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Samantha Vaughn Sep 2013
We like to dwell in our sorrows,
thinking there will be no better tomorrows.
This late-night passive aggression,
that seems like every poet’s obsession.

Oh why can’t we choose to be happy?
When the colors are grey, to see beauty?
Why must we feed each others' depression?
That the world is ugly, full of suppression?

I now choose to look a little deeper,
seeing “pretty” does not make me weaker.
I choose to look for a different perspective;
I know it will be hard; misery is infective.

But I know that I have a choice:
To feel sorrow or to rejoice.
I’ve lost chapters to grief and sadness,
to realize and continue? Now that would be madness.
Tired of seeing the world bleak and grey. The strong lift people up, not bring them down. Trying to be more positive in my poetry.
(c) Samantha Vaughn
From my Dark Watcher series:

Evil rage strikes forth from his soul,
raw with the pain of rejection.
Reaching out to callously feed on another.
Caught in a web of deceit so lethal as to –
infect the lives of the innocent with his poison.

He cripples their future with angry words, painful blows,
Castes them out with vile actions of revenge-
destroying all their dreams.

He tears at the last vestige of hope,
till there is nothing but darkness, and despair,
dragging them into the same pit of rage
that swallowed him.

Love and hatred embraced in a pitiful-
dance of conformity,resignation in every step.

Contagious venom leaks from one to another,
creating a bane of evil, so corrupt, and secretive,
the damage-sometimes irreversible.

Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski

This may be difficult for some to read, as many shall see themselves within the written words, either as the perpetrators or the victims of  abusive relationships.
andydaly Jan 2023
Sparkling, silvery, shades of grey.
Skin, shivering, brain of dismay.

Trees, trancing, bare naked sky.
Patiently, pondering, preparing to fly.

Wind, whistling, a dancing swoon.
Sounds, serenading a sparkling moon.  

Secret , system of the seasons.
The rhythm of winter needs no reasons.

Seasonal affective disorder,
Justify this infective inorder.
Arik Fletcher Sep 2010
Creatures of angelic grace,
Hide their true demonic face,
Spreading out across the earth,
Further still with each new birth,

Soulless beasts with no remorse,
Parasites to each resource,
Taking what was never free,
Driven by a fallacy,

Insects lining up for death,
Drawing out their final breath,
Nature will regain her hold,
Once our bones have long gone cold.
Nekatu Poetry © Arik Fletcher
Karijinbba Nov 2018
I thank you all poets poetessess moderators this thanks giving.
To one or two foe serpents in my paradise writing uglily to me on HP, I am sorry I had to block you and your friends since I am highly intuitive.
One of you posing as female sent me to your page drawing a page full of scissors! without a word in it very cruel sadistic of her an old poisonous snake from my old paradise hanously destructive. Another a female wrote mocking a woman aborting her child!! Abortion is legal to me only if medically adviced.
Grow a brain write, don't mock or judge me. The only child I aborted was one whose heart had stoped due to massive antibiotic dose prescribed by a butcher because MD he was not. That was my missfortune and your oportunity.
What is it to you anyway to write to me derrogatorily so?. It happened in my teens! Long ago. ENOUGH!
I had to block you. I am highly intuitive and gifted first pure blood RHO negative.
I know it's you even when you hide masked behind this HP mirrors.
Please make peace with your ghosts, head voices or seek medical psychiatric help, many of you need it. Poetry isn't to mock hate assault the mind heart and soul of fellow men and women who communicate beautifully even in their distress but evil won't be rewarded or tolerated not by me, if you play your holier than me role.

Theres plenty malice where I am no need for me to pay monthly to be cursed on here.
Please spread love, live life forgive yourself be genuine, share your true life experiences, instead of looking who to dishonor and hate.
For the one or two females who created an account just to spread evil grow a heart a brain and then tell us how you did it.
we might even apreciate your courage to share!
My past love life with wealthiest elite true love, sweetheart soulmate, twin flame isn't any of your business.

