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Wolf Irwin May 2014
What you put out is returned by the universe,
Karmatic boomerang giving back joy or hurt,
Keep your thoughts positive it makes a impact,
Be happy with life realizing nothing it lacks,
Depression or anxiety attacks,
Are illusions of the mind thats a fact,
A negative mind won't bring a positive life,
Worry about you and just do what's right,
Times arent hard unless you make them,
Dont live in fear of hell or sin,
Mistakes is what they are and you could be in hell now,
Just change up your perspective and live proud.
Karisa Brown Feb 2018
I just need some
Different points of views

Sometimes the galaxies
Are on my shoes

Fitting perfectly
Into this sky of hues

Like im navigating winds
With the palm of my hands

Bare and free
Karmatic sleep
Satsuki Sep 2013
The lies
do they ever stop?
your eyes
filled with deception
your heart
fed by evil
your art
the wretched masterpiece
you carved
with my soul
you left behind
where my heart used to be
your lies in my mind
wont let me break free
I'm stronger
more so than you
I'll repair myself
that's what I'll do
heard she's doing to you
what you did to me
is it true?
You need me now?
think I'll come back?
to save your soul
that you so sadly lack?
Well dear, sorry to say.
Karma's a *****
but only with *******
does it play.
JC Mar 2017
It's come to pass,
towards the last,
the inevitability
long ago.
A solitary path,
traveled alone,
in the dark
and unafraid.
I came
to here
and yet
in spirit,
if not
in body
or in mind.
No one else
laid the way,
or paved it,
with stone.
No, that
I did alone,
a piece
at a time,
all the
should haves
and could haves
and might have been's
on the way.
But then,
in truth,
was there ever,
a choice?
Ask the Lion
if he hunts
to eat,
or to ****,
and wait
for the
that will
I'm at peace
with what's lost,
and will never be,
as the time
to wonder
grows shorter
and moves
with speed and grace
to the end.
I give no time
to wishes,
or regrets,
I don't have
the moments
to spare,
I'll say
the last
good night,
in my sleep
to the dark,
for the chance
to have played
the game
at all.
Dazed Dreaming Jul 2019
Call me crazy.
****, Call me what you will.
But I think karma is really real.

Live a life full of wickedness.
**** everyone over.
And steal..
Then repeat.
And do it all over.

Don’t forget to play the victim.
Don’t forget to smile.
You’ve put on a real good show.

You’ve played the part so well.
You’ve played them all so well.
You think you’ve won.
But nothing lasts forever.....
Because karma’s a bad *** *****.
Brandon May 2012
All her waking life she thinks in shades of inadequacy
It’s a shame that she can’t see all the beautiful things I see in her
The beauty of life that lives and breathes inside her
(Like) she’s got martini eyes framed with supernovas
Galaxies of city & colours radiating like an illuminating beacon
A Maine lighthouse on the edge of a cliff overlooking the coast,
The guiding eye of beaming light brilliantly shining
Along the rocky shoreline of her mind
It’s a complex thing inside libraries and randomness sometimes

But don’t look away for too long or you may miss
How she times her life on the withering ashes of cigarettes
And how many Dispute The Horizon With Me songs
It takes to pull into the parking lot at her work
Says it takes one cigarette to get to the freeway
Two if she’s feeling adventurous
And track number eight when Jordan Sykes shouts:

‘Love is the blood splatter of our liberty,
Seeping out of Cadaver grins and Chelsea smiles
Unshakable in our solemn vows of serpentine addiction,
The feelings we inked with heartached hands are mutual,

She’s the kind of girl with a nervous lip-biting laugh
Laughing when I tell her it’s better than eight cigarettes and one song
She liquates tornadoes of wished away secrets
When she whispers moods of hushed sultriness in my ear
Sending shivers up and down my spine and making me feel alive
It’s all I can do to sit here and resist her sometimes
Says she doesn’t want to be treated like an animal
Even tho she loves every animal alive today
And shares a remembered heartache for those that died

(So I abide and put in my time
Causing getting to see a girl this celestial
is like seeing stars streaking across a newly born sky

