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At school I had trouble socializing,
And still, The Owl, comes all too late?

My formative years are spent deep within caves searching,
Yet The Owl is never found there?

The failures and sadness accumulate over time,
Leaving The Owl traversing some other’s sky,

I feel life slipping away each day,
And still The Owl never manifests!

Where is The Owl? Does it not come with time?
Will cleverness induce her, perhaps woo her with rhyme?

Quell restless mind, The Owl reforge me so I’m freed!
Grant me your talons so that I may succeed!

And still, The Owl, who never manifests,
And still The Owl never manifests.

I curl chalky fingers into travertine-grip,
Aged ruin takes a hold, in my despair as I slip,

Sans which The Owl never did manifest,
To wit, sans The Owl, pounding sand as I jest,

So what, The Owl, never did manifest?
And still The Owl never manifests.

Life without The Owl, was no life at all,
No solemnity of greatness, a life of doltish pit-fall.

And still The Owl never manifests.
And still The Owl never manifests.
Most people believe they have a guardian angel looking over them and intervening to make their lives better; more fulfilling. Angels in ancient art were represented as owls(watchers) for the god(s) would inhabit animals to monitor humans.
Keith Strand May 2020
Iron graces my tongue
Hephaestus' ferrous fire

My song won't be sung
accompanied by drum or lyre

This won't end
never now or later

See the burns
on your most worthy opponent

See how far
how far you bent
This poem started out structured but kinda fell apart haha


At one time, I had a secret place.
Full of mystery, of light, of grace,
An architecture of stone, wrapped
In silken vines and flowers

Clovered rock and broken pew
Abandoned but innocent, anew
It bloomed from the destruction
It had been carved from, to peace

To serenity, a dark past forgotten,
A new hope in silence, begotten
Yes, peace, serenity, new life,
Of these traits it sparkled through streaming sunlight

Last time I was there however,
I thought it to be the last, forever.
The rain had pounded relentless
And when I went to take shelter there

I found no soothing safety.
No evidence of serenity.
The clear beige stone painted then
With the blood of fifty bullets.

I dropped to my knees,
A new pain unleashed
A dark past repeated, the devastation,
Of what had once been good there.

Broken stone that had held
Warmth, life and strength; melds
Into cold, hard stone
Hewn from pillars with the bodies broken against it

War happened there, brutal and complete
And I crumbled with the walls, as sleet
Plundered down through the halls
And upon my shoulders, pinning me there

This place, my best friend, my escape
Had turned into a place of pain, even hate
Of self torture, of visions of blood
To relive the beheading of all that was good.

I ran from that place, I tried to never look back.
I let the home fade with the light- to black.
I made a new place, small, quiet and safe
Hidden from the world, forsaking my place.

Today, while staying in that hiding hole,
One day of now months, alone, but whole,
Used to this new refuge, safety in solitude
Secured in darkness no one can find

I heard the smallest of whispers, a flute
On the wind, familiar, but frightening,
Coming from within, a place I knew silenced
By gunfire and rain, I stood from my shelter, and I walked again

I left the dark safety, as if caught in a trance
Feet following a path, I once had tread with dance
That way was becoming overgrown, from so long unused
But I knew the way, naturally following the muse

Every step forward, quickened my breath
Do I dare go back and look, at the life turned to death?
Would it hurt all over again? It was cold when I left…
But that sound if coming from somewhere… if I just look-

Look! There… beyond the last turn
A glance of sunlight on stone wall, and my heart starts to yearn
My pace rushes with my pulse, to see the place still standing
In my thoughts, since leaving, I'd only dreamt of it crumbling

Through the forest, and onto the stone,
My best friend is wounded but… no longer alone.
The pain is still here, and I still want to cry
The blood stains are browning, fading since 'goodbye'

But I still see them, I remember the first
I remember seeing the blooms when they'd been dying of thirst
Bullet shells and broken chairs still litter the floor
Glinting in the sunlight, revealing even more

Pain, yes, but as I cross to the middle, a change
Something different, something new, something little.
The center of the courtyard, broken cobblestone had been torn
From the fighting, the battle, the tantrums, the storm

It had ripped away the stone and structure, busted it to bits
But here, in the middle, where it was laid bare… it's..
Growing. Something new, something persistent, green life
In the middle of what was born out of only weapons, lightning strike

Again, brought to my knees, I kneel at its side
I see the highlight of light, along the edges of leaves, and inside
Young still, fragile, but full of promise
Full of hope, and home, and a reminder of what was lost.

