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Brie Dec 2014
It's what everyone longs to be,
But how come it seems that no one can see
That outter is cool,
But nothing can compare to what's inside of you.
No one can compare
Nor describe
Or deny
That of the beauty inside.
Yet, we fake and we lie.
So stuck on building our pride
We forget how we look on the inside
Well, let me remind you
Stop worrying so much about what clothes you look
And Skimpy in
When you could naturally feel the same just being in you own skin
It seems that a lot of people today don't realize how amazing they are because they are so stuck on what they look like. I say take pride in yourself in both your personality and your image. Do what I felt like I couldn't do for the longest. It's a work and progress but I'm trying.byou should too.!
Becky Littmann Nov 2014
I'm high as a ******* kite
I know this **** isn't right
Staying up all **** night
But I didn't put up a fight
Since the feeling is hella tight
..... Hella tight
.... Yeah hella tight

Another day
Feeling the same way
I know , I know what can I say
Come out, come out to play
This feeling isn't going away
.... Just go away
.... Go away

I feel like I can fly
Way up high
Through the clouds in the sky
It's a trip I can't deny
It's a feeling you need to try...
... You must try...
.... Just try

I'm slowing down quite a bit
Not long before the ground I hit
Stupidly there I just sit
I really need to just quit
But Id miss the feeling I get...
...**** the feeling I get...
....what a feeling I get

Lost in its distraction
Like a bug lights purple glowing hyponotic attraction
Causing a massive chain reaction
A sickening fascination
A feeling of amazing satisfaction..
..******* addicting satisfaction...
...craving the satisfaction..

A feeling quite rare
Do I dare
Or do I even really care
A feeling that tingles everywhere
..this feeling I should share
....should share...
...but can't share

What a crazy place
Limitless like outter space
Intense & in your face
A feeling you embrace
Like winning a race
A feeling you can never replace...
...never replace..
...unable to replace..

It's mighty slick
Addicted you quick
Playing a nasty trick
Laying on the feeling thick stuck fast like a glue stick...
...that's right a glue stick..
....a glue stick..

High as a kite
I told you it wasn't right
Up all night
...I gave into the fight
The feeling is just hella tight.. hella tight...
...yeah, hella tight...
A silent rage that flows within me
It stings and burns on the inside
But the outter is not affected.

Is an act of self destruction
Wanting to give up what you
once desired, loved, and cared for
To have something you don't
Actually know you want.

I close my eyes and imagine
Without Jealousy
Without Envy
Wouldn't life be easier?
To just be happy with what I've got.
Thomas Esparza Oct 2015
I hide my face from the world I know.
I wear a mask, a mask to hide.
A mask to hide who I really am.
The mask that hides the face .
The face of a depressed man all alone.
My mask keeps all my insecurities hidden.
Behind my mask I am everyones friend.
By masking my emotions no one gets hurt.

If I were to not wear my mask.
Would people accept me, for me.
Lonely and meak
Or would they only feel sorry for me.
If only I had the courage to take off my mask.
Show everyone who I am.

My mask keeps things at peace.
Keeps the inner me.
From ruining  the outter me
If I was to take off this mask who would I be.
Would you know me. Would you like to get to know me.
Let me take off my mask.
We shall see.
last night I nearly lived,
in dream so make believe,
such a turn of sunshine

and hope was always true,
could cast away my sorrow,
beyond the dream horizons,

i saw painted, dim lit boats,
shrinking blue into oceans,
skipping in longest tides,

only wings can take me
there, to the outter shores,
beyond the dream horizons,

i cannot fly, I then thought,
as the lone seabird sails,
as such an angelic thing,

but see the sky is an arc,
any wing can show you,
just lend an limb or eye,

across the sun waves,
are new lands to make,
before any moon rises,

the sky is clearly woven,
skerries and the frosted
banks are steeply melting,

a lone grey gull cries over,
seabird in soul ceremony,
solemn with climbing sun,

i cannot fly, I then thought,
as the lone seabird sails,
as such an angelic thing,

merely I am human now,
awake from dream horizons,
dead alive without wings.
Gonz and Roses Mar 2011
Drinking allnight  just to get right.
She claims she never but it sure dont seem tight.
Im half off the wagon but I just went for the ride
Passed out at the keyboard found out  a friend  called hello died.