She dreams of slinging seashell butterflies and necklaces made from sunshine
Living her life down on the beach with the ocean always to her front side
Says she wants sunshines and sea salt, deep endless oceans rolling
Wants the ability to just leave it all behind if she feels the urge
Her spirit will explode with fragments of violets and high magenta
Lighting up late night beach bonfires and deep endless ocean waves

Says these are only dreams tho and as much as she’d like
She just can’t seem to get over some past her’s karmatic escapes
But she’s going to keep on dreaming cause dreaming can help
Says today she’ll dream in moonshines
And maybe tomorrow she’ll have her sunshine

(I tell her if she had my eyes she could do anything she wanted to do
And that her sunshine supernova is already radiantly shining within her
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2020

My King,
I am light in the shade, and no slave to sin.
The charges upon me and mine name are false,
but naught can be done as you have decreed that
my kith and kin be stripped of their birthrights
and slain...

My grief knows no bounds to the injustice,
but the only assurance is that I will reunite
with them once I am free from the bonds
of this mortal coil.
The world of women is harsh and hard,
even more so as we tend to our gardens.
to be fragrant for you. To be fresh for you.
To be righteous. For you.

We are sold to carry our family names
on our shoulders and dragonseeds on our
All while living in a luxuriously guilded cage.
I am a one of many flowers you so tenderly,
proudly plucked and yet,
I am left drowning in nothing but
cold tears and everything I am scattered
to the wailing wind and raging rain.

As I take my leave of this world,
I pray you shall be of great health
and live for ten thousand years more.
You came into the world under the wings
of a storm of destiny
When the winds howled
and the seas roared

As the people paid sacrifices
to the Gods to still their rage.
Only with your loud cries did the storms
pass away and then all things became light.
The passion we once shared bore sweet fruit,
to our dear Second Prince who is carved
in your image.
He is me and he is you and he is he,
a son of the God who walks this earth.

You say you hold the Mandate of Heaven
in your claws, and all you do is mourn that
wretched sour flower with such affection,
not even seeing how my love withers in
the heart of your golden palms?
Do you truly believe that Meihua is without fault?
Without sin?
She only remained so white and youthful
because she bathed in the blood of those
she so willingly, wilfully, wrongfully spilt,
yet all you see is her aura of eternal
spring flowers?

...How I pity you...

Under her gaze was the guile far more
venomous than any krait.
I only wished for you to see the truth,
to tear her hypocritical mask of
innocence, and be your ***** friend.
As I still do!
But I see now that all my cries, my pain
our love, our history have fallen on mute ears...

I love and loved so fiercely.
I love and loved so purely.
And with the Gods as my witness,
as foolish as it may be, I love you still!
I kept myself clean from the touch
of man and have been naught but
a loyal, patient and caring wife to you
and our brood.

Meihua truly has you bewitched and
has bested me and my sisters, as she is so fang-deep
in your heart. Seeing how you will not accept
the truth, I pray that one day that it is seen.
My only wish is that you spare our child
and that he tastes only sweetness in this harsh life.
I commend my soul to the Gods,
devote my life to the stars...

And leave my heavy heart and memory
on the foot of your conscience.

For those who spill the blood of an
anointed line will see the karmatic deliverance
And not even you can halt what you
have long since set in motions.
I have resigned myself to it all.

Let the vipers lay claim to my titles,
my riches, my lands, my position,
but they will never pry the crown from my
hand nor the heat from my heart.
I will be watching all from the Gates of Death.

I have been wronged, so very wronged...

The wine of gold silkworms shall be the greatest
of comforts.
For that is sweet.
And you.
YOU are the poison which I refuse to
consume again...

                                         Yours once and never again,

And it's finally arrived!
This continuation of my poem,'The Screen' and 'Meihua's Message'.
There will be 6 letters or so in total, and each of them are connected to one another.
I hope you'll enjoy it, I just let the emotions flow out of me.
Once the collection is completed, I will let you all know and it will be in a collection!
Here are the links to the Screen and Meihua's Message. Please have a look at them when you have the time as there is more to their stories.

