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Esther May 2016
i think i’m starting to hate writing.
i think i’m starting to regret the nights i stayed up
trying to find the right word
for the right sentence.
i think i’m starting to grieve over the trees i killed
so i could spit out poems
and then throw them away.
what good has it done besides leave me
with endless lines of dissatisfaction
and baggy eyes?
what good has it done besides isolate me
and force me to spend my waking hours
in solitary confinement
within my own sphere of words?
and all it's given back to me is
a crowd of imaginary friends
i only know how to speak to
through ink.
i think i’m starting to loathe these so-called “friends.”
they were only inky caricatures i wished into existence.
when i poured my heart out, sobbed into their pages,
because writing is “therapy,”
all they did was stare back
and let me inhale more ink
and exhale more words.
but they didn't warn me when i inhaled too much
and let the ink overflow my lungs,
clog up my throat,
bleed everything over in black.
they didn't warn me when the ink started
killing me inside out.
i think i’m starting to hate writing
i have become a corpse,
slumped over my desk
as unfinished sentences leak out of my mouth
and bleed past my ears,
cascade like tears
down my cheeks
but i,
i am only trying to read the missing words.
I'm losing passion in what I once loved so much.
Viji Suresh May 2016
I heard you quite clear, through the dark curtains,
Through the windows slamming,
Through the storm, thunder and whistling winds,
I heard you quite clear whispering my name...

I stepped down those stairs,
The wooden steps creaking your name,
I stepped on the rug,
Soft and firm like your hold...

Stepped out in the rain,
Hands stretched, drenched,
The fat rain drops, dropped unguarded,
Eyes closed, I rain danced...

Music surrounded the insides of me,
I danced slow, soul free,
Your whisper, I heard quite clear,
This time very near to my ear...

Will you leave, if I open my eyes?
Will you stay, if I promise not to sway?
Will you hold me, the way rain clings to me?
Will you kiss me, hard, deep, fierce and free?
I am an artist
And no words of mine
Are used in vain
While you throw your "I love you's"
Like ***** in a game
I hide mine in everything I write
And wait for you to
Read between the lines
And find them
Viji Suresh May 2016
English with 26 letters, is generally thought to be the simplest language on earth. A language built up on 26 letters is amazing.

But within just handful of letters, how many words can be misspelled..

My childish attempt to rhyme and write...

ei or ie, we are confused when we write,
it's then the words jump to end their lives.

Homonyms, homophones, homographs
It's fun to know the very facts.

Bear tried to **** Jack with its bare hands,
Jack had to bear the brunt of the bear.

Speed is what we thrive to do
If we forget to Brake, will break a head or two.

100 cents makes a dollar
Jack sent his wife to buy a stroller
She smelled the scent of a broiler
And forget all about the stroller.

The people who lives in Desert
do they have dates as their Dessert?

The dinner was perfect
The wine complemented the feast
The hosts were perfect
And were complimented for their treat.

The King who reigned Prussia
Rode high holding his horse's reins,
But his horse started to panic
As it started to Rain.

Drew looked at his new site
The building looked a perfect sight
When asked for the legal owner
He cited the document which held his right.
Childish scribbles
Just Me May 2016
I write with honesty and drape it with emotion.

I wash my words with tears and dry them in anger.

I never read my words out loud, my tongue has no taste for them.

I don't notice anyone sees my writes as I notice nobody feels them.

I tap my words on to a screen as I watch my tv.

I write my words just with me and expect nobody.

Words scrape raw into my mind, on to the screen.

They reap my pain in the most simplest way.

It's not very beautiful, not like my hello poetry friends, but it's just like me no time for etiquette.

The words stumble from my mind, much like someone who has lost thier way.

And my heart reads into every line, even when I say I bare none.

Be it rushed, sloppy and brazen...

My words always always find their way onto my hello poetry page.

I get lost in all of my fellow writers, writes.

But it's no surprise, because that's how it is in my everyday life.

I'm lost and I'm found, alot down and almost never sound.

I write how I live.

I write only what I live...

My echoes are all I have to give to my hello poetry friends.
Such a small place, with so much talent. How could I ever compare. Still I find this my poem home... And I think that here it's ok to not fit in. I enjoy reading my fellows writers, writes. I try to keep up, but my focuss doesn't always allow it. I am happy to be lost among such a group.
Andrea May 2016
once upon a time, you were every story in my head. you were fantasies woven during day and prose written at 3AM. i saw so much poetry in you, in everything you did. that was a sure sign that i felt something for you, that my love ran deeper than plain infatuation and crushing.

i wrote about how your smile could light up the darkest of days; my sunshine, my flashlight. i wrote about how beautiful i thought the callouses on your hands were, i wrote about how your flaws were never imperfections to me. i wrote about the lyrics you remind me of. i wrote your name in cursive on the back of my hand along with words of promise and endearment. i scribbled you through the margins of my notebook with poetry and song.

but oh, it wasn’t all just fairy dust and wanderlust.

my pen bled ugly words, rage and heartbreak and jealousy. prose after prose of how you’d leave me in the rain, how you always made me feel like i was either too much or not enough. they were angry taps to the keyboard. pens tearing in to paper. the horrors of them made e.e cummings turn in his grave, the curses of young love would have made shakespeare proud.

you knew about that. you knew about how i meticulously wove words together for you, words that would have made other people fall in love. and not once did you appreciate them; you threw aside my gifts of poetry and prose like they weren’t about you. like they didn’t mean a thing.

if you read them, you would’ve seen how much i adored you. if you read them, you would’ve recognized a love so unprecedented, unrivaled, untouchable. but you didn’t. you never got past the first stanza, the first paragraph, the first three words before giving me a half-hearted thanks and changing the topic.

and so i started to write about you less. my words began to lose it’s substance, my phrases got shorter, my metaphors making less sense. and you didn’t notice. you never noticed how you slowly faded from the thing the one thing that mattered more to me than anything in the whole world.

you faded, then you were gone completely.

i no longer write about you. wait, no, that’s a lie: i no longer want to write about you. i hope this is the last time i do, the last set of words i’d dare to pull together for you. you don’t deserve to know how i feel about you, you don’t deserve my poems or my words anymore. god knows my words are all i have, and i can’t love you if you don’t learn to love them. i’m sorry; call it selfish, or unfair. but these words, these words, my words. how can i write about you if you don’t– if you never– valued the best gift i had to offer?

you’re now just some left-over papers that i keep under my bed, one day to open and read with tinges of nostalgia, but never to re-write again.
Ghost Writer 3 May 2016
I wonder why these thoughts run
like water filling my mind
it escapes first


My mouth pours open
what does it mean
if I tell you what I think
This is a part from my poem "A Sunday Kind Of Love", my favorite bit. Thinking of trashing the rest.
Ismahanwrites May 2016
I hide behind Late night Blues
To keep me Cool
Attempting to not do wrong
One Pen can heal the pain
As delusional I may seem
But, Poetry kept me safe
From doing myself wrong.
Writing can heal anything at any time you feel your not worth anything
Writing speaks to everyone that is dedicated to it
Leslie Jade May 2016
a scenery comes in your mind
picturesque, but can be forgotten
pen and paper are all you've got
what are you waiting for? Jot it down!

gloomy, elation, rage any theme
there are lots of pictures inside your head
Don't waste any time, use it wisely
and enjoy the ride of rollercoaster ideas
This is kinda different from my other poems but i hope you get the idea.
Ismahanwrites May 2016
His escape was Writing
All of the Massive disruption and Chaos that was happening in Our that he inspired me to be One.
          A Writer.
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