Went to the funeral what did I see.
A ****** new place it did appear to me.
One for the road okay i took the case.
Hopped in the coffin.
felt like i just came back from outter space.

If your camper's rockin.
Better hope your husban dont come a knockin.
cause bulletes leave ya sore.
So just hide in the floor.
Cause if your dead it's pretty tuff to get some more.

I like beer and poetry what else did ya think i'd say.
like a kid throwin rocks at a hornet's nest
nest with danger i will always play.

Im guessing my wife must be outta school.
Honey you can ride the bus for free.
No need to blow the teacher and being he's the janitor it's not really cool.

I like beer and pushing the envelope what can i say.
just cause you like to snuggle on fishing trips
people call ya gay.

I write like a demon sometimes i even think.
When did God invent *******?
Come on lets mix a drink.

Cartoons are great ever watch fritz the cat?
got busted last week trying to spend some alone time.
guees it's not cool to ******* in a laundrymat.

Wow im so impressed okay maybe not.
Love the new site.
Wonder if the new designer  on his meds
are really doesnt care to think alot.

Wonder if my new will stay.
I love beer and poetry
What else did you ***** little  hamsters really think i'd say?
Id like to thank  to thank Jesus, My drug dealer, Betty White  for the pics,
Hamburgers  and perverts ,Clouds that dont talk back,******* shady pines mental home for the shock treatments what a buzz.

Mr pickles , Skeeter for not charging me , And my amigos for laughing even when i cant   adios

we have left the building.
Diverseman2020 Nov 2009
As the rain pours into day
Driving on drench roads
I am alone
Inside this mechanical vehicle
Feelings of warmth and comfort
Away from the impurities
Sheilding the outter atmosphere
As the music soothes me to another time
While the passionate lyrics
Uplift my spirit
A completed stop
I commence to breath air
On Earth's surrounding enviroment
People looking like humanoids
With grimance faces
As I stood like a pawn on a chess board
Being checkmate from the unknown
This terrain
Which is not mine to walk
but to stroll in a proud manner
As I feel no calmity
Peeling my soul
While my skin is frail
To their discomforted
As the sun settles upon the cloudy skies
The raging foes are normal
As I seek to dry land
A touch of wet grass
Endures my feet to a conviction of glory
brandon nagley Aug 2015

sacchariferous exhale's, I shalt insufflate into her bronchi
An Ode of enchantment, a beacon of escarpment, Filipino oblige;
We shalt junket all the way to France, the way politician's do
Concord, oh amour', at the end of the day Cogitation's, sky blue.


The artist's shalt adumbrate ourn outter appearance's, as ghost's
They shalt brush us onto an primeval canvas, Enlargement ****;
Phosphorescent simper she giveth, as I grace her foreign perfume
Thither the acropolis, to mine land of Greece, Corinth, in all tune.


The people their do greeteth her, they layeth out the red carpet
White wall's of these spítia, nacre full of plenty, open market's;
The children here art collaborated in epoch, decorative style's,
As mine queen shalt seeith, they weareth golden leaves, wild......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication/ pag-ibig magpakailanman.....
spítia means homes or houses in Greek..... For you who wonder lol
Where is my laddie? As reason,
Time, unreasonable, runs amok,
Precious, stone frost on the rose,
And sun travels yoked with moon,
Somes, climbing into skies broke
With light and smoke and hopes,
Dashed on earthly tides quaking,
My heat waits to be aired, beaten,
My soul, thirsts for carnate touch,
In of outter reaches of openesses
My breath suffocates in rainy sun,
All this life to know is but waiting,
The flowering of my flower wanes.
The Rogue Poet May 2014
As I look into your eyes I see a story unfolding before me.
I see the regret, pain, and the decomposing of faith burrowed in you.
But that is only the outter layer.
You have not realized your true place in life.
I see that You are truly amazin and are indfinitely strong.
You motivate me to be strong and to keep my faith  as well.
And I can see myself with you for an eternity.
I would cherish every waking moment with you
and dream every second of you.
Be there for you through the pains and aches
And be there til your last birthday cake.
I want to see every chapter of your novel unfold
because I want to be in every one of your stories.
I'm willing to take the good, the bad, and the ugly for and with you.
I promise not to hurt you or desert you
and even if our heads collide ill still stand by your side.
All I ask is that your honest, and loyal as I will do the same.
Just know the way I feel about you has no set date or time frame. <3

