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Cordelius Dec 2014
I need a fresh start
disconnect my heart from the paths already known
disassemble my life, stab a map with a knife
go wherever it shows, only myself and a bag of clothes
without a second thought im already on my yacht
crossing the big blue sea
set me free
set me free
set me free

Aver Nov 2014
your words
once again
have made so cold my skin
i pray for someone
to turn my mind, revoke my sin
take your wounds
and cover them up
with a bandage of denial
a seed of doubt
planted in our minds
your heart shut down
closed for now
you say it numbs the pain
prevention of undeniable grief
you stole your own happiness
a selfless thief
perhaps the wind
will blow again
away your troubles
forget your sins
if only
if only
the rain would return to wash me
wayward and beyond thought
to the wistful wonders
of a world without
declan morrow Apr 2019
one cloud
heaven's gates

i thought
of god
of his saints

it's all fallen to
and i let it go

i've let my

one cloud
has faded
white to blue

and now
i turn
to you

drooped sunflowers
in my chest

still putting
me to
the test

be still young fool
though love
now fails

a clock ticks
driving deep your nails

time's cruel winds will soften your restless sea
caught in her haunting gales remember me
SøułSurvivør Dec 2015
the carousel played
in the carnival park
bright music to lure
tinkling lights in the dark

spirited ponies, animals quaint
all snorting and rearing
colored with paint

the spinning floor stops
for us to get on
we choose our mounts
it starts with a song

up and down go the horses
the calliope sings
as we go 'round we reach out for the rings

sometimes we miss them
they go on by
but there's always a chance
for the second try

the turning seasons
so very like life
you get your good job
your husband or wife

your car and your boat
your kids and their stuff
you go 'round and 'round
but you can't get enough!

then all of a sudden
death cuts like a knife
and you discover you've wasted your life

the scenery, the colors
just a smear. just a blurr
the music passed by
your heart was not stirred!

you didn't smell seabreeze
feel the wind in your face
you didn't seek God
missed out on His

but you forgot
you passed up the beauty
without a thought

it don't mean a thing
so reach for the
as well as the

reach out for
He's important as well
when you take your ride
on the bright


(C) 12/15/2015

another poem I saved from archives
it was first written in 2013 but I did an extensive rewrite
keith daniels Jun 2021

hear it?

all those waves
rolling in,

dragging all you hate,
all you fear,
in tides

no pen can trace ink
faster than the sea
can wash it
all away,

your words are water,
dissolving in the saline sounds
of neap and spring,
rise and fall;
lunar rhythms.

eye the sky
and wait for everything,
the whole god ****** world
to take a breath
and quiet down

so you,
with shaking hands,
might find some peace
below the seabreeze scented winds.
just wait for it.

a moment.
a cosmic pause,
and even nature waits
for what should happen next.

gradual fade
of throbbing veins,
and wet skin tingles

with delight
of marine air.

are safe;

Playing with the shape of waves.
Format (by word count per line):
A wanderer, I explore grasses high as my knees
Far away, grey foam breaks from the stiff seabreeze
To my left, a stark mountain frames the sky
My tireless bare feet follow memories nearby

As I inhale familiarity, my heartbeat slows
And earthy remembrance kneads through my toes
I'm not scared as blossoming storm clouds appear
For I remember what happened when I was actually here

