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Dripping wet
December gets
It frets
The rains have overstepped

It’s not July
No not September
It’s been long August has slept

Winters just checked into December
Changing the air to mode, cold
But the rains have overstepped

Cold and wet December gets
Last it is, but never the least
Brings in joy and festivities

Within a day or maybe two
The rains will vanish in thin air
Pleasant weather and sunshine
December makes promises fair
1st December
Ema Dec 2021
like a deer drinking from a stream
in the clearing
I am clearing
time away
I am the wolf
amongst women
I am a jar
half full
I am residue
on the sink edge
dusty, smudged
I watch people on trams
I watch people on buses
I don't smile
I watch the deer drinking
I play with my hair
I stare
I am the wolf
from afar
I am
I am waiting
for the clearing to wilt
and stream to dry up
I watch the deer
I am
Don Bouchard Nov 2021
A skater lone soars on new ice.
I hold my breath as I observe
His every pirouette and swerve.

Yesterday, the water lapped a chilling shore;
Today a brilliant skin holds sway.
Thickening hourly though it may,

I wonder at the nature of the glider there;
Does he consider life and death,
Or think beyond exultant breath

To be the first upon new winter's ice?
He sails along an ice-blade track,
Never falt'ring, never looking back.

Oh, I was young upon a time and flew
The way this skater now does fly,
But fear and "wisdom" hinder twice
While others soar above thin ice.
New Ice! Is it safe? Take a Risk! Take a nap....
WB Raymond Nov 2021
It was on a harsh winter day some long time ago.
The ice-lased winds rocked the leaves to and fro.
And even though it'd been around for a while,
The great big tree could only give a wry smile.
The forest which stood still now shook and shimmered.
The hands of death upon which had been delivered.
The animals burrowed deep in search of shelter
As the snow poured down from sky-high pelters.
The tree stood tall protecting its creatures
Despite the fact they were now just leechers.

For the tree did not care about the suffering it brought upon itself
The reason being that life can only last so long
So as long as it could serve to nurse others to health
He did not mind if this was his last song.
The sky grew dimmer with the bristle of the leaves
The howl of the night had only just begun
And upon his barks lay all the memories
That inspired the tone with which he now hummed.
And despite the fact it didn't speak any form of word
The song it formed spoke clearly still,
"Winds of the night, let my voice be heard,
These creatures shall befall no ill.
It matters not if mother nature hark,
For this is my rebellious last testament."
The wind picked up, the snow pounding upon his bark,
His words now used to his own detriment.

Yet no matter how long the night threatened to last,
Cherry blossom after cherry blossom wilting away,
The tree stood strong and tall and spoke aloud.
The words clear to those within its *****,
"The forest is not yours to claim
For they are who raised me well
And if you think you can take them from me
You'll drag me down to hell."

And so the fight went on for as long as the moon stood tall,
Yet morning still came and the sun rose once more.
The forest felt safe and the blizzard had passed.
And yet the sight of the tree beckoned mourning,
From all the generations who lived and died with him.
Perhaps he simply couldn't suffer the pain any longer.
The cherry blossom wilts.
I haven't written anything in forever, figured I'd write a story of sorts to get the cogs working again. Messy, but I may as well publish it.
It's a cold winter night,
Everything seems to be foggy white.
In this frosting moonlight,
The dark horizon's fading out of sight.

Like a caterpillar in its cocoon,
We're chilling at our hot room.
To some, this night is a boon
But for some it's a night of doom.

Looking through my window-pane,
I'm enjoying the dew-drops as the drops of rain.
Some men are sitting down the lane,
I can see them shivering with cold and pain.

Shivering under that cold and open sky,
They're yearning for some fiery eye'.
Their lips are getting pale and dry,
This cold night is torturing them to die.

They're slowly dying in this freezing night, yet pretending to be okay...
Facing this terrible situation, don't know, how to get away?
Neither questioning the situation nor knowing, how long like this they've to stay?
They're just hoping for a sunny tomorrow where they can enjoy the warmth of the day...
Fiery eye' here refers to help.
Truth of every winter night where we enjoy the nature while the homeless ones suffer...

Obviously another flow of rhymes 😅
The tree that once offered shade
Its leaves freefall my way
The winter hasn't changed itself

How can they be so free in their sway?
And my flowers linger for the canopy
Nature is mysterious in her ways

The summer's warmth is awaited patiently
Yet so is the winter cool
No leaves for cover nor forests for shelter

I have spent battling the winter blues
And the ceaseless storms
Then why must I wait for the truth

Just because I love you
Should I wait for fate to open its arms
So, you can too

For all the right reasons
I wait for you
With each season
Charmine Nov 2021
Windy weather, snow and rain
I love winter because we can play in the snow
Nearly all of the trees are bare
This is the coldest time of the year, although we have fun!
Everyone is having the greatest time
Relish sitting next to toasty fire
I do this with my brother and friends too!
winter lingers
down in the southern hemisphere
winter lingers
still we're feeling those cold fingers
spring's warm touch hasn't yet arrived here
as the days stay so dismally drear
winter lingers
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