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Sharina Saad May 2014
Chasing the rainbow
Where it starts
Where it ends
Like a dreamer...
I chase the rainbow

Chasing the rainbow
Vibrant colors in the sky
pretty and gay
the colors of rainbow
so bright.. shiny and wonderful...
the colors of life...

Chasing the rainbow
Sometimes it gives me hope
Like a promise...
Like  a journey...

Chasing the rainbow
Sometimes its too exciting...
All the beautiful things..
I see only in dreams...

Chasing the rainbow
hate the sunlight
My rainbow dissappears...
My dream scatters...
Like a life falling apart...
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
As the summer sun above us shines
and warms our very bones
The world around us dissappears
and we are here alone

Two lovers laid upon the sand
of a small secluded beach
surrounded by the sound of surf
but safely out of reach

We come here every weekend
escaping from our lives
to be alone together
on this island paradise
Charlie Hazels Apr 2014
At sixteen I've never been kissed
Let alone gone further

For too long I was looking in the wrong area
But now I now who I am

I'm not going to pretend anymore
I'm finally going to be me

I would like to love another
And for them to love me

I'm ready, but I'm just too ******* shy
To make the first move

What happens if the friendship dissappears

I'm scared and frustrated but most of all I'm
Heidi Franke Mar 2024
This wasn't the train. It scooped you up to a different destination. Birds of splendor followed along
Out the window
Winding in your path of grief. Be ready for the station waiting
To greet your sorrow.

The platform is not clear. The mist hides the light then becomes a flow of water you can reach and touch. Become aware of the grief but don't move towards it. See it instead in the palm of your hand. Dip into the water cupped in your hands to cleanse your sorrow.

You will have times of freedom. Embrace all feelings. Let them fall into the stream of water. You will lighten. You will see more color as the mist dissappears.

You will see the light between the leaves of the trees. The sounds of song birds lifting you up with messages for you alone.
Beautiful is not a word I throw around lightly
More than pretty
More than gorgeous
You are absolutely beautiful

I love your munchkin height
Think it's perfect
To hug into you in the middle of the night

I love your precious lips
Think they're perfect
To kiss you as towards you my body tips

I love your delicate figure
Think you're perfect
To **** me with your looks as babe you pulled the trigger

I love your adorable smile
Think that's simply perfect
To melt away my problems as the world dissappears for a while

I love you and you as you
Think you're perfect in each and every way
To make me fall this in love with everything you *do
Don't take it from anyone else. You're beautiful babyboo.

Would I lie to you? ♡
Kaylee Mar 2015
i believe that people
are like those sand paintings
that take years to finish
every shape
every color
is there for some reason
some accidental reason
or some intentional one
billions of tiny pieces to create one whole
over time the shapes and colors
may change
because they don't seem to fit,
and with all these grains
to deal with it is a slow process
to try
to make the picture right again
sometimes a wind
blows a section off
we then rebuild that section,
but it doesn't look the same
the whole is altered accordingly
we do this perpetually
until we inevitably
of the sand given to us
by some unseen hourglass
and then we die
and then the sand is swept through centuries into some giant sandbox as the picture slowly blurs
and dissappears,
until the table-top is cleared
and as the children play and dig
and the wind ripples and churns, eventually
we end up
being barely more than billions
of tiny pieces
in an endless
Akira Chinen May 2016
On the good days, the words flutter around like butterflies waiting patiently to be choosen.  Other days, the dark uncertain times, they swarm you like hornets, stinging you over and over again.  Making the words fall from your eyes like tears splashing onto the page. You can avoid the whole thing,  by being normal, choose the hallmark life, pre-made and hollow love, never know mad love, never go crazy.  Live  the easy life, never risk anything, stay far far away from the edge.  If you want to call that living.  Bee bites and butterfly kisses, you can't just choose one, you have to live with them both.  The light wings of love and the swollen  eyes and hands from the stingers in your heart and soul... That's my life, the life I want at least... sleeping in the mouth of madness.  Somedays... it hurts, painful heart-wrenching hurt, Somedays its just so ******* beautiful all you do is weep at being alive to witness it.  Beautiful pain and heart breaking love... mad mad love.  How's that song go...

"You may be right
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for
Turn out the light
Don't try to save me"