Nostalgic breaths of wind soon whip at my face
Surrounded by vastness, this awe I embrace
To a place lost in time, I'm fervently drawn
Funny how you can only miss something when it's gone
Tom McCone Jul 2015
swam placid through last night, or today, or is it all the same and continual? anyway, i found myself curled up in a lounge, alone, by a great fire. small, hidden beast i, frozen-still stars floating through, wondrous lopsided flesh against the ground; cradling tiny empty warmth, just where i wanted you. & smile. thunder through birdcries through dawn. wanderlust aching me out to the waves, threshing and soft, held at the hand of heavyset horizon. & think about miles. & fake smile. sometimes, our own oceans get rough. i'm so proud of you, though, keeping afloat. got home and muesli and songs and coffee and trees and ah. breathe. set utterances on the seabreeze. sent north n' west.
knots weave fine cycles in my head, like time around treestems. drifts of ocean mist, over inlet ridgeline, roar silent swells over the day. slow procession. slept enough for the both of us, trying to find you, immersed in soft clouds; dulled and fantastical. everything brims on the edge of everything else. a couple sparks away, in a small town somewhere, raining half the time, caught up, tangled in songs & sunsets. smiling gently into the light. i'll call it dawn, sooner or later, but still imagine your radiance, in stead.
bleary eyes and tiresome channels of blood but, small circling sparrow on the horizon, light through leaves, rivulets of smile bleeding up my cheek.
time's strange hands curl round and tie cycles; here, i was but a small chip in the woodwork. some little sharp snag life'd carved out, to grasp nothin' but air. but, somehow, the same air takes on resonance within the hum of my chest, tubelamps ever aflicker, and im sat staring, dead on, into the firm couch-material, trying to calculate the speed of sound from you to i. 'cause i swear i heard the impression of soft lips inch up next to my frozen ears, and in breath let wash warm reprieve, up and over me, and yes i am sad and terrified you too will fall into aches (which is explanatory for my perhaps often with-held-ness) and fold, just as terrified, away. never disallow one self's happiness, though. regardless if the meaning to it seems absent. just learn how yr smile works. and i hope i'm a crease, like sometimes you are the light pouring from my eyes. folding away. sometimes, you are, too, a smile brewing in the corners of my lids.
dreams form light clusters around my weary head. felt really strange today. inexplicable sadness, in the most beautiful things. saw you in people. little parts of you, everywhere, in voices and eyes. enough to fill me to the brim of connectedness. all these effervescent bubbles, so close to shimmering enough to be you, but never, ever you. much as i wish so. would if i had changed time, today or ten years. fabricate this daydream, i now weave slow on settling fingertips. the shock and sting of knowledge. your eyes. sweet smile. and the acres we've still got to pad through, stifling breath floes, changing stories at the tip of the stem. soft touch as dawn breaks. ghost, i know.
AF Oct 2021
i hope you see my face
in the clouds one day,
maybe i'm gone
and you're still there.
James Carney Oct 2020
On a ridge by the ocean, the dragon respires.
Hide rugged as the coastline, against him the eons crash like waves.
Legend enchants the seabreeze, an inbreath to a shimmering trance.
Before the incandescent glow sparks like innocence into a fire.
The crystal-eyed call this Hollywood.
I discovered you there, costumed in flames, as the discharged smoke became your disguise.
Together, we performed as if we were in the dark.
Scorching exhales fogged your glasses and stifled my voice.
They say, “When you are mad, you see nothing”.  

All saints watched us in the dark this time.
Camera lenses covered your eyes and captured the revellers.
Tides ****** my mind and erased the crime.
Until they told me that I was on fire.
Misted glasses repelled your kaleidoscopic sublime.
So, from the stake, I rasped for nothing more than an ashen grey.

Orbs burning, in smoke's efflux, blindness grew.
My gilded urn haunted you, gold’s sharp sting.
Fairy-dust spells your name, always sparkling.
Fractured glass and lapsed cinders don’t brand you.
Only your frame in my pillows would do.
Like rogues caught in opulence, we're running.
They say, “When you are mad you see nothing.”
But madness is what you chose to see through.
And you saw blue in eyes I thought were grey
With iridescence glowing from your face.
You tasted darker than the fruits I stole.
And I’m the secret that you won’t betray,
Fused to your body by slumber’s light lace.
See through me, as my words sound in your bones.
This is my first poem I've published here! It's a love poem inspired by fantasy/fairy-tales and how they make you feel. Really hope you enjoy!
Edmond Rohrer Jan 2014
god stores sunshine
in blue skies
even the sun gets

and the sea
she yawns
we call it
the seabreeze
that leaves know
the trees breathe

there's more to you -
but what I see
mark john junor Apr 2014
paradise's parking lot
vast field of asphalt and lampposts
empty in daylights hours...
on its most distant edge
where trees overhang and
weeds have encroached in pavement's fissures
the buick sits in shade and silence
immersed in birds song and seabreeze

she sits on the hood
her patchwork quilted hippy dress brightly shines
in soft textures and scents
beads and bracelets with bells on her ankle
she is deep beauty in soft sand
an agent of the souls better natures
her form embraces the sunlight
that escapes through the overhead canopy of leaves
it dances on her skin like liberty's celebration
like lovers entwined in
passions kiss aftermath of lonesome song