Harley Hucof Apr 2017
A negligible volume and infinite energy
A limitless interval of knowledge and intimacy

Wisdom surpassing reason binding the creation
Imprinted information in our core's explanation

I am eternal, i will never die
Death is conquered, though you will putrefy
You knew too much, still you chose crime
I come from the outter margin, beyond space and time

Words Of Harfouchism
Astar wise Jul 2015
Opportunities arise,
Anxiety is suppressed.
"Just breathe" you say
   as you walk done the street.
Hoping you arent as transparent
  as a blank white sheet.
A sheet used to cover a kid wanting to seem invisible on Halloween.

You walk in.
The office eyes bore holes in you
   as the whispers "new girl"
You gather yourself qnd mumble
As if to talk to your inner self telling it to stop feeling panic
As if to prove that your able to hold yourself together when opportunities arise.
"Dont!" You shout to that inner being
"Dont!" You yell at the top of you imaginary lungs
As you break down inside you seem to hold your outter being together you sit down.
Your now in your office and yet another day of work and panic.
brandon nagley Aug 2015

In stormy sea's, And in the breeze, Wherein caliginosity doth hide
Behold mine morning glory, for thou art part of mine ****'s;
Whence death I hath came from, in the charnel house I laid
I was shackled in all debacle, lost, seeking, lonesome, in mine age.


Thou hath disenthralled me, and hath taken me to thine hip's
Thine craft was shiny, seraphic blinding, I floated onto thy ship;
Hovered I didst, as if a nasa takeoff to thy outter layered space
Thou hath sweetened me, with Asian tea, and put honey to taste.


Albeit I was just a campesino, with nothing to giveth mine dove
She soared me. Explored me, ourn kisses brought tear's of love;
Avouched me she hath done, she took mine side against the crowd, she hushes me with all compassion, her tiera Asiatic loud.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
ClawedBeauty101 Jan 2018
I am running... into a tunnel that seems to be nothing but a galaxy of voices

Echo the stars into its shooting state,  for I chose to ignore their choices

Comets have left their trace,  But like an icy breath,  their existence goes extinct

Cover my ears! For their twinkling whispers of constellations will never predict

The future laid aside for this black hole Dreamer. For I have disposed the old axis

The dwarfs of my outter life I have chosen to betray,  I need a morphallaxis

Soften my core with an after glow ripple of silence, and open up wisdom through the coronal holes

Cover My Ears! I only listen to the language of the Solar winds. It understands my soul

My planet has enough craters... No more damage shall be done.  I am the mistress of dark matter

My  past and  memories have been dipped in the light of a lunar eclipse,  it's blood scatters

Only within a Large field of view can I  recognize it's purpose. Not through men's atmosphere

Cover My Ears! I must deal with these super clusters of instincts alone. Now and Here

The Super Novas have no sensitivity to the relationship of  Outer Space and  Precious moments

Gravity is quick to make me stumble...So now I beg the Novas to no longer see me as an opponent

My life has been spilt into two hemispheres. Meteors shower down, destroying every Neutron Star

Cover My Ears!  For only my eyes will notice the Satellite from afar

Where is my home? The milky way?  The singularity of my black hole had ****** me in

Please someone! Anyone!  Flare me away at the speed of light! No longer do I wish to be a captive of sin

Once blinded by the Oort cloud,  But praise the Nebula's, I am now a T-Tauri of a young force and desire

Cover My Ears! Oh Zeinth! So I may focus on your celestial point of view.  Your rays are my purifier.

