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 Apr 2017 Lana
 Apr 2017 Lana
Kiss me asleep
with your obsidian lips.

Protect my ears
from the cacophony nights would bring.

Fill the void
between heartbeats that skip.

Take me into the lull,
and into the siren song that you sing.
 Apr 2017 Lana
Aisha Ella
Deep breaths okay?
D E E P  B R E A T H S.
Turns on sink tap
Its okay, I'll just rinse it off
Then I can really see how much damage is underneath.
Holds head
Its fine, its fine, I'll take the pain killers later.
After...I'm clean again, yeah, after.
Looks at arms
Oh thank gosh! None on the arms,
I don't have to wear the long sleeves again
Starts to sway
Why am I swaying?
I've taken worse before, just a few more minutes
I can do this, deep breaths, okay?
I've got this.
Washes face and murmurs
I should leave, I really should
I don't deserve this, I can do better, I can...
Lips tremble
But maybe I can't, maybe he's right, maybe nobody can love me.
What if nobody will love me?
Stares into mirror
No, no, I won't leave, not yet.
Said it was the last time, but thats what he said the first time,
And I...
Continues washing face
No I'll stay, its okay, just a little bruising
Nothing I can't cover up.
I can do this, I can do this...
Its okay,
He Loves Me.
I've been thinking a lot on abuse in relationships and so I feel like making this a series, will explore different types and aspects of it.
 Apr 2017 Lana
greater things.
 Apr 2017 Lana
some days you will feel empty and broken
and you will feel the layer of sadness
thicker than ever before.
but i will ask and tell you to live by this,
fore there is no greater thing than to live.
and i will ask and tell you to do it by my side,
fore there is no greater thing than you.

— The End —