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a princess sits in her royal lounge
troubled at mind, restless of heart
trembling limbs and parched tongue
the rivers in her eyes betray
the sorrow that drowns her soul
with shaking fingers she struggles
for a firm grip on her quill
her heart pours out in fluid words
to express a love nursed for years

“My Lord, from childhood I have heard
of your courageous acts and kind character
of your handsomeness and perfectness
and I am unable to draw my mind away
from thoughts of you and yours
I am shamelessly besotted by you
Like a sunflower that is drawn to the sun
I am drawn to you
It is against the common notion
for a woman to ask a man
to take her hand in marriage
I break every tradition,
but Mukunda, answer my question-
which woman, high-born
and well-versed in all the arts,
will not wish to be your consort-
and besides I have already considered myself
wedded to you, in thought and spirit
is it not immoral then
when I consider myself a married woman
and when I am already yours
body, mind and soul,
to allow me another marriage?
My brother Rukmi has arranged
a marriage for me, and it is in the morrow
my heart sinks in sorrow
you are my saviour-
it behooves you to come
and claim what is yours
and how to accomplish it without needless bloodshed
need not cause you worry, for I have a plan
tomorrow morning I shall go for my pre-nuptial prayer
at the temple in the outskirts
away from curious eyes
and it is from there
that you can take me
please do come Krishna and save me
from this mockery of a marriage
I have already said that I am yours
and if you do not come, I shall
with no second thought ensure
that I am no longer alive
to be the object of another man’s desire
and if not in this birth, we shall
in another birth be man and wife”

she seals the letter with  burning tears
and entrusts in a priest’s willing hands to deliver
this receptacle of her hopes and fears
a sliver of hope begins to glimmer
as exhaustion finally takes over
and sleep beckons with gentle hands
to distant happier lands

In the morning she awakes
mind no more clouded or deluded
a faith unshaken that strengthens
as her messenger arrives
bearing happy news
her heart gladdens

Krishna will come – of that she is sure
a love denied will now be hers
the blush of excitement gives way
to shyness - kept so far at bay
the letter was written boldly enough
but now her maiden coyness asserts its sway
with eager pulsing heart she awaits
the moment of freedom and fastening
with her love – it seems too long a day!

In her best finery she is bedecked
a bride blossoming like a flower
eyes shining like diamonds
in their excitement
nocturnal hair that falls to her waist
in a tidy plait
lips tinged with a secret smile
an accompaniment to her glowing face
her blush spreads
like a rose amongst jasmines

with slow sure steps
and comely gait
eyes glistening with hope
and conviction strengthened with faith
she proceeds towards the temple
with sincere emotion she prays

“Devi Parvati, with your motherly grace
look upon me with your kind gaze
as once through penance you gained
your true love as a husband
I too embark today
on a quest to find my way
to him who is my very soul- I pray
let Krishna me my husband”

As every minute passes hope grows
and then she hears his majestic roar
like  a dark thunder-cloud he appears
his turmeric vestment blowing in the wind
and like lighting in the night sky
suddenly and nimbly he hoists her
onto his chariot and they are away

and then the powerful anticipation of this moment gave way
to its pure enjoyment, the company of the loved one

and thus it was that the unflinching Rukmini
wedded Krishna one day.

- Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Cassie Welches Apr 2014
Sunlight makes its move beyond the safe Clouds.
Clouds finally let the Sunlight go free.

Sunlight reaches toward the awaiting greenery.
Clouds hesitate to question its judgment.

Sunlight grasps the hands of Earth.
Clouds spy on Sunlight's careful movements.

Sunlight heats the world in a clear embrace.
Clouds meander further away in hiding.

Sunlight ignites passion within the plants.
Clouds rely on an evaporation vice.

Sunlight relaxes in the west, pleased.
Clouds find solace in the salty air.

Sunlight wakes up to the smiling blossoms.
Clouds glare from a distance.

Sunlight gazes at its new abundance of fruit.
Clouds long for a sweet release.

Sunlight notices its once dear lover.
Clouds acknowledge Sunlight's attention.

