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Jul 2024 · 173
Love is a pretty word
JD Jul 2024
Love is a pretty word, it makes us feel good
But… who is there when we break down …
What is there when life is hard…
Love is full of hearts…but it’s all on paper or emoji….when you lay alone..there is no love…regardless of what you give
May 2024 · 544
JD May 2024
You took my breath away with your smile
You stole my heart with your kisses
You made me appreciate the things in life I never know existed.
Some people bring out things that we never know existed.
May 2024 · 75
JD May 2024
My heart has been shredded
My soul destroyed
Yet my body continue to live
Like that of a fungus in a cold dark place.
Aug 2023 · 110
The kiss
JD Aug 2023
Now that I felt your lips on mine,
The passion in your kiss,
I can never go back,
I can never kiss another
for you have spoilt me.
I will never kiss again :(
Sometimes we experience things only once in a lifetime and once the standards are set, you cannot go back.
Aug 2023 · 324
JD Aug 2023
death is never an option...
too many responsibilities
and too many people
relying on you.
Aug 2023 · 434
JD Aug 2023
today life feel so broken..
i just want to die please
but i cannot...
for the son and grankids
i leave behind...
i have no choice but to live
Jul 2023 · 238
JD Jul 2023
Your mouth is a weapon,
Your words might not ****
but like a bullet,
It can do a lot of damage!
Sometimes it's best to say nothing instead of saying harmful things
Jun 2023 · 960
The end
JD Jun 2023
Yesterday was filled with pain,
Yesterday saw so many laughs.
      Today I say goodbye,
      Today I close the door.
            Tomorrow is new,
            Tomorrow I start again!
Ending a relationship is never easy and walking away is the hardest but sometimes we have to live with what we no longer have.
Jun 2023 · 1.2k
JD Jun 2023
I woke up positive and happy
I go about my day, smiling :)
Then I see you in the crowd
And all the rejection comes flooding back :(
Some people always put a smile on your face and others always remind you of the pain and rejection they caused.
May 2023 · 376
Your smile
JD May 2023
The darkest days...
     The darkest hours...
          Wish I can die in a corner...
                but the world is waiting for your smile?
People say they always see a smile but nobody ever see the inside of you!
May 2023 · 872
JD May 2023
If you push long and hard enough,
I will walk away!
Regardless of much it hurts.
May 2023 · 594
JD May 2023
You are so young and beautiful
I feel so old and tired
You pick me up in your arms
And suddenly I forget my age :)
Age is just a number but sometimes having younger people in my life makes me feel alive.
Apr 2023 · 262
Looking for love
JD Apr 2023
Looking for love in the wrong places?

The bad boys with leathers, covering their tattoo’s?

The good boys with suits, covering their muscles?

Maybe learn to love yourself
Then love will find you?
Its so ****** hard!!!
Apr 2023 · 1.5k
Stupid love
JD Apr 2023
Being with you makes me feel stupidly in love.
                                  Being with you put a stupid smile on my face.

When you don't show,
                   I feel so stupid,
                                                                        for being so crazy about you!
Too much happiness is not always a good sign.
Apr 2023 · 704
Dreams v Reality
JD Apr 2023
Curled up in your arms,
with my hand on you heart.
I fall asleep and dream!
But when I awake,
I realise it's only a dream.
Alone in bed I am!
We can dream the most beautiful dreams but reality is often very different.
Apr 2023 · 649
JD Apr 2023
There is a war happening
Which side is the right/wrong?
How do I stop the war
Before my head explodes!
May 2021 · 303
for the longest part
JD May 2021
for the longest part of my life
my mother said she would be "better off dead"
for the longest part of my life
i had to hear, "if you dont do what i say i might as well be dead"
for the longest part of my life
i heard "you will miss me when I'm dead"
for the longest part of my life
i was blackmailed, emotionally.

One cannot make a person want to live.
One cannot make a person except what they have done.
One cannot take the blame, if you are only a little child.
my earliest memory of "keeping things safe" by agreeing to mum ultimatums...I was maybe around 6.
Feb 2021 · 252
JD Feb 2021
I bared my heart and soul to you and you embraced my honesty.

You said it's a quality you love
but was not ready for the words you heard.
Everyone wants honesty but sometimes they cannot handle the truth.
Feb 2021 · 377
For you
JD Feb 2021
For you, I will travel the galaxy.
For you, I will swim the ocean.
For you, I will break every rule.
For you, I’m nothing but a friend.
This was back in 2021, now 2023.. it is still the same story :(  Always picking the wrong one!!
Dec 2020 · 293
Fishing rod
JD Dec 2020
You reel me in, pluck me out of waters,
see how I struggle for air.
The triumph is written on your face,
then with force, back in the water I go.

