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Kevin Eli Nov 2014
From last to pulling first, underdog all the way
David is beating his Goliath, winning with his gains
Took a down to make an up, slim grin, courage and experience
Finally it's now payday

Found the energy drink of emotion
That liquid juice of intense life
Drives the will forward, giving confidence
He's moving up the ranks

Seen the errors of the past, this will is strong
The crowd is cheering, wings outdrawn, this takes no effort at all
Can do this for weeks, can't feel pain anymore
He's going for first, silver won't cut it

Whether it's a wish that's chased, A life trying to be made
The distance is relative, infinite space, in the face
Bull-rushed, heart of a child and beat of a bass drum
Nothing is stopping him now.

Started knowing not where to finish, relentless
You gotta give credit to those who go the limit
Insanity or determination,
Looks like he is finally winning his race

...I'm feeling lucky today
Nickols Nov 2014
It all came to halt...

The battle cries;
The swinging swords;
Cleaving halberds;
Even death's opening doors.

It all came to a complete stop.

Enemies from both sides, frozen in time.
All looking towards him.
The man shining brightest with hate and honor.
No, not the hero.
Instead the mighty warrior,
With an ode to a king to claim the sacred lands.

Arrows arching, painting the sky black.
Red rivers running, beneath the bodies of the fallen.
Burning; burning; burning smoke, filling the air.
The smell of death hanging near.

He changed that day.
The day he turned on his rage.

Legend insists to say.
He was the reason they won the war that day.
I've been playing way too many video games...
Towela Kams Nov 2014
I won't allow you
To question me
On old, broken mirrors
And old, shattered dreams
I won't let you see me
Based solely
On what the world did to me
Through the eyes of self-pity
So to answer your questions
Yes, I'm doing just fine
With all that has happened
I found a way to survive
Not by myself though,
I can't stand here and lie
I had some extra help
Something divine
I haven't written in such a while. I feel like my poetry is somehow loosing value. I don't know what to write about but these words came to my mind in a split second.
Sydney Marie Nov 2014
I remember telling you

not to fall in love with me.

I warned you then,

I should have told myself the same. You touched me and I exploded,*

Its not what I want.
Its not what I need,

but god
you make it so easy.
To easy,

You beat me at my own game.
The Jarl Nov 2014
Completely wrapped around the finger of burden
We compete with eachother to who can carry more than
To try to win at every turn isn't winning
To make everything a challenge isn't fulfilling
Weighed down by the pressures of our surroundings
Everyone tries to be a hero, but the insanity is astounding
Attempting to shine in a room filled with uncountable bulbs
Is a wish that should be approached with care
My least favorite piece, I forced it.
What Is done has been done,
There is no life of waste,
Whether I lost or won ,
Just depends on my taste,
And control there is none,
Whether I slow or haste,
May be worth a whole ton,
But its commonly based,

There are much roads to choose,
In this play we call life,
And we haste our hopes through,
Though the message is rife,
Whether lies or the truth,
Its as clear as a fife,
And this verse is the proof,
Sometimes there is no fight,

Cause of thy strings of fate,
Which are deeply controlled,
Through the higher estates,
They take hold of our roles,
With the keys to our gates,
Sometimes leads us to hold,
What is up to our pace,
Cause of this bind toll,

Through the times I’ll realize
That the fates need my kiss,
So I could stay alive,
‘And contain all the bliss,
In which hate’s been revised,
It would be one’s real wish,
To control every life,
But without my own fist,
To do wrong or do right,
Just may be on their list…
Sonia Thomas Oct 2014
What's behind the smile?
I am hiding at least ten secrets I won't tell.
What's behind the smile?
Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
What's behind the smile?
I think I remembered an old joke from way back when.
What's behind the smile?
Stop asking.
What's behind the smile?
I won't tell.
What's behind the smile?
I am not telling you how I counted every spot on your face and made a constellation out of it. My stars in my universe.
What's behind the smile?
I don't think you'd want to know.
What's behind the smile?
I don't think you'd like knowing how much I have been trying to look away from your eyes.
What's behind the smile?
You should never find out I probably won't ever be able to see those eyes on anyone else ever again, or that maybe the next time I see a smile like yours, I will stop smiling. So, maybe I am smiling because somewhere, I am thanking God you're okay. If God exists, he better listen to every word and every fantasy I am playing out in my head. It's a dream now, but how far are dreams from the truth unless we try. Right? You needn't know these things.

So, what is behind the smile?
I don't think I have ever enjoyed losing to someone so much.
First posted here -
Towela Kams Oct 2014
Consider every natural ability, talent and/or strength as something simply borrowed to you.
Guard it.
Make the most out of it.
Use it only for good.
This is the only way to ensure humility.
It's important that we use our gifts for good. There's absolutely no need for conceited character. Are we in agreement?
MBishop Oct 2014
I passed you in the stairwell today
All I could manage was a cracked-voice
It was a quick encounter with the devil
The devil that takes my guts away with a glance
Paranoid looking over the should just for
a chance
I shrink back against the hand rail so I
don't fall
'Cause that's just what don't need, a
plummet to the ground where I'd beg and crawl
To be back on my feet

Which you so gallantly swept me off of
You were my King and I couldn't help but
bend to your will
But now I see the pedestal I just stepped
you off of
But you seem to think you're on it still

On something, I'll give you that
To think you can touch me like that and
you'll magically be back
In my good graces but goodness
gracious are you far from it
Remember the plummet? Remember
your games and how I loved it?
I couldn't say no to competition and oh God
there was so much of it.

I wanted to be the winner but I don't think I ever wanted the prize
Just the thought of being the best and
honorably succumbing to your lies
Beating the other girls you so often
But it's all in good fun, these games and
your vice....right?

Playing with my emotions like old toys
left forgotten
But you've forgotten the best part
You can't take something that's not there
No, you can't take my heart

I'll lead you on again, say hi again on the
Make you think you got me right
This way you'll know what it feels like to
be a player
but never win the prize.

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