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elaine Oct 2018
d o you want me to leave you so soon?
r eality can be a deadly thing, do you want to leave this dreamworld?
e scaping me can be hard
a nd loving me, even harder.
m aybe we can live in harmony, me & you
i magine the possibilities.
n othing can replace what we have,
g ot that?

i hope you don't take me to
s eriously, it's all just a game, laugh along.

m y oh my,
y ou really are a freak, lighten up *****, it's just a game.

o nly a crybaby would cry over something so small.
n arcissist *****, you think you're actually doing something great?
l ies are all they tell you, don't feed into their stupid postivity.
y ou're only as good as dust.

e ven as you write your pointless poetry hiding that you're
s cared to be alone,
c rying because you have no friends
a nd living up up in your head all day like a ******* idiot.
p lease, give me a break from your madness
e veryone can see you're just as pathetic as me.
what else is there to do when reality is screaming at your door?
J M Surgent Oct 2013
One of the most amazing things about women is, they shine early. At age 20 you can tell the girl you’d love to love, and she shines. Her smile and her eyes light up the room like a roaring fire. And while she smiles, she loves the world around her, twofold; like a young girl in lust and a woman in love. She draws you in, and you cannot escape.

When you’re young, she will never love you as you deserve, if you deserve to be loved, which is a conundrum in itself. And that’s the motive here, and I apologize to those looking for a more obscure message. But when you’re 21, with a ****, and hormones, and a life waiting for you to **** it up, chances are you are not ready to be loved. But you want to be, because we all want to be. It’s our incarnate desire as humans to love and to be loved, unconditionally. And while she smiles, and while you think you love her and she’ll love you, understand she’ll always be looking towards the future, because the future right now is the best she has, and if you aren’t the future, which you likely aren’t, say goodbye.

It will get better than you. It will always get better than you, statistically. Statistically speaking, you are not the best. Statistically speaking, you will never be the best. It’s statistically impossible, and even I understand this having failed every math class I’ve ever begun. It’s impossible because you are you, human, and from two parents who were also human, so therefore perfection was never truly in your nature. You can try, and the rest of us will watch you fail. And as you fail, we will laugh. We will joke, and we will make fun, until it is our own turn to fail, wherein we shall weep and expect the sympathy of those around us.

But she’s still smiling, only now, at other guys. And these other guys have bigger chests and more defined arms than you. **** IQ and emotional reality, they have abs you couldn’t ever work for, and they’re southern regions, let us not digress. She wants Superman, all you can offer is Clark Kent, before he’s cool. You are not a superhero. You are mortal.

You will love her, you may always love her. She had the smile to draw you in at first, the smile to draw you in at night, and the smile to keep you awake for years after. She was it, she was perfect, she was the one, or so you tell yourself. Because hindsight offers the beauty of 20-20 vision, and you want so badly to see clearly. But you are young, as is she. And in youth comes lust, comes the man with defined features, chiseled abs and the IQ of your ******* dog.

BUT he’s not as hairy, thank god, because you own a Golden Retriever and you’d be ashamed to know the girl you loved is ******* someone hairier than you dog. At least you can pet your dog, but petting a man is, frankly, a little creepy. At least you know she’s not ******* someone like you, who undergoes the self conscious activity of man-scaping every Friday, when your friends pump you up enough to get you dreaming you have a chance of getting laid that night. So you pluck every extraneous hair hoping Ms. Lucky will not notice the red marks and the razor burn where you tried to hide the history of your sad genetics.

So call them Fido for me, of Fluffy or something else that sounds like they dog they are. **** him until your ***** is so ******* sore you forget what my name even was, how I spelt it, or how I pronounced it. And keep doing that, until you realize, eventually, of all the men you saw, of all the men you slept with, maybe one of us knew you’re middle name, and maybe one of us knew how you pronounced your last name correctly, and one of us us knew exactly how you spelt your first name, with the two t’s and the e at the end, every try, no regrets.

I never got it wrong.
This is supposed to be read aloud, and while I cannot read it for you, I suggest you read it aloud to yourself. It flows much differently that way, and was written for that medium.