I circle slowly, just to be sure
then I swim for my life,
It is too late, as I'm still hooked
Again, you slowly reel me back in.
Invisible fishing rods is how some people keep us in their lives.  Sometimes they let us go and sometimes they just continue to play the same games of catch and release.
Dec 2020 · 199
JD Dec 2020
Your eyes don't want to see me
Your arms can't hold me tight
Your lips won't kiss me

Was it me who drifted away?
Was it you who moved on?
Was it just time and came between us?
Sadly, we drift apart from loved ones.
Nov 2020 · 329
You are my colours
JD Nov 2020
Sometimes my world is black
and sometimes it's blue.

Sometimes my world turn bright
and that's because of you.
Some people have the ability to change your day with a simple word or smile
Nov 2020 · 238
JD Nov 2020
Some secrets are meant to be broken,
to save another.
Some secrets are dark and destructive,
and we need to heal.
Some secrets are meant to be kept secret,
as they are to deep to share.
We cannot always say how we feel so we have to keep that love forever in our hearts.
Nov 2020 · 243
Hearts destination
JD Nov 2020
The ring on your finger,
       means you belong to another
Yet your heart,
       seem to have found it's own destination
How long will it be,
         before these two worlds come crashing down?
Oct 2020 · 107
Forgetting is easier
JD Oct 2020
Remembering the hardest thing to do....cause it breaks my heart in two.
Aug 2020 · 156
A funny thing
JD Aug 2020
It's funny how I can not have you in my life
Yet, I cannot live  without you...
Aug 2020 · 116
JD Aug 2020
Round and perfect
We go around in circles
We draw circles in the sand
Your arms around me
A circle of love
Jul 2020 · 924
JD Jul 2020
You were odd
Big bloke with a big beard
Eye tattoo on your neck

You smell of ***** and smoke
You made me laugh
You were my friend

Today I sit alone
Looking at the unread message on my phone
The one you never saw

I wish I could’ve said goodbye
But time ran out too fast
Faster than your angel could fly

Another one taken too soon
Cancer claims another soul
Dust to dust, forever in my heart.
Love the people in your life.  They may not be there tomorrow!
Jul 2020 · 142
JD Jul 2020
Bleeding heart
Rotting soul

Torn apart
Eaten by the wild

Storms raging
Death and destruction

I cannot have you in my life
Without you I cannot live

My world is shattered
You tore it apart

You are destruction
Or could it be me?
Jul 2020 · 83
Another place
JD Jul 2020
For years I’ve looked at those eyes and lips with longing
I’ve wondered what it would be like waking next to you
Our bodies pressed together, my hand on your hart
For so many years I went unnoticed
Until one rainy day.
For a brief moment I have felt those lips upon my own
I have seen those eyes look into my soul
That moment lasted the shortest of time
But it will be a lifetime of memories
Maybe we could have been
Another place,  another time.
Jul 2020 · 81
My promise
JD Jul 2020
I can never be as pretty as her
I might never be as perfect as she is
But I shall love you more than she ever will.
Jul 2020 · 105
Human vs Machine
JD Jul 2020
Warm body
Cold machine
Strong mind
Powerful engine
One offers love and affection
The other demands it all
Never a competition
Yet someone always lose.
Jun 2020 · 175
Peas in a pod
JD Jun 2020
Peas in a pod
Is what we are
But the universe
Got it wrong
The wrong pea
Went into the wrong pod
Jun 2020 · 102
A broken soul
JD Jun 2020
My world is broken
My life is blue

I look to you
But you do not see

But when, you choose
To be not here

I wonder  if you are lost
Or cannot see me

Or maybe you don’t care
As I lay my soul to bare.
Jun 2020 · 126
JD Jun 2020
When life is broken
And you think it cannot break anymore
It does

The people you love
Are badly hurt
Due to the actions of others

You call out to the universe
Asking  for a break
You get a little drunk

You hope it will help ease the pain
But at the end of the day
Broken is just broken

Everything else is the glue holding it together
But the cracks is there
And broken just stay broken.
My dearest friend is in hospital, leg amputated, fighting for life, riding his motorcycle, not breaking the rules, but the other person did not pay attention :(
Jun 2020 · 105
Bleeding heart
JD Jun 2020
The knife
Cuts deep into my heart
I lay there, bleeding,
Now that we are apart
How could you
Just walk away
I screamed
For you to stay
My heart will bleed
Forever more
For its only you
That I desperately need.
May 2020 · 117
JD May 2020
I cry alone
I dig into my hands

Fingernails long
Hands bleeding…

You are never there
Alone I lay and bleed

I’m being judged
by you, by the world

For the scars that you can see
And the ones you don't.
May 2020 · 134
It's nature
JD May 2020
An avalanche of tears
Streaming down her cheeks.

