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Why does come Monday first always in Week?
and Looking in East why, West cannot I seek?
Why from month January ,  year to begin?
Is January so great and December mean?

Why yellow looks so yellow and red is red?
Why chair is called a chair  and bed is bed?
Why day is destined to never meet a night?
And there no darkness, where ever is light?

How cement keep together one brick to brick?
When Frozen, turn water ice, what is the trick?
Why the cow choice eating grass, leaf & fruit?
and juice for feral panther never substitute?

Why chilly taste hot so and apple taste sweet?
Why river's bank parallel & never they meet?
Why always two has to come after one?
No body to answer, no reason yet come.

Why eye for watching and mouth to speak?
And Mountain so high and valley so deep?
Why fire for burning and water to wet?
Why language ever need many alphabet?

Only thirty days in a month, when, why & how?
No answers to these questions, leave them you now.
And why the God created this multiple world,
Can not be explained ever, can not be solved.

God is the originator and this is the fact.
This world is how it is, you have to accept.
This is the Nature and this is reply.
Alfa is alfa  , so  pie is pie.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2015
the narrative does not cling to classicalism of stating whether the pronoun usage is either singular or plural or both to allow an armchair of expression; after all... there's enough for us to bypass the classical philosophical debate about subject and object, simply investigating pronoun usage in relation to singularity or pluralism.*

there’s a theory where poetry came from,
one read: cleopatra wanted to hear sweet-nothings
calibrating a razor with a viper’s kiss...
another read: she báthory?
she báthory? she the one that turned milk into blood?
she can burn in hell.
i thought we were un-dialectical in the realms of concern?
no... you see... poetry came from punctuated-impressionism...
or a fear of it... punctuation of course, not from the impressionism...
poets fear punctuation...
give them a semi-colon
like a sidelined line of verse.
this is poetry in mathematical equations:
i had a pear(,)
it was a spare(.)
i had a care for traffic(-)
so i missed( )
the expressions and started using an obelisk to quarter up the mammoth
into chop suey...
poets simple say: next line! when prose says next paragraph
and the prized execution of the 100m sprint . . . (.)
that’s universal alpha romeo with alfa bravo charlie delta (echo)...
come on in the u-turn... give us a smile......... :),
poets says... i need breathing space
without sentenced timing of silence, for the toad to feed inspiration
and envy!
no wonder you came with the alpha - zulu
alphabet given that you used ɪɡ and zoʊ...
so tell me... where’s this copernican west upside down
(this heliocentric west with east being the big bang)?!
i'd swear the thing stopped orbiting in circles
and a thing that's on it's thought started to become
orbital... a fashion sense of the 60s 70s 80s 90s repeated -
that's right, the whole thing became heliocentric
and we became narcissists instead of solipsists
in the geocentric system of worked-up plagiarism
with adequate excuses.)
it's here it the poets apprehensive of punctuation symbology
and instead writing "sparingly,"
to write, e.g.:
makes sense poets begot fear of
punctuation and not grammar, they
serviced to explore nothing else,
leaving grammar open long enough to *****
mathematics in... remember...
poets are firstly concerned with punctuation...
secondly with grammar...
philosophy for poets is grammar;
**** i'm um um so drunk i'll need to revise.
    Participei da festa de Dionísio & as grandes estátuas de Leão plasmático, ergueram – se sobre a Terra. O precipício & o primeiro sinal da despedida cantando juntos a trilha sonora da invasão dos Profetas urrando a serviço das letras. Para todo o sempre o trono partido por ninfas histéricas! Crises contra o amuleto. Gnose fumacê participando celebrando a queda das pirâmides. Alquimistas do Verbo cantem o grito profano da Inquisição! Os sete pergaminhos caíram semeando a destruição da pedra Xamânica. Diadorim buscando solução em Fausto & Orfeu...? (inaudível psicopatia irradiada na vestimenta da alma). Exagerados, contemplavam mensagens infernais de Blake em vozes imagens melancólicas de Rimbaud. Logo as marés baixaram & sobre as ondas a Lua levitava em direção ao rugido do fogo; Dionísio em chamas bacantes! Ausência da queda no tempestuoso ninho levando aos portais da tormenta. Sete anjos cantando o mantra da lágrima metamorfoseada em dor.                                                             ­       
   Dionísio em voz de trovão: Oh! Se a voz do Tudo emanar a língua em torpor saqueando o princípio da guerra; Quando os sentidos estão sacudidos & a alma está dirigindo- se à loucura; quem pode permanecer? Quando as almas estiverem aprisionadas, lutando contra as revoltas do ar, na cor do som, quem poderá permanecer? Quando a brisa da fúria vier da garganta de Deus, quando as fábulas da persistência guiarem as nações, quem poderá permanecer?
    Quando baladarem o pecado, acabarem na batalha & navios dançarem em volta do último regozijo no espaço da morte: quando as almas estiverem embriagadas no fogo eterno & os amigos do inferno beberem antes do traço do infinito: Oh! quem poderá permanecer? Quem pode causar isto? Oh! Quem poderá responder diante do trono de Deus? Os Reis & os nobres poetas malditos repousando na caverna por dois séculos, têm permanecido?
    Não escutem, mas o Grito leva à ponte do não-ouvir. Não escutem, mas prazeres congestionados devem esperar. Amanhã. Só amanhã pensando se o tempo foge ao futuro ou se as árvores choram no Tempo & o Vento cantando a antiga canção da essência. A Terra deve esperar as lendas memoráveis sentindo passado & liberdade entre velhas histórias do coração descompassado em dia de vitória movendo ilusões da criação do mundo. Nem um sorriso noturno tremendo escrevendo cartas no oceano desejando amar & morrer ébrio no mar sonoro! Vamos celebrar sua dor& as novas despedidas & as páginas manchadas no lago desespero procurando asas no inferno análogo à soberba contemplando como um feiticeiro histórias orgiásticas em dias perdidos!
Pequena ninfa exala virtude
Nova percepção é velha chuva
Intrépido céu em força à beira da tormenta
Tempo escasso frente do Tudo!
    Paradoxo abissal em finais absurdos. Doutrinas anti-socráticas poeira do nada embebecido forjado  para a volta. Um caminho é serpente fria salto com Ícaro destoando nobre silêncio ainda que duas palavras atravessem é sinal mágico psiconitróide em míticos fragmentos complexos da grande barriga virtual grande momento, enfim personagens pensantes na corrente capital ilustre ideológica. Nietzsche disse: “ não a intensidade, mas a constância das impressões superiores é que produz os homens superiores”. Dionísio ausente sibilo missionário resquício da grande tempestade transformando nada em músicas eternas músicas pós-Tudo música póstuma aquém de princípios de aura. É grande o Banquete na eternidade alucinógena da erva platônica. Lembranças unidas outras vidas presentes no barulho da dor. A carruagem sem asas foi  o veículo de Dante no purgatório encontrando Beatriz dito anjo de pele sutil com olhos da noite. Ou não. O primeiro grito do mundo foi o verbo, a morte do mundo foi a palavra.

    Acostumei a encontrar palavras atravessando o outro lado realizando caótico passo ao começo do ato simétrico pairando no ar buscando Tudo. Se a palavra antes fim fosse real sem ser palavra psia apenas causadora empírica dos dilemas tristes recortes de outrora pigmentados sem nome em precipício do fim! A ilha colorida geme! É o sinal da passagem da vida filosofal alfa poética plenos estados iluminados na sombra abissal de Rimbaud em crise  de riso & esquecimento sendo expulso da fumaça purgatório vivendo entre o sagrado & o profano com queda para o profano escutando vozes em terríveis silêncios metapsicofísicos abundantes pausas noturnas no vôo da maré. Salve a iluminação mágica fixada na irradiação transcendenastral! Dissonâncias filosóficas,  venham todos! Lamentos proféticos entorpecidos beberei do seu vinho! Indício do apocalipse! Profana histeria caótica levando a contatos xamânicos primitivos míticos em desertos & portais circulares!
             Serei eternamente condenado ao arco-íris do absoluto infinito!
Yenson Sep 2018
Oh I wonder if I mean pounding
Or maybe it's pondering
Hell what do I know, spelling isn't my strong point
I've always been envious of all those brainy lot
To see me you'll know why I can never be an alfa male
So its better I hide behind a keyboard and troll
I can't help feeling inadequate when I read the good poems
All I do is steal words and ideas then twist them around
I pownd and pownd and pownd till I drive them away
I am a  Pownder that pownd and get a pound for every pownding

I am a little person with a little mind and something else bothers me so much it leaves me with a Napoleonic complex
But I hope other men don't know about it but anytime I see a hot dog, wish I could just disappear and die cause I know that's one pownding That leaves me unpownded.

