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That we are no boys nor girls.
Neither male or female.
Don't fit in the system.
That we are non-binary.
Doesn't make us any less real.
We are just genderqueer.
Don't forget about us.
We excist.
We are just non-binary.
Gender fluid.
We are still humans.
We just have a non-binary gender.
That is all.
Somewhere between sane and insane dwells the lonely poet's soul.
I want to fall in love.
And want someone to return that love.
I want someone to love.
Someone who will be my light.
In this world of dark thoughts.
Someone who will be there.
Someone who will smile at me and laught with me.
I want to fall in love with someone and I want this person to return my love.
So we can both be happy,
tell me...
tell me this isn't real...
tell me he aint gone...
tell me I will see his smile again...
tell me...
tell me...
that losing him was only a bad dream.
How much do we do to keep our minds occupied?
How far do we go?
Where do we stop?
How much more can we do not feel the pain in our hearts?
When will be our lookinf away, our hiding the end of us?
How long can we keep living like this?
How much more can we take before our worlds finaky colaspe.
And we will have to think and feel.
I fear we can't keep going on like this forever.
keeping our minds occupied so we won't think about what truely matters.
When I dress up in completely black, they maybe get the message, and leave me alone, or maybe help me.
Are twenty words poems a thing? I have no idea, but I wrote one anyway.
Oh little child.
Don't judge.
Show some respect.
For an old man who thought the war.
Fought for our freedom.
For someone who is openly gay.
Someone who does nothing but love.
Show some respect.
Don't judge.
Just because someone is not like you.
Show some respect.
Oh little child.
Help making this world a better place.
Thinking and feeling scares me.
And that is not okay.
I can't live that way, I will only just excist, do nothing more than simply breath.
A hero in a book or movie.
Fighting the evil queen.
Reclaming a homeland-or mountain.
Saving the world with a companion in a blue boxs.
Leading a rebelion.
Beind captain of a ship- Serenity or the USS Enterpise.
Cathing a serial killer.
Or stopping a psychotic well dressed villian.
One man or woman saving the world.
When I was younger I wished I could be like them.
But now I can barely fight the demons in my mind.
Why would I dream of saving the day when I am not sure I want to live another day?
Life is no fairy tail.
This is not Middle-Earth or Narnia.
There are villians and monsters yes but not ones that we can defeat during wizzard chess or with a want or lazer sword.
They are just as real and dangerous.
But the live in our minds.
I tried to run from the watching tv series and movies and reading books.
Dreaming of another life.
But eventualy the demons got closer to chatching up.
And no hero will be able to safe me.
I will have to fight the monsters in my head myself, all on my own.
And I hope that I will be strong and brave enough when that time comes.
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