Sunlight begins to scorch the ground.
Clouds play upon the mountains.

Sunlight angers at the coyness.
Clouds laugh at the needy air.

Sunlight intensifies to torch the trees.
Clouds begin to realize the desire.

Sunlight glances in the direction of its hope.
Clouds gather up courage to make its move.

Sunlight begs for saturated fulfillment.
Clouds glide toward Sunlight in sweet surrender.

Sunlight kisses its precious love.
Clouds cherish its tender caress.

Sunlight probes its worth by revealing true emotion.
Clouds relinquish control and release the passion.

Sunlight holds the clouds so dearly.
Clouds feel peace letting loose all emotion.

Sunlight stares amazed at the Clouds.
Clouds feel the warmth of Sunlight.

Sunlight makes its move beyond the safe Clouds.
Clouds yet again let the Sunlight go free.

Earth can't survive without this temperamental love affair.
Greg Fullard Aug 2013
Like a drumming crowd
who scream and spit
and shove and curse
they force on through.
Clutching with craze
a stolen view of the
street brawl ahead,
the ****** confusion
that all have said
is the life of my life,
the death of my death,
and the end of my faith.

Did it change of late,
or was it as such
since pre-time arose?
Me a bad actor,
my life a bad show?
The tickets are sold
but all can see that
no story's been told.
And still I roam
with rhymes that
wither and fade
under eyes of scorn.

And in good times,
no eye at all.
Lo, I have loved thee long, long have I yearned and entreated!
Tell me how I may win thee, tell me how I must woo.
Shall I creep to thy white feet, in guise of a humble lover ?
Shall I croon in mild petition, murmuring vows anew ?

Shall I stretch my arms unto thee, biding thy maiden coyness,
Under the silver of morning, under the purple of night ?
Taming my ancient rudeness, checking my heady clamor­
Thus, is it thus I must woo thee, oh, my delight?

Nay, 'tis no way of the sea thus to be meekly suitor­
I shall storm thee away with laughter wrapped in my beard of snow,
With the wildest of billows for chords I shall harp thee a song for thy bridal,
A mighty lyric of love that feared not nor would forego!

With a red-gold wedding ring, mined from the caves of sunset,
Fast shall I bind thy faith to my faith evermore,
And the stars will wait on our pleasure, the great north wind will trumpet
A thunderous marriage march for the nuptials of sea and shore.
Ariel Leigh Mar 2013
Though her eyes are jeweled crystals,
She is the annotation of a valid *****.
Asinine men still don't envision,
She is the offspring of Satan.

Women see her true form,
Underneath that pallid, limp skin.
With lipstick as red as strawberries,
The masquerade is precisely blood from the virtue.

Animals snarl at her without awe,
Yet she's the carnivore.
Her black crinkling hair covers her coyness,
Only to ****** the prey in the hotel room at dusk.
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2020

Lips glossed by coyness
Love and lust on her tongue's tip
Tempt flesh to flower

New day, new haiku! (Repost as HP was acting up for some reason)
This one is for Peitho, Goddess/Spirit of Persuasion and Seduction.
It's no accident that she is also handmaiden/servant to the one and only, Aphrodite.
I wanted to play around with these facts in mind.
Tbh, I'm still so and so about this haiku. As I said I try to be very careful with the words I choose for each Woman of Myth.
Anyway, thank you all for 373 followers! I'm humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Mike Essig Jun 2015
Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, Lady, were no crime.
We would sit down and think which way
To walk and pass our long love’s day.
Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side
Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the Flood,
And you should, if you please, refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews.
My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires, and more slow;
An hundred years should go to praise
Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze;
Two hundred to adore each breast;
But thirty thousand to the rest;
An age at least to every part,
And the last age should show your heart;
For, Lady, you deserve this state,
Nor would I love at lower rate.
   But at my back I always hear
Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near;

And yonder all before us lie
Deserts of vast eternity.
Thy beauty shall no more be found,
Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound
My echoing song: then worms shall try
That long preserved virginity,
And your quaint honour turn to dust,
And into ashes all my lust:
The grave’s a fine and private place,
But none, I think, do there embrace.

