investing my efforts
and observational tactics in spotting
the oddities in English...
            surd-letters, a slack in syllable distinction...
you name it...
                            g'boor contra
                          ­    invited to a session
of psychiatric diagnostics...
             oh i speak the orthodox better than
the natives...
  the natives have to resort to slang...
or as i like to call their version "of events":
the **** of shlang.

p.s. but this is going to be an example
of where English, and French meat...
****, sorry... meet...

   a surname to exemplify:
           i'm not going to call the French
żabie udki (frog-thigh eaters),
i just call them the suffix eaters...
point blank... watch how this GH
   grapheme pops up, but is "invisible"
in the said, French surname...
                           see it?
   Trudeau...             now you don't!
******* that i am surrounding
spewing linguistic *******...
   even i'm starting to think:
                    neat observation,
well tailored for the given times of...
how do you censor an investigation
into grammar and phonetics?

    and well know where the English
borrowed their notion of H as a surd...
     '   (this denotes a surd,
**** it, leave the letter out) -
esp. in names, like Khahn -
                        some variation of Ghengis,
Khan...    i suspect...
      oh yeah... the macron above the vowel
looks plain ugly: Kān...
   the literate can't reconfigure that word...
they need two languages of the same
tongue... the optical (Khan)...
             and the phonetic (Kān)...
look at you pretty people...
           you're bilingual already!
Classy J Nov 2018
Intro: You know, I don’t care what you’re saying about me.
For I’m not an insecure ***** like you but I do got to thank thee.
For if it weren’t for thy vile venom spitting I wouldn’t have a reason to enact my lyrical terrorism!
So, you only have yourself to blame for this ****, so don’t say I didn’t warn ya.

Verse 1
Uh, yeah let’s talk about it!
Can’t contemplate, the vicious state that contrary to popular belief I’m not a basket case!
Can’t misuse the time I got so here I go to vanquish these fraudulent thots!
Started an unfocused freight train that charged towards the lucid dream because I couldn’t assimilate!
In that time, I was so focused on changing everyone’s snot ridden hypocrisy about reality being Camelot.
I know I’ve also ****** up a lot but that’s something I had to face!
It’s not any of your business so stop ripping off my skin then rubbing in the salt!
I still have a goal in mind to destroy discrimination that incriminates my people,
by putting em on the hot seat.
So now that every one is up in arms I got my chance to aim at the sweet spot!
Everyone is hungry to be the fittest but not everyone has time to think how to be the smartest.
To strike will the fire’s hot or wait for the embers to spark and settle is the true test for an artist.
Who cares about the lines when it was never rightfully drawn in the first place?
Who cares about what spot or space is for you when it’s all been delegated to the privilege of a certain race?
I can only undergo so much disgrace So, sorry but I’m not willing to have my people’s history erased!
Free speech is going to be a ***** for some and a tool for others, I guess it all depends on that person’s poker face.
Inequality is frequent not just in Canada or The United States but every country, province, and common place.

Verse 2
You want the real, raw, unfiltered Classy J well here you go!
Uh, Tell Trudeau to kiss my *** and stop ******* Trump’s ****!
While you’re at it can you tell your father that he’s a ******* stupid *****!
Also, totally forgot but can you tell Kim Jon un when he’s shafting you that he’s a ******* Buffoon!
But’s that’s enough about ******* politics let’s talk about ******* rap artist’s who think they’re hot but really, they so tacky and obsolete like the Zune.
To mister bi-racial we get it you’re into being superficial but’s honestly with you being so focused on being a ****** your delivery showcases the truth that you’re really a cringy ******.
Just face the fact dude that people will only see ya as a juggaloed Dolph Ziggler.
Uh, Now on to the next!
Dear mister Young moolah imma be front, you look like diseased uvula with the lyrical skill comparative to that of an elementary grade schooler.
Now to address the biggest flacky ***** in the game the not so slim shady.  
Here’s the matter Mr. Mather’s you look like a hobo who ***** guys off around the corner,
maybe that’s why you always diss homos.
Because youse a **** trapped in your mommas’ closet,
and if wasn’t for Dre’s hand up so far up your *** you wouldn’t be as popular of a puppet.
Oh ****, Shady you so focused on Doctor Dre and acclaim to fame that you forgot about Hallie.
****, and speaking of Hallie, I feel for you girl because just like you I also didn’t have a dad there for me.
I’m a man of war so every rapper got to get their **** together and better be prepared to me seriously.
For Imma slit their throats and turn em inside out rigorously, and I make sure those tardy cats will rule the day they ever had curiosity.

Verse 3
Just remember my people were here before you, and will be here after you!
And I’ll be here to destroy any of you who dare to pursue native issues!
Or if I’m just bored and feeling like killing you!
However, if I forget about dealing with you, I’m just to busy to properly give a **** about you!
It’s not just revenge, I see it as using justice by retorting with my wordplay to cleanse ya like shampoo!
But I’ve spent enough time dissing freeloaders, for it gives their ego’s too must **** exposure!
I won’t coaster to these composers, for a chauffeur can’t gain an advantage over a soldier!
I wont lower myself to these grouchy Oscar’s, who hunt for Grammy’s;
or as I refer to these events as pedantic half ***’d statements for excepting grandiose toasters.
Why bother, for it’s so annoyingly stupid that I would rather waste my time watching a movie featuring Adam *******.
So, **** this glass ceiling that defines and dictates what makes up a talented rapper.
I may not be a ******* goat but at least I’m confident enough to go out in my birthday suit and retain my composure for being dapper.
That’s the synopsis of my classy brain, and though it may be insane I’m willing to ride this hurricane!
To make sure you know my name, but yet not let myself get engulfed in the flames.
Cedric McClester Aug 2018
By: Cedric McClester