Patience—has a quiet Outer—
Patience—Look within—
Is an Insect’s futile forces

‘Scaping one—against the other
Fruitlesser to fling—
Patience—is the Smile’s exertion
Through the quivering—
H  ow is it possible to have so much hate
A  midst all of those that I’m ordered to love.
T  orn by the need to stay here and fight-
R  eeling from weakness I thought I’d outlived,
E  dging towards a fall I must stop, I’m
D  odging the arrows, to keep keeping on.

F  rightened that I’m not as young or as smart,
O  lder than I ought to be at my age, I’m
R  emembering when I wielded weapons of youth.

M  y  armies of wit were were invincible then,
Y  et now only shadows of warriors past.

E  nemies bumping the sore spots they caused me, with
N  ever a thought or respect for my toil, I
E  nvy their callous neglect of my pain and
M  emorize odes to the loathing I feel.
I   light bonfires of hatred and hope not to get burned
E  scaping through tunnels of madness and fear into
S  afer environs where I can breathe free.
I love acrostics and have written many of them.  This was written after a VERY bad day at work.  For James.
Àŧùl Nov 2016
Staying and not giving up is brevity,
And I have a lot of that within me,
Developed even more with time.

This – all of this – is just a challenge,
Have not I faced more serious time,
At the doors of hell trapped was me,
Thermal oven my forehead became.

Yes, unnatural temperatures of fever,
Off my forehead rose moist fumes,
Underrated my chances of living.

Greatly influenced by my loneliness,
A* strength of bearing just anything,
Very pure are such lovely feelings,
Escaping I am never my destiny.

Understood I never why you gave up,
P**lus I see you adamantly remain same.
I had all the reasons to give up,
But I didn't because I am brave,
And I am proud of myself for all what I bear,
The first doctor gave up on me like a coward.

HP Poem #1264
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Yes, today I tell you about naïvety,
Our bright moments all got faded,
Up high above the sky love took you,
Raze you did my love to ground.

Hardworking is a trait of the naïve,
Escaping is the trait of others.
As innocent they might behave,
They might not be dupable.

Innocent people work dedicatedly,
Not the saying the same for smart ones.

Yelp they often for help,
Often they do so for ease,
Underworking lifelong,
Resting most of the time.

Lies you construed for convenience,
Infinite and uncountable lies,
Fife of carelessness you played,
Especially in your romantic life.

Wish they do for an easy life,
Ill they unintentionally wish for you,
Long they will for an expert,
Lastly they will follow their lazy heart.

Teeming with tears your eyes are left,
An aching heart eventually gives away,
Keen to relax with your love they are,
Eastward or westward escape won't help you.

You will rue your actions one day,
Our memories you might forget,
Unto paradise youth will not come.

Down the whirlpool of memories I sink,
Of your guilt you will also feel bad,
Win my heart you did with your naïvety,
Now you are matured as self-centred.

Taste you will many serums,
Of different people they will be.

Another Atul won't cross your way.

Bringing any friends won't help,
Ringing any relatives won't either,
Of loneliness it will be a big hell,
The dome of love you despise,
Have it your way right now,
Enjoy now when you can,
L*ife will settle scores...
I want my heart back.

HP Poem #1295
©Atul Kaushal
Francie Lynch Apr 2016
Just hitched my pants
Above the waistline;
Added a tight notch.
What's to become of me.
Should I consider
Knee-high socks,
With Bermuda shorts
To match
My peppered stubble.
Perhaps man-scaping
And Botox,
A ****** moustache
And comb-over,
Or live life
Like Benjamin Button.
S Smoothie Oct 2013
It seems
you've managed to gouge out
another chunk of my heart
took your time
to make me feel it,
every bit of it
Wormed those fingers of pain
right in
down to nauciously scraped
dug in so deep
must've been so ******
to find it was hollow?
Oh sweety,
with your forhead
planted in your palms
You look so lost?
Didn't think of the cost?
did you?
how well
in our misery we soak
one day king of hearts;
next day broke!
you didn't think
id let it go
so easily did you?
I have a habit
of scaping the mess
under my nails
love is such a
gruesomely pretty colour
Cheer up!
I feel so much better!
now that I've taken
a good chunk
of yours.
Àŧùl Jan 2017
And so we were separated by spaces between us,
The distances took a heavy toll from us both,
Unsuccessful better be my surname,
Long ago I started tumbling.