Excuse me I got a job to do
There's a poet here, I've got to drive him away from here
He's Benson or something like that and I just feel so small
Can never write like him and being a stinking bully and a Hater
I feel so inadequate and it's stressing me out, how good he is
He leaves me feeling so carri gibbanoius and useless pownding about
My job and aim is to oppose anything positive and good
I was born to destroy cause I can't do better
guess that's why I can't even spell an ordinary word like
That benson fellow will soon leave and coward inadequate me
will rule with my mediocre drivel again or go copy from someone
and pretend its my work like I did at Junior High and college.

My good friend below wrote this to me:

Karijinbba › In His Grace..............

I hear the pownding waves of God in every day or written silences. I hear Gods loving waves in everyday's life's harships and struggles; even when God in his silence blessess, me in imagined lovers arms, and in dreams, when my breath taken.

He copied a poem written by me and improved on it and then
posted it back to me to show me how to improve on my work.
So I must learn from him and be a better writer
And stop feeling bad and envious about other people's poems
And writing privately to them to intimidate them and making
them quitting this site.
My thanks to Kainjinbba who helped sharing his collaboration on this poem and has done a lot to make me feel welcomed and appreciated on HP. Please note that Passive Aggression is not something that Karijinbba indulges in, neither is karijinbba a bully or a troll who tries to antagonise talent and endeavour ...
g clair May 2015
i'm cryin' a.a. for my b.b.
and so is c.c. d. and  e.
i'm cryin' a.a. for my b.b.
and so is c.c. d. and e.
if we can't f. g. h. i. j. k.
then we can't  l. m., n. o. p.

just an a. a. without b.b.
and that's the alpha-betty blues
i said an a.a. without b.b.
and that's alpha-bitty blues
short on words but long on rhythm
that's the bye bye b.b. blues.

I've got a Q R S T  baby
don't need no U V.... W
said I got a Q R S T  baby
just keep your U V...W
think you know your alfa better
check your XYZZ too.

Capitol AA, BB!
Capitol AA BB C!
Capitol DD E F!
Capitol DD E F G!
Capitol H I stinkin' J K!
Capitol LMNOP!!

I've got a Q R S T baby
don't need no U V W
said I've got a Q R S T  baby
don't need no U V...W
think you know your alfa better
check your XYZZ too.
Nana Alli Jun 2020
License to die,
Contract to ****,
That was the deal,
Buried my heart,
Wore a mask
And blood spills

Inhumanly human,
Tears floods my heart,
Yet, I stand head high
Even with death
Staring into my eyes

No guts!
No glory!
For I am a lethal weapon
And no one dies twice!

As I leave my body
I remain loyal
To Alfa,
Died a Romeo for my country,
Served as Mike,
Till we meet in Yankee,
Even in afterlife my symbol is peace
But my loyalty belongs
To the
Alfa Romeo Mike Yankee.

I ran with the wolves
Howled at night's full moon
Ate my prey warm
With it's heart still pounding

But moon after moon passed
Alfa wolves rose and fell
And I no longer recognize
Original clan

They speak of me as the grey wolf
The ancient one who howls
Up above the highest peaks
The grey ghost of the ancient past

I sleep with the always cold
Looking down from the highest passes
Even with cloudy eyes
I still see
Roxanne Pepin Aug 2010
You don't choose according to the majority.
You choose to make the majority.
You choose to say ******* when someone tells you what you should do.
You choose to make your own choices.

I'm fluent in silence,
I'm also fluent in french and english,
And not afraid to tell you what I think.
Though sometimes no words are the best words.

Be the alfa male.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
He leads me in green pastures,
He guides my path to rightousness,
He lifts me up when i fall,
He is my pillar to lean on when i cant stand.

He says "yes"
when all say "no"
He makes a way where it seems to be non
Forever Has He been my shield.

He knew me in my mother's womp
Created me in His own image
gave His son away to the earth
for my sins to be washed away.

How Great is Thou Art
Highly exalted above all nations
The King of kings
The Lord of lords
with Him all things are possible.

I call him Emmanuel
The I Am That I Am
The Mighty above all
The Alfa and The Omega
The Unchangable Changer.

He is my pillar
The one and only friend i could ever ask for
In Him i can never lack
but rather rejoice
for He is The Prince of Peace
Ocean Blue Sep 2014
As his shining grey Alfa Romeo
Endlessly rolls on the side
In an appletree field in Bretagne,
After crashing on a truck,
That was not supposed to be stuck
There in the middle of the road,
Just minutes before dying,
He remembers pieces of his life.
The full life of a happy man
Who has a loving Italian wife
A gorgeous Austrian lover,
An unstable father,
A distant son whom he feels
He has not been close enough,
A best friend named François,
With whom he runs a company.
In a few minutes,
All this will be gone.
Disappeared from the earth,
Remaining only in the memory
Of a few ones.
In a last minute,
Surrounded by a white fog,
All characters of his life,
Appear in front of him,
Standing silently,
Sadly looking at him,
For a last au revoir.
Inspired by Paul Guimard's novel "Les Choses de la Vie" (1968), and the subsequent movie by Claude Sautet (1970), starring Michel Piccoli, Romy Schneider, Lea Massari, Jean Bouise...
Alfafido Jan 2013
You are the salt I crave
That scalds my skin & brands my mind

I hunger for the oblivion of your lips
The famine of your naked skin

Imprisoned by the trance of your eyes
And swallowed by the gentle abyss of your voice

The cruel perfume of your forbidden skin
And taboo of your musk

Your warm thighs wrapped, butter soft, around me
I ache for the drowsy tangle of our joyful limbs

The sculpture of your arching back beneath my trembling touch
Your drifting hand, lazy traced across my cheek

I hunt at night for the dream of you, to feed my soul
I hunger for the moments when the universe dissolves & we float untethered, alone, together
Consumed in our feast

© Alfa Fido 2013
Nel cuor dove ogni visïon s'immilla,
e spazio al cielo ed alla terra avanza,
talor si spenge un desiderio, e brilla
una speranza:
come nel cielo, oceano profondo,
dove ascendendo il pensier nostro annega,
tramonta un'Alfa, e pullula dal fondo
cupo un'Omega.
Paul Hardwick May 2016
Images of upside down frogs
reminds me of you
where did I find it
in the bathroom window while taking a ****
image in the art novo glass
reminds me of that time
on Alfa Centure
where that giant mould hung down
looking like upside down frogs
and you said
stop right there
this is perfect moment in time
at that I fell down this black hole
and landed here on earth
I still miss you dear.
True story  Love P@ul ***.
funny what you can read into nothing.
Sirenes Feb 2016
If wish you hadn't done that
Torn the blankets off me
And called me a *****
Mum, I was only 20
It wasn't anything I did
I never compromised my honor
Mum I really didn't

I wish you hadn't purposely
Let me oversleep
In hopes I would lose my job
Mum, I really couldn't figure out life
Was it that your man was helping me?
Was it that I was given the attention
A father should've given a daughter
Sure he's not my dad
But he likes to think he is

I really wish you hadn't done that
Let me go through
All the lies and accusations
While your ex incriminated me
Of things I have never done
I really wish
You hadn't waited for my tears to flow
At loss for any other escape

I really wish you hadn't
Put my friends above me
I really wish I could like Christmas
But the way I remember it
This was the occasion
To ridicule me for
Everything I was
And everything I would never be

And sure it wasn't just you
But surely you have come to understand
That this is how children compete
For attention
By teaming up against one

Mum I really wish
My school degree
Wasn't a way for you to evelate
Yourself above your sister in law
Her sons are doing so well
And you have two accomplished daughters
And one me
Who incidentally does
Whatever comes up first

I am so unpredictable,
I don't know what I'm going to do next.
I really wish I hadn't understood
And diligently ignored
The possibility
That maybe you're too broken
To really see that in fact
You are competing with your own children
For things that we never wanted
Nor cared for:
Your alfa female status.
Let's finally call it what it is. Eventhough I always ignored it.
Aiere ha fatto n'anno - 'o diece 'e maggio,
na matenata calda e chiena 'e sole -,
penzaie 'ncapo a me: "Cu che curaggio
io stamattina vaco a faticà!".
Facenno 'o paro e sparo mme susette:
"Mo mme ne vaco 'a parte 'e copp' 'o Campo".
Int'a ddiece minute mme vestette
cu 'e mucassine e cu 'o vestito blu.