You lying ***,
You so and so,
You didn’t know,
That she would go?
As if the general
Didn’t tell you though,
You’re claiming ignorance
And putting on a show

You lying ***,
You so and so
Keep it up
And your nose will grow
Just like the puppet
You’re trying to reach
A new plateau

You lying ***,
You so and so,
You paint a picture
But you’re no Van Gogh
You’re gonna fall
Like a domino
See you belong
In a minstrel show

You lying ***,
You so and so,
You hired her
Don’t cha think
We know?
That you’re duplicitous
As world leaders know, yo
Like Canada's Justin Trudeau

Cedric McClester,  Copyright © 2018.  All rights reserved.
Now we all know the story of the grinch and the who's
So listen quite closely for I have some bad news
The Grinch is back in Whoville and before you make a fuss
The blame for his existence must fall on all of us
We the the Grinch in power, we elected him you see
This time the Grinch has got a name, it's Brian Mulroney!
You're a mean one Misher Grinch
The meanest man alive
You stay up in your mansion
At 24 Sussex Drive, Mister Grinch
The Grinch called for his council to gain some ideas
He planned to discover each persons worst fears
"I've demolished their lifestyles in the time I've been King"
Then he thought to himself, "That has a nice ring!"
"I've sold out the country to whomever would buy it"
"It's such a feeling of power, I wish you could try it!"
"I've taxed all I can  I've cut low cost housing"
"It makes me feel special, in fact it's arousing"
"I'll get them this Christmas, make them regret their decision
"Of voting NO on my Constitutional Vision"
"I;ll leave them no money to celebrate the season"
"And if they speak out against me, I'll charge them with treason"
Now, out in the Provinces the people spoke out
We;ve fot to find someone to knock the Grinch out
We've not much to choose from, It'll be a tough job
We cannot depend on the broad and the slob
Audrey McLughlin, I'm sure isn't up to the test
I'm not sure what's bigger her IQ or her chest
Jean Chretien was good, but his reputation is fraying
And if you're not from Quebec, you don't know what he's saying!
The Grinch was a terror who did not like free speech
Elijah Harper learned this when he put "MEECH" on the beach
We need a strong leader to whom the torch can be past
It doesn't matter what party, we just need one fast.
Back up on the hill, the Grinch started to fume
He was feeling threatened by someone, but he wasn't sure whom,
He called in Joe Clark and they formed a long list
Of all those against him, but there was someone they'd missed!
They listed the Premiers from the West to The Rock
There was not one name among them that was made of the stock
to take on the Country and make it stand strong and free
In fact of 5 of 11 couldn't quite spell B.C.!
But deep in his soul the Grinch still felt a tingle
So he called on hils staff and fave Geroge Bush a jingle
Maybe H. Ross Perot was a citizen up here,
You know who he is, he's the one with the ears!
The Prez told the Grinch that Perot wasn no threat
But, the Grinch was still worried, there was someone else yet...
Now the people waged searches in each nook and cranny
And the leader they'd found had a beard, was named Lanny
He said "I can help you but I'll not thake the reigns"
"But, you'll find your new leader if you'll just read MACLEANS"
The people thought hard and when they broke from their huddle
They remembered a phrase from the past "Fuddle Duddle!"
The leader they sought was Pierre Elliot Trudeau!
But no one was sure if he'd return to the show
They approached the ex-leader and they spoke of their quest
They all spoke of taxes and how he was the best
To come back to The Grits and be saviour for all
He thought on it a bit and then he stood up quite tall
He said "Yes, I'll do it!", and his voice came alive
"What I buggered in twelve years, The Grinch has ******* in five!"
Now, the rest of the story is yet to be told
The winds of change are a blowing and they're blowing quite cold
Please heed what I've written and think for a while
For the Grinch is still here with his chin and his smile
This Christmas think ******* the message I've sent
Let's make it the last he get his seven per-cent
Let's make this a Christmas both Joyous and true
Let's give the Grinch what he gave us, but let's give it times two!
I will probably be writing an entirely new version later this year, once the son of Trudeau, Justin Trudeau, becomes the Liberal Party Leader and is on his way to becoming, hopefully, The Next Prime Minister of Canada. This was originally written in 1992, but with the way the Canadian Political environment is today, it still fits, so I pulled it from my handwritten archives and posted it here. If you are Canadian, you can tell, all you have to do is switch Mulroney for Stephen Harper  and you have the same grinch we had before.
july hearne Oct 2018
i wonder if you still collect postcards
i could send you a postcard
i'de have to find one
i'm sure it wouldn't be hard

sometimes i think of the bad
paint job in your dark red kitchen
and all your cheap furniture
and your emily strange stage
that went on too late in life

i've been back in town for almost six years now
but i wish i was back in chicago

i hate it here
i hate the people here
they are a lost cause
they had many protests for christine ford
but none for the children ed murray *****
because ed's rapes don't matter, not important,
don't matter