These same vines once curved around columns,
And as the glow of life returns to my eyes, I see, here they still do
Here it is growing in the new places
To mend, and stitch the new holes, and to close the old wounds.

Maybe this place… it can't be what it was.
You can't reforge stone, or simply paint over blood
But nature has a way, of doing its part
It will take what's left of this core, what was torn apart

And make a new place, with the same memories as the old
The same whispers of peace and serenity retold.
No it won't look the same, but if this continues to grow
A structure will turn into a Garden of Eden… and a new home.

With green glow back in my eyes, and strength back in my heart
I stand again, and I will do my own part
I will rebuild what I can, and create new for the rest,
And make it even better than it was before the test.

No matter how many gunmen, come knocking on the door
I will stand between them, and the place I adore
There is too much beauty still, and I will forsake us both never
This is my home. And I will protect it forever.
Jake Danby May 2015
The winter trees stand unclothed,
branches reaching for each other with woody empathy
craving their lovers touch, naked bodies of passion,
their children lie red and amber,
setting ablaze the verdigris blades,
that hold them kindly,
when their mothers can no longer carry them,
the embrace breaks them down,
allowing their earthy scent to creep to the nostrils of those who come to think a while,
enjoying the fleeting sun on their backs for a time,
on this frosty winter day,

The traffic seems obsolete,
if the whispering birds can learn,
to ignore the engine rumbles as can I,
the obsidian asphalt path carves delicately through this city sanctuary,
like an old english dance,
where courters would not touch their partner,
but embrace the sweet proximity,
and cherish the fire in their beloved's eyes,
and soul.

Water lies abandoned in the path,
reflecting the eternal blue of the afternoon sky,
an embodiment of tranquility,
a connection that can never be consummated,
a longing to be together again,
the water envies the whisp of cloud that has retained the skies clinch,
a ripple destroys the perfect portrayal,
but to give way to two Blue ****,
absorbing its love,
and releasing it to one another,
as they speak to each other,
and elope toward the emerging pearl moon.

I brush my feet amongst the wood chip beds,
mere remnants of once great trees,
still huddling together in solidarity,
as though trying to reform what once was,
it makes me ponder of soul mates lost,
clutching at the memories that once were,
and pursuing to reforge a love that refuses to be broken,
adoration manifest as young sapplings reach upward,
sprouting from the shallow chippings,
ready to blossom with memories once more.
Emily Galvin Sep 2016
What happens then,
When we finally reach that bridge
The unsteady footpath of decision 
That only one of us can cross
When our hands part
And you walk the shaky steps of commitment and truth
With a single glance backward 
Avoiding my eyes 
As I watch you walk away
Only a few steps apart
But with a lifetime of history and emotion stretching it's cavernous yawn beneath us

Do I forget you?
As you stride out, leaving of the mists of my adoration 
Should I cleanse my mind of love
Crush the butterflies that sit in my stomach
Awaiting your every word 
Do I scratch out your face from the photographs of my mind?
Remake memories 
Reforge falsified passion
Ignore the beauty in the delicate brush of wind against a sheltered forest,
The bittersweet sting of cold rain against warm skin
The rush of blood to my cheeks at a black and white image I know only you could love.
Do I embrace my senses
Turn my back
Allow us to be separate entities in a world where we were supposed to be whole

Or do I follow the solitary wake of my heart
Cross legged, silent
Patiently waiting at that edge for the moment you may return 
For the moment you realise
Life cannot go on without us
And you turn back 
To leap the chasm that keeps us apart
Wait for the flames of your outstretched arms to reignite the fire in my broken heart
For us to connect
In the unending circle of emotion and connection 
That makes us whole within ourselves 
That feeds us
Free to blossom into the multitude of colour our wistful lives have always promised 

Can I wait in vain
And let my heart forever overthrow the sensibility of the mind
Expose myself to the elements of rejection and sorrow 
For the promise of something perfect
Sublime and intangible
Can I forsake the solid ground of reality?

