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Blossom Jan 2017
On the last day we spoke, you compared me to a 1000 piece puzzle.

One of those puzzles in which half is made up of a pretty blue sky, with big poofy clouds.

The other half is a plain field of grass.

You also compared me to a colorful rubix cube, the sparkly ones to be exact.

My unique and confusing disarray of color patterns make me approachable.

You said all this is the perspective
that while I'm interesting at first glance, no one wants to stick around long enough to solve me.

I never would of thought that a loss of a poets friendship would be harshest of all.

I guess I should have known.
Blossom Jan 2017
Oh the fun we will have
Now that you're lying here
Paralyzed by my tea 
You have nothing to fear.
Please, give me your wrist.
Now thats a good boy,
I'll tie you up nice and tight
So that you I'll enjoy.
Don't cry tears my dear
I promise you I won't leave,
Just need to get the duct tape
I don't want to hear you scream.
Oh dear this simply won't do
I need to take off your clothes
Now don't you squiggle too much
Or I might just bite off your nose
My darling you needn't be shy!
Your body's a beautiful thing,
I promise my hand will be kind to you
Since you were so kind to me.
Darling your pose is perfect!
Now is most definitely the time.
For what you most likely wonder,
*To stuff you and make you mine.
read the landlady to understand
Blossom Jan 2017
I love you, said the boy
Watching his brothers nap
I love you, said the girl
Rocking her pup on her lap
I love you, said the movie
That two people watched for kicks
I love you, said the man
As he gently kissed her lips
I love you, said the woman
While she nibbled on his ears
I love you, said the father
Giving his daughter away in tears
I love you, said the dad
To his newborn baby girl
I love you, said the mom
Who had all the love in the world
Blossom Jan 2017
Panda woman, that is me
Wears a mask and is chubby
Climbing up a bamboo tree
Blossom Jan 2017
Traveling down the side of the road
On the bicycle lane
Cuz you're ******* like that
Avoiding mechanical beasts and lakes of gas
In a distance of 3.6 in miles
According to the GSP your phone has
Sneak into the kingdom to steal the jewels
Don't let off any alarms...
DING **** oh crap here comes the guards

GUARD: Hi, welcome to Jack in the box! What would you like today?
YOU: I'll have a #4 with a Reese's Milkshake instead of a drink. large.
YOU: oh and curly fries. large. all to-go
GUARD: Okay! That'll be $7.64...

Digs through pocket
Finds some trash
Finds a ******
Finds some cash

YOU: here
GUARD: Thank you! Your food will be done shortly

Waiting so patiently
In this ***** old cell
The guard eyes you warily
You know this look well
Waiting not patiently
To find your way out
You then see the exit
And mentally you happily shout

*GUARD: Here's your food, have a good day!
YOU: you too.
Blossom Jan 2017
They say that laughter's the best medicine

They say big feet on man means big ****

They say Donald Trump's going to end the world

They say when life gives lemons, make lemonade

They say hope breeds eternal misery

They say happy wife happy life, happy girl happy world

They say you don't know what you got till it's gone

I say, who the heck is they?
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