**** is only a pecking order,
sometimes fake **** is more important than real ****
it's just all about whatever's convenient

my sister's daughter and husband hate me now
but that's ok because i have no use for them either

i wish i would have seized the opportunity back in chicago
and married that guy who hated obama as much as i did
but i didn't realize how perfect that guy was at the time
because i was stuck on some canadian *******
who didn't treat me like i was a woman who was worth anything
he was in a band and his songs on sound cloud are not any good, but he is still proud of them
that was his prime

bet he loves trudeau and the hundred million of immigrants
who are coming to save canada,
it's the thing to do

that guy back in chicago only knew one song
Dire Straits 'So Far Away'
but i've always loved that song
wish i would have known
wish i would have known

but no, i got to come back here,
i knew how it was going to be back here
what would never happen,
how the people here would never stop being nasty
always with such dormant self righteous nastiness inside of them
always lying in wait
always knew that
but didn't realize how much i would have to pay for it
didn't realize how greedy socialist pigs can be

wish i would have married that guy back in chicago
when i had the chance, he really liked me and we got along
and he was well paid executive, but he said he wore
pleated front pants and it freaked me out at the time
so it's ten years later and too late now
and your youngest daughter is probably your son now
Canada should take in the Hondurans since Justin is so willing to take in ISIS. Hopefully there will still be room for all the Handmaids who need to escape the oh so oppressive USA.
july hearne Jun 2017
west london fire stories
burning up the day,
london fires burning down and out
before they burn away

daily all day robes
and a story i can't finish
i won't make it out, there's too much
i don't want to say

so late in the day
wasting life away
unheard singing
should probably count for something
maybe today, maybe today, maybe today
so late in the day

instant coffee,
INFP, unfinished story
cheap chinese burning debris
blazing away on the bbc
so late in the day, so late in the day, so late in the day
& the day becomes another day

must be so nice to be you
always voting for justin trudeau
all your better things to do,
all the better looking women you were born to pursue

london fires burn down and out
before they burn away
& the day becomes another day
maybe today, maybe today, maybe today
the cheap chinese cladding was rain proof,
even as it fell from as far up as the 24th floor

If only the cladding hadn’t been so flammable
or if the alarms would have worked
or if they hadn’t been told to stay put and die

then some other people donated their old clothes
that they didn’t want anymore
a lot of old used clothes that people had been meaning to get rid of
were donated

i read somewhere that it was supposedly environmentally friendly
eco-friendly, but toxic and flammable

but the fire was renewable energy
or unrenewable energy
depending on how you look at it

either way, the eco-friendly plastic cladding was rainproof.

& all the reasons i hate you
are sadly the reasons i still think thoughts of you
now these thoughts have turned into
thoughts of you
still too cool for Sixto Rodriguez
still editing "The Elements of Style"
still thinking thoughts of me
so past my prime
so past the time
of our short while
The willingness to speak objective truths!
Born out of the prejudice in experience.
He is no god, but a man who speaks to you.
The people, who are proud to be Americans.

He is our ruler, in Trump we trust.
The abused, the lied to and put in harms way.
The dead homosexuals and Christians.
The ministry of truth, the CNN.
The white lynching at the protests.
And the weak Clintonites are abandoning ship!

Had she won, we would stay and endure.
They run, we stayed under Obama.
The dead are finally leaving.
Lets see if Trudeau can treat them better.

He is hard spoken, harsh and a man of the people.
Build the wall! More like fix the wall.
Deport the illegals, they are not Americans.
Stop the muslims who are killing my people.

This is not out of hate, but love. My love for truth and happiness.
Maybe now we can have a country that values both.
Not a lying ***** who silences **** victims.
Oh, give me strength!
Strength! To save our childrens schools!
Strength! To save our children from hate!
Love! to bring love, not resentment for humanity!
O, give me truth. The truth that humanity is not horrible.
That my whiteness is not a feature to describe me.
That my heterosexuality is not a privilege.
That I find my own life, not the lives of the pacific.

Give us, to trust our country to a man who has raised successful children.
Let him be our role model, not that which seeks to lecture me on sexism.

God political poems are trash. Just like your hatred. Let it go, only admonish the actions.
It's current year.
**** Obama for campaigning for his replacement.
******* ****
ConnectHook Feb 2022
Canucks driving trucks!
Rocking, rolling, getting DOWN !
YES ! Keep On Truckin'.
Notes from the Great White North.
Bob B Jan 2019
(Can be sung to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

For TWO years now I've been
The mighty leader of this nation,
But I can't stand it when
I don’t receive great adoration.

Believe me when I say
My way's the ALWAYS-best-to-lie way.
And you can do it too
By doing things my way.

Mueller is going strong.
I am sick of his **** query.
But they've all got it wrong.
They can't prove their stupid theory.

My fans KNOW my style is NOT
A JUST-lay-down-and-die way.
I have gotten by
By doing things my way.

My tryst with Stormy and my fling
With that McDougal woman bring
So much grief into my life,
Especially with my wife.
But, nonetheless, I will confess
I love things my way.

And now I want my wall;
If I don't get it some will suffer.
I will shut things down
Just to show I'm not a bluffer.

You can dupe the world
With simply the "M" "Y" way.
So I will not deny
I love things MY way.

I've had to fire more than a few
'Cause they say things that are untrue.
And my toadies on the Hill
All bow down; they know the drill.
They know the ways to get my praise:
Just do things my way.

Yes, do things my way.