   Now therefore, while the youthful hue
Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
And while thy willing soul transpires
At every pore with instant fires,
Now let us sport us while we may,
And now, like amorous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour
Than languish in his slow-chapt power.
Let us roll all our strength and all
Our sweetness up into one ball,
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
Thorough the iron gates of life:
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.
Naina Jani Feb 12
Tanka Poem

Moon caressed coyness
In silent nights,footsteps tread
On fields of freedom,
Where sweet dreams glow like fireflies
Embellishing my dark nights.

Zealous zephyr sways
Lost in the strands of my hair
Whispering words wise.
In soft,silver moon-kissed light
Memories of longing speak.
dusk fell upon us softly
   between kisses
that probed and went
across the borders
into the other´s land
   to find it strange
yet pleasant
and a little frightening

the whistle for retreat
   was blown
and we went out for dinner
but soon grew restive
to resume the wanderings
on each other´s turf

your girlish coyness
made me hesitate
lest a wrong move
turn me into a frog that
   thrown against the wall
   would not change
      into a prince

I hid within my robe

your loving body
hard up against mine
   felt beautiful
your kisses and caresses
   roused my blood

your loving trust
   shaken, at times,
   by my exploring touch
made me feel very young
and very old at once
   it was not easy
   to maintain control

we walked the tightrope
   through the night
your innocence protected you as well
   as my experience and respect
for your determination
   not to lose yourself

   and not to join me
   at that time

our entanglement
between desire and restraint
was long and yet too short
dawn found us puzzled
   words were scarce

the parting kisses
   sweet and sad
left memories


to this very day

     * *
Nat Lipstadt Dec 2024

I choose fingers,
among the array
of many wonderful
parts on offer,

the other sensory emissaries protest,
but the multi-fluency of fingers,
fluent in all Romance languages,
nay, in every dialect, tongue,
tippling the balance in their favor

for the fingers are wonderful conversationlists, trumping the
cooing coyness of sweet wordy
verbs, fingers defy nouns, pronouns

and are fingers the finest conjunction
that was ever conjured ot conjuncted?

the ears hear poorly when upom it
a long  slim finger casually traces outlines
slow~sensually and the eyes shut tightly,
reflexively, the tongue froze to the
mouth roof, muted into inaction

even the the sense of smell lies powerless
should we block the nostrils with but
*******, and breathe mouth mightily

we do not diminish the orchestration’s
totality, the blending of sound ‘n sensation,
but the blind and deaf all must bow before the power of fingers speaking to
every part of the bodies totality
Prathipa Nair Oct 2016
Ready for the wedding in her black attic
Wearing necklace of twinkling stars
Alluring bindi of shinning moon
Her blue wide eyes open with delight
Giggling of coyness from her lips of rivers
Plaited braids with fragrant ***** pine flowers
Night, walking languidly on green carpets
Getting on brown forests of chariot
Passing through villages, cities, towns
Ululation of owl's high-pitched wavering
Welcoming her to the ceremony !
Nat Lipstadt Dec 2023
Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, Lady, were no crime.
We would sit down and think which way
To walk and pass our long love’s day.
Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side
Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide
Of Humber would complain.

I would
Love you ten years before the Flood,
And you should, if you please, refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews.

My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires, and more slow;
An hundred years should go to praise
Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze;
Two hundred to adore each breast;
But thirty thousand to the rest;
An age at least to every part,
And the last age should show your heart;
For, Lady, you deserve this state,
Nor would I love at lower rate.
   But at my back I always hear
Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near;
And yonder all before us lie
Deserts of vast eternity.
Thy beauty shall no more be found,
Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound
My echoing song: then worms shall try
That long preserved virginity,
And your quaint honour turn to dust,
And into ashes all my lust:
The grave’s a fine and private place,
But none, I think, do there embrace.
Now therefore, while the youthful hue
Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
And while thy willing soul transpires
At every pore with instant fires,
Now let us sport us while we may,
And now, like amorous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour
Than languish in his slow-chapt power.
Let us roll all our strength and all
Our sweetness up into one ball,
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
Thorough the iron gates of life:
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.
Ronald Jones Sep 2015
Some women serve up their ******* in coyness
under blouse, purposely delineated.
Others serve them up in boldness
rolling them out and hoisted to
their lips or ours for pleasure.
Still others serve them on the half-shell--
a teasing delicacy, but are they FAKE OR NATURAL?
Alas! Sometimes it's a ****** tough job to tell!
Paris Adamson Dec 2012
'This is the room one afternoon I knew I could love you/and from above you how I sank into your soul,' Jeff Mangum croons through the crackling speakers*