G* d, and cause and effect in the universe are my only judges not a malignant infective fungus poor excuse, a human **** like yourselves who tried to defile me unprovoqued undeserved and unsolicited.
You are forgiven and loved still but I had to block you. I don't reward or ignore destructive behaviors.
To all genuine poets moderators and poetessess be well
Happy Thanks giving this November 2018.
All the best to you all

As for killing a turkey,
for six years now, I forgive the turkey and spared it's life but I still have fun eating all other delights of season's greetings.

also I love and pamper myself
I am my own best friend
so that loving, tolerating and understanding others becomes that much easier and enjoyable.
Happy Thanks Giving
Styles Feb 2016
defeat is only an objective.
as I lead I gain prospective
haters hate through being deceptive
the envy spreads like sheets infective
while they creep
playing detective
wolve in sheep
until their accepted
their reasoning is subjective
I just wait until they reach
then disconnected their connective
I'm a beast, I can't be infected
work off pure instinct
raw fear instantly detected
human nature,
to be expected
my only actions
moving forward is corrective
i exceed all expectations
with standing ovations,
use to bring power to foreign nations
outworking occupations
make so much sense
i get paid vacations
my buildings, block foundations
I empowered nations for generations
Derrick Jones Oct 2018
This will be the winter of my contentment
I will shed regret and resentment
I will finally get it
I will not forget it
I will shred this narrow point of view
This prism of individuality
It’s a prison in reality
The world is a superorganism in totality
I see intersectionality and finally find sanity
My mind is now a GoPro
I can view my life in slow-mo
This is not the Truman Show
This is real, I can feel it
As this film reel flies by
I steal a glimpse with these two eyes
Before I meet my demise I will run with these two thighs
I will squat 5 plate, I will lose some weight
I will choose my fate
Lighter than a feather because I have come untethered
I float high among the weather, never weathered
Renewed by cleansing rains
You may call them hurricanes
But that is a matter of perspective
Positivity is infective
So I will spread a vibrant virus
From the Pope to Miley Cyrus
I say nope to the winter blues
This is the winter that I choose
To sway to and fro with the flow
To gratefully frolic in the snow
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
Simon Nov 2019
A bullshitter to one’s own heart isn’t factual without statements gone astray. Its practical logic locking natures way of leading you astray, if you’re never opening one’s heart. That someone isn’t contrary to forbid their heart when even attempting to lock it up without *******! ******* is already contrary when it’s the very lock itself to someone’s own heart. Masking the potential when agreeing to focus on the (factual) leading astray away from the practical logic as the key to your own safe of *******! Bullshitting the safe confines logical dumbness. Trying an attempt at even wanting to touch that lock, will ZAP you into another bullshitter of someone else’s very own unique type. Spreading it like a virus. An outright PANDEMIC! Gesturing the practical logic to act as anti bodies when retracting away from the stench that is the opposite to what already makes sense beforehand. Then how did the bullshitter in someone’s own heart spread toward the next one appearing at the same conjunction in time? It’s never that easy to clear out the imperfections from actually ever dealing with the real self importance of it all. The locking bullshitter to someone’s own heart, is in the shape of a slithering snake. One appearing to you in the form that matches practical logic of what a surface area matches with one appearing to see what doesn’t hide itself. Compared to the counterpart diminishing all claims of what it counts as absurdity. The surface area in the form of a snake of practical logic. A snake whose logical way of doing something, is using it’s poisonous, corrupting fangs to influence another bullshitter who never counted on starting like that. ZAPPING them into a newly formed conjecture! Never truly knowing the actual repercussions to how one should act, once infected. Never knowing if there the same choice as the one choosing to obstruct in the form of blinded absurdities. That poison being the lock. While seeing the actual form of practical logic in the form of a key. Alright. Alright! So, by getting this straightened out. Revealing a potential, but an already obvious gap in the margin. The poisonous fangs are the virus. Making someone into a very unique bullshitter of there own design. Heart filling up without truly effecting it yourself. If any molecules are flooding the heart that much. Plugging the brim dry! Then if one doesn’t see the truly defined picture. Every molecule literally flips inside out to control what is never truly obvious to the infective. Dropping continues doubts about something truly being wrong with the bullshitter to someone’s own heart. The infective thinking this is the practical logic one should poke fun into everyone’s else’s business. Now switching over a one-sided debate to which one truly is making some sense as a mere starter kit. The snake itself being the vessel which holds the poison inside itself. Completely unaffected by there own virus. Fate unsealed, which is an illusion to how it controls it’s actions. Nature redefining all practical logic without trying to ask…WHY?! But (WHY) never being the first reaction to knowing (what it’s for)? Simply put it… It’s to hold the poison away from one’s own heart. The body is the key. While the fangs eject the poison as an example to retreating oneself in the process. Snakes free will being judged by a never-ending continues drawback of never being the one who is truly free. Being the one never truly free is always envious of ones being infected. So, it can purposely dive deeper into how one can change the sorting out with the good. While patronizing the evil into its own debated circle. Waiting a judgemental trial of getting out of the *******. Being a bullshitter to someone’s own heart isn’t cheap. Never the less… Neither is one fated to be cramped inside a prison as both lock and key. Supported by the corrupting poison being the snake’s heart itself. A slithering snake offering both nurture and hindrance. Hindrance being the processing ploy of absurdity taking flight under its own pressurising guilt. Slithering molecules to a poisonous heart are overflowing with a bullshitter to another’s very own unique type. Boiling STRONG! Getting ready to ZAP another unsuspecting copy of the original design.
A bullshitter is someone without redefining details in their own virtues plunging margins dry. Heart accepting whatever one deems worthy in the face of pure delusional absurdities.
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2015
Some days I wish I were an X-men
and not just an ordinary mutant.
Some days I wish I had Magician
level magic like Bink,
just enough to negate other's.
But then I look around;
The Irish and English don't have it.
The Pakistanis and Indians don't have it.
The Chinese and Taiwanese don't have it.
The Hutu and Tutsi don't have it.
The neighbors in Bab Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen,
don't have it.
Why should I have it?
We’re all just a bunch of Muggles.