-by Bob B (1-16-19)

2017 and 2018 VERSIONS:


(Can be sung to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

And so, I'm standing here
To say an oath and pledge allegiance.
Though some will cry and jeer
And accuse me of malfeasance,

The fact that I can stand
Before you now in a tough-guy way
Proves that you can play it through
By doing things my way.

Yes, I've stiffed a few,
But that's my disposition.
That's what you have to do
To carry forth your mission.

I knew what I was doing;
I was acting in a sly way.
Just do what I tell you
And do things my way.

You might not like the things I say
Or what I do, but that's okay.
Celebs like me all have it made.
Just don't drop the masquerade.
It's all the same; just play the game
And do things my way.

I've had three wives. So what!
I've had just two divorces.
The news? Don't watch that ****.
I have found better sources.

I didn't get this far
By choosing the just-get-by way.
Since life is dog eat dog
Just do things my way.

You'll always find someone to cheat.
Remember: don't admit defeat.
There's nothing wrong with being rude.
At times be crass; at times be lewd.
Make up the rules; treat them like fools
By doing things my way.

Yes, do things my way.

(1-19-17) By Bob B


(Can be sung to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

Despite all that you hear,
I'm doing great; I'm number one now.
My made-up "truths" endear
Me to my base; we're having fun now.

My ranting and my raving
Show that mine's not the small fry way.
You'll win…you'll win much more
By doing things my way.

I wish the FBI
Would stop investigating.
They know too much. That's why
It is all so aggravating.

I never liked a wuss
Who would take the humble pie way.
No, I am much more ruthless
Doing things my way.

I've told some lies, once in a while…
Well, every day, but that's my style.
My Congress *****, have got my back.
At the right time we'll attack.
I plot and scheme for my regime
By doing things my way.

Putin's my friend, oh,
And Kim Jong Un and I are buddies.
Merkel and Trudeau?
My goodness, they're such fuddy-duddies.

All I have to do
Is just display my evil eye way,
And I'll get what I want
'Cause it is my way.

I am the law; that's plain to see.
And very few are smart like me.
I will say what comes to mind,
And I don't care if it's unkind.
A little greed helps you succeed
When doing things my way.

Yes, do things my way.

-by Bob B (6-26-18)
Thomas Aug 2016
We hear Donald Trump might become president,
And we thought we had it bad when we voted for Justin Trudeau.

When the U.S. Bought Alaska we were happy we didn't have to be the biggest country in the world.

If Donald Trump wins we have tons of room, and ****.

You guys legalized gay marriage, you  guys are great at simon says.

We are surprised still no one has tried to throw a nuclear missile yet at you, since you do stick yours up everybody else's ***.

If Donald Trump wins he should visit Canada and find out what multiculturalism is, if that's not to big of a word for his mind.

O and let's not forget multi religious, free health care, (and not just for the middle class)
Big *** guns that can **** people are illegal, and our gun regulations actually work.
We actually invest in things other than our military.
That have their ***** in other people's country that the U.S. Just "legally" gets and begins to dictate stuff. They "own" 3/4 of the earth.
So that's why the United States Of America is $34 trillion in glorious debt.
This is fun.
Juneau Aug 2014
By choosing between the same two parties.
Is it really our expectation.
That we will change our lives,
enhance and greater our situation.

Now I don't want to be rude,
and forgive my profanity.
But repeating the same action expecting different results
is the exact ******* definition of insanity.

They're slowly stealing your pension,
ending all plans for retirement.
Oh, and just wait and see what FIPPA
And China do to our environment.

And yet we go to the polls,
expecting some kind of change.
Are these who are truly in charge?
Or simply tools meant to derange.

So much corruption and controversy.
**** Harper, **** Trudeau and **** the NDP.
every politicians a vandal,
exploiting our lives with each and every scandal.

Things here are escalating,
and if you don't agree.
Then what the **** happened,
downtown during G20?

When issues are met with confusion,
designed to make dissent impossible.
The people wake from their delusion,
and revolution becomes inevitable.

Raise the bar by a meter.
Or in a way it's our fault.
Do we really pick our leader,
by who can dig up dirt, lie and insult?

Let's stop all this dissonance.
Let's not be known by our apathy.
Pay attention to those in charge,
help better our lives; improve its quality.
May 30, 2013
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2020
Despite all the news
all the lockdowns,
all the scare talk, I
am still in total denial.

I don't know anyone
that's been diagnosed
or died, I don't know
anyone who knows
anyone who has been
diagnosed or died
and the people who
are being used by the
Covid marketting agency
such as Tom Hanks,
Ronaldo, Wife of Canada's
president etc all manage to
survive. So, one has to ask

    Is It True Though?


All a scam
Jay earnest May 2017
the trickling

of a cool mist

spills on my forehead----

and the evaporated *****
crusty on my elbows

begin to flake into the ventilation system.

some girl is shaving her arms on the 2nd story,

and beneath her is an ostrich
screaming at an elephant
for its last spoonful of monkey meat.

a man with a hydro-head sips lemonade in the shadows
and jerks himself while old grannies clutch pearls.

a dog
eats an alligator on the 4th of july after watching cartoons in the afternoon.

a priest is being mollested
by a todler

and a muslim is kissing the feet of an abusive female.

Trump is eating cornflakes
while hillary

is reading her emails and arranging for pizza parties.

obama is a limo getting a blow-job from Trudeau,

and Africa is sending foreign aid to the US to quell the ZIKA outbreak.