Nun facette sparà manco 'o cannone
ca già stevo assettato int' 'a cantina,
annanze a nu piatto 'e maccarune:
nu zito ch'affucava int 'o ragù.

C' 'a panza chiena, a passo... chianu chiano
mme ne trasette dint'a na campagna,
mmocca nu miezo sigaro tuscano,
ca m' 'o zucavo comme 'o biberò.

Tutto a nu tratto veco nu spiazzale
chino 'e ferraglie vecchie e arrugginite.
E ched' è, neh?... nu campo 'e residuate:
"il cimitero della civiltà".

Nu carro armato cu 'a lamiera rotta...
trattore viecchie... macchine scassate...
n' "Alfetta" senza 'e qquatte rote 'a sotto...
pareva 'o campusanto d' 'a Pietà!

Guardanno a uno a uno sti ruttame,
pare ca ognuno 'e lloro mme diceva:
"Guardate ccà cosa addiventiamo
quanno 'a vicchiaia subbentra a giuventù".

Mmiezo a sta pace, a stu silenzio 'e morte,
tutto a nu tratto sento nu bisbiglio...
appizzo 'e rrecchie e sento 'e di cchiù forte:
"Mia cara Giulietta, come va?".

Chi è ca sta parlanno cu Giulietta?
Nmiezo a stu campo nun ce sta nisciuno...
Tu vuo vedè che l'hanno cu ll' "Alfetta"?
Cheste so ccose 'e pazze! E chi sarrà?

Mme movo chianu chiano... indifferente,
piglio e mm'assetto 'ncopp' 'o carro armato...
quanno 'a sotto mme sento 'e di: "Accidente!...
E chisto mo chi è?... Che vularrà?".

Chi ha ditto sti pparole? Chi ha parlato?
I' faccio sta domanda e zompo all'erta...
"So io ch'aggio parlato: 'o carro armato...
Proprio addu me v'aviveve assettà?

A Napule nun se pò sta cuieto.
Aiere un brutto cane mascalzone
se ferma, addora... aiza 'a coscia 'e reto,
e po' mme fa pipi 'nfaccia 'o sciassi".

"Vi prego di accettare le mie scuse,
v' 'e ffaccio a nome anche del mio paese;
Ma voi siete tedesco o Made in Usa?
E come vi trovate in Italy?".

"Sono tedesco, venni da Berlino
per far la guerra contro l'Inghilterra;
ma poi - chiamalo caso oppur destino -
'e mmazzate ll'avette proprio ccà!".

"Ah, si... mo mme ricordo... le mazzate
ch'avisteve da noi napoletani...
E quanto furon... quattro le giornate,
si nun mme sbaglio: o qualche cosa 'e cchiù?".

"Furon quattro.Mazzate 'a tutte pizze:
prete, benzina, sputazzate 'nfacccia...
Aviveve vedè chilli scugnizze
che cosa se facettero afferrà!".

"Caro Signore, 'o nuosto è nu paisiello
ca tene - è overo - tanta tulleranza;
ma nun nce aimma scurdà ca Masaniello
apparteneva a chesta gente ccà.

E mo mm'ite 'a scusà ll'impertinenza,
primma aggio 'ntiso 'e dì: "Cara Giulietta".
Facitemmella chesta confidenza:
si nun mme sbaglio era st' "Alfetta" ccà?".

"Appunto, si,è qui da noi da un mese...
'A puverella è stata disgraziata,
è capitata 'nmano a un brutto arnese,
... Chisto nun ha saputo maie guidà.

Io mm' 'a pigliasse cu 'e rappresentante,
cu chilli llà che cacciano 'e ppatente;
chiunque 'e nuie, oggi, senza cuntante,
se piglia 'a macchinetta e se ne va".

"Di macchine in Italia c'è abbondanza...-
rispose sottovoce 'a puverella -
si no che ffa... po' nce grattammo 'a panza:
chillo ca vene ll'avimmo acchiappà".

"Giulietta, raccontate qui al signore
i vostri guai" - dicette 'o carro armato.
L' "Alfetta" rispunnette a malincuore:
"Se ci tenete, li racconterò.

Come sapete, sono milanese,
son figlia d'Alfa e di papà Romeo,
per fare me papà non badò a spese;
mi volle fare bella "come il fò".

Infatti, mi adagiarono in vetrina,
tutta agghindata... splendida... lucente!
Ero un' "Alfetta" ancora signorina:
facevo tanta gola in verità!

Un giorno si presenta un giovanotto
cu tanto nu paccotto 'e cambiale,
io, puverella!, avette fà 'o fagotto,
penzanno:Chi sa comme va a fernì!

Si rivelò cretino, senza gusto:
apparteneva 'a "gioventù bruciata".
Diceva a tutti quanti: "Io sono un fusto;
'e ffemmene cu mmico hanna cadè!".

Senza rispetto, senza nu cuntegno...
cambiava tutt' 'e giorne... signorina:
ci conduceva al solito convegno...
... alla periferia della città.

Chello ca cumbinava 'o giuvinotto?
Chi maie ve lo potrebbe raccontare:
io nn'aggio mantenute cannelotte
'e tutte specie, 'e tutte 'e qqualità:

la signorina di buona famiglia,
a vedova, 'a zetella, 'a mmaretata...
E quanno succedette 'o parapiglia,
stavamo proprio cu una 'e chesti ccà.

In una curva, questo gran cretino,
volle fare un sorpasso proibito,
di fronte a noi veniva un camioncino,
un cozzo, svenni, e mo mme trovo ccà".

"A nu fetente 'e chisto ce vulesse
nu paliatone, na scassata d'osse'...
Ma comme - dico i' po' - sò sempe 'e stesse
ca t'hanna cumbinà sti guaie ccà?".

"E che penzate 'e fà donna Giulietta?".
"E ch'aggia fà? - rispose 'a puverella-
So che domani viene una carretta,
mme pigliano e mme portano a squaglià".

"Giulietta... via, fatevi coraggio -
(dicette 'o carro armato). lo ero un "Tigre",
il popolo tremava al mio passaggio!...
Mannaggia 'a guerra e chi 'a vulette fà!

lo so cosa faranno del mio squaglio:
cupierche 'e cassarole, rubinette,
incudini, martelli, o qualche maglio,
e na duzzina 'e fierre pe stirà"

"lo vi capisco... sono dispiaciuto...
ma p' 'e metalli 'a morte nun esiste;
invece 'e n'ommo, quanno se n'è ghiuto,
It is only a state of mind….
The back up…
The fun…

Everything is possible
With God ofcouse

The sophisticated part is that the things you do at the recent moment wil have that effect in the future,
If you don’t do away with things that are not import in any way in your life.

Resort more of your priorities to the right things especially that are lawful.
The law its self can be manipulative when controlled by Greedy and selfishness…

The Guptas are benefiting a lot of profit in business…

We live by the law that is a way of living.

The is alot of ways of seeking wisdom…
The One with all the wisdom is the Almighty God…
The Alfa and Omega…
The one with all answers…

Fame is only good when benefiting you all the lawful and good fruits,
Ofcouse the one’s you have earned…

Not because it’s your home town and your were once a high class celebrity, who can’t really afford to take himself/herself out to a middle-aged chilling salon for some birthday celebration…
No pun intended…

You must be your own
You must hustle up….

Pusha, Phanda, Pressor

You can push away all the things that are valueless to your future well being, not important in life.

Phanda boss “Hustle, use your given skills and knowledge to work for , God given gifts”
You must make a living…
Your days of being a baby have passed away..
Buried in the existence of life.

Press the right buttons,
Less probabilities of a breakdowns that can affect the whole operation of your life and end up with a lot of lost time not in space but on earth in reality.
I reapet that quote again ” Time wasted is never regained”

It is normal to have fantasies
If you have a lot and they are not realistically possible,
then you are in trouble…

The state of mind will only crash if you don’t have a solutions and fear has conquered your life, and strengthen shock to take your life away forever.