I already know how this will end 
When we reach that path.
My body can let you go
But my heart will never forget
I want to melt
I want to dissolve
Pour myself into the ground
And let something better grow
Where I once would've stood
I want to escape
And scatter each bit of memory
Become one with the stardust
That had built me
At least then I would be again a star
A Machele Jul 2012
what words can i say to tame the beating of my heart?..
alone with the memory of you, a sad girl in the dark
what to do when you realize love wasn't enough?
i never thought i'd say those words, tough
a dull ache i feel in my chest, a longing for the best
no matter what happens, civility and grace
a simple charm so it wasn't all a waste—of time, of friendship, of love..
deep breathe, take it slow, that's enough
reforge the bond that kept our connection alive
set aside ego, resentment and pride—subside
give in to the light; not getting what you want is sometimes what's right
don't fight, there'll always be another night
cape coral fl
Crucifix Sep 2015
Clouded eyes lie broken down. Bloodied broken is the crown, the princess hanged, the prince to blame. Even is the grass untamed. Still he stands alone, against the odds just flesh and bone. "Such hell is this?" He comprehendes, "what evil seeks such ends?" Then he stares into the abyss and sword in hand he charges forth, to tame the grass and reforge the crown. And to keep the sky from crashing down.
Sometimes we all strive to be heroes. Even if its only in a fairytale.
Sevki May 2019
Absence, alone.
Sitting alone.
Unread texts.

One... Two... Three!
My mind starts racing,
first comes the doubts.

Then embraced by the self-hate.
Regret and judge, discord upon myself.
To yonder back from whence I came.

Recollect the sacrifices that were made.
Reforge my old self again.
Drugs, Alcohol, ***, Depression, Anxiety, the Addiction.

Is purity not meant for me?
A few hours of mere absence I dread.
Perhaps corrupt I must be?

Lose the white light, wholesome, selfless and true.
Embrace the darkness, selfishly and torment be due.
Oh my dear god, cleanse me of such disposition,

end me please~
Elijah Corbeau Aug 2014
Is she the damsel from fantasy books?
The one who heroic hearts arc towards?
Indeed, of faerie eye and fair-lined looks
What cold savior could she be waiting for?
Some faux hero made of dreams, just like her-
From realms of common beauty with the wiles
of class-bred temper; Parted from less learned
Folk like me whom their countenance beguiles-
Although, it seems that all our breaking dreams
In this reality reforge themselves;
Imbued now with the pain of shattered hearts,
We move forward with new convictions held.
To wit; It's not that ******* hip and cool
To play the Man who loves you like a fool.
Mark Steigerwald Dec 2019
Falling leaves
And rolled out sleeves
I wipe my brow and I keep marching on

When October is over
Awaken my heart

When October is over
Allow me once more to start

The warmth starting to fade and a  
new chill transforming the world we know Into a dark and barren place.
Yet deep down hope is rekindled and light begins to shine.

When October is over
Let me know

When October is over
I'll let her go

But just for a little while longer
I'll hold on to her,
I'll embrace her memory,
I'll seek out her friendship
I'll dream of the day when I win her back,
I'll write love songs to her and not share with anyone
I'll paint for her with all the skill my shaking hands can muster
I'll practice my dancing to impress her
I'll pray to God to hold her once more
I'll wash my face and comb my hair
I'll dress myself in all of her favorite clothes I own
I'll imagine an impossible life with her, seeing the world and living out our dreams.

Wake me up when October is over
But for now let me sleep and enjoy this dream, this wondrous dream I've been stuck in.
Let me lie to myself that perhaps she yet loves me,
Let me lie to myself as I imagine her saying she wants me back
Let me lie to myself and say there's hope for the love we once had
Let me lie to myself sweet mysteries
Let me Reforge the passion, reignite the romance arouse my inmost desire:
To hold her as I did that first night we met. That first embrace, that wonderful surprise,
Realizing that she was so much better than I could have ever imagined.