Maybe it's a good thing I don't have superpowers.
I look around and in fits of frustration,
in bouts of rage, I might destroy all the Husnock.
I'm kinda glad now my only mutations are thoughts.
Thoughts that I put here,
viral like - infective memes - hemorrhagic e-fever.
Outbreak? Snow Crash? Virulency? Survival rate? Epicenter?
Futile epidemiology because I know
exactly what and where I am.
They say that the first cut is the deepest
The other shots that follow are the cheapest
How will you know where to go when those who know keep secrets
I do not fear demons that go about randomly
I am frightened of the demons that hide in innocence and act as friend of me.

The poetry is in expression
How a smile can be a frown perfectly stretched and kindly curved
How those lies in eyes hide and appear as love in disguise
How ecstasy can be easily confused as joy, pure gaiety
Yes when frivolty is accounted for as a meal served free
How the enemy
can be so near - within thee
Not knowing what the mirror keeps showing for the illusion keeps flowing
Blinding a mind held confined in streets of the system
Dancing to the beat, the rhythm
Which is a euphon to the masters, an orchestra to the masses
It is a show and performers do not know that they are masked in fake skin tone
A world not their own, mind dictated by the men who boats and gold stole.

Where do I go with this *** of gold?
This *** of gold a soul of my own
What do I see when the vision seems blurry?
I am sedated by the infective syrups of delusion and secrecy
Held between scriptures hereditary
Morality and reality both in a fray necessary
The gospel I search for is one of truth
The wisdom I seek is of a world brand new
I am fighting for the mind the vicissitudes of life took
And I throw blows and pass death - I am off the hook.
thinkinghertz Apr 2018
walking down the street airily,
up comes a man so hairily
telling me how unsofairily
the world has been to him.

you see my dear friend,
our lives we must mend
for we never know our end
thus we pretend we live forever.

death left its mark,
a hardy spark,
deep inside our heart
vulnerable til the end.

a stillness occupies the brain,
an illness with all there is to gain
that causes unfathomable pain--
mental illness, will I ever be the same?