...similarly simple,
like the coyness of corner smiles,
I  am exposed
  to your bedroom,
and the snug universe you've built within.

Cross-legged on your bed
I hear your nervous, careful stories.
Spoken into fidgeting fingers, silken wrinkled
bedsheets debauched and  re-washed--
your words fall into them so easily
like you've found  benevolence in their silence--
their softness as language.

Imbibing every ounce of you,
I wish to endure
like the canvases that span your wall.
But I dissolve back into winter
as you regain your right mind.
The ascending stairs creak
hungover and meek
like me
poem 3 in impromptu "favorite words in the English language" collection.
someshittytimes i can't distract myself from the inspiration i draw from a single earthly being.
F White Dec 2010
it's too much.
these beds I made.
my skin is so heavy.
I am under this
parachute of
coyness, but now
it's falling down
around me and I flail
in the waves, choke,
cough and toss.
remember how they said
don't wish for a thousand
coins because they'll all land
and crush your body?
I think, it's probably
best to be careful
for what you
ask  for, whether
it's forward
or backwards in
time. because once your
grass is green,
you have to roll
in it.
whether it tickles
your collar
or not.
Copyright FHW, 2010
Maisha Mar 2013
(I want this poem
to voice a kind of intricacy
that is currently inside me)

I fear failure
I fear obstacles
I fear death

I fear that all of this
is just a way for me to learn
to settle and accept

I fear that God might whisper
for me to remain

My depression
my troubles
my paranoia…

Have I not had enough?
Have I not moved on?
Have I not been caged–

What are you going to do to me?
Why can’t I make peace with
my anxiety?

Should I alter my perception?
Am I only trapped
in my mind?

This shouldn’t be an excuse
to make a run
‘tis not comprised of my exhaustion

but I’ve read
I’ve bled
and I’ve dreamed

and I know my departure
is to see
not to flee

Am I just convincing myself?
What is this coyness?
What is this pretense?

What are you going to do to me?
Why can’t I make peace with
my anxiety?

I beg you
and please, I plead
for you to remind me

The reasoning behind my leaving
is to see
and not to flee…
I hope it's not going to get the best of me.
Devan Proctor Jul 2013
It is never enough to share a fence.

Each day I spend my time taking down its boards
one by one
until only our frames are still standing.

Yet we will still collide at the gate
and let our eyes speak our minds.

Until that border is gone
we will remain seated
like stepping stones.

Separate and lonely
and only as close as we allow ourselves to be.


When I tear down that wall
your breath can ease deeply again.

Our skin may not touch often
yet my aura has gleaned a dose of your glow
and is deliciously infected
and will kindly keep it for you.

Until the sweat of my palm and the still of my brow
work through the fragments of coyness and blushing
and the razor shards of heartbreak and despondence
your love will be safe with me.
tranquil Nov 2013
the root of sea is dead
our sky is still unreal
which deep it may reside
your parching gentle tear

a rain of sleepy draught
on cheeks of silky night
in blush of coyness thin
we start a fresh new life

a life same as we dreamed
now born in lap of time
in cradle of our love
as blooming summers prime

as nursed by tender joys
sweeping as twilight red
echoed by tranquil breeze
in arms of roses spread

scrambled and lost tonight
brood over freshest hues
amidst gleeful snugness
we kiss our moment true

may million pains which shall
try douse and dim this flame
or crawling creep our souls
spread foul revolt our faith

let them brew up a storm
summon a herd of beasts
while world fogs out our day
remember darling please

if root of past be dead
and future sky unreal
our love shall ride us through
wildest waves my dear
halfheartedsoul Feb 2015
Layer by layer,
a support system,
and safety coverage,
much like
an encouraging armour.