Up above the world so high,
She was cutest angel in my sky,
Ever so beautiful all her ways were,
Dreaming me with herself she used to.

Tracing words on her skin I used to write,
On both her feet and also her hands.

Lost is that so golden sheen,
Over the years only getting bitter,
Vastly living in my solo play I am now,
Escaping that wicked loneliness poltergeist.

Kindly I tried to love her with all my honesty,
Rather than heart I loved her with my soul,
Insipid now all my days have become,
Painting I am regularly a smiley,
I**nsipid my life has become.
We were like tags to the poem of life,
So we were always separated by spaces.

I am satisfied that I did not cheat her ever.
I have a clean heart as far as loyalty is concerned.
Another Secondary Acrostic Poetical Piece.
My HP Poem #1368
©Atul Kaushal
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2021
Lost in the city,
floundering alone
caught on the hook
of an abandoned dream
fighting in vain
against modernity’s pull
living the lie
—of eternity’s pain

(The New Room: July, 2021)
S Smoothie Oct 2014


ideas about love and other things



everything in between us.

the things I love the things I hate

the things i need.

Im not sure if you are one of them

but im afraid to find out.

lost in the humdrum punctuated by angry swirls

I find something elegant about your redemption

from your graceless fall each time.

so this is love hey

and i struggle to define it in some useful form

its not pretty at all and yet so strangely beautiful.

it seems the more we hang on the more it transcends

I am hoping desperately that it isnt simply a fear

ove the loss of time spent scaping us together each time

or some stupid hope that if we hang in long enough

the fruits of our labours will come.

or is it that you and i are inextricably linked by some chaotic yet ancient force

that stirs these whirlpools into action

that the sound of my name from your lips raises hairs on my neck

and the touch of your hands warms me to my soul

and in your eyes I see home, the very same  one Ive seen you long for

in mine. and the stupid way you think drives me crazy,

but the way you love me is something of time immortal

and I can feel it burning into me

calling me home when Ive forgotten you on my adventures

and a pull so strong so real that it lights my heart almost as bright as my soul

when I see you and you see me in that way we do sometimes

we know its just so exquisitely right the way we connect.


thoughts. ideas about love and other things.



Àŧùl Aug 2017
I* know of a Nomad people there.

They would even marry kids,
About 8 year olds I refer to here,
Lay them in the desert sand,
Kill them they would every night.

Alas, a new creed was started,
Bet they do for camel derbies,
Often they Halal their necks,
Up they drink camel blood,
Totally exploiting their women.

Them we fear the most,
How shameless they are,
End their hatred will never.

My indication is towards them,
Unintelligible who have become,
Slim are their famished girls,
Listening is the entrapped Shiva,
I know that He'll be finally free,
Many still repeat the enchantments,
So dumb they circumambulate anti-clockwise.

An effigy of Ravaņa is afire annually,
None of his descendants is brave,
Demean they the Hindus therefore.

Them the world fears on this day,
Harmony is harmed by them,
Escaping them is not possible,
I mean that they are everywhere,
Regal they think that they all are.

Originating in Hinduism,
Road to heaven they have lost,
I too got visions from heaven,
Go to the mausoleum & break it,
Ignore what the world says,
No followers of Maha Maada,
S**he was a demon princess originally.
My HP Poem #1648
©Atul Kaushal
Austin Sessoms Jul 2024
Not being the one to do the work
Of mowing my lawn every couple of weeks
Waking up or passing out to
Hands on a pushmower out my bedroom window
The landscapers scaping the land
At what feels like the crack of dawn
Waking up to a full compost bin
And a barren backyard
It’s a trip
Nothing inside is maintained
With the same aim to minimize clutter
And maximize space - open space
It’s like nothing is better to look at
Than thriving - expanding environments
Left to incorporate anything ready to grow
Refuse accepted as art as it piles up
Hoarding possibilities and information
And meaningful clutter
Gutting it isn’t just clean
It’s reductive
Arfah Afaqi Zia Nov 2015
Escaping shackled memories,
Narcissts here, and narcissts there,
Communicating later to form a truce,
Oblivious of everything that had once happened,
Unveiling the truth that had once been ugly,
Negotiation being carried,
Terminating abhor and replacing it with love,
Easing all the pain and worries,
R**epairing that once broken friendship.
Beth Decisions Apr 2015
E asy is nonexistent.
S orrow is upon us all.
C ant escape from reality.
A ll the pain is coming back.
P eople are surrounding me.
E veryone has left me though.