*Cover My Ears...
Definition for the Space words (

After Glow - a sudden BURST of fireball gamma rays from deep space

Atmosphere - The layer of gases SURROUNDING the surface of a planet, moon, or star.

Axis - An imaginary line through the center of an object. The object ROTATES around this line.

Black Hole - A region of space containing a huge amount of mass compacted into an extremely small volume. A black hole’s gravitational influence is so strong that nothing, not even light, can ESCAPE ITs grasp.

Comet - A ball of rock and ice. A comet’s “signature” long, glowing tail is formed when the Sun’s heat warms the coma or nucleus.

Constellations -A geometric PATTERN of bright stars that appears grouped in the sky.  

Core - The CENTRAL region of a planet, star, or galaxy.

Coronal Holes - Regions in the corona from which the high-speed solar wind is known to originate.  

Craters - A bowl-shaped DEPRESSION caused by a comet or meteorite colliding with the surface of a planet, moon, or asteroid.

Dark Matter - Matter that is too DIM to be detected by telescopes. Dark matter MAKES UP most of the total mass of the universe.

Dwarf - a dwarf planet has NOT cleared away any loose cosmic rubble from its orbit

Field pod View - The area of the sky VISIBLE through a telescope.

Flare - A SUDDEN and VIOLENT outburst of solar energy that is often observed in the vicinity of a sunspot or solar prominence

Galaxy - A COLLECTION of stars, gas, and dust bound together by gravity

Gravity - The attractive FORCE between all masses in the universe

Hemisphere - HALF of a spherical or roughly spherical body

Lunar Eclipse - A DARKENING of the Moon, as viewed from Earth, caused when our planet passes between the Sun and the Moon

Meteor - A BRIGHT STREAK of light in the sky caused when a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere.  

Milky Way - a spiral galaxy, is the HOME of Earth.

Morphallaxis - REGENERATION by the transformation of existing body tissues.

Nebula - A cloud of gas and dust located between stars and/or surrounding stars. Nebulae are often places where stars FORM

Neutron Star - An extremely COMPACT ball of neutrons created from the central core of a star that collapsed under gravity during a supernova explosion.

(Super) Novas - The EXPLOSIVE death of a massive star whose energy output causes its expanding gases to glow brightly for weeks or months.

Oort Cloud - A vast spherical region in the outer reaches of our solar system where a trillion long-period comets reside.

Planet - An OBJECT that orbits a star. Although smaller than stars, planets are relatively large and shine only by reflected light.

Satellite - A man-made object that orbits Earth, the Moon, or another celestial object.

Singularity -  black hole’s center, where the matter is thought to be infinitely dense, the volume is infinitely small, and the force of gravity is INFINITELY large.
Solar Winds - STREAMS of charged particles flowing from the Sun at millions of kilometers an hour.

Speed of Light - The speed at which light (photons) travels through empty space is roughly 3 * 108 meters per second or 300 million meters per second.

Super Clusters - a CLUSTER of galaxies which themselves occur as clusters.
T-Tauri - A class of very YOUNG, flaring stars on the verge of becoming normal stars fueled by nuclear fusion.

Zeinth -The point on the CELESTIAL sphere that is directly above the observer.