I piled them on,
layer by layer.

Coloured cream,
every inch,
every corner,
explored by the wisp of a soft brush,
caressing and comforting.

Stroke by stroke,
black ink on tapered brushes,
forms a full pair,
and prominent curls that
softly flutters.

Such lovely coyness.

Stroke by stroke,
a staining motion,
softly presses,
while trailing a curved path
with eyes lowered.

the cheapest thrill a woman has.

Hands running through,
pulling yet gentle,
of soft brown curls.

A spritz from a glass vial,
neck daintily stretched,
eyes contently shut.

The light fragrance flirts in the air,
a flowery scent,
musky and sweet.

An over-sized pullover,
cotton hides luscious curves,
drawing eyes to every inch of
skin exposed.

A shiver contained,
from the ruffling of the material,
and intense flames behind watching eyes.

A deep intake of air,
eyes meeting through the mirror.

As though gears clicked into place,
an indulgent smile displays.

*"Come here," he said.
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
These drops fall carelessly
dropping down and rolling
like clear beads
on the laminated surface of infant leaves.
Lazing about underneath its shade
I look up through dark lashes
to catch and keep
a glimpse of you
you ****** my gaze away.
That single drop of days old rain
leaving vibrations on the leaf's tip
to 'plop'
on your forehead.
I watch you let it run its course
sliding down the connection
between eyes and
the precipice of your
With a timid curved finger
-my longest-
I feel my caress on your skin.
with your eyes fixed to mine
I abandon all coyness.
the collision of our lips was inevitable
our teeth clink like
wine glasses in celebration
While our tongues undergo construction
sanding down passions rough exterior.
together under the pale sun
we are stationed
shirts pulled and
Faces flushed with
Our breath steams out
and our eyes avert from the others
to the sky
clear blue
watching God.
Grey Davidson Jun 2014
I want to be pretty.
Not in the way magazines do it
where everything is tucked, twisted, tuned and polished
because I am not an ideal.
And I will never be the Mona Lisa
with a coyness that leaves people wondering
what I've smelled, touched, tasted in
every moment of my life,
because I am not a treasure.
I want to be the kind of pretty
where my little sister can see a galaxy of pride in my eyes
and know she's ten times more beautiful
than I could ever be
(or at least she'll know I think so.)
I want to be pretty in the way that
strangers don't know if I'm kind or
powerful or
and are timidly curious that maybe I'm all three.
I want to be pretty in the way that
I am all three, and so much more.
I want to be pretty
so that when I'm older
I can be half as beautiful as my mom.
I want to be pretty so that
my friends see honesty in the corners of my eyes
and security in my fingertips
and hold my gaze with evenness as my equals.
I want to be pretty,
the kind of pretty where you bring me home,
we reflect each other like lighted mirrors
and your mom will smile that knowing smile
because in three years you'll want to see a ring on my finger
and she knows her baby will do it in five.
And I want to be pretty so when my hair is damp,
my eyeliner cakes my face like charcoal
and a towel is wrapped around my body...
When I look in that mirror I see fireflies and lightning
and not an abandoned house
in a quiet street
with the attic light left on.
this is a poem I wrote for an upcoming slam poetry night. it will be my second poem ever performed and I am very nervous and excited. please feel free to critique before this Friday (June 21st) and let me know your thoughts! wish me luck!
Sam Temple Jul 2017
A sliver through leaning elm
lattice branches disguise and distort.
Speckled with yellow, green tree frogs
took the shine as an omen
and sang for lovers with feverous desire.

The goddess of night stirred me also
as I peered deep into the wicker…
I sought a more clear view
but her coyness combined
with the angle of twig
and left my gaze unsatisfied.

