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 Aug 2016 Tessa Marie
m i a
 Aug 2016 Tessa Marie
m i a
i know you may feel a little blue sometimes,
but just remember that the sun will rise and so will you.
things are going to get better. you're going to get better. eventually. <3
 Jun 2016 Tessa Marie
Just Melz
You are the
              to my pain
  Cloudy with
            no chance of clarity
      I can see
               how far
away you are
                    Out of focus,
           still hurting me
                      *so easily
Not everything that breaks is unusable, like my heart for example.
 Jun 2016 Tessa Marie
Pieces IV
 Jun 2016 Tessa Marie
I don't always mean what I feel inside, but sometimes these feelings are too big to hide
i want to kiss the crease beneath your brows,
and pepper your face with unspoken vows.
i want to embrace you when it's half past four,
and your skin is draped in nothing more
than thin sheets and love bites from the night before.
 Feb 2016 Tessa Marie
She likes it when the weather is cold, while he likes it when it's warm.

She likes her coffee cold, while he likes his coffee hot.

She is cold, and he is warm.

And they said opposite attracts,
Would they stay in each other arms whilst there are so many differences between them?

Would he keep her warm in a cold winter night?

Would she keep him cold in a warm summer day?
someone asked me to make a poem about him. So here it is.
 Feb 2016 Tessa Marie
Gabriel Roa
1) read me a poem

2) sing me a Radiohead song

3) talk to me about that time you ate that pizza by your own and how funny it was to see other people's reaction

4) hug me

5) tell me everything's gonna pass and everything's gonna be alright

6) play with me

7) take me out to play guitar and jam with weird and gilly and the spiders from mars

8) make me see the moon

9) help me breathing

10) tell me to make a list of things that make me feel better

11) talk to me with your bare voice

12) show me that photo of us that you loved so much you couldn't stop staring at

13) love me

14) be with me at my darkest

15) help me sleep without nightmares

16) let me see your eyes

17) show me your disc/book collection

18) talk to me about your mommy

19) play hide and seek with me

20) make me a list of the foods you don't like

21) read my bad sad depressing poetry

22) acaríciame la nuca y perdóname por no saber cómo se dice en inglés

23) remember with me those moments you really liked

24) be patient

25) be careful, but not that much careful

26) excuse my ocd about space and counting your inner stars

27) arrópame y discúlpame de nuevo por ser tan ignorante con el inglés

28) wait for me

29) say hi!, literally hi!

30) be happy,

and I'll try to be happy with you.
/spanish lines because I don't really know why/
As a bisexual, I fear
Few will want you to be proud.
They will bend your ear
Saying things to you out loud
That would be better left
Totally, embarrassingly unsaid
Instead of rattling around
Inside the cathedral of your head.

Too many try to make it
Seem like a kind of venal crime
To want to make love with
Someone of your own kind
And maybe with the same
Gender with which you were born.
To some it is very biblical
And subjects you to public scorn.

Finding someone ****
With the same plumbing as you
It not only delightful
It can be a dream come true.
It feels correctly natural
And works like the other way
Even though people scorn
And use words like ‘***’ and ‘gay’
Or ‘******’ and even taco
Whatever that might end up meaning.
The important thing to me
Bisexuality is so powerfully appealing.

So, those who dislike me
And feel so righteously zealous
That bisexuality is wrong
Are very possibly just jealous.
Or maybe just uptight
Living by someone’s else’s rules;
Not what they’ve learned
And therefore are bigoted fools.
 Feb 2016 Tessa Marie
 Feb 2016 Tessa Marie
         o       o
                  O      o        
•fill our beak-
er with un-
told chem-
patible  so-
lvents that
fizz... with
ix them in to get
the most homogene-
ous of solutions•introdu-
ce heat in the likes of passion
•never a clean reaction, there will
be residue• never right the first time,
failed attempts will be a few......• but once
distilled from undesirable impurity•........then
handle the mixture with utmost sensitivity........•
you'll get a result that can't be bought with money•
because this love in our hearts is the product of

pure chemistry

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