Guard the state of mind…
Guard you sanity so you can have your own…
Remember the state of mind is your own aslo…

God blessed those who never had the full mental support…
They are my people I can’t put a blame on innocent fellow brothers and sister…
We understanding the condition and have faith in God.

The plans about you were the before you were even born, seek info you will understand better.

Some where some how it was supported by some factor/factors, very few unfortunately one’s…
God is not a fool.

The state of mind I reapet…
Don’t only focus on it, don’t be stereotype
Faith is good in an amazing way also…
God is good always…
edwill makamu Jan 2016
I was so convinced to maltreat her
Now that she's gone, I lost some of me
She was, she fluffy held an lean over my shoulder
She was conciderate, reliable and forever my darling
She was endureable, persistent and reary passionate.

In her heart I say, she was bleeding,
but never to let me see how badly she hurts
She never wanted me to see her worst, not ever eternity
She was too bad that she hated even giving up.

She loved me from my worst behaviour,
yet she loved me even when I bullied her
She loved me, she really did eternally
She loved me even when I couldn't touch rather kiss her lips,

yet she loved me even when she saw me kissing another
Her affection was too deep, it swelled day by day
It's reary unbelievable, she care - less; how I humiliate her
She promised me heaven and earth, the moon and the stars

And she said:I'll never live you, no matter how badly you hurt me
Even when I loose my breath, I shall still be with you
You may call me a ****, I'll still rescue you
If you miss me, remember I will always be there

Just look around, I will prosper
And never to hurt as much as I do, I please
The affliction you brought me, I pray not to return to you
I'll look after you, cautiously, costantly and righteously

U've hurt me always and yet, yet I'm happy for you
The reason my smile is the meaning how precious I am all around you
If I say goodbye, you've no reason to clamour
Yet you've no reason to worry yourself

It's the likes of God to meddle between us
He whom brought us together have the power to strain
Yet he knows our Alfa and Omega, the day and the time
She said:I shall not die nor live you

I'll rest, yet I'll look after you day and night
If I close my eyes forever, I shall not die
I shall return and live within forever in your heart
I'm your rib, I shall never die, I shall return

If is my soul, I give my life to you
If I die tonight, I shall still be with you
I give my life to you, I shall still be with you
My soul will forever be with you
I'm your rib, I shall still return.
Me Apr 2016
NoT funny-

See, this poem will be CHAOS;

Sliding along in front of my
a shiny cabinet of dusty and non dusty Polaroids
like you used to Show me
like your photo art and huge light
in the cellar

move me now
they do

the cabinet opend and my veins fill with the blood of my
pulse paces up
mum calls from upstairs to stop reading practice and come up
Food gonna get cold

next slide
pacing through the cold autumn forest and behind me a huge
but I am not scared because we know him
we seen him many many times before in autums here in the wild park

you in your motorbike Fashion and helmet that used to scare me
make me cry because I cannot see your face
and the other Polaroid where you wear the full gear in front of
your motorbike

Flash - Flash - Flash
move you up the bed
I help you; you cannot do it anymore, not always
says mum, not a good day, she saiys
she lying?

you and me and my childhood friend in the local Swimming pool
and you unashamed bottom turned to everyone
pulling up your Swimming Pants

you turn and Keep turning
not seeming to know where your room is
your room and your bed and thus the place you spend
most of your days and hours now

goes my heart

the next Polaroid is one
where I did not exist yet

where you and mum slide down the map of
Southern France, maybe Provence, in your White Reno? Or Alfa Romeo? Or any other
car you had back then.

And now;
crack - crack - crack
goes my heart
and yours and maybe our family's heart

But I will Keep you in
and I will hold you up and if I ******* have to pull off
your shoes again then I might as well, dear, I might as well
do it.
I hope this is gonna help, like, so as to get it off my chest. Please let it help.
I love you.
This is the body
This is the Church
One in Spirit
Spirit of Jesus the Christ Creator of all
God is three person in one.

What does it mean to you that Jesus is alive for ever and ever?

Eternal life is unity in Christ Jesus
Who is The living Word of God
Which is the Alfa and Omega
He was and is and is to come
"For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy"

Come! Hear with your ear and do with your heart
Come! Renewal of your mind is in the True Living Word of God
Come! And worship with me to the King of Glory
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Revelation 2:7
Revelation 5:9-12
Sirenes Oct 2015
You walk around like the room belongs to you
And I think you're being a prat

You have a well build body
And sweet eyes
A calm manner of speaking

You tend to hear me out
And compose yourself
But not today

I liked that better.

Should your current behaviour
Suggest that you're and idiot?

But then I realised...
You're showing alfa male behaviour.

You like me.
Still laughing
Carolin Jan 2015
He's brown like coffee,
carmel flavored candy ,
cinnamon sticks and
sweet like whipped cream.
That's how he seems to
me. His eyes glow brighter
than any owl in the night
sky. The vibes he creates
make you feel high as if your
floating on the fluff of the
clouds above like turtle
white doves. He's pure like
organic fruit. And has a smile
that's super cute. He's free
like beautiful rainbow
coloured fish in the sea. And
wild as an alfa wolf that
knows how to lead his pack
by keeping them on the right
track and never leaving
anyone back. Pretty and
handsome is how he is to me.
His words have a little bit
of Edgar Allan Poe , mystery
and madness. But as we all
know thats whats good for
one's soul. Every word he
says is like gentle soft music
to my ears. Every word he
says makes the happy tears
roll down shy on my blushing
cheeks. For his words are made
of the finest poetry to me.
His words heal the bruises
before they grow and swell
it almost seems like their
magic as well. My angel
from the heavens above.
My husband and future.
My person and home is
what i have to say in order
to explain this all. He's
mine he's mine he's mine.
And so did the angels write
down in the history of the
sky. As they painted every
kiss shared between us
two. And every word said
with tenderness and care
in empty rooms. They carved
his words in the particles
floating in the morning's
fresh air. And on every
shore that welcomes the
tides. He's mine He's mine
He's mine* ~
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2018
pierdole, jade do Turka, bo inaczej ni-ma rady: pospolicie, czyli na pszysięge: klnąć! nad to:  ścisk ‘zora, o! tyle! gleba!  ścisk - tym ‘zorem siekać, i u-ci-sss-kać! no to dopić: pod ten brak  šatana - tego Ukrainskiego atamana - brak mu ręki - bo na ścisk - jak to mówie: cisza - szmer i śmiech! a to wiadomo czemu tak auto-matem iota ma główke - czemu nie ćιsza, jeno cisza? a no, dla tego! ja nie prosie by tak prosić na gotowe! a tu wysłane! cygan z dywanem perskim, a i tak nie wygoda! bo czemu kropka nad ι‘otą? a bo sie czyta Spinoze i sie pyta: nad literami grawituje tym pytaniem. - to też znaczy: poza lewą nie wie co prawa ręka robi - bo to oczy czytem jedno, a zór lepi drugie - kto by domyślił sie inno turkie ğ to jak ‘glika ha, ha gag - ab surd! grav’ niet kā’ron! bo i tak: śmierć metafizyki jest nowo-narodzonym szczylem (ščylem) ortografii - czyli dwa razy po krótkie i - jakby jota - głucho puste widzi-mi-sie (brakujący ogon, czytem: diabł ma rogi - a zatem: pytń  o ‘gon... jom ci pszepisze Ajrysza Finnegans Wake, tym bogatszy, a przy tym powiem: pierwsza cegła pod ten mur: al-buraq - czyli ten burak - czyli, die rotebeetemauer - jebaniec poniemiecki, jeszcze mu mało pożyczonych słowików... cirp ci kuźwa dam’nom, bedzie bi-da! bi-da! kozmopolitan tylko górali i szkocki akcent bawi na lublu... to cie kurwa zabawi, prędzej dziób pingwina skryje sie w moim łokciu, jak i dąb na tle mojej dłoni! pije, pali, konia wali... w imie ojca i syna, i duchownictwa szarańczy. post / pre scriptum: wolno myślący człowiek nie ma teorii ego, jeno mape, nie algebre o ten niedosyt znaka X - dawym imie - dycha! co pincet znaczeń, dycha! nie nie, aby podpis analfabety - tzn. X i ego, ** i superego, *** i id - tzn. to tamto, owanto. wu czy u - czy wiem i nie wiem, czy: kiedy piszesz i wydalasz cieć klaustrofobii - czyli: chłopie nie pisz jak plotnik fobii jesteś - ad abstractum - od nowa: Zyd na Gestapo - pewnikiem nie żaden: Brzeczyszczykiewicz - schusza - jakby odwrót: syty - szyschkami - šon - ko-kurwa-konery! jebudjed; budujem? da da... ja ni kocham tybi ty ni koi me. a to co? działa NA-WA-RO-NE-SO-LA-TI-DO. ponownie - sprość: ğnome - ğnostic - cisza nad gje.*