Low in a north/ south canyon
barely able to see the sky
I shed a tear for her passing
while wishing for every singing frog
a bright and inquisitive mate.  /
I'm naturally a ****** fool
Who’s an earnest tool
As I burrow through my coyness
Strangers leer upon me
I can feel there sorrow eyes daut me
For my precocity of intimacy.
For I don't lack legitimacy
I swear it to be.
I won't be the fool,
Who is the tool for the fool.
I just need to know if I'm minuscule to you.
Or am I more than I molecule to ridicule
I just need you to overrule my angst
By telling me what am I.
GL Feb 2013
Vague steps on an
Unfamiliar path,
Sweeping the vulnerable
With the winter winds.
I have not known
Spring to ever meet fall,
Love to ever meet war,
Or the sun the ever meet the moon.
Crys in the midnight gore of
You and I met.
Laughter in the late night
You and I loved.
Regret in the early morning
You and I parted.
I have not known
Summer to ever meet winter,
Hate to ever meet peace,
Or the moon to ever meet the sun.
Vague steps on an
Unfamiliar path,
Sweeping the vulnerable
With the winter winds.
hazem al jaber Nov 2016
Oh ***** mind ...

you are into my mind ...
my ***** mind...
I had a naughty dream about you ...
never got before ...
always wished to have you ...
and dreamed so and so ..
and finally got you ....
got you there ...
there into my kingdom ...
into my bed ...
among coyness candles ...
watched us with a shy eye ...
happily to see what we do ...
till it danced at our heart's beats ...
to give us it's warm breeze ...
to start our mission that we are for ...
to mix up the milk and chocolate ...
my milk which you asked to your chocolate ...
to melt them one to the other ...
to get that sweet honey ...
to irrigate our souls and bodies ...
till we melt both ...
through a happiness that we wished from long ...
OH ...
oh sweet girl ...
yes we did ...
as i said ...
so ***** into my mind ...
and you're on it ...
we were as sword and it's sheath ..
joined that no one can go ..
yes sweet dreamy girl...
we had a naughty dream ..
slipped between your lips...
while arms are around you..
pushed my ******* so deep ...
deep inside you ...
made you feel as it mine ...
made you beg me with your moan ...
do it ...
what you are waiting for ...
do it need your more ...
more deeper inside ...
suddenly ..
the sun slapped my face ...
to woke me up from my dream ...
my naughty dream ...
which i got you there...

hazem al ..
Wk kortas Jan 2017
Don’t give me some dark, inscrutable muse
With faux chaste coyness and misleading smiles;
Give me a memory that I can use
To carry me through the endless gray miles
Of venal ensigns on a windswept deck,
Days sighed away under monochrome skies.
I’ll recall a broad (and she’ll let you check)
With the fleet’s emblem tattooed on both thighs,
A bawd who can take a beer and a shot,
Who’ll let you wear the dress, if you prefer.
She’ll let you have even if you have not;
God bless those sailors who sail in her.
Who needs some girl who’s all cashmere and class?
Give me the **** you can grab by the ***.
With deepest apologies to Thomas Pynchon
Argentum Apr 2016
ah, the anonymity of virtualization. a place where words are broken into bits and therefore harder to trip on. if only I was so eloquent in meatspace. some have achieved a subtleslick lethal elegant, a fluid flowing smooth-like-butter love affair with words. writing, like seduction, takes practice and street smarts to master. my relationship with words is fragile-soft shy. young love, cautious and sweet. a virginal coyness; the words maddeningly slip through my fingers like dreamsand. I chase after the right words through hyperbolic forests, slay dragons, kiss her (what else would Language be?) soft and hard, love her wrong and love her right. but girls leave you, always, starstruck and drunk with love or infatuation or lust or all three. Even language. even language.
david mungoshi Jan 2016
listen and listen well to this story
that to every lover gives glory
'tis everyone's rare narrative
a tacit reminder to everyone
that everything happens to everyone

she was once a true love of his
and gave him reason enough to kiss
for when their searching eyes locked
a sizzling  ripple lashed them both
in a moment of seizure that immobilized them