        Cat Lynn ///                                                            
January 31, 2018
Rita Feb 2012

In a room full of people
what is wrong with me?
it is as if I can see
past the outter things in life
and look too closely to the inside
and see things I shouldn't see.....lonliness.

uncovering more than maybe I should,
But I see it....
feel it..
as it surrounds me.

the smiles....

are they real?
do they come from an honest sense of happiness?
or is it just something that they have learned to do? God, I just don't understand it.
am I the only one
who ever felt this before?

the wallpaper even makes me sad...

like flowers frozen in time,
stuck to a wall
and so lonely.

how can I feel this sad?

no one seems to notice,
I can feel it's frosty fingers
around my heart
and I am powerless
to it's sorrowful presence.

a clock....

ticking loudly in the corner...
depressing me with each tick..
as if to let me know that time is slipping away

and theres not one **** thing I can do to stop it..
if the world should end
right here...
right now...
I would die in this miserable state.

the tears....

inside of me
that I allow no one to see,
to touch,
to comfort,
are slowly driving me insane.

I wear a mask ...

to protect myself from people,
well meaning people,
who try for unknown reasons
to help some poor soul,
like me.

I don't need their attention..

so I smile...
I am almost sure
I have perfected
the fine art
of fake smiling.

no one knows.....
no one sees.....
no one cares.
as I sit here all alone...

in a room full of people.
John W. Mick Mar 2010
The Garden

Paradise is lost
The sun is fallen
Truth is known
Yet its way is obscured
Bitter harvests now replace
Immaculate conception
And tears flow, from eyes
That willed to see
There is no victory in the outter realms
No reward in desolation
Oh to return from whence we have fallen
To taste of fruit unforbidden
The garden has grown barren
And its hedgerow high
Who can restore its splendor
Who is worthy
I know none…..
brandon nagley May 2015
Gay time parade's wherewith the colors fly high,
Masks of all columbine where artist's passeth by!!!

Temptious women wherewith two world's become one,
As shadow's read the mountains of guru's and lost son's!!!

Timeweeping keepers of pocket\switch blade's,
Wherein haircut's are riddles, as lips turn to fade!!!

Scientific genious of law's gone thwarted,
Olympian of krip-tonight,
Oh calamitous runt!!!

Enter not ,
Sais the hourglass auspices ventriloquist!!!!

All Hater's pique despite peanut buttered pies!!!

Societal havoc of sweated Baguette's,
Wherewith sweater's touch winter letter's,
Of lost cigarettes!!!

White lies are highly mounted to protect ourn outter shells,
Where hellion can possess thy inner best of masculinities feminine selves!!!!

White-out conditions,
Schemers to invention,
Taketh what thou hath.......
                                                And leave the scroll set scene!!!!
Jesibell arz Mar 2015
Instead of looking at me I see you stare down at my lips and my chest, those are not my eyes so give the perverting a rest.
                    **(no perverts)**               
   *Instead of speaking with me to try to find the inner beauty within my mind
, you jus look at me up down while licking ur lips and winking an eye.
it seems to me the only thing the hasmster is spinning for you is ***;
I'm not the type to give it up easy or to everyone so move on to the next.
I don't approve of you touching me without my approval you fuxking creep..I don't even know you, so how are you telling me the feelings you have are deep?
  My outter appearance doesn't judge my attitude or personality, words would have to be exchanged to recognize the reality.

Just next time you see me come correct, all I'm asking for is respect >x<
Don't take to offense
Stu Harley Aug 2014
while shadow boxing
i kept on
moving dancing and
a prancing
just bouncing
off the ropes
in my imagination and
suddenly i caught
my opponent shadow off guard
standing flat footed
so i use
the sweet science of boxing
with some
stiff jabs plus
some body shots
back up to the head
then the overhand right
that knocked
my shadow out cold
yesh ten feet off the ground
towards outter space
i just kept on dancing
sticking and moving
popping the jabs with my gloves
weaving in and out
quick-lightning hand speed
the sweet science
inside the boxing ring
As nigh falls.
So did she in my arms...
storm is calm so only light rain falls upon the window,
deep breaths , clenchin pillows.
long strokes,
bed rocks,
silk sheets, its warm between her thighs, im in deep.

