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I love exotic women
Who are lazy as eggs
And Sweet like evening rain

Reynaldo Casison
Deep in the Now,
there exists a kind of woman,
often attacked,
and sometimes rejected.

A warrior soul,
independent, rebellious,
the feminine in its purest state,
untamed and free.

She is the one
who left Eden,
forsaking the comfort of man
to carve her own path.

They say she was born
from Adam’s dust,
but made of pure energy
and empowerment.

She is where
the deepest passions
and the hidden faces emerge.

She is where life’s wounds,
fears, and shadows are faced,
where lost power is reclaimed.

A beautiful woman,
but I prefer her in the streets.

Because in my bed,
I want the one who surrenders,
the one who loves.

The one who cares for me,
and lets me care for her,
who speaks to me
through true communication.

And after long conversations,
time slips away unnoticed.

A beautiful woman,
in her fire and her calm,
Lilith in the streets, Eve at home.
Not because man commands it,
but because that is where she finds her balance.
Ankush 4d
They walk .. slowly.

Flashing her distance... happily.

She follows the path... patiently.

She swallows the water... She walks.
Scared not , She walks .

She ran-
Breath quickened, fastened heart.
He stalks-
The eyes widened , sharp as steel.
She falls.

They come ...
She ran.
She falls -
She crumbled.

The way she got upset
The light she got stared...
The way she accepted ..
Her fate ensnared.

The way he was happy,
The evil bestowed
The way they asked her,
And she followed.
A girl being manipulated by some people ends up falling in their trap , because of her gullible nature, and unwillingness to fight back.
To be a woman:

To be a woman is to bleed.
From between our legs, as young as nine, when the only worry in our young minds should be about scraped knees from riding bikes and scooters, the visceral meaning of womanhood begins to leak through the soft cotton amour of childhood.
The impending doom of what could be warded off by a child's imagination has cracked and no longer can be repaired.
This is the fate of a woman.
From that day we bleed.
Shoving gauze of soft smiles and politeness into bullet holes bore into our bodies by men.
Anything to stop the bleeding and remain a fragment of the person we once were.
We’re blithe in the presence of grown men that become aroused to the notion of humiliating us.
We try to feign ignorance and keep a straight face in times of turbulence to maintain modesty.
Our nails embedded into our palms, we bleed.
And a storm has formed.
Through the storm we seek the same refugee we watched our mothers seek. Always thinking that the outcome will be different.
This one is not the same.
We’re not our mothers.
Our love is different.
It’s respected.
It’s mutual…
as long as you’re the one doing the laundry and the cooking and the cleaning and you pay your half and you look after the child that you nearly bled out for.  
Nurturing, tending, cooking and cleaning and ‘whoops’ watch the knife…

Always bleeding.
It’s equal love though, isn’t it?
It’s what you wanted, right?
When you bore two children and you’re raising three, that’s what you wanted. That’s what you bled for.
That’s what you bled for?

Who has he bled for?

He walks into the kitchen, boots scuffing the linoleum on the way.
Dumping the scrapped leftovers of love you gave him in the early out of the morning into the trash and tossing the containers into the sink.
He pats the heads of the people he pretends make him whole and goes to the shower to rinse off the 10 hour shift of hard labor that didn't involve his family.

You don’t expect a kiss at this point because you learned that asking for what you deserve could come with a broken orbital socket.
So you let your heart bleed.
You bleed it into your kids.
You let them know that they are loved.
You pretend that everything is okay.
You go to work, you come home, you bleed and you bleed and you bleed.

Hopeful that your daughter doesn’t see.
Zywa 5d
She is taking care,

he keeps kissing it away --

with his laziness.
International Women's Day

Novel "Eerst grijs dan wit dan blauw" ("First grey then white then blue", 1991, Margriet de Moor), chapter I-1

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s"
She is a teacher, she is a guide,
A doctor, a pilot, with strength and pride.

She reaches the stars, she touches the sky,
No dream too big, no goal too high.