A  winter storm raging
Within her heart.

A burnt out field
Her soul feels like

After the snow melts
The storm calms

The grass start to grow
Her  life will go on.
May 2020 · 104
JD May 2020
The days are all the same
Ending in
The nights are all the same

Round and round we go
In never ending circles
Of me starving my soul
And you becoming more powerful

How to exit this merry-go-round
How to exit this world
A new world there must be
With laughter and colour

Alone I have to jump
This wheel that turns non stop
Alone I have to find the better world
The world that I deserve.
May 2020 · 92
You #3
JD May 2020
F-you…with that smile
Those lips those eyes

The passion you offered
The desires you stirred in me

You walked into my life
You walked thru my life

You devoured me
You destroyed my morals

You left me longing for more
Then you  walked away

***** you, ***** your smile
I will rebuild my morals

I will rebuild my heart and soul
And you will be the loser!
May 2020 · 96
You #2
JD May 2020
The black skies
Bring out the dark moods
Then you smile
And my life is full of sunshine.
May 2020 · 142
JD May 2020
Your beautiful face
Suddenly appeared in the crowd
And within in millisecond
My sad face blossomed
May 2020 · 207
JD May 2020
As another salty tear falls from my eye
The memory of you so clear

So many moons has passed since I’ve seen you
Yet I never dreamt you would leave this world

You touched my heart with your kindness
You touched my soul with your courage

And now on this day, your bornday
My eyes cannot stop weeping.
In memory of my late friend/employer and someone that made the world a better place
May 2020 · 107
JD May 2020
I feel I have no life
I guess I  have no passion
My dark secrets hidden

Spending my time drinking
Spending my time dreaming
My secret dreams about you

And sometimes, just sometimes
You come along with a smile
A secret smile only I can see

Then I spent my time dreaming
Dreaming  the things, that will never happen
The secret love we share.
Sometimes the best moments in life are the ones we cannot share with anyone.
May 2020 · 88
Just adore me
JD May 2020
I realise, that I longed to be touched, to be kissed.  
I longed to be adored, to be the only one.  
I long for passion, to be pushed up against a wall and kissed till I can breathe no more.
I long for passion, for hours of *******.
I long to be touched and loved but mostly,
I just want to be adored.
Apr 2020 · 103
The empty bottle
JD Apr 2020
Where am I?
What happened
My head hurts

I’m awake and I can see
The explanation is clear
Empty bottles on the floor
My head hurts.
Sometimes the headache is worth it, but mostly not!
Apr 2020 · 87
Isolating and Repairing
JD Apr 2020
We are isolating from our friends and family
We are alone at times with only our thought

We hate being told what to do
We hate that we cannot go out

The world is broken
The world is ending

The world is repairing
The world needs to mend

Waterways are clearer
The sunsets are more colourful

The grass and flowers have more colour
The animals are coming out of hiding

What we conceive as bad times
The earth are celebrating and repairing
Apr 2020 · 167
untitled (written by ABC)
JD Apr 2020
Put your hand upon your heart ,
and I'll be there when we are apart

Close your eyes and think of me,
to let your troubled mind be free

And think about the love we share,
to remind you that I really care

Your eyes can take me far away,
to a special place I'd love to stay

Your beauty I will always know,
Oh, Princess I do love you so.
This poem was not written by me, it was written for me...a very long time ago by someone special.
Apr 2020 · 112
I will never love
JD Apr 2020
I will never love,
As I once loved before.

I will never smile,
As I smiled the day I met you.

I will never hate,
As I once hated them.

I will never cry,
As much as the day you were killed.
Apr 2020 · 294
A sad love affair
JD Apr 2020
I love to wake up and see you
I love to wake up and hear you

Your smell in my hair
Your taste on my tongue

I want to spend every day near you
Sunrises and sunsets are the best

But, I hate the feel of the sand on my body
I sunburn too quickly
I am not a strong swimmer

This is my sad love affair with the ocean!
My sad love affair
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