his eyes  could see only her in her rich allure
he was impaled and enslaved by her lyrical walk
and could only gape and drool while she slew him
with that body, that walk and the utter sweetness
it promised without reservation or coyness

but as life often will have it, the song that her life was
faded into the cold distance and as she ascended into time
his sore heart wailed and he sought her everywhere in vain
till it dawned on him that she had been lovely and elusive to the end
his sacred duty was to fan the memory of one once a true love of his

this story my people, is enacted every day everywhere at all times
and though there's nothing new under the blue skies above
        the pain of acute loss is never a collective experience
thegirlwhowrites Oct 2014
you have made it clear:
“let go of me.”
so let go i did.
request granted.

permit me this now -
to write you unmasked.
without coyness
nor shadow of pretense,
i scribble this about you:

i have refused
to envelope
your memories
with fantasies,
not wanting
to mix them up.

now, though,
frustrated by reality
i have allowed
my imagination
to take its own course -  
your lips yielding against mine,
my hands trembling
as it seeks your chest,
my heart pulsating wildly
in tune with yours.

when once,
I have refused
to write you
in the beauty
of my dreams,
there is nothing left
of you
but the mirage
of hopefulness.

you are now my hero,
my muse,
the fancy
behind my poems.

you are so much more
than you used to be,
but only
because I have closed
my eyes
and allowed you
to be swallowed
by my heartbreak.

for j.e.
Francie Lynch Mar 2015
You left off
Your ambiguous secrets,
Your coyness,
Your arbitrariness
When you cut
With sharpened pencils,
And dripped heavy
Leaden words
Too much Spartacus watching. They spoke with few articles, as in "Jove's **** in... (name a noun)."
Prathipa Nair Nov 2016
Hopping hare on green grass
Jumping grasshopper with fear
Fluttering wings of flying birds
Quacking of dabbling ducks
Swimming fishes of gold with silver
Dancing peacock with grace
Blooming lotus with coyness
Crying of babies in cradles
Singing lullaby by women
Planting rice seedings in fields
Crawling ***** to the water
Flying dragonflies above fields
Spotting prey of eagle's eyes
Witnessing the reality of beauty
A lifeless ugly hay-man !
Abhisumat Singh Jul 2017
She descends down the ruined stairs
of the moon, and into a lake she vanishes,
increasing its beauty and sowing in love. full with charm, with sensuality,
and with an appealing glitter of face
which arouses the soul.

Her gravity causes the trees to dance,
the water tides to swirl and the clouds,
to loosen their ambrosia on the earth.

She seduces the surroundings with her
coyness, making the creator blush,
and gaze with amusement at what He
had created.

Everyday, everytime she trespasses the
property of my soul....And slowly
with the passage of time, her mischiefs
stole something from me
~ something unseen.
A free-verse based on mood...
Written for a Wattpad book...
Prathipa Nair Sep 2016
With a mud *** on her waist
Walks the beauty in his thoughts
Grazing cattle in a meadow
Playing his flute of love
Awaiting to see the coyness in her eyes
Hearing the music of her anklets
Blooms a mystic smile on his lips
Swapping hearts of devotion
Sitting under a banyan tree
Languidly lying on his shoulder
Relishing his romanticising music of love
Forgetting the world encircling them
Lost in a heaven of divinity
When the Peacock spreading
Its colourful wings of portiere !
Kelsey Rhoads Feb 2019
He bought me a ring today, I collect them you see.
I think it was like a promise, a token he wants to be with me.

Then he got me a knecklace a ruby red stone
Matches my dress for prom, no one will be left unshown.


Then he bought the ring.

The ring you see? It was a large diamond surrounded by little ones. You should have seen my face filled with coyness

But how did you feel you ask?

Marvously joyous..
I’m so excited to share this with you all! So today my bf bought me a necklace and this gorgeous ring with a beautiful pearl in it. Never been so happy, but the week before we were just browsing engagement rings and I had found one I like. Well today he bought it as well. I was overcome with pure honest happiness through my veins. I love him very much and I can finally say things are looking up.

If you understand, I’m sorry. Stay strong friend.

— The End —