When October is over
Please don't let my dreams continue,
But humor me just for awhile as this month passes by, to imagine a life by her side.
Wither Bloodfall Apr 2020
One night
5 rose
The skies dimmed
The night grows

Crowned soldier
Give command
Thunder roars
Take a stand

Blades swing
Bullets fly
A soundless scream
A faint goodbye

Twin allies
Come forth
Darkness falls
Lose their worth

Being of evil
Pitch black night
Hated child
Gathered blight

White mask
Cracked, stained
Blades clash
Hell rains

Friends and enemies
They all fall
Echoed laughter
A maiden’s calls

Bright moon
Don’t rise
Dark monster
Pierced skies

Another falls
4 tried
Blooded air
Battle cry

Red flower
bright and bold
upon a pillar
heart of gold

Enemies grow
Gods sigh
Warrior in red
Jump and fly

Weapons fall
Forces clash
Sounds of war
Broken, trashed

United as one
Bonds undone
Commanders rise
War bells rung

Teared skies
Memories flow
Black eclipse
White snow

Chaos spreads
Horses mourn
Winged leviathans
Dragons roar

Came too close
Went too far
Hidden trap
Enemies scar

Descend to darkness
Blacken the day
Let all hope
Shatter away

Reforge your own
Come back alive
All that was real
Was left behind

March on
Stay strong
Head held high
Survive the night

Emerge once more
Let out your roar
Shields up
Spread your wings, soar

Ripped from space
Erased from time
Re-fabricate your will
And once more, rise

Take them down
As they stand
Don’t surrender
Fight till it ends

One more opponent
Anger and pain
Cataclysm incarnate
Heaving flame

Brought with a bond
Crafted from stories
Forge a blade
Of memories

Hack them down
Stand by your will
Unalterable fate
Laid shatter and spilt

Once again
The wind dashed
Leaving behind
Blood and ash
Chris Thomas Oct 2016
Striving for greatness is never easy
It's so much simpler to lay down
Wilting and waiting to die

Until the crust of the earth
Crumbles, splits, rips open at the seams
And swallows me whole

Reforge me with tremors
Recreate my senses with aftershock
Decimate me, then build me again
Dillon van Kaam Jan 2018
I gathered all my emotions
To question my devotion
Gathered here in the dark
To rekindle my essence
I just need a little spark
A ray of light during these cloudy days
A weapon to fight these demons
Be it to my dismay
Trembling with every thought
Return to me foul beast
Return to me what you stole
Return to me while I am om the brink
Return to me before I completely sink
The table has been set
And the candles have been lit
For me to reforge this bond
Get it back to whole
Im calling upon my own spirit
It's a seance of the soul
kirk Oct 2022
I love you my dear sister, I don't want to say goodbye.
Why did you have to leave us, why do the good things die?
Your in my thoughts you'll always be, a glint in my minds eye
A single tear I can't contain, so I won't even try

Whenever I feel lonely, I will search for the brightest Star
I will feel you near me, and I'll know just where you are
Although you are no longer hear, you just won't seem so far
Open wounds will never heal, and always leave a scar

A wilting rose is beautiful, even with a fallen petal
Thorns may scratch a jaded heart, and never will it settle
Jagged edges peirce my soul, they sting just like a nettle
Life is far too fragile, when our health begins to fettle

Mum and Dad are waiting, to take you by the hand.
They'll beckon you to follow them, towards the promised land
I'll think of you in every place, between the sea and sand
But you will have to wait for me, I hope you understand

Tell them both I love them, and I'm sorry to be late
But I will still be with you, as you walk beyond the gate
You will need their guidance, as they know you should not wait
And we will cry the lonely tears, of everlasting fate

One sun has set forever, tears hidden in the rain.
I know one day I'll be with you, and sun's will rise again
Until such time I will endue, cries of my inner pain
We will reforge our broken links, and reconnect the chain

We're fighting for survival, in a battle we can't win
Our journey's end as closer, to the point where we begin
I'll find you at the crossroads, where the road is running thin
We'll join hands and you will know, I love you Sister Lynn
Written for a friend's sister
Kylilin Jan 2020
I scream mercy into the unrelenting darkness and there is no let up, there is no tenderness to be found.

All there is, is what I make of it.

Kick and claw and pry and push. It makes a mockery of my efforts. I sally forth unyielding.

I lose ground, I gain. Exhaustion overwhelms me.

For a moment.

My resolve shows cracks. I put it to flame as so much steel and reforge. I am relentless.

I am nothing but my conviction.

I will show it no mercy.

— The End —