Sheep sleep but they stay countin my thrusts, never bust,
only creeks from the bed as she sweats ,each drop is another breath that she moans.
Run my hand down her thighs, feel the warmth up inside
lookin deep im in her eyes, the only light is the shadow cast on her smile.
But shes bitting her lips,
shes rubbing her breast, i kiss on her neck, now shes a waterfall ****** ,  saying baby dont quit.
i cover her mouth let her **** on my fingers, squeezin my hamd on her hips, just tp get in deeper,
i tell her...
i wanna be breathless, i want your legs on my neck, wear it like a neckless,
so im reckless, pickin her up surprising her, as she gasps!
i open her legs , give a kiss just to make her laugh, i know it tickless, but i want you to feel an equil sensation for what to come is no pickle.
But toungue sickle,
have you black out  of the intensity, legs quakin,
has the whole room shakin, feel the loss of gravity.
weightless the feeling is paperless on clouds but in reality with me and havin me faced in.
tastin every inch,
outter an inner, say God!
Baby jesus not gunna help us sinners,


Peter Pan May 2014
In this world of rage and distraction
What are your thoughts your inner reactions
When you see people living in the streets
And trash at your feet
Do you show your emotions
Across an expansion of oceans
Or keep them bottled up inside
Safely in your soul to hide

Why keep hidden from world's view
When you could make a difference yes just  you
Makes someone's day give them a smile
You could make people happy for even a little while
One small thing could start a chain reaction
In this world filled with rage and distraction

So make your inner thoughts outter
Become a shouter
Express your emotions
To the size of oceans
And maybe just maybe
We can keep the world from going crazy
Ottar Aug 2013
Outter wear, of gray,
everywhere for everyday,
ram clouds uniform.
SG Holter Sep 2015
We knew nothing of war, we were
Brought up in peace.
Those days were a different
Colour than these.
We played in the fields,
Built houses in trees.
Few children on Earth were as
Lucky as me.

So distant, the light of
Yesterday's skies.
But I remember Paradise.

The smell of her neck, her
Hair in my face.
We'd lie there and stare into
Outter space.
We'd hide from the world, but
The world knows her heart.
She found us together and
Ripped us apart.

So distant, the home that I found
In her eyes.
But I remember Paradise.

I love to look back, but I need  
Not to pine.
Yesterday's carved in the
Backbone of time.
Pearls on the seaside,
Reflecting the past.
More solid than gold are the
Memories that last.

Smoke might rise from tomorrow's skies.
But yesterdays hide not a single surprise.
Time is a hawk, and despite how she flies.
I'll always remember Paradise.
sarah bella Mar 2014
you have family they love you dearly
but the pain they cause cuts you severly
they don't cee or understand the pain caused by one man
the mistakes you made along the way of your masterplan
now your trying to do better but betters not the best
you sold your inner and your outter celf so whats left
that life can be changed its all up to your determination
even if you stand alone atleast your body has restoration
do it for you so others can cee its more than talk
at first their support is low but they'll cee what your pain has cost
they'll cee the far way you've come
at the end of the day youll be loved by someone
Harmony Sapphire Feb 2015
I **** you not.
The only guy who I liked who I he did not want.
I walk by him as if to flaunt.
Every chance I get, my relentless pursuit haunts.
To make me jealous he revels in taunts.
To reveal my secret desire would wreck the fragile outter shell of my persona.
Guess it is not in our nature to be true.
In the action we do.
He will never know any of my love is true.
Mutual attraction is so rare & few.
It would be miraculous.
A change so fabulous.
My single ungranted wish.
The single life I would never miss.
I want to just be his.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harley Hucof Apr 2017
In the inner margin of time and space
I conquered the spiritual illusion of Gods and race

My tears spoke of a blind purpose
Of a false wisdom and corrupted conscious

I rebeled agaisnt my prophet and prophetess
For we are nothing but nature's sons and daughters

I love this place across the water, the mysticated river
The place beyond existence, the place of shivers

In the outter margin i shall forever fall
Life is a mystery, and mystery is a waterfall