a bird lands nearby and with
loud cry speaks of the hot sand and threadbare grass
with a hot voice describes the lush life it lives
and its dreams of rivers of wind
my pen has paused
she is talking to me in such soft voice now
asking if i am hungry
we sit in the peaceful edge of paradise's parking lot
where nature has stained manmade perfections
with its vibrant life
eating the salty butter bread sipping the **** wine
and wait for my pen to find its words again
waiting for the time to pass
(fiveashes parking lot)
nivek Jul 2020
perfect days are only twenty four hours
and sometimes that is enough.
Isaac Mar 2023
as the tide comes in and washes out,
my love follows suit, on this roundabout
as the moon awakes, and waxes and wanes,
my love soon tailgates, cuts into your lane
as the sun ascends, and rises and sets
my love imitates, amber signs for regret

as the tide continues to come and go,
my love follows every high and low
my love is tired, my love is slow
my love is putting me on death row

but for as long as the dawns still crack
my love for you never dares to lack

my love knows your love, after all,
and my love is in the backseat
in case your car stalls.
Amanda Goodman Mar 2020
the sea breeze flushes your face red.
i wait for you to reach out for my hand.
but you dont.
you stare out to the sea, blue as your eyes.

the wind whips my face and
a tear falls down.
you notice and wipe it away and hold my face for a second.
i think youre going to kiss me.
but you dont.

i stare at you as you walk through the sand to the ocean.
you walk with purpose
and i love that.

you pick up a shell and tell me it reminds you of me.
i ask why.
you say its perfect.
i blush, blaming it on the seabreeze

the breeze starts to hurt.
you put your arm around me
and as our eyes meet
you finally kiss me.

in that moment,
you are my home.
mark john junor Mar 2014
just the outline remains
like a silhouette of happiness faded
like a footprint of a past joy
in the dusk cannot perceive where it has gone
only mark its point of passage
in the soft cold sand
where the brittle rough edge of concrete
juts out from the tangled undergrowth
now just a rain soaked ruin
now just discarded shell someone called home

the rotted planks and shattered glass
litter the ground a maze of pieces
like some lunatics puzzle box
spread for contemplation's amusement
there amongst the jewels of rot
a single small face etched in the grey weatherbeaten stone
the detailed portraiture done with
adorations care
a young woman with long hair flowing
a young woman with captivating smile
now fading slowly in tropical sun
etched on the worlds edge
here amongst the spoiled walls
and broken windows

moonlight now casts its otherworldly light
down through the torn roof
like it is fishing here for mens dreams
which it hungers for
to speed it on its journey
i cast it the morsels of my once loved
i cast it a trail of hearts crumbs
which the moonlight follows on down
the silent street
like a small boy returning home late in the day
with a pocket full of strange treasures

i lay here fitfully dreaming
as mornings heat intensifies to full blown day
jaundiced by the seabreeze i crawl forth
and sit once again
to stare at the etching of the girl
as it is slowly eaten by sea and sand
time may not heal all wounds
but it will consume all the wounded
as it consumed her
RE Strayer May 2019
We live gas station to gas station. Motel to motel. Roleplaying different stories.  Living out the bohemian fantasies of a teenage reverie. So when we check out the next morning all these little lives are left behind to exist in the folds where reality meets lazy Sunny D daydreams. And when we are old and grey and return one day to these places in holy reminiscence, our nerves will be pricked with a kaleidoscope of memory jolting sensations. I’ll turn to you and say, “Don’t you remember, my dear?” The honeydew perfume on my wrist as you kissed me up and down like a cartoon in the kitchen of the Sandman Motel? Or the feel of the unpolished, terrazzo floor in the Sunny Moon dining room with my right hand in yours and the other clutching a stolen bottle of my Father’s Aberlour? I’ll remember the times when I didn’t mind the 7/11 taquitos and you didn’t mind getting up early to watch the “Hot Donut’s” sign light in the the Krispy Kreme’s front window. Fresh baked pastries and gasoline and turquoise curtains from the seventies blowing in the hot summer seabreeze. Getting lost in milky sheets. We were a sitcom. We were romance. We were tragedy a la mode with guitar strings built out of rawhide and teeth made of ***** pearls tangled in conspiracy. These are the things I’ll smell, I’ll see, and I will remember when it was just you and me, pretty baby. Just you and me and the ******* Dream, traveling from sea to shining sea, living cheap and easy and utterly free.
Nermine Marei Feb 2021
Do you know that..