i to prawda,
   ta Grecja...
       kołyska zachodniej
cywilizacji -
   tzn. bahory,
      młode gówna:
   kakaшki -
lecz! Virgil i co Turek dobrze
wie... Grecja? nuda
i szambo murmur
w Edenie pirackim zwanym
       bo ci powiem co ci powiem
a ci powiem jak Zagłoba -
   tym bardziej kochać
jak czerni syn w pieśń nad góry ‘niem:
   Bo-***! mój to ulubieniec.
           pisz wiersz ‘ciupki -
maciupki paniczku -
   pisz wiersz po każdej
              a co w Polsce?
meandry uczuć!
   tak, tak, z babcią ci powiem
nie o Greckiej piekności -
powiem ci o Turkeckiej -
    - co, za... SIKSA!
- i sam bym głowe w ogniste dupsko
diabła wsadził po modłach przed
ołtarzem nie jednej iskry Aten
                          blednącej -
   w tamtą strone jedzie w czern
ubrana żałobą piękna -
w pół kroi sie Ukraina i Grecja...
a tam, tam w post scriptum
Byzantina - siedzi wicher serca
cerkiew i meczet cukrzynka -
martwe to morze, morze,
martwe, lecz nie sól inno cukrem
lśniące błoto, jakby
   z Szanghaju *** świnski -
   córa dla starego i młodego -
Sühan - Sühan - Sühan Tuğba -
     po nią znów 100,000 łajb płynie -
dawna Troja -
  bo ci powiem co ci powiem -
     Turk nie Muzułman -
po Alim drugi - godny sfat Pers'a -
bo jak nie - Turk u progu Europy -
nawet i ja na podziw przed
    obchodem Kaab'y siedem razy
motłochu wart ogląd szkarabu -
i ten słodki adhan -
           bo dla szczoła śpiwać to
na marnie -
     boli też pruch po tych starych
bakach pośmiewiska papistwa...
   jebana kurwa mać w koło to samo -
nie wiem jak, ale
    wolałbym zdradzić chrzest
niż go przyjąć -
           ponownie -
ale jeno pod chorągwięm Turka -
jako janczar -
         chociaż tam jest: śpiew!
a nie, dzwon, dzwon w głąb 'pusciany!
czy też krokiem: kra kra krasnoludy!
     gorzkość i brzydota!
          mówie! Turek po łacinie
zacina? zacina - alfa-kurwa-becik
po jakiemu? nie po Ł'cinie
godnym Lwowa?
           z Turkiem moge, bo sie
chce, on i tak już lizał Bałkan
   i prawie zawstydził Wiedeń!
    ale to ciwilizowany Pan,
         bo umnie ubrać i nawet
pozwoli wypiç kiedy kości wychodzą
z ciała ogrzać cień!
     o tyle lepszy -
jaki przy Turku z Troją w ręku
i przy Perskim stygnięciu jest
ten prostak Arab...
     a jak im sie skończy czarny glut
to będa eksportować pioch!
    już wiem gdzie,
         na plaże Albionu!
             i tyle powiem -
   o Turka warto byłoby zdradzić -
bo skąd inne, piękniejsze od
  Greczynek niż ciup-ciup pijące
         wróbelki z nad Bosforu?
   Turek drugi Ali i trzeci podział
Izlamu - bo wkręt Ł'ciny -
             i tym też -
               sfoboda -
                 tym też dawny Byzan -
i Troja - i co jak nie Rzym -
        ostatni kalif -
                    i tym Arab w świecie
jak Żyd -
          ale o tym mniej od Żyda -
bo to bogacz na wielblądzie który
nie tylko nie może sie zmieścić przez
oko igły, a co też nie może
zmieścić sie w swe portki!
Wörziech May 2013
Intenso distúrbio de um vácuo.
Flash e imagem.
Alusão à desconhecida falta indiferente.
Em uma perfeita imaginação,
a sorrir para mim, espaço e tempo divergente.
Sem importância os elementos, 
refletindo-se pelos sons dos olhos,
espectros de um ansiar e abominar.
E quanto aos enigmas não conquistáveis,
algo sobre grande córtex cingulado anterior pregenual, minha distante dopamina.
Momentos a ponderar pela interminável busca por um horizonte sem sombras e sem luz, que resultam em sentimentos de interminável percepção,
impossibilitam-me qualquer forma de concretização.
Aiere ha fatto n'anno - 'o diece 'e maggio,
na matenata calda e chiena 'e sole -,
penzaie 'ncapo a me: "Cu che curaggio
io stamattina vaco a faticà!".
Facenno 'o paro e sparo mme susette:
"Mo mme ne vaco 'a parte 'e copp' 'o Campo".
Int'a ddiece minute mme vestette
cu 'e mucassine e cu 'o vestito blu.

Nun facette sparà manco 'o cannone
ca già stevo assettato int' 'a cantina,
annanze a nu piatto 'e maccarune:
nu zito ch'affucava int 'o ragù.

C' 'a panza chiena, a passo... chianu chiano
mme ne trasette dint'a na campagna,
mmocca nu miezo sigaro tuscano,
ca m' 'o zucavo comme 'o biberò.

Tutto a nu tratto veco nu spiazzale
chino 'e ferraglie vecchie e arrugginite.
E ched' è, neh?... nu campo 'e residuate:
"il cimitero della civiltà".

Nu carro armato cu 'a lamiera rotta...
trattore viecchie... macchine scassate...
n' "Alfetta" senza 'e qquatte rote 'a sotto...
pareva 'o campusanto d' 'a Pietà!

Guardanno a uno a uno sti ruttame,
pare ca ognuno 'e lloro mme diceva:
"Guardate ccà cosa addiventiamo
quanno 'a vicchiaia subbentra a giuventù".

Mmiezo a sta pace, a stu silenzio 'e morte,
tutto a nu tratto sento nu bisbiglio...
appizzo 'e rrecchie e sento 'e di cchiù forte:
"Mia cara Giulietta, come va?".

Chi è ca sta parlanno cu Giulietta?
Nmiezo a stu campo nun ce sta nisciuno...
Tu vuo vedè che l'hanno cu ll' "Alfetta"?
Cheste so ccose 'e pazze! E chi sarrà?

Mme movo chianu chiano... indifferente,
piglio e mm'assetto 'ncopp' 'o carro armato...
quanno 'a sotto mme sento 'e di: "Accidente!...
E chisto mo chi è?... Che vularrà?".

Chi ha ditto sti pparole? Chi ha parlato?
I' faccio sta domanda e zompo all'erta...
"So io ch'aggio parlato: 'o carro armato...
Proprio addu me v'aviveve assettà?

A Napule nun se pò sta cuieto.
Aiere un brutto cane mascalzone
se ferma, addora... aiza 'a coscia 'e reto,
e po' mme fa pipi 'nfaccia 'o sciassi".

"Vi prego di accettare le mie scuse,
v' 'e ffaccio a nome anche del mio paese;
Ma voi siete tedesco o Made in Usa?
E come vi trovate in Italy?".

"Sono tedesco, venni da Berlino
per far la guerra contro l'Inghilterra;
ma poi - chiamalo caso oppur destino -
'e mmazzate ll'avette proprio ccà!".

"Ah, si... mo mme ricordo... le mazzate
ch'avisteve da noi napoletani...
E quanto furon... quattro le giornate,
si nun mme sbaglio: o qualche cosa 'e cchiù?".

"Furon quattro.Mazzate 'a tutte pizze:
prete, benzina, sputazzate 'nfacccia...
Aviveve vedè chilli scugnizze
che cosa se facettero afferrà!".