Reagan is resurrected.

and papa is sitting in an oven getting deloused with Cyclon-B.

is knitting a sweater in the hamptons while the kardashians eat strawberries from a **** bowl

and everything gets washed away and becomes a steely white

as the scent of cinnamon
flows through your nostrils

and your blood is injected with happiness forevermore
july hearne Jul 2021
it was a picture i didn't want,
that is what she gave and that is what i got

the scared children huddled together
in the middle of the shabby bridge
as the angel hovered wingedly behind them

a forever that comes stuck just in time
dressed in white and angel abright

it is all so suspended
implying they cross
and safely cross

well in that one way it's just so sad
that hell is real
and time so irreversible

and in another way it's just the way it has to be
when i see you from the ugly side
and i see you so uglified on the ugly side

getting excited at $40 CAD profit on a baseball card trade
a 5% gross profit $CAD
not so much now

you're just something
gathered in bits and pieces
by stray gleaners in strawless fields of straw
that or the unnecessity on the otherwise empty shelf

the events of the day are so embarrassing these days
some man in a wheelchair in the middle of the safeway parking lot
smelling up the hot sun,
stuck in the middle of the safeway parking lot,
he says, "yes, he needs help" when asked,
"he needs to be wheeled to the shade", he softly moans

but he does all the heavy wheeling as I push
when he gasps for spare change, he will get the $5 USD,
then leave his uneaten take out that someone else he met in the parking lot bought him.
he will keep the $5 USD.

stinking in the hot sun
looked as if he had been good looking once
making his money in the parking lot

Excited to make the $40 CAD,
not at all net of any uncharged packaging, shipping
or taxes,
Excited to make the $40 CAD
can always be counted to be

comfortable with trudeau,
uncomfortable with anyone vocal about their discomfort with trudeau

and to know the correct placement of commas, semicolons, and periods
never using the exclamation point
or regarding unhappiness,
other than his own

but we can't recross the creaky bridge
or get the $5 USD back
or ever care about $40 CAD
we can't uncross the creaky bridge

as sad as it is
that is the way hell has to be
the way you have to be
in a house built upon sand
that stands and stands
Classy J Oct 2015
Let me begin by saying ***** Harper, ***** Mulcair, and ***** Trudeau, they all corrupt, well to be fair they are after all political. I don't know how i'm going to vote for this upcoming election, because all the people running for prime minister are all a bunch of white dudes that are such ***** kills. They are so bland but they think themselves so high in demand, those cocky hypocritical ****** are hilariously cynical. As a native I know I really should vote, but when none of the applicants give a crap about my people, I might as well spin a wheel. For real nothing is going to change, I feel like nothing matters, that it won't matter if I do vote, and i'm not the only one out there that feels that way. I want to be proud about my decisions in life, but this is one decision I don't know if I should make. When less than 40% of Canadians actually   vote, that is not good; like compared to people who go watch ****** movies, there is still a higher percentage of people who show up to watch it; so it be more productive for me to watch fifty shades of grey. I think something is wrong with that, people died so we could vote, I am not trying to be a baggy blow hard, but if you don't vote, I believe that is a crucial mistake. Either way the choice is truly our own, we have to live with the decisions we make, whether it be good or bad.
A Trudeau Chant

a man
was blue
when his
mother was
butter just
a vapor
in awe
that got
their day
to mesmerize
them  under
the sun
there that
might not
recess the
River with
a wall
a tepid hear
Francie Lynch Jan 29
Canada is renaming the Great Lakes.

Lake Superior..........Lake Canada

Lake Ontario............Lake Ontario (stays)

Lake Erie...................Lake John A. Macdonald

Lake Huron..............Lake Jacques Cartier

Lake Michigan........Lake Trudeau (that should **** him off... but we
                                   know we mean Pierre, not his bonehead son)

Lake Champlain....Lake Quebec (although not a Great Lake, the
                                 orange guy wanted to make it a Great Lake back
                                 in 2018).

We have our own cartographers.
Gimme the Sharpie.
All we need is a Sharpie
Are most of the members here American?
Philipp K J Feb 2019
Hi, every one,  I am the captain  of all disease
A micro Guerilla war lord  you strive to finish
Within the next fifty years and with catch word campaign
“IT’S TIME" as part of World TB Day (Twenty Nineteen).

Armored with mycolic acid, we are aerobic
Aerial experts invading human pulmonic
System in colonies of MBT spectrum.

Throughout the ages  my  target is  Human beings
Of all regions from Horn of Africa,  my origin.
My task and designs are to impoverish men
Kings and his men were my targets in ancient aeons.
People used many names to call me and my legions
'White plague', 'Phthisis', 'romantic disease' were common
Crazy men wanted to die embracing consumption,
A mere ‘the poor melancholy angel' assumption
To gift on the sufferer with sensitivity height
And  to slowly die with the disease of the artist
Until Rene Laennec inventing the Stethoscope.

Men realized the lesions scope and my design and art
Doctor Koch discovered the cause and effect of my start
Men like the owner of Mammoth Cave,  Dr. Croghan,
Put the sufferers into the cave  like a pagan
In the hope of curing the disease and began
To treat with the constant temperature of cave air.

