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I couldn't figure out the missing
piece of me until I was driving home
from my childhood home and realized
I didn't actually have a home.
My childhood home was filled with
so many ghosts and a father
who couldn't stay sober for the
sake of my mother, brother, and me.
My home away from home was
filled with so much pain that
I caused on my own
seeing as I was nothing
but a train wreck these days.
I was missing a sense of warmth
in my heart because I had no where
to run. But maybe it wasn't about
running, maybe I should have made
my own home inside my own heart.
Maybe my own body and soul
would be the only home I could
make sure would never crumble.
 May 2017 Lana
Ryan Holden
 May 2017 Lana
Ryan Holden
Hold my hand, as I hold your breath,
Comforting my soul,
Pull me closer, conquer peninsula,
I've missed you, and I can't bare,
The thought of you going,
Back to the conflict filled province,
So please don't leave,
You've only just arrived,
My heart is absence in yours,
And this can't go on any longer,
But only,
Because of the conflict filled province,
When you depart,
Kiss me goodbye, and hold me me in memory,
As it may be our last.
a poem about a woman saying goodbye to her husband who's going back to war.
 Apr 2017 Lana
Sara B Fagan
she was like the sea
beautiful but filled with depth
blue and unsettled
her caress captivating
yet once submerged destructive
 Apr 2017 Lana
david mitchell
i'm getting tired of it,
waking up once a day,
feeling dead and forever unpleasant.
i love too much,
i'm not much pride to swallow.
let your roots grow into me,
feel yourself waste away.
we wept, sea between beds,
always but a dream never to be seized,
nothing is forever.
this topic was hell.
i genuinely dislike most of my poetry.
have a nice day.
 Apr 2017 Lana
Babra Shafiqi
I wouldn't let the silent skies
shush our love.
It's a storm everyone knows.
Born every night.
When leaves crawl and clouds
sing through thunders,
They sing for our love
that blooms under the blanket
of our beds.
As the birds wake us up
the next chilled morning,
We become the warm breeze
from the much warmer sun.
I'll never let the weather change us,
Mould us with the tornado's
or grasp us in the rains.
I'll always let us scream,
All in the name of Love.
©Babra Shafiqi. Comment below and let me know how  you guys like it.
 Apr 2017 Lana
Dhaara T
 Apr 2017 Lana
Dhaara T
It comes often
As a surprise
Wrapped in a warm,
Fuzzy, mint blanket
Of love,
Concern and care
And falls like rain
Causing the flowers
In our garden
To dance in full bloom
 Apr 2017 Lana
Autumn Rose
I saw the world through
eyes of glass.
Ghost, tall and thin.
What I can't see, please tell me.
- Little petals, white and rosy.
Flying in your garden
You really can't see the beauty
in everything,
I don't even think you can see me.
... But Cherry Blossom
on a moonlit night
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