As Mind's Reflect, Up All Below,
The Cosmic Dance Where Currents Flow.
Correspond with Whispered Keys,
"As Above, So Mote It Be."
Vibration's Hum, a Subtle Sway,
Polarity Shifts, Through Night and Day.
Rhythmic Pulses, Measured Beats,
Cause and Effect, Refuse Receipts.
Gender's Spark, in All That's Made,
A Mental Ray, Where Truths are Laid.
Seven Laws, in Hidden Art,
Her Own Thoughts, Our Heart to Heart.
A Midnight Ditty in Principle,
Descend Ascend, Equivocal,
Hermetics Here, She'll Meet Me There!
Krystal Waters Dance on Air....
Hi Gain that's Ren, Pain in the Art,
To Bridge the Worlds with Bonaparte,
Liberation's Ezekiel, Cosmic Clocks.
Maldek Explosions, Best Change My Socks.
Laws of Attraction, see Laws Attract.
Laws of Correspondence, Correspond.
Laws of Consent, with Retroact,
Laws of Response with that Law of One.
Your Dull Oblongs, My Medulla Oblongata,
Hull Shanty Songs, Your REM Superchargers,
Just Early 'Eve in Dreams Thyme Dumb,
I'd Wash Your Finger, Before ******* Your Thumb.
MILABS Get Cute, an Obtuse Angel,
My Neoplatonic Raphael,
I'll Name One Quarter of Your Fine Earth!
That Still Raids Roman, I Still Wide Berth!
Pluto's Matrix, I'm Bored Lets Seek,
I'll Take a Fly By, Early Week,
Peacock Angels Strapped on my Back,
Just in-case Zetas Attack.
Monadic Gods now So Biennial,
My Lords and Ladies, Sesquicentennial.
My Love Again, I Can Struggle With,
Yet is All I have, and All I Give.