For love is a word,
it has a meaning,
delicate like a bird,
free without a ceiling,
joyfully they sing,
and fight for their being.
On the tree they swing,  
for love is healing...

Do you know that..

I'm at the door.. knock knock..
Still waiting .. no one opened..
I wish I could break the lock..
But deep inside I'm not welcome..
I can't enter.. there is a block after a block..
Love was accompanying me in every step I stepped..
For true love is rare, we should enjoy and not to mock,
I don't want to be pushy and make you feel stressed..
I accept being alone.. I'm not in shock
Having you in my life makes me feel blessed..
Still waiting.. still in love.. tik tok goes the clock..

Do you know that..

I think of you every night,
my heart had so many things to say,
but kept quiet,
In the dark... I followed a ray,
looked to the sky and the moonlight,
I saw a bay from far away,
wished to be there through my sight,
taking with me the pain of everyday,
was barefoot in the cold sand,
the waves hit the rocks,
and on my skin I felt the water spray.
Suddenly, I saw you there on this Fairyland,
smelled the seabreeze,
you held my hand,
thought it's the right moment to seize..
My eyes said it all... in every breath I breathe...

Do you know that..

I wrote so many words,
hidden, never been sent,
we walked in different roads,
still every word is felt,
and has its own scent,
as they were truly all meant...

Do you know that..

There was something we really missed,
we never had the chance and kissed,
it's not about the way I dressed.
In every way, I always did my best,
and all I got.. is a thank you for the gest...

Do you know that..

Life is like a boat,
in the sea the storm hits,
to make a long story short,
for the storm, the boat lurches and spins,
people strive for life, young and old,
dreadfully it sinks,
some people drown and others float,
as if they were born with tails and fins,
far away floats a wooden board,
the perseverant wins,
the apathetical is not aboard,
and the failing says it's not my fault...

Do you know that..

Pensively.. I watch the flowers in the Spring and and count the leaves in the Fall,
ignoring whatever tomorrow will bring..
happy or sad, big or small,
will be happy with everything,
will overcome the obstacles and demolish every wall..
To every hope I will cling,
focusing and moving towards my goal..
To the stars.. I stare and think,  
wondering if I gave my all..
The Shining Star gave me a wink..
Telling me with pride.. to stand tall..
#hope #love #lock #broken #heart #life #think #stars #sky #happy #sad #spring #fall #sink #storm #kissed #boat #waiting #bird #word #meaning
Travis Green Aug 2020
I was becoming obsessed with your rich
coastlines of silky, satisfying love, glorious
visions and inspirations, sparkling moonbeams
magnifying in the midnight mansions of our souls,
such pleasurable kisses and touches synchronizing
together, melting into wild rhymes of flaming
fascinations, vibrating waves escalating
into heightened frequencies, bringing me
into the brightest realms beyond your physical
existence.   You were an endless harmony
strumming on my heart, dividing space
and time, guiding me towards the illumination
of celestial Neptune, effervescent Venus,
jubilant Jupiter, swirling into the rings
of sassy Saturn, wrapped in your rapturous
seabreeze, within your sight and mind,
within your body and soul, your exploding
and rainbow poetry a flowing motion
of romance running deeply in my bloodstream.
I craved the calmness of your wind, your eternal
warmth, how you dazzled me with your
burning bright sparkle, basking in
your slow sensual seas as your handsomeness
echoed in the horizon, dancing delightfully
in my eardrum, speaking to me, humming
to me, how your mesmeric eyes drew me
into your burning flame, into the pure
brightness of your paradise, enmeshed
in your fiery furnace of erupting ecstasy.
I was so lost in your enticing, passionate
planet, my whole world seeping into yours,
becoming more amazed by your powerful
magnetism, your electrostatic majesty,
an authentic quintessence of ultimate
tranquility, breathtakingly savory,
your unblemished arms and hands
so tenderly gratifying, your captivatingly
swelling chests, your hard and amatory abs,
your voluptuous soft thighs, knees, and ankles,
all giving me vividly, heated excitement.
nsw Dec 2019
Between the seabreeze and the horizon
Between the mountains and the skyscrapers
Between sunrise and sunset
I will always be with you.

- 02/22/19

— The End —