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Rose L Mar 2018
My, my
Beautiful mornings. And wet grass -
Oh, hello you lot! You fabulous lot!
Lying in 'til noon in your soot-washed townhouses
Tall, pumping chimney smog and fruit stained letters into the London sky,
I see you - Miss Vanessa, Miss Woolf, Forster, Fry!
How we all swarm about this little town now!
Look how I eat pomegranates and write prose in your name.
Look how I put