I caught the German physician, Hermann Brehmer,  
Who came to the Himalayas to cure and endure
So he proved and labeled me a curable disease.
He opened a sanatorium, a place for healing
On the mountains of Silesia to treat the ailing.

Peter Dettweiler, an inspired patient of Hermann
Started one at Hesse for the afflicted He and Her man.
Edward Trudeau too was influenced by the German
And opened one at Saranac Lake's confluence.

But still we are powerful and **** millions of people
Our success rate of terror is far higher than the steeple
Chase unleashed in the Holocaust and in Hiroshima
We catch millions in latency and adapt to change
In time and try to outsmart any adept campaign!

Yet you can approach the Creator who may have a design
To defunct and re-engineer us to change and combine
Our deadly power to release us from this cruel confine.
For me too is fed up with this turbo holocaust!
FlipThePoet Jun 2022
(in naija broken english aka pigin)

in these varying decision times
i just dey on a low
nor be say the matter tire me
i suggest say, i just dey distracted.
as Roe dey fight Wade
conje dey para for me.
omo, na next from one babe then unto another
na ee be the motive,
sadly this lifestyle na everything but
extravagantly ****.
as dem dey pursue Trudeau
na so i dey chase down my destiny,
na when i go take mind re-write
this exam wen dey in front of me?
for naija, election matter dey make man japa
my timeline say na Peter Obi go be their papa,
funny enough i get this feeling say
we dun dey reach the moment wen things go better,
like say this summer na "turn around season".
the true be say, either politics or breakfast
las las everybody dey fight somethin.
the true be say if you dey para, you go have to rise above it.
the true be say, na only God get remedy.

e dun pass time when we go dey look persin for face
e dun reach time when we must to carry matter for head.
this one nor be joke o, but na wake up call
july hearne Jul 2023
the two tall cans
horizontally lined up to each other

how quickly years can go by,
3,5,6,7 and so on
the more years that go by
the faster they go by

maybe it started
with a surprise, an unexpected win
and ended with a disappointed dream
a truth that just couldn't be changed

such filth in this world
such beginning of sorrows
woes of Isaiah and so on

a truth that will never be changed

defectively loved children
and stupid nasty mothers
from india

he/him/demon/jeffrey marsh
richard levine in a skirt
you feel too safe with trannys in the military
no problem with trudeau throw away canadians
diapered biden, turbaned canadian, uk and so on

third world greed
and so on
bereft and garbage scrunched,
valerie jarret really does look like an apely primate
a dead ringer

threads and more threads
rats bought for food, mouths fulls of rats and mangy *****
and a truth that can never be changed

just look at you now
mouths full of rats and mangy *****
whites are indigenous to europe
***** in the streets
third world greed and so on
just look at you then
the more years go by
the faster they go by
have you heard about the beginning of sorrows?

a good dream would be one
where mark zuckerberg and zelinsky were
hanging motionless side by side
a dead ringer
small little disgusting men approved by disgusting people
and so on.
Bob B Jun 2018
(A poem to be sung to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

Despite all that you hear,
I'm doing great; I'm number one now.
My made-up "truths" endear
Me to my base; we're having fun now.
My ranting and my raving show that mine's not the small fry way.
You'll win…you'll win much more by doing things my way.

I wish the FBI
Would stop investigating.
They know too much. That's why
It is all so aggravating.
I never liked a wuss who would take the humble pie way.
No, I am much more ruthless doing things my way.

I've told some lies, once in a while…
Well, every day, but that's my style.
My Congress ***** have got my back. At the right time we'll attack.
I plot and scheme for my regime by doing things my way.

Putin's my friend, oh,
And Kim Jong Un and I are buddies.
Merkel and Trudeau?
My goodness, they're such fuddy-duddies.
All I have to do is just display my evil eye way,
And I'll get what I want 'cause it is my way.

I am the law; that's plain to see.
And very few are smart like me.
I will say what comes to mind, and I don't care if it's unkind.
A little greed helps you succeed when doing things my way.

Yes, do things my way.

-by Bob B (6-26-18)
Classy J Aug 2022
The innovation of a dictator,
Causes separation,
Which got many within the population,
unaware that they serving darth vader,
Because they put on a good presentation,
Motivating sheepish division’s,
Towards scapegoats and illusions,
Where history becomes science fiction,
Even democracies we forget the definition,
Because if there are rigged elections?
Or first past the poll systems,
And them politicians,
Are able to get away with tax evasion,
It can make one question the equation,
The creation of a democratic nation,
The starts wars and invasions,
On third world nations,
Which they claim is to fight terror,
When really all they care about are their oil reservations.
I guess it’s true what they say,
You can never satisfy a dragons layer.
In the land of free,
Except for those who actually live there.
But these simps are programmed not to care,
Get out the safety net, and let them become dependent on welfare.
Bounce the checks, put it on credit cards, gotta keep ‘em in debt.
Life ain’t fair,
Thrown in the deep end, even if ya can’t swim.
I swear reality is written by the brother grim.
So, much despair, yet becoming desensitized to all them fatalities.
It’s just the trimming off the fat, you either sink or swim.
What we need is comradery!
But all we have now is a bunch of division.
Because that’s what benefits these corrupt leaders & politicians.

They say ignorance is bliss,
Till one is hit with deaths kiss,
Because those in the golden palace,
Are really the terrorists,
They say ignorance is bliss,
Till it leads ya into crisis,
Honestly our government is more evil than Isis!