"Caro Signore, 'o nuosto è nu paisiello
ca tene - è overo - tanta tulleranza;
ma nun nce aimma scurdà ca Masaniello
apparteneva a chesta gente ccà.

E mo mm'ite 'a scusà ll'impertinenza,
primma aggio 'ntiso 'e dì: "Cara Giulietta".
Facitemmella chesta confidenza:
si nun mme sbaglio era st' "Alfetta" ccà?".

"Appunto, si,è qui da noi da un mese...
'A puverella è stata disgraziata,
è capitata 'nmano a un brutto arnese,
... Chisto nun ha saputo maie guidà.

Io mm' 'a pigliasse cu 'e rappresentante,
cu chilli llà che cacciano 'e ppatente;
chiunque 'e nuie, oggi, senza cuntante,
se piglia 'a macchinetta e se ne va".

"Di macchine in Italia c'è abbondanza...-
rispose sottovoce 'a puverella -
si no che ffa... po' nce grattammo 'a panza:
chillo ca vene ll'avimmo acchiappà".

"Giulietta, raccontate qui al signore
i vostri guai" - dicette 'o carro armato.
L' "Alfetta" rispunnette a malincuore:
"Se ci tenete, li racconterò.

Come sapete, sono milanese,
son figlia d'Alfa e di papà Romeo,
per fare me papà non badò a spese;
mi volle fare bella "come il fò".

Infatti, mi adagiarono in vetrina,
tutta agghindata... splendida... lucente!
Ero un' "Alfetta" ancora signorina:
facevo tanta gola in verità!

Un giorno si presenta un giovanotto
cu tanto nu paccotto 'e cambiale,
io, puverella!, avette fà 'o fagotto,
penzanno:Chi sa comme va a fernì!

Si rivelò cretino, senza gusto:
apparteneva 'a "gioventù bruciata".
Diceva a tutti quanti: "Io sono un fusto;
'e ffemmene cu mmico hanna cadè!".

Senza rispetto, senza nu cuntegno...
cambiava tutt' 'e giorne... signorina:
ci conduceva al solito convegno...
... alla periferia della città.

Chello ca cumbinava 'o giuvinotto?
Chi maie ve lo potrebbe raccontare:
io nn'aggio mantenute cannelotte
'e tutte specie, 'e tutte 'e qqualità:

la signorina di buona famiglia,
a vedova, 'a zetella, 'a mmaretata...
E quanno succedette 'o parapiglia,
stavamo proprio cu una 'e chesti ccà.

In una curva, questo gran cretino,
volle fare un sorpasso proibito,
di fronte a noi veniva un camioncino,
un cozzo, svenni, e mo mme trovo ccà".

"A nu fetente 'e chisto ce vulesse
nu paliatone, na scassata d'osse'...
Ma comme - dico i' po' - sò sempe 'e stesse
ca t'hanna cumbinà sti guaie ccà?".

"E che penzate 'e fà donna Giulietta?".
"E ch'aggia fà? - rispose 'a puverella-
So che domani viene una carretta,
mme pigliano e mme portano a squaglià".

"Giulietta... via, fatevi coraggio -
(dicette 'o carro armato). lo ero un "Tigre",
il popolo tremava al mio passaggio!...
Mannaggia 'a guerra e chi 'a vulette fà!

lo so cosa faranno del mio squaglio:
cupierche 'e cassarole, rubinette,
incudini, martelli, o qualche maglio,
e na duzzina 'e fierre pe stirà"

"lo vi capisco... sono dispiaciuto...
ma p' 'e metalli 'a morte nun esiste;
invece 'e n'ommo, quanno se n'è ghiuto,
As i go to bed, i bow,
To give thanks to the almighty,
The provider, the caretaker,
The alfa and the omega.
Thanks God for today.
I hope and need you again uptill
Give me health and nice sleep,
Remember my children and my readers  too.
I pray shortly in your name.
(March 25, 1942 – August 16, 2018)
(Thee ALFA (alpha) BETS Best "Queen of Soul")

Though unbeknownst to the diva,
where thee now sings with angels
(me, an invisible nameless spirit),
accompanies your mythic legendary
legacy afterlife already doth
Make Me Feel Like
an average star descended from on high,
thus inducing this generic solar stellar body

to exalt My tribute to A Natural Woman,
who unwittingly wrought
and outshone such golden gilded
fused steely mettle, imbuing
A Brand New Me,
twinkling in your posthumously shadow
nonetheless averring
A Change Is Gonna Come

pronouncing A Deeper Love
toward A Natural Woman
bonfires bursting bonafides
when ye whar barely done being cradled,
prepubescent maternity became latent
within yar promising nubility didst
budding classy pet auld aging dame
retaining topnotch je nais sais quois

A Rose Is Still A Rose
unsurpassed vibrancy despite
super nova waning zenith,
thence descent into hallowed grave,
where Ain't No Way any other Angel
could hold an Olympic torch
blindingly as thee to
illuminate Another Night

infused with brilliant poignant
heartfelt sentiment, sans
awe rays burning queenly
pulsating Baby I Love You
no matter crossing into
now ye didst cross over
into eternal resting place
thus, apropos for thyself

a disembodied essence
unbeknowst to thee to intone psalm
afterlife Border Song (holy Moses)
guiding holy spirit across Bridge
Over Troubled Water
asking thee to Call Me
upon arriving safely
decoupled from Earthly

Chain Of Fools,
where timeless Day Dreamin'/Dreaming
setting par excellence moral compass
asper Do Right Woman Do Right Man
diligently subscribing to Doctor's Orders,
whose plaintive insistence begs
cherished honorable muting refrain
respecting Don't Play

That Song (you Lied)
misled by Dr. Feelgood
specialist affixing botox
faux Mona Lisa smile
thorough fare lee exiting
off re:Freeway Of Love
back tracking along boo
love hard of broken dreams

sighing - Here We Go Again
nonetheless, I Knew
You Were Waiting For Me
unknowingly W| George Michael
intonating viz inflection admitting
to thine disembodied spirit,
ye obliviously unaware
blithely divulging unguardedly

"I Never Loved A Man
(the Way I Love You)"
relishing the murmur, "I Say A Little Prayer"
"I Will Survive," cuz bred confidante
to this trusted invisible pal August 2018
amorousness re: "I'm In Love"
aware such romantically
smitten state elusive from

Jumpin' Jack Flash lightening fast,
no matter unbounded toward stratosphere,
yar mortality harbored self
destructive cancerous spores
disease asserting to confidant air of stoicism
soul resilient malignant against
perforce never "Killing Me Softly" (you)
cleaving cerulean celestial

peppering heavenly vault with Oh Me Oh My
Respect plus Rock—a—bye Your Baby
With A Dixie Melody a firm ming
Gibraltar Rock Steady.
Aiere ha fatto n'anno - 'o diece 'e maggio,
na matenata calda e chiena 'e sole -,
penzaie 'ncapo a me: "Cu che curaggio
io stamattina vaco a faticà!".
Facenno 'o paro e sparo mme susette:
"Mo mme ne vaco 'a parte 'e copp' 'o Campo".
Int'a ddiece minute mme vestette
cu 'e mucassine e cu 'o vestito blu.

Nun facette sparà manco 'o cannone
ca già stevo assettato int' 'a cantina,
annanze a nu piatto 'e maccarune:
nu zito ch'affucava int 'o ragù.

C' 'a panza chiena, a passo... chianu chiano
mme ne trasette dint'a na campagna,
mmocca nu miezo sigaro tuscano,
ca m' 'o zucavo comme 'o biberò.

Tutto a nu tratto veco nu spiazzale
chino 'e ferraglie vecchie e arrugginite.
E ched' è, neh?... nu campo 'e residuate:
"il cimitero della civiltà".

Nu carro armato cu 'a lamiera rotta...
trattore viecchie... macchine scassate...
n' "Alfetta" senza 'e qquatte rote 'a sotto...
pareva 'o campusanto d' 'a Pietà!

Guardanno a uno a uno sti ruttame,
pare ca ognuno 'e lloro mme diceva:
"Guardate ccà cosa addiventiamo
quanno 'a vicchiaia subbentra a giuventù".

Mmiezo a sta pace, a stu silenzio 'e morte,
tutto a nu tratto sento nu bisbiglio...
appizzo 'e rrecchie e sento 'e di cchiù forte:
"Mia cara Giulietta, come va?".