F reedom is all I want.
R eal freedom.
O f a different sort than the one I posse.
M ental turmoil is what I want to escape from.

R eality *****.
E scaping is all I want.
A lthough I'm scared of letting go.
L ove has a hold upon me.
I wish it wasn't there.
T hough I doubt you know.
Y ou are what I hold most dear.
Written: November 7, 2013
Gabriel Jan 2018
H ollowed with thoughts clouded with questions
E ngrave my words in tombstones to remember my name.
L ay me down in roses and scatter our memories in the sea
P ray for my dying soul that yearns to live inside your deepest fears

M olded into something far more worst than sickness
E scaping someone who forced me to be the man I am now.

TMReed Dec 2019
In the back-alleys o’ the Baker’s house, past the boatyard in Balley Streets,
the town’s only iron-boy sang farewell to the town’s only creaky-feet.

Since Chicken Feet was but a rusty coupling, those lanky chatterboxes
have stirred up whispers, whines, and more than their fair share of problems.

They leaked such an unbearable racket, the sea-folk of the Balley Streets
dubbed dear, unfinished Chicken Feet—the carrier of creaks

For he did. Everywhere he went.  

But on that foggy morning, the iron lad stumbled ‘pon a touch of fortune.
A magic-man—an honest fellow by Chicken’s careful estimation

Wandered ‘to the Balley Streets. And, boy, did he have jus’ the thing!
From out his bag o’ opportunity, a pair o’ human feet would spring!

Snapping up those lanky lookers for all the coins in his pockets,
Chicken rushed to empty those noisy devils from his sockets.

At last! At last! Daydreams bounced around Chicken’s iron bean.
The carrier of creaks would finally have his handsome feet!

Though dressing in those fondest forelegs would prove quite a twister.
Joints fell loose. Buckles stuck. Casings cracked between his fingers.

He forced-n-frowned, frowned-n-forced, until his lookers had enough.
The patient pair had played their part, but Chicken’s madness grew too much.

Thus, the handsome human feet leapt on their softest soles.
They danced past Chicken’s grabbing hands and skipped right out the door.

Surely, there’s still time! Chicken shouted with-all his heart,
for the blindest hope was pumping steady through his iron parts

His future ‘scaping by the minute, he reached down to the floor,
pawing for those squawking crutches he wore so thoughtlessly before.

But the walking, talking migraines were nowhere to be found.
Somewhere ‘long the way, the creaks had tottered outside on their own.

Too legless for the chase. Too legless now to stand.
From that day forth, Chicken Feet carries creaks on his hands.
Out with the new. In with the old.
Fate does not always favor the bold.
Mahdi Akhloumadi May 2017
I Took a shower with your scent
Now I have your smell with myslf
On the surface of my skin
Swaying gently in violet
I breathed you and you got me high,
As my ballon lungs were filling with your exhale,
And I was scaping from the gravity
Saying farewell to my own dear ground,
Bye bye my inertial self centered life
As you made me lighter than air
Michael Marchese May 2020
The gangs are the left
I’m the master suspicion
She’s not coming back
Not a star
To be wishin’
So go fish
For a dish in the kitchen
Soups on
And the homeless
Are worlds away
Soon all be revealed
As the kid
Some empath,
A scribe,
In his stride
Impish his
The Pacific
In his glide
And his mind
Is awhirl
Wind divining
For the architect’s
Wasteland of mine
But the tribe
Is his center
His entryway to
Of rich heritage,
And food

— The End —