What I elected is fresh perspective:
the world is not so defective,
it just needs a new directive!
one that is protective,
completely unselective,
and infective with love.
*please understand that I used made up words intentionally.*
Have not seen them for quite a while
Breaking like a thousand springs
Its ripples spreading across a mile
Touching heavens on butterfly wings!

It’s infective in its length and span
Cackling joyous like a thousand duck
God would be charmed (not to speak of man)
Its spell makes every man awe struck!

It’s quite a while life is losing fun
With faces wearing botox on stressed lip
Not getting at least one when the day is done
To give this soul a stronger fillip!

I need your muscles playing around your eyes
Your cheeks raised high for me to see
Doing so would bring me double sunrise
And live each day ever more happily!
Guillaume Duchenne, French neurologist, was the first to identify the distinction between smiles real and fake.
Ashley Hernandez Jun 2014
a plague

it can be deadly
it can be invigorating

its what makes life vague
its more of a medley
very exhilarating  

an infective contamination

it makes everything deteriorate
famine will strike
and while all hope is lost
it still goes on

ones vitals decelerate
at the same time spike
roads will be crossed
and they will be awake before dawn

this disease

some call it death

with that same breath

i call it love
and all of the above
Derrick Jones Sep 2018
It’s alright if you disagree
Talk to me dismissively
In a minute you’ll be missing me
When I go on a giving spree
Spread forgiveness and philanthropy
Set political dissidents free
Fight for humans globally
Glowing with righteous indignation
I ignite the fiery conflagration
I assemble a mighty congregation
To end divisive dehumanization

I will broaden your perspective
Shortcut your invective
My spirit: infective
My speeches: inflective
My mind: introspective
My method: incentive
My solutions: inventive
My course: corrective
If I die I’ll leave directions
I will write advanced directives
To form an animal collective
That sets a course for correction
Then come back, resurrection

To view the utopia I brought into existence before peacefully returning to a well-earned oblivion
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
Travis Green Jan 2023
I wanna take delight
In your moist, mouthwatering allure
Spend my days in your affectionate covetous embrace
Become amazed and dazed
So captivated by your flavorful taste
Your flashy aromatic magic

In your long luscious arms
I am ensnared in your impassioned
World-class rapture
In your whacking palace
Of calcium-rich nourishing mantasticness
Your beguiling and gratifying scent magnetizes me

I find myself lapsing deeper
Into the sinfully addictive sweetness
Of your masterful radical attraction
Such a strong sugar craving
For your tasteful venerational captivatingness
I love being in your iridescent presence
Falling for your highly infective
And effective manliness
Your rich revealing realm
So entrancingly mesmeric and psychedelic

You are so **** exhilarating
A heaven-sent sensual heavy-hitter
In your security, there is nowhere else I’d rather be
Attached to your fervent magical immersivity
You take me away to a cherishable picturesque place
That I never wish to escape
R Catherine Feb 2021
Naked and curled, I lay there dejected.
Steam in my face, all thought is infected
with rivers of blood down the drain, I'm affected.
Suicide thoughts in my head are infective.
Head on my knees, lost in my own perspective.
Hot water beats down on my back, I've neglected
these thoughts for too long, they rise up and object. It
takes no time at all to feel disconnected.

Walking the halls, I feel too connected
to beats in my ears, my tears, I reject them.
I look down the stairwell, I just want to end it.
The things that I feel most days go undected.
I just want to let go, I feel too rejected
by anything good and I'm overprotective
of my broken pieces that create my perspective.
Takes no time at all to feel disconected...
Instagram @whimsical_writestry
Yenson Nov 2020
see me and see my limitations
I am what I am with not much to offer
but I know all about the blues though through the guitar
but the blues of self loathing
never assured or talented in a notable way
when I see those that have what I haven't got and will not be
so on the defensive I have to go
carrying my complexes hiding in guerrilla warfare
there are lots like me and we're infectious and infective too
but never selves reflective  
for to us self ignorance is always bliss
we hate cause we are good at it and singing the blues about us
though we always say its all about those who shines and better us
self knowledge

— The End —