Chi è ca sta parlanno cu Giulietta?
Nmiezo a stu campo nun ce sta nisciuno...
Tu vuo vedè che l'hanno cu ll' "Alfetta"?
Cheste so ccose 'e pazze! E chi sarrà?

Mme movo chianu chiano... indifferente,
piglio e mm'assetto 'ncopp' 'o carro armato...
quanno 'a sotto mme sento 'e di: "Accidente!...
E chisto mo chi è?... Che vularrà?".

Chi ha ditto sti pparole? Chi ha parlato?
I' faccio sta domanda e zompo all'erta...
"So io ch'aggio parlato: 'o carro armato...
Proprio addu me v'aviveve assettà?

A Napule nun se pò sta cuieto.
Aiere un brutto cane mascalzone
se ferma, addora... aiza 'a coscia 'e reto,
e po' mme fa pipi 'nfaccia 'o sciassi".

"Vi prego di accettare le mie scuse,
v' 'e ffaccio a nome anche del mio paese;
Ma voi siete tedesco o Made in Usa?
E come vi trovate in Italy?".

"Sono tedesco, venni da Berlino
per far la guerra contro l'Inghilterra;
ma poi - chiamalo caso oppur destino -
'e mmazzate ll'avette proprio ccà!".

"Ah, si... mo mme ricordo... le mazzate
ch'avisteve da noi napoletani...
E quanto furon... quattro le giornate,
si nun mme sbaglio: o qualche cosa 'e cchiù?".

"Furon quattro.Mazzate 'a tutte pizze:
prete, benzina, sputazzate 'nfacccia...
Aviveve vedè chilli scugnizze
che cosa se facettero afferrà!".

"Caro Signore, 'o nuosto è nu paisiello
ca tene - è overo - tanta tulleranza;
ma nun nce aimma scurdà ca Masaniello
apparteneva a chesta gente ccà.

E mo mm'ite 'a scusà ll'impertinenza,
primma aggio 'ntiso 'e dì: "Cara Giulietta".
Facitemmella chesta confidenza:
si nun mme sbaglio era st' "Alfetta" ccà?".

"Appunto, si,è qui da noi da un mese...
'A puverella è stata disgraziata,
è capitata 'nmano a un brutto arnese,
... Chisto nun ha saputo maie guidà.

Io mm' 'a pigliasse cu 'e rappresentante,
cu chilli llà che cacciano 'e ppatente;
chiunque 'e nuie, oggi, senza cuntante,
se piglia 'a macchinetta e se ne va".

"Di macchine in Italia c'è abbondanza...-
rispose sottovoce 'a puverella -
si no che ffa... po' nce grattammo 'a panza:
chillo ca vene ll'avimmo acchiappà".

"Giulietta, raccontate qui al signore
i vostri guai" - dicette 'o carro armato.
L' "Alfetta" rispunnette a malincuore:
"Se ci tenete, li racconterò.

Come sapete, sono milanese,
son figlia d'Alfa e di papà Romeo,
per fare me papà non badò a spese;
mi volle fare bella "come il fò".

Infatti, mi adagiarono in vetrina,
tutta agghindata... splendida... lucente!
Ero un' "Alfetta" ancora signorina:
facevo tanta gola in verità!

Un giorno si presenta un giovanotto
cu tanto nu paccotto 'e cambiale,
io, puverella!, avette fà 'o fagotto,
penzanno:Chi sa comme va a fernì!

Si rivelò cretino, senza gusto:
apparteneva 'a "gioventù bruciata".
Diceva a tutti quanti: "Io sono un fusto;
'e ffemmene cu mmico hanna cadè!".

Senza rispetto, senza nu cuntegno...
cambiava tutt' 'e giorne... signorina:
ci conduceva al solito convegno...
... alla periferia della città.

Chello ca cumbinava 'o giuvinotto?
Chi maie ve lo potrebbe raccontare:
io nn'aggio mantenute cannelotte
'e tutte specie, 'e tutte 'e qqualità:

la signorina di buona famiglia,
a vedova, 'a zetella, 'a mmaretata...
E quanno succedette 'o parapiglia,
stavamo proprio cu una 'e chesti ccà.

In una curva, questo gran cretino,
volle fare un sorpasso proibito,
di fronte a noi veniva un camioncino,
un cozzo, svenni, e mo mme trovo ccà".

"A nu fetente 'e chisto ce vulesse
nu paliatone, na scassata d'osse'...
Ma comme - dico i' po' - sò sempe 'e stesse
ca t'hanna cumbinà sti guaie ccà?".

"E che penzate 'e fà donna Giulietta?".
"E ch'aggia fà? - rispose 'a puverella-
So che domani viene una carretta,
mme pigliano e mme portano a squaglià".

"Giulietta... via, fatevi coraggio -
(dicette 'o carro armato). lo ero un "Tigre",
il popolo tremava al mio passaggio!...
Mannaggia 'a guerra e chi 'a vulette fà!

lo so cosa faranno del mio squaglio:
cupierche 'e cassarole, rubinette,
incudini, martelli, o qualche maglio,
e na duzzina 'e fierre pe stirà"

"lo vi capisco... sono dispiaciuto...
ma p' 'e metalli 'a morte nun esiste;
invece 'e n'ommo, quanno se n'è ghiuto,
Ford score and...Chevy
five years ago,
my Model A strapping
handsome big bro,
(who sped like one

speeding Triumph font lee, crow),
wing, & swooping Thunderbird, with
bold face observers whistling Geronimo
(Holy Jeep), this meant war
whooping Comanche
decked out as armadillo

kicking up red feathery colored dust devils
rivaling the fastest Alfa Romeo
(while choking, gagging, loo
sing russett sputum
flecked with true grit

mouthful size of Colorado)
easily mistaken for masked Zorro
speeding across rugged
terrain of Durango,
ah recall and reminisce,

and if cup ear just so
can still hear (albeit faintly),
a toy Yoda Echo
wing nsync with
Lake Woebegone prairie

home companion, the little known no
nonsense visiting drag queen racer
Noah N. Gin poe
cur face (born that way)
originally from Malibu, a beau

teaful Corvair with Corsair, now resembling
groveling growling Gremlin, in slow-mo
what with his Smashface
ugly enough to scare Apollo
the ghost of David Buick,

a poor entrepreneur, who
never did make good profit re: Coupe,
and could not Dodge nor shoo
away, the Stealth fearsome curse

of Aries nibble Viper moo
ving fast as greased lightning,
(whereby an Eagle Talon
flashed like Spitfire akin too
Austin-Healey Sprite)

full Caprice out of the
(sir really yon) blue
celestial vault outer limits, hue
mans avoided only
brave Caravan Voyager Goo Goo

Doll dared (only fools rushed in, ignoring Fiat,
where angels feared to tread), a Motley Crue
shielded with Fisker Karma (credit),
no matter last payments way overdue
sought out (with Escort

in tow) - actually two
yup, that ever elusive Holy Grail,
thus needed to Focus with much ado
about nothing, while
brows scrunched – mad as Jew
pitter by Zeus snorting like