Let’s start with Ralph Klien,
A killer more ruthless than a shooter from columbine,
This little swine, flooded the inner city,
With hundreds of bodies from Alberta hospitals,
That were deemed as useless.
In other words those who suffer from mental health, as well as, welfare recipients,
Which lead to a crisis,
With increases in crime and suicide,
So, he gave everyone blood money, to make it up to us,
But that doesn’t let slide,
An act so treacherous.
Yet some idiots still think, he was as great as Jesus.
But unless you were white, rich,
oil workers or part of big business,
He was really Judas.
And if you don’t like these facts,
You can kiss my ***.
Now onto Castro jr, oops I meant Justin Trudeau.
Either way he is a ******* ***** himbo,
That claims he’s a feminist,
Yet gropes journalists,
He claims he’s a feminist,
Yet kicks two prominent women out of his party for being honest.
He claims he is for the Indigenous,
Yet only met 2 out of the five promises,
94 calls to action must’ve broken your answer machine,
Cause you still ain’t answering us!
It’s funny how a person who does black face,
Is the one trying to cancel us!
Where the ******* clean water Justin?
Maybe you prefer it to be poisonous.
Because you still haven’t reviewed or repealed historical legislation,
That still to this day discriminates against us.
And don’t even get me started on that pipeline,
That went right through us!
But as soon as we started blockades,
You sent the rcmp on us,
That was created by John A.Macdonald,
As a means to destroy us!
And what is this about supplying weapons to terrorists?
If you voted for him you should be embarrassed!
Oh, and I’m not done yet, with this idiot!
How about those trips paid for by the WE Charity?
I guess when it’s comes to conflicts of interests you’ve had plenty,
Hell you’ve even been sponsored by an illegal gambling ring.
Or how about violating,
The ethics commission by vacationing,
At Aga Khans private island like some king.
Ya ******* ****!
Stop pretending like your **** don’t stink!
We are over $100 billion in debt because of you,
As Canadians we are literally at the brink!
I guess that’s why they say…

Ignorance is bliss,
Till one is hit with deaths kiss,
Because those in the golden palace,
Are really the terrorists,
They say ignorance is bliss,
Till it leads ya into crisis,
Honestly our government is more evil than Isis!
july hearne Feb 2023
wasted words
wasted lives
stuck in time
never moving on
as it moves on

the same soundtrack
plays and replays
decades haven't changed that

alone for so many reasons
and wasted, completely wasted

if it were up to nathan wade jackson
of toronto, ontario canada,
trudeau would be god
and everyone would wear masks forever
hard times
baby well they come to us all
sure as the tickin' as the clock on the wall
sure as the turnin' of the night into day
july hearne Apr 2023
auntie j was cancelled
and replaced with a white man
named dylan mulvaney.

the arsonist who cancelled auntie j
fractured the skull of his infant son
whose baby brain bled to death

the arsonist who killed his infant son
had and still has the full backing of the portland, oregon courts, large corporations,the biden adminstration, and all women who fight for the right
to terminate pregnancies resulting from consensual acts
that they willfully chose to engage in

jeffrey marsh is  now a demon and you can be one too,
jim marcus is a little toy for the demon

your only bill of rights that matters is free will
your free will is granted by your Creator
who gives you the freedom to destroy yourself
as your heart desires

your free will is the only thing that can destroy you for all time:
zipper **** on fire, chained on all fours, crawling like a dog for all eternity,
jazz jenning's mother, dilating her son's open, unhealable wound at 3 am in the morning,
demons like jeffrey marsh who have forfeited their right to humanity,
and canadian trudeau supporters everywhere, still masking up like losers thinking they are anything but completely powerless.

your free will is the only thing that can save you,
but don't expect that to happen anytime soon.
for jim marcus who wrote and actively edits his own wikipedia page when he is not busy championing for the rights of men to appropriate womanhood on fetlife
Classy J Nov 2023
Verse 1:
Boom. Bombs going off me.
Check the meter, grab the coffee.
Trek through with the Beamer, come on Scotty!
Traffics running a muck, creeping on me.
Beeping on they horns, swearing at me.
So, much for Canadian hospitality.
Sure is wild in the city, especially at night,
Where’s I gots to protect my shawty.
Who be like a melody in my head,
Nagging at me.
Where 5 minutes turns to a couple hours probably.
A broken record of almost done, like sure you will hunny.
And even though I’ve been around the block,
I still can’t find parking.
Going around in circles,
Like it’s a synopsis of my whole life story.
Except this **** makes less cents,
Than a Canadian loonie.
Guess we can thank Trudeau and his liberal carnies.
Man, At this point I’d rather our Prime Minister be Barney.
We live in a world full of injustice just ask Johnny.
A man who got cancelled and labeled an enemy.
Without proof in the pudding,
Unlike Bill Cosby.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Venez ou allez
Signor Madura?

Restez la,

Parce que Trump
May et Macron
sont fini et ca est
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
Hidden behind the clouds
someone is watching us
through binoculars as we
begin our new year with
a visible catch.

Let the wishes begin.

The French are looking for
free hand outs from the EEC,
no work, pension age brought
back to 16, which would coincide
with official school leaving age.

The British don't want to loose
their mile, pound or Sovereign,
thus decided to leave the school
yard because the Germans have
got possession of the ball.

Kim Jong Un has decided, that
the Irish of Asia are not going to
be pushed around by W.A.S.P.s
from Washington D.C.