Words Of Harfouchism
wehttam Jul 2014
If beauty troubles
I'd be a date, lost
for seven dollars
staring at ate.  
Hungered tame from
a riddle of shame,
we had o'er drawn
much too of the shade.
In through outter latin
as otter's train playful
matters enaccompany to
eyes of Saturn.  With little
to due and much about
emnity, it was a horse heart
beating in side of me.  
All of the kin was to much
Ken, and of course
Barbies are made out of
brandon nagley May 2015
I'm just a passer through,
A shaker,
A muse,
A poet void of form
Traveling storms hentchmen dont compare,
Ridicule fairs pay the vote for maxed politicians,
Senior sinority,
No plans for thy wish list?
Rocks to align crypic visions in the outter!!!
Daughters want father's
As mothers drink to sustain!
A pill hemorage for thy brain,
Dirtiest rain's bring flood's of wartorn newbies,
Where all religions fight for queen (b's)
And preppydome makes thy poor stay poor!
The blind turn eye to coke and ***..
Angels have ascended me
Or wilt they?
A tyrant by night,
Sinner by day!
Freak on display I dare say!!
A chronograph picture for thou to hold memories of me,
Where tidy is keen,
A smoke for thy spleen? Young artistic ******!!
Communistic blurin's shatter the distaste of mans disliking!
Bones inviting when the dead arose to what thou hath made them..
Sandmen of eastern shores doth thou plunge?
Where catastrosphies no more fun
When thou art still being born!!!

I seeketh eastern shores,
Yet relit by gods own throne!!!
Stu Harley Nov 2015
while shadow boxing
i kept on
moving dancing and
a prancing
just bouncing
off the ropes
in my
imagination and
suddenly i caught
my opponent
shadow off guard
standing flat footed
so i use
sweet science of boxing
with some
stiff jabs plus
some body shots
back up to the head
then the overhand right
that knocked
my shadow out cold
yesh ten feet off the ground
towards outter space
i just kept on dancing
sticking and moving
popping the left jabs
with my red gloves
weaving in and out
quick-lightning hand speed
the sweet science
inside the boxing ring
Tashea Young Oct 2016
Looking at my life in my in observation
I was overcome with Frustration
Because of my circumstances and situation.
The present person of relation
had led believe that my trails and tribulations had made put me in a current state of vegetation.
As he slowly tried to Control my life by his evil plot of *******.
The more I tried to make an alteration
The more I tend to get into another altercation.
Lord Ive tried to be patience.
But this thing Im struggliing with has changed my spiritual location.
Giving in to temptation is the validation of where lies your process of transformation.
Because The biblical truth says no condemnation.
Living the Word is my job, my occupation.
So Now Im Guilty just by accsociation
In the world, I lost my identification.

From the human naked eye Im looking at my outter appearance Asking myself, "Really, Whom Am I?"
Am I a dove that gracfully flies so high in sky?
Immediately, I take a deep breath in and begun sigh.
Simultaneously I then break down and begun to cry
After being exposed to so many venomous and poisonous things makes me just wanna die.
So Next I ask God the famous question, "Lord Why?"
Just Then, in my mind, I hear a small still voice reply,
"If only you could see who you are Thru the Image of Gods view
You would be a completely different person as if you were a creature that was made brand new.
Seeing things thru Gods Perception
Changes the image of your own conception.
You see a Reflection of Impefection
He sees an abundance of love wrapped in blessings.
As you stare at yourself passing Judgement
He stares at you for you are a work of art I call Triumphant."
Lastly, He wishpers "Child you are a gift that is heaven sent.
No longer do I feel abandonment.
I have much appreciation for God allowing me to go thru this so I can understand the true meaning of humiliation.
This Quiet conversation is the conformation that in The heavenly Father is where I find my identification.
More than Man Oct 2016
I bet you cross
Today a thousand thoughts.
Tracking the hours, then minutes
Impatient to get off.

Imagine you instead
Wasted this time pacing
Inside your head,
Turning your feet hard.
Wearing the pavement beneath soft.

Until you can drown each whisper
After all, noise falls faster
Under water.
And in the depths you find a
Way to make the idea factory
Mesh it's gears and stop.