Is that the stones...No Joel you say, so you've heard it... but did you really listen, down in your gut far down below your ears.  See that's one of the problems of the easy life, they don't teach you to listen, really listen where it matters.  Deep down in your dark belly full of demons and monsters and devils, where all the do is listen and if you let them... they turn it all into mad love to keep you alive, really alive.  Not that fake life so many people are so desperate to live.  Every one so ******  afraid of letting a little pain or misery into their lives, all just wanting to be "happy".  Never learning or realizing what they end up missing out on.  A miserable life, there's a secret to it that they won't share with you.  To be miserable, truely  miserable... you have to be touched at least once, just once, by mad crazy stark raving lunatic mad love.  You have to have danced in the mountains of madness for just a second.  And that single touch and that single moment of dancing there among the lunatics of love... that kind of love, never leaves you.  It shoots straight to the marrow of your bones, the bottom of your bottomless heart, soaks into the darkness in the depths of your soul.  It may not stay in your arms or your bed, it may not last as long as it promised or you wanted... but it never just flat out leaves you.  It stays... after every other fire burns out, after every star falls from the sky, after the moon and sun commit their last act of love for each other and both drink each others poison, when the whole of existence just "poofs" and dissappears... That mad love will still be there.  And all those lucky lunatics who went mad and loved crazy will have it all to themselves... MmmHmmm, nothing but that Madness and love.  What a god forsaken beautiful **** fest of an **** that's going to be... just madness and love free from all the other *******, going at it like a couple of teens who just discovered the ability to ******.  And misery knows it, misey hates it.  Because misery can bend you over in a dark alley and take you by force... but misery goes away at just the hope of love, in the presence of love its nothing more than a mist and a ghost.  It might whisper to you behind loves back... but never face to face with love.  Misery is one of the merchants peddling the easy life with the pre-made hollow love and ideal of a happy safe life far away from that scary forbidden edge.  Don't fall for it... find your reason to go mad, find your passenger to drive laughing over the edge with.  Embrace your lunatic and fill your heart and your life with that mad mad love.  Be your miserable ******* self to the core and bitter end... if you need me, you can find me at the mouth of madness, just listen, you'll hear me singing, horribly and off key and out of tune, you can hear me singing to the moon.  You may not belive it, I know it sounds crazy... but baby your the one that saved me.  I'll be waiting here in this mad mad love you gave me... nothing beautiful left in this life for me to do... Thank you... I hope you know I love you.
Disappointment only occupies a individual span of time
and is then overcome by satisfaction
Satisfaction is then overcome in the same fashion
A generation of fools or maybe it's just me.
Sticking to the plan and accepting
that opinion is fact
following in the foot steps of collapse
thinking they are leaning how to dance.
With so many details involved convinced Death is just
Coincidence with life
just there to balance out both sides
of an equals sign still ending up strapped
for cash and more illusions than the house of mirrors
Losing ourselves in the blind spots of despair
taking turns without looking sounds the safest way
to be a ****** for things with synthesized happiness
I want something more now than just sushi
more passionate than enthusiasm and energy.

Filling up the emptiness with all the things people told me
I should believe in and I would feel better
But soon repetitious days are ending
just as every song heard dies and dissappears
from the range of your ears
no matter the battery or modes of repetition

****, this loneliness is an accident
even though I thought I chose it
I thought I needed it
I feel like the past owes me a more well-adapted present
but it didn't and that's what they say life is
and probably will soon be asking if I make money
or if I'm somewhat satisfied
yeah, I guess so, maybe I could be
But sometimes I can't relate to pride according to my financial state
I don't need ownership over things that belong to everybody
just Imagine a real family.
Sharina Saad Jun 2013
In the crowded streets of the city
Everybody walks with their heads held high..
No one bothers to show a pity..
When an old grandma collapses on the road nearby..

She is neither looking nor asking for a sympathy
She is just someone feeling so lonely
Like a dried petal of rose.. torn and ugly
Unwanted.. untouched and unloved by many..

Shun by her uncaring loved ones..
Avoided even by the stingy bees...
***** and old wanted by no one..
Wrinkled and weak ..
Hungry and thirsty..
Whos’s gonna care for an old dumb grandma?

Slowly she wakes up one more time
To embrace the endless cruel fate of life
she picks up her heart heavily from the floor,
as it lay in pieces, like broken glasses..

She dissappears in the spooky darkness
walks to nowhere ..her weak limbs takes her
All alone no one cares her sorrows or tears..
Have anyone bothers to kiss or hug her?

One freezing morning people found her lay
lying next to where she was left in pieces,
She cant move, she can’t scream,
She has only silence for company
The screams of silence is all that remains,

Alone she died buried with her troubled memories..

lost in the shadows of life.. All alone...
ME Nov 2013
When the red wooden floor
Meets the white cold wall
And the wheel in the ceiling hears my call
The bottle on the broken brown table
Listen to the stories of a broken mans fable

And I call and I call
But nobody answers
And I call and I call
But nobody hears

Staring down the ashtray
Looking for answers
Through the ash of yesterday
The candle and it's fire stirs
Emotions of a soul that I can't remember
It's lost and it's late november

And I call and I call
But nobody answers
And I call and I call
But nobody hears

Everbody's calling and it dissappears
Drowned in the voices and the tears
Hidden from plain sight, but oh so real

And I call and I call
But nobody answers
And I call and I call
But nobody hears
betterdays Apr 2014
not a poem
just a quick note
to let the person
who suggested
a change to my poem
i am not being rude
just can't accsess
you advice via
my device
it just dissappears
have msg'd the
but you may want to
send a message, message
in the interim
and thanks
for your interest
in my work
Lydeen May 2018
Like silk the waves swallow me,
An endless abyss of silence.