Jacinda Ardern has declared
Christchurch the fake ******
capital of New Zealand.

Australia have lifted the smoking
ban in  bars, restaurants and on Internal
QANTAS flights under 26,000 feet altitude.

The Republic of Ireland's
Metaphorical Millenium Needle
on O'Connell Street has been
successful in deflating the
corresponding Dome at UK

            Druid Chef's.

Where West, each wind is born
Mischievous Gaels, with pots
of vapoured broth,
Disperse its brew, and laced
with ancient potions,
Concoct a drape to cloak
The Saxon Horde.


Let their BREXIT begin.

" A Silent Fury comes
   to haunt, a deserving
offspring of another age ".


Trudeau is about to change
the countries name due to a
symbiosis of the Maple Leaf's
image and that of Cannabis.
Keith J Collard Nov 2024
Chica Baca laca cetera,
Where the lady sunfish are gold,
And  are truth tellers,
And the chain pickerals are bold,
And truth be told,
Those chains could not hold,
For Chaca Baca laca maca... whatever,
As Lake Unabash is known,
Was more humble when it was cold.

Baca daca lacka Baca Goo,
In the native or Lake Unabash will do,
The green male sunfish had electric gills,
Like neon lightning went up through,
But now wear a pumpkinseed coat,
So fall color is always new,
And the lady bass jump in the boat,
To tell the skipper where to go.

Shooka booka lacha nooka....
Or just Lake Trudeau,
The old catfish still fly their whiskers,
But only at night in bubble whispers,
For all the show is during day,
When a mother musky eats a duckling on its way,
Then to a fisherman turns to say,
I am a truth teller,
And you men have had your time!

Chaka ooka alla moola,
Or just Lake ****** truth be told,
Was more humble when it was cold,
Now the water recedes the lake,
And with summer lasting later,
"Hey how ya doing" from a stranger,"
And now new to Lake Annoy,
The alligator fills the void.
Gray Nov 2024
There’s a circus tent in my yard
It’s big and wide,
And stands with pride,
A fortress at night

There’s a circus tent in my yard
In every yard on the block
However empty they are in the day
In the dark the clowns flock
Big and tall
Or micro small
They all have the same wardrobe of despair

I want to grab their hand
And lean down man to man
Say that I have joined a circus or two
And know the feeling of solitude
But they will simply honk their horns
Look at me with scorn
Because I do not know the Canadian cold
Is what makes their noses red
I do not know that their faces are frozen,
not white painted on their head

There’s a circus tent in my city
It’s big and wide
But there’s no clowns in sight
Only people to pity
For whom we cannot provide

There’s a clown in my yard
But he does not sit in a tent
Instead he sports a suit and tie
Seemingly never the bad guy
Justin Trudeau repent!
Self destruction unnecessary
Subject of a cemetary
Obituary written
Before december in my memory
Tears like oceans in
A sun light shining
Life that leaves its touch
On my face.
Love so much I cant stomach
This much love
At once that's why I wasn't
Much a fan of jesus
Believe my trusts bad
To be tough and dumb
At once is like
Telling a rainbow to change colours
*** your not much a blue or blush red
Fan is kinda ****** man
Touch of god like blood inside my bust line bout to bust man
No need to name the squad I entrusted
With my dumb plan
Equation an attraction of the sum of one and one making offspring in the spring onset after winter tore the last bit of suntan. From your *** and.
Madison your dumb and.
Love you like strippers love a drunk man. Still gunna badly ******* up man
Mom I'm something of a **** up.
But you love that so pray this actually happens or ima be some mad.
Dylan your my buddy.
Love that your dumb as ****
Like Donald Trump and Trudeau tryna **** hands. I'll **** your mouth like when your tooth brush and your tongue do the *** dance.
Thatswhats up man.
Cherry your a stun *****.
Run *****.
I'm bout burn you
With the power of the sun man.
Get a sun tan.
Tugeye. And show me where your *** at.
Make fun of every dumb gag I used to save my *******.
So stupid I'm a **** bag.
Steven your a love bag
Touch you like a ***** floats from the bottom of my *** bag. You ******* *** rag.
Darcy you ******* fun bag love you like a *** needs ****** to numb his ******* blood veins.
Ricky your a ***** in drag. I'll ******* like a *** slave. You love a little *** but your assumption is you'll be a dumb ***.
Who am I forgetting you bums dime a dozen I prolly forgot.
Love you lots you ******* thots I hope you rot. You ******* shot me from my spot on top my self esteem that got me so hot I'm actually not it means I need you in a fun way.
So **** it let's get dumb faced
Dear Trudeau
Dear Canada
You Will no Longer Be NORAD
We Will No Longer Block Russia Flying Over You
You Have No Fields
You Have No Military
Now You Have No Friends
Dear Canadians
I'm Blocking
5 Thousand Billion in Drugs
Pack Your ****
Get Off My Land
Take Your ****
Get Off My Bases
Canadians Will No Longer
Be Able to Use NYSE
No Stock Exchange
If You Join Mexico to Robb Me
I'll End You
I'll Send 100k Troops
North and South
Threaten Me Again *****
I'll **** Your Day Up
I'll Cancel The Alaska Pipeline
No Gas How You Heat
You ****** Up *****
No Friends
This is War
Starve Me I Hunt You
51st 52nd States

— The End —