She leads, she builds, she loves, she fights,
A force of power, a source of light.

Happy International Women's Day!
In a world that doubted dreams unfurled,
She wove a code to change the world.
Her mind, a spark where numbers played,
In stone, her legacy was laid.
By the glow of a lamp, she mended the night,
Through fields of despair, she carried the light.
Her hands, a balm for wounds unhealed,
In stone, her strength and care revealed.
Beneath the palms, her spirit soared,
A queen whose heart refused the sword.
Though kingdoms fell, her song remained,
In stone, her love and grief ingrained.
In flames of doubt, she bore her shield,
A warrior's heart that would not yield.
Her voice, a beacon, heavens loaned,
Her courage carved in sacred stone.
Through trails of shadowed, radiant light,
She pierced the veil of science’s night.
Her hands, though scarred by what she’d own,
In stone, her brilliance brightly shone.
With words that soared, she healed the pain,
A caged bird's song through loss and gain.
Her voice, a path the silenced found,
In stone, her wisdom stands profound.
A star by sight, a mind untamed,
In shadows bright, her brilliance claimed.
Through whispered codes, the future flew,
In stone, her genius rang anew.
With steadfast hearts and dreams unbound,
They forged new paths on solid ground.
Through every voice and hand held high,
Their legacy lights up the sky.
This Poem is for Women's History Month. It has women who did extraordinary things throughout history. I hope this inspires women to be strong and do extraordinary things as well. This Poem talks about Ada Lovelace, Florence Nightingale, Queen Liliʻuokalani, Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Maya Angelou, and Hedy Lamarr.
How can someone sexualize,
The way a woman sits?
It's just a funny selfie pose,
I don't want to hear this,
"Is she bad or nah" nonsense.
How creepy is that,
Most men will idolize the simple way,
A woman speaks.
When will we be gone with these creeps?
How ashamed am I,
That a grown man will focus,
On dress coding your shoulders,
While men run rampant with tattoos and drug tee's.
It's creepy how bad this is getting, too many teachers are shooting eyes at my gf and my female friends.
Sara Barrett Mar 2
She was there—
barefoot in the dust of a thousand battles,
skirt hem soaked in the sweat of fields she did not own.
Her hands, raw from the weight of picket signs and plow handles,
gripped the edges of history,
pulling it toward her like a stubborn thread.
They wrote her out of the story,
but she pressed ink to paper,
pressed footprints into roads where no woman had walked before,
pressed her voice into the air until it cracked open the sky.

She is here—
spine straight under the weight of expectation,
heels clicking against marble floors,
boots sinking into the soil of land she now calls her own.
She stitches wounds with steady hands,
writes laws with the same fingers
that once curled into fists.
She feeds, she builds, she leads—
a quiet rebellion in the way she simply refuses to break.

She will be—
a name carved into the bones of tomorrow,
a shadow stretching past the horizon,
a flame catching on the hem of a new world.
She will stand at the edge of invention,
her hands steady on the wheel of what’s to come,
eyes sharp as a blade against the spine of fate.
She will not ask permission.
She will not wait her turn.

She rises.
She has always risen.
She will rise again.
Some voices are written into history. Others must carve their place into stone.

This poem is a testament to the women who came before us, the ones who walked through fire with bare feet, who raised their voices in rooms that tried to silence them. It is for the women who stand now, unshaken, building, leading, and rewriting the rules. And it is for those who are yet to come—the ones who will break ceilings we haven’t dared to touch, the ones who will shape a world that does not yet exist.

It is not a question of if she rises. It is a certainty.

She was. She is. She will be.
Birdie Feb 28
He said my standards were too high,
But my stepdad would drain a river dry
If I needed a drink.
He said the love I want isn’t real,
But my girls would give me their last meal, If I was hungry for it.
He told me I was too much for men,
But no'one treats me better than my best guy friend.
He said he couldn’t marry a girl like me,
But if that’s how I need to be,
For a man to really love me,
Then I would take never again.
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