So you may spend your days
Amidst a monitor's faint glow.
No more comforting than the thought
Of plummeting from
the 15th story window.

Your slim-fit dress shirt escapes
From the back of knee worn slacks.
Your shoes wearing faster
Than you can now afford.

The details of the least importance
Burns a flawed self image
Within your skull.
From your unkempt hair
That for now  wildly grows,
To the wearing of your outter soles
As you fail to stand properly
Upon your twisted ankles.

You can smile when they look.
You eat well!
Yet struggle to maintain a car
And still maintain your health.

Your benefits have long since suffered
To brace and sustain society.
And you can't help but
Show your true colors
Trying to afford to keep your rotting teeth.

You fill your stomach with convenience,
Racing for success before decay.
Filling your walls with screens at home;
Slamming doors and windows,
To help pass the time away.

As you feel yourself slipping
Into the screen - screaming behind
The tinted plastic, until you have released
The latch on the window,
(And of your soul)
And dropped the weighted burdens
From above your feet.

They tell me these ideas -
Tales that only in
My dreams can surface,
Are signs of madness
Best left at rest
Within more charismatic hands.
And only then, would the print suggest is
Submerged within an artist.
Ella Lee Apr 2017
Most of my life, is a blur

undeniable words that slur.

I have my share of secrets,

who knows if ill keep them.

I like to think of all the reasons

the reasons I dont fit

All the reasons I have to want an old life back

A life in a dream..

but i wake up and see it isnt what it seems

Reality is mean

I think of all the resons Im fine that Ive changed

Still changing.. not staying the same.

So out of place

id be a shotting star in outter space.

And here i am

not looking back

I dont what what I had

I have what ive got

and this is just me

moveing forward.

well see what we see.
brandon nagley May 2015
Doth thou wear diamonds to illuminate thy  inner beauty?
Or doth those men not see thou inside?

Timeless bride,
For as me doth thou search.???

On thine porch!
Or tucked silently in bed?
Where thy hairs being shed, by all thy demons that haunt you!

They mock thou and taunt thou,
As thou art of  of foreign descent!
Didst thou not pay thy rent?

Late once again!!!

Lover of odd things,
Sinner of friends,
Though thou stands appealed to all!!!

Art thou as me typing words that make no sense,
Where thine soul is torn, ripped and bent to the monstrous envoice they have made you!!
For Didst they shape you to a mold thou can't unsculpt?

I want that tasty malt!!!

One to sucker these dry parched lips,
Where we can be amyss the fakes and phonies who strought us!
Them and thus,
What a drabbiling deception they can leave..

Plushful centered trees to glorify us innardly,
Our masterpiece hung on decorative statue,
Kiss thine and compass you with thy blood to make our barrier,
Designed by god,

We shall not be disparate mine queen,

Do not dissipate,
For I'd faint if that's to occur!!!

Pull me in, lure!!
With your explicit image,
A pilgrimage of us thy holy!!!

Take me,
Moan me,

In outter conscience for ourn own sake!!!

Sorry if I seem a little loquacious unseen one,
For I am uniform in finding such a coalescence!!!!!
Abunde Feb 2021
Giving cracks a chance
Through the distance
Learning to fight the curse
With violence
Hasty love in the deep end
Oceans beneath and outter space
IG @abunde04
IG @tainted_poet_
Bryant Dec 2018
I want to slide into the plumbing of your heat
Strapped to a bed
Hole in your chest
I still can't get in

The distance between us is like time
Infinite and infinitesimal
Inches to kilometers
Miles to centimeters

I can feel your warmth from Pluto
Like a silver ribbon tethered to an outter rim space cadet
Lost in space
Swimming through the ylem to get to your divide
When i find you and feel your gravity
I worry that atrophy will fill my knees
Collapsing from the weariness of my quest

El Dorado's Golden Road
Ponce de Leon's Fountain of Youth
Suzie's Fourth Floor Room

— The End —