angry red Taurus bulls - do
tee fully kicking up Tempo
like nobody's business ready
to serve their Mazda at heart,
a Legacy Sub (burr rue)  
tricked up as a gnu!
O ano de 2020 é um restauro. Combinação exponencial do algoritmo máximo duplicado e zerado. Porém são números espero que errados. Nada alterou nestes últimos tempos a não ser a fórmula biológica que acrescentou ruína. Publicamente a verdade, voltou-se a economia bélica pra área da necessidade. Só se para quem o diz. Impossível compreender o homem!
Enfim, ou eu sou burro cego ou surdo que não entendo a serenidade na resolução do problema. A política nua e crua, pelo menos a política que até aqui conhecemos. Surgiu uma doença séria com consequências nefastas e o combate há doença? Duas tragédias juntas!
Os países caminham para uma destruição previsível.
Apocalipse de quê. Por desaparecer o que não faz falta ao mundo, tudo iria acabar e escondiam tudo numa caixinha debaixo da cama. O homem é semelhante a si mesmo, nada têm de divino. O dito Deus que se conste não vive observado por dinheiro ou coisas bélicas. As profecias também dizem que o Alfa e o Omega, fizeram este mundo e não teve início nem terá fim. Supomos que estamos a meio.
Era óptimo que o homem na sua existência virasse a sua inteligência para a sua fragilidade desde início.
Destruíram escolas, hospitais, quartéis e serviços públicos, isolaram os contribuintes de primeira dos contribuintes do fundo. Existe Portugal do Oeste e o Portugal de Leste. No meio uma papa de arroz 🍚 com água fervida. No combate há guerra soltaram abelhas biológicas sem rainha. Temos rainha? por quanto tempo? A caça à colmeia começará depois. Unidades militares a socorrer civis. Bravo. E os hospitais privados socorrerão os militares? Talvez não seja preciso. Deixem de ser betinhos e assumam a condição de Homens. Afinal como me dizia um amigo: As prisões foram feitas pros Homens assim como esta arma biológica, ou não é de interesse resolver o problema.
À democracia do momento exige-se regidez e a meu ver que nada invejo na política averdadeira democracia têm regras a esta pátria a quem devemos a vida. Pensem senhores se é que ainda vamos a tempo.
Autor: António Benigno
Código de Autor: 2020.
Classy J Mar 2023
Jargon gets muddled, to mouth is to fumble, to ***** is to muggle.
Snitching means trouble, bragging meets knuckle, ego gets nuzzled.
Ten hut that’s a huddle, life is a struggle, especially for those that stay suckled.
Like Malcolm in the middle, might just go unstable,
So, best not pop my bubble!
Got to stay on your toes like Barney Rubble,
Can’t ever stay idle in the jungle!
Where desperados need the narcan,
Overdosing daily, organs go to the black market, **** what a bargain.
Indulge in the bourbon, might just light up a Cuban, if I die it’s outta my hands.
Welcome to the land of the ******,
Where no one has a long lifespan.
So, get sloushed; do a keg stand.
Yeah, yeah.
Gotta party up, it’s weekend.
Yeah, yeah.
Not much else to do when you’re drowning in the deep end.
Yeah, yeah.
Our worlds on fire, that’s for sure.
Guess smash mouth was right,
Everyone’s a victim, everyone’s poor.

Hey now you’re a rap star,
Keep the show going,
Get laid.
Hey now you’re a rap star.
Keep the drugs and ***** flowing.
Get paid.
And all that clout is gold.
Only popping pills breaks the mold.

Don’t get it twisted or entangled,
Name might be on a banner,
But it certainly ain’t star spangled.
Fame is a curse filled with idle chatter.
That’s slaps harder than a Will Smith scandal.
Where money is more vain than Jada.
Gee I don’t know Jane,
Perhaps we should be more like Greta.
Taking names like Andrew, is that dude even humane?
Narcissists are insane, especially those that believe they’re Alfa and Omega.
Get too full of yourself, might just end up worse than Ye.
Pride comes before the fall, man you should’ve known better.
Our worlds on fire, that’s for sure.
Guess smash mouth was right,
Everyone’s a victim, everyone’s poor.

Hey now you’re a rap star,
Keep the show going,
Get laid.
Hey now you’re a rap star.
Keep the drugs and ***** flowing.
Get paid.
And all that clout is gold.
Only popping pills breaks the mold.
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
My brain’s active feast is still a billion, mocking trouble-creating and destructive at the same time! Stake-no I should prefer times when I can only play for the pleasure of the game! Out there, in the minds of the Celebs chirping in roaring chaos, the thinking intellect lies on a deliberate wasteland! The jerkishness of the **** and the irresponsible quiver that handles it already torturously; dead money Future can't knock in the camp of the unrelated either! Fearful fear sets a rope for my greedy nerves and I should go through it alone!
The tabloid populist culture can still grow into a deliberate imperial water head! And like any ostrich head stuck in ignorant sand, it will surely burst sooner or later! You can play dust-lost at any time by playing your cards! A crimson, sluggish blush runs across stomach-turning poker faces and cramps his grinning wrinkles! After everyone's greedy money box, the runner is loitering! It is becoming increasingly difficult to recognize Human Values among the frusks parade in Armani suits and Gucci bags!
A pensive prisoner is also the one who sells his bombing body for the eternal, fame moments of Being, and he, too, could not learn the rules of Morality! In a tertiary life cage, warthogs are rubbing their noses to careers! The fever roses of conscious shame still tremble on the faces of Golgotha-walking people: the fact is soon recognized - they can do no different: if they want to prosper, they are bribing themselves out of necessity! Those who are called to the right and who struggle with decency are all on the crumbs - who was once Alfa and Omega alone is now being looted!
Who has grown his indifference armor, he also wastes a monster every day in his doubts
Nel cuor dove ogni visïon s'immilla,
e spazio al cielo ed alla terra avanza,
talor si spenge un desiderio, e brilla
una speranza:
come nel cielo, oceano profondo,
dove ascendendo il pensier nostro annega,
tramonta un'Alfa, e pullula dal fondo
cupo un'Omega.
Ford score and...Chevy
five years ago,
my Model A strapping
handsome big bro,
(who sped like one
speeding Triumph font lee, crow),
wing, & swooping Thunderbird, with
bold face observers whistling Geronimo
(Holy Jeep), this meant war
whooping Comanche

decked out as armadillo
kicking up red feathery
colored dust devils
rivaling the fastest Alfa Romeo
(while choking, gagging, loo
sing russett sputum
flecked with true grit
mouthful size of Colorado)
easily mistaken for masked Zorro
speeding across rugged

terrain of Durango,
ah recall and reminisce,
and if cup ear just so
can still hear (albeit faintly),
a toy Yoda Echo
wing nsync with
Lake Woebegone prairie
home companion, the little known no
nonsense visiting drag queen racer
Noah N. Gin poe

cur face (born that way)
originally from Malibu, a beautiful
Corvair with Corsair, now resembling
groveling growling Gremlin, in slow-mo
what with his Smashface
ugly enough to scare Apollo
the ghost of David Buick,
a poor entrepreneur, who
never did make good profit re: Coupe,
and could not Dodge nor shoo

away, the Stealth fearsome curse
of Aries nibble Viper moo
ving fast as greased lightning,
(whereby an Eagle Talon
flashed like Spitfire akin too
Austin-Healey Sprite)
full Caprice out of the
(sir really yon) blue
celestial vault outer limits, hue
mans avoided only

brave Caravan Voyager Goo Goo
Doll dared (only fools rushed in,
ignoring, and dodging Fiat,
where angels feared to tread), a Motley Crue
shielded with Fisker Karma (credit),
no matter last payments way overdue
sought out (with Escort
in tow) - actually two
yup, that ever elusive Holy Grail,
thus needed to Focus with much ado
about nothing, while

brows scrunched – mad as Jew
pitter by Zeus snorting like
angry red Taurus bulls - do
tee fully kicking up Tempo
like nobody's business ready
to serve their Mazda at heart,
a Legacy Sub (burr rue)  
tricked up as a gnu
that's all Volks-wagon
bidding adieu before
I Escalade from ridiculous
to the sublime.
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
My brain’s active feast is still a billion, mocking trouble-creating and destructive at the same time! Stake-no I should prefer times when I can only play for the pleasure of the game! Out there, in the minds of the Celebs chirping in roaring chaos, the thinking intellect lies on a deliberate wasteland! The jerkishness of the **** and the irresponsible quiver that handles it already torturously; dead money Future can't knock in the camp of the unrelated either! Fearful fear sets a rope for my greedy nerves and I should go through it alone!
The tabloid populist culture can still grow into a deliberate imperial water head! And like any ostrich head stuck in ignorant sand, it will surely burst sooner or later! You can play dust-lost at any time by playing your cards! A crimson, sluggish blush runs across stomach-turning poker faces and cramps his grinning wrinkles! After everyone's greedy money box, the runner is loitering! It is becoming increasingly difficult to recognize Human Values among the frusks parade in Armani suits and Gucci bags!
A pensive prisoner is also the one who sells his bombing body for the eternal, fame moments of Being, and he, too, could not learn the rules of Morality! In a tertiary life cage, warthogs are rubbing their noses to careers! The fever roses of conscious shame still tremble on the faces of Golgotha-walking people: the fact is soon recognized - they can do no different: if they want to prosper, they are bribing themselves out of necessity! Those who are called to the right and who struggle with decency are all on the crumbs - who was once Alfa and Omega alone is now being looted!
Who has grown his indifference armor, he also wastes a monster every day in his doubts.

— The End —