Like a waterfall in the spring,
The water is crashing above me.

Like the sea water in my mouth,
My lungs burn for sweet air.

Like the soft glow of an ocean sunset,
My consciousness dissappears.

Like a tide falling,
I no longer exist.
I should get help
stranger Sep 2018
I sometimes wonder if I can compare feelings.
Can I compare the power of when you find a song you love and dance to it 'till the sweat reaches your eyes to the power of the sadness when something you so much loved, dissappears and tears streak down your already glass rose cheeks?
Can I compare the pureness of a laugh to the pureness of a sigh?
Can I compare the "letting yourself be a little selfish" of being proud of yourself to "letting yourself be a little selfish" of letting yourself cry for no reason at all?
Can I compare the surprising relief of the moment right after I finish a poem to the surprising scare of the moment I caress my head just to see a handful of hair fall out?
Can I compare the strength of love to the strength of hate?
I think i can
I thought of how deja-vuesque all my feelings seem like
Mohamad Hidayat Nov 2015
Is it a dream
You dissappears into the thin air
Or into the deep ocean
Yours alright is a free
Yours goodnight keeps me awake
Where are you
The sky is so high
The ocean is so furious
The clue is not obvious
The knowledge is there
The technology is everywhere
The tears have dried
But the hope is high
Where are you
The search continues
The prayers is endless
Mistery is the will
If silence is your choice
Let it be a history
And you will always be remembered
Floor Jan 2019
What don't I understand, little girl?
I've seen so much of the world
The pain is temporary, like the youth you used to have
What don't I see, my little girl?
I've heard so much about the world
The sorrow will disappear like the sun dissappears for the moon
What don't I feel, my precious child
I've been here for a while
I know you feel like feeling nothing
But that's how society makes us something
I know I won't be able to show
But eventually these feelings will go

He said to the gravestone
Floor Oct 2019
She is wonderfully fierce
As strong as a storm and as stubborn as the sea
She lives by self destruction
Injecting fire in her veins until there's nothing left to burn
She loves the rage, the anger and the rawness
She lives for pain and rebellion
Everything she touches dissappears
Everyone she loves will leave with a broken soul and more wisdom than before
Just a hand full of people can read the fond of her book
They still don't understand the words, but they manage to flip through the pages
She's entirely made of clouds
Unpredictable and impossible to catch
She's a talkative listener with her heart on her sleeve
She's me
Jess Carroll May 2023
You tell me that your heartbreak is infinite.
You tell me that you're blinded by anger.
You tell me that your loss hurts the most.
You tell me that my beauty will never be forgotten because it was written; and so that story will live on forever.

You tell me that a line written on a page in bleeding ballpoint pen ink will outlast even the sharpest minds.
You tell me that matter dissappears when it's seemingly destroyed.
You tell me that a supernova is the death of a star, because that star will never live again.
You tell me that love exists once for everyone, and that it is always the same.
You tell me that love is one size fits all.

I'll tell you that your heartbreak will ease.
I'll tell you that anger disguises and is a liar.
I'll tell you that loss isn't quantifiable.
I'll tell you that my beauty was built to be forgotten; because I only live once.

I'll tell you that a line written in bleeding ballpoint pen ink will smudge and tear and dissolve, and that our minds can fail us.
I'll tell you that matter is everywhere and only ever transforms into something new.
I'll tell you that a supernova is a birth of different, beautiful energy being scattered endlessly.
I'll tell you that love is everywhere and all-encompassing, for everyone.
I'll tell you that love is one size fits all.
Man Oct 2022
Sable & satin dreams
she's with me with eyes closed
but dissappears at the break of eve
at the brink of reprieve
you come back to me
every time,
what is it you seek
Courtney O Oct 2019
It was thrilling
You were my heart's true desire
All I needed to come alive
But you crushed it
And I ate the crumbled cake
and got high on it
It saved my life
It was sweet nonetheless

And I flew to a different destination
And you lost my year long devotion
But you know, nothing ever dies
Not even you and I
I have to learn to live with this
Resisting desire,
the aftermath of what once was
But nothing ever dissappears
If you dare to dig
The key - to a happy or unhappy fate
Everything I live, I lived it back then
(and I'm ****** to this!)
Babatunde Raimi Feb 2020
Those that sleeps, sleeps at night
Why should I sleep in the morning?
The Sun sets at the eastern horizon
And dissappears in the west
Why should my sun set at noonday?

From moonrise to moonlight
Everything has been perfected before time
Enfirement makes a star shine
So bright it illuminates our world
When hydrogen turns helium

I am a star, a covenant child
I'll leave when "It is finished"
But for now, God is taking me somewhere
And I am not there yet
Even the devil knows this

My sun will never set at noonday
I will never sleep in the morning
Surely, the road to success is plagued
But with Him by my side
I will soon turn a global giant

I'll deploy my gifts and talents
To His glory, for the benefit of mankind
Live to testify to His awesomeness
That's the covenant we both signed
If your Sun will not set at noonday
Please, join me, just say "Amen"

— The End —