The Screen [Intro]:
Meihua's Message:

Do tell me what you think!
Be back soon with more letters and poems!
And thank you so so much for 341 followers!
You guys are amazing.
Take care everyone, stay safe and well.
Much love,
Cory Ellis May 2013
Ego death
Death of mind
Death of body
Death crawls gallantly
Gallantly crawls death

Seated in a wooden chair
Breathing in smell of candle wax
The sweet aroma trickles into my nasal
Like a sweet secret whisper

Memories strike
Fear of the night
Death of all light
Combustion of dendrites.

Death happens rapidly

A spider; well groomed and ready to feast
Pulls his venomed victim from the steady arm of life
Fangs drawn
Body of insect brawn
Of skeleton armor
Penetrating easily

Devour young Dermaptera
The victim is dying
Slowly and painfully

The spider finished his meal
he looks up towards the light
A nervous giant approaches
with intuition to ****

The boot overcomes the life of an arachnid
Another life has come to a stop
Crushed armor lays silent on the floor
Bow to the human God

Animals growing to fear
The moth captures the fear inducing look
of human eyes
The most feared Tyrant
of the insect jungles

Grasses higher than skyscrapers
Giants roaming on their chosen paths
Crushing any live that stands in the way

The Ocean

Boats in mass amounts
Distorting the predator balance

Innocent shark
Pulled from its domain
by alien hands
Slicing off fins and cutting throats
Leaving you drowning in your own element

Cruel human torture

What lies beyond the dawn?
Karmatic destruction
for torture of nature?

Torture of men
Crushed by gravity
Ripped from earth
Blood drawn
Gods angry and willing
to provoke death on the wicked

Disturbances in the valley of life
Heartache in the valley of life

Thoughts of torture to loved ones be your punishment
Eternal sorrow and regret
That is what the wicked get
I made a mistake once or twice
I know i payed the price
But it shouldn't be from a roll of the dice
But in karmatic waves.
I get what i deserve
You are a forest that must be preserved
But i must have the same treatment as well
I'm sorry for how you fell
But it wasn't in my intentions, you should be able to tell
I will apologize like others yell
And i will accept responsibility when integrity is not well
Because i am a man
And you are a woman
Zero animosity
No grudges.
Just a separation from the moral judges.
It's never easy to part with something you're attached to, but you know you must. It's like the bottom of the ocean, big, black and lonely at the bottom. People would be quick to judge me negatively but my words prove differently along with my future plans to avoid creating another situation like that ever again.
Flora Rose, the new garden hope
In seasons we are tested how much we can hold onto the truth
In reasons we are tested if we can be loyal to the Vedic tooth
It's been a testament how you could be sentimental to be fun to my mental and spend a night on my chest
Because you understand the scribe, others will ask why
Because you write your emotions on pages and care not what others might think
Because your heart is wise and you know how to say hello and follow and disregard your ego

You might wonder why I'm so far even though in spirit you can be next to me
I had to clear my karmatic cycles
Right and clear my wrongs
Refurbish my mistakes
I found the waters that ocean when I had finally paid the final penalty of being a scholar of life
I was held in perdition because I was eager to see another fall into trouble while I laugh
I paid the price and dove in those waters and was always under close investigation
An inhumane error here and there and I would be quickly whipped
Anything that opposed the conscience I was quickly persecuted

By the by I learned to honour and respect life
By the by I learned to honour and respect time
By the by I learned to honour and respect opportunities
By the by I learned that humility transcends pride and breeds higher learning and that's how I ended up being a defender of Cosmic Wisdom at some library of Golden Wisdom

This is how I got to temple 8
Now you probably ask me, since the previous flowers failed dismally because of giving into the material world and lascivious temptation, "how do I succeed?"
Well let me begin by imagining a future son or daughter
You know what has held light workers, care-givers and channelers back for so long?
They have been carrying the wages of their parents for too long a time and it became hereditary
A grandmother would do so much wrong in the world and instead of using the time she has left on Earth to fix her wrongs and clear her karmatic cycles so that the children of tomorrow don't bear the same wages ~ she inversely relaxes and relies on birthing a child who is destined to fix the errors that they should be fixing themselves
So the child is born into spiritual slavery, never mind what the FATHER of Creation had intended for that child's destiny and cause,
No they break Universal Laws and oppose the Cosmic Blueprint
So they get stuck in the Waiting Room until they can reincarnate to expand and stretch in dimensionality so that their soul can sphere at a more heightened divine level
But somebody has to open for them in order for them to incarnate and then you have generational spiritual debt

You know Flora Rose I wait for the day when the children tell the elders and forefathers; "***** you, this is my life, I have to secure and my own future, I am done being a slave to flaws and wages that you should be fixing yourself"
Because see FroRo we never reach the future if we're always waiting for someone to clean up after us
We stay jailed in the darkness of time
Time and time again we will repeat the same mistakes and keep on reincarnating until we get it right
But you can only have so many rewrites
When will you vow to become an eternal entirety?

Now to answer you:
When the man or male paramour is in the shadows she remians his branch
When the man or male paramour is in darkness she remains his hope of kindling light
When the male lover is the **** of the Earth she is the fancy shelter just by giving goodness and housing delight
When he is weak, she reminds him of his strength
When he is quiet she amuses him with conversational muse which if played right is sealed with a kiss of appreciation

She keeps the leaves of the yard at bay
She bathes in the waters he has ministered
She does not invite other men who have a craving for her to the house
She does not steal the wealth and hard works of her man, instead she defends them because it is a conquest and evidence of struggled victory
For this she is not an energy vampire but a coffer of endless treasure
Crystaling love, inviting the man into the love dance
She does not hesitate to follow the inclination that tells her to give him a call, or start a talk or respond to his messages
Because she is a soul Flora Rose
That's the emotion we've been moving and it will continue to pass unless someone grabs it
If you keep on missing this love, this yielding grace - then you will always count what could have been and should have been
And shoulda coulda will not suffice in heaven
It is about the now, are you ready to drive love now and see it through to the bitter end?

Well I ask you
  Many women are drawn to the crown of a Queen but they don't understand the responsibilty that comes with being a Queen
So for this they fail to move conversation, they don't know what to say so tell me how will they know what to do
I guess we're just then playing fool
  And it's the glow that's the rule and not the kindness to heart that is flow
They're all about the glow, just like Willie Hutch said
If they aspired to the duties of a princess or Queen beyond
Then they'd be ready for the sacrifices and leaps...
Until ego dies
They will always wonder how beautiful life can fly so young.
In seasons she doesn't betray her soul because she has already gone on a journey of self-disfovery and she has it love, in its divine state, she has it truth and loyalty and honour because she has soldiered, she has it all to give and she knows that to and for love's sake it matters, whether or not her lover or paramour sees that. Because she truly loved and never apoligised for standing by it, she is a better person. And their relationship can stand the test of time because it is not something borrowed. For this testimony and by it, she knows what it means to live and can indeed be the new evening to breathe sound life into the morning.
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
I'm out in the morning debris
I got my pistol wid me
The sky cries like a child
The sun is bright and wild -
And there is color everywhere
To be honest life is fair
But that doesn't bring too much joy
To a lunatic child holding
A broken toy.

I'm out in the morning debris
Waiting for the people to come and save me
A vortex ***** at my presence
The air rocks my essence
And for the day I'd exchange my pain
In the mirror of karmatic blame
Of my tropical angel.

You move on the delicacy of your smile
Forever sunny, your blue skies
And you greet your memories
With a summer afternoon
As I toil thru the darkness
And feel so alone
And afraid
Day after day
I fall into things and places
I'd rather not display.

I don't want to cause you displeasure
So I'll just say-
I'm okay now.   You see, I'm okay
sixpoetry Mar 2019
now, i’m no physicist
but i believe
the powers of gravity
to lay far beyond
the tides of the ocean
and the pulls of the moon

if gravity
in all its mighty magnetism
chooses only to pull the earth
how might one explain
the karmatic lure
that graces our love?

through the roughest of splits
leaving the most jagged of edges
scars ripped through perfection
forever shattered by broken words

despite endless attempts at resolution
and countless finales to our grand tale
we always found our tears
to be recurringly interrupted
by the rustle of curtains being drawn open
for an encore of what was presumed to be lost

who has drawn these continuously?
consistently hoping in the face of doubt
to whom might i extend thanks
for becoming the self-appointed stagehand of our love?

why, it can be none other
than the beloved universe
that intertwined us from formation
expending the very magic used to bind us
to tear away our blindness
and once again
as if on cue
reunite us
Dream Fisher Jun 2019
I'm too young to feel this old,
Mentally too old to be his young.
Took a shotgun to my pillow
And told the dreams that I was done.
I stopped buying breath mints
So the devil might stop trying to take my breath,
I stopped believing in church when
They they denied the only saint here left.
I'm sure in your religion I'm going to hell,
But in mine, it's only the hipocritical who fell.

I've had my fair share of brushes with death
Painting me into this man
But her I am, standing tall enough,
To help you stand.
I've been paying this life forward,
In a karmatic effort to see old age
And laughing at how silly it must sound
To hope I can live long enough
To be broken down.

I'm not sure of very much,
But I hope to keep dancing
A flower is a gift
It is protection
Reflection, an unseen jurisdiction
A mask, and an illusion
It is simple, and in some instances,
I call upon the flowers
I speak to the petals
I ask them for guidance
I treat them like angels
They are my greatest teachers
Lovers, and friends
They are the most beautiful piece of my imagination
Sacred geometic patterns locked in a single shape
They helped me open my eyes, and open a gate
Multiple moments parallel to each other
Instances that align and bring us together
Blooming ripples that flow like a river
Creating a world that is sacred and silver
Forget about karmatic gold and the gods that lost the heat
Open your eyes to idea of prosperity
Green grass and significant botanics
Trees and leaves and our ancestors of Atlantis
A flower is a gift
It is protection
Reflection, an unseen jurisdiction
A mask, and an illusion
It is simple, and in some instances,
I call upon the flowers
I speak to the petals
I ask them for guidance
I treat them like angels
They are my greatest teachers
Lovers, and friends
They are the most beautiful piece of my imagination
Sacred geometic patterns locked in a single shape
They helped me open my eyes, and open a gate
Multiple moments parallel to each other
Instances that align and bring us together
Blooming ripples that flow like a river
Creating a world that is sacred and silver
Forget about karmatic gold and the gods that lost the heat
Open your eyes to idea of prosperity
Green grass and significant botanics
Trees and leaves and our ancestors of Atlantis
Carol Huizinga Sep 2016
It is in my grasp
I see it
I feel it whispering
Twinkling between the leaves
On the wings of a butterfly
Soaring on the eagles wings
Mother this is what is meant for me
Go back to remembering
Karmatic lessons follow you
When will you cut those cords
Freedom awaits you
Eric W Sep 2016
Passing again,
through my thoughts
as the wind through an open
A year and more
has fled,
and in my dreams we speak
and in my mind we
Of follies once uncertain,
now I am sure,
of my wrongs.

The universe is strange.

Lessons come and come again
until they are learned
and they disguise themselves,
they are well worn and apparent
to those who know,
as are the things we see
when we know.

And lessons, that which I had done
to you,
came around.
So with my new knowledge,
my lesson learned,
I wonder again
if we could ever be.
Or, if you are still,
light years
ahead of me.
Gr8Ryzyngz Aug 2018
Karmatic klimaxez
Expected boom a rangz
Ringing bellz early
Churches crutched sanctuaries
Foolishly trying  tricks
On gargoyles motoz
What was Quazy thinking
Or was he?
Cheating on his girl
With his gurlz wifey
Upgraded heartz
Don't beat da same
3000 bpm'z a sekond
Far longer than 4evaz minuitez
Tisk Tisk Tisk, Nam
Petty thymez 2
Isn't it Gemini season Baby
Grownups double mynded too Boo!
Happy New Year!!!
badwords Sep 2024
Transported, in a sense
2-D impersonations
Filter of a greater lens
Constructs of imagination

Not my vacation-destination

Last time I took time off
Frontline COVID-Commando
Three days of pay the cost
When conscious, a window

I'll never smell or taste the same
But, a digital life, vicarious
The dreams the fever ordain
Sold. I buy. Delirious.

Scenes, terrifyingly unreal
Circles formed of trees
Giant's Causeways, I feel
Beauty behold but, not me

Desire without possibility

Derinkuyu, Underground City
To float just to survive
No witness, a fantastic pity
Biologic passive income contrived

The places I'll never see
Like waste in a bin
Will fill up eventually
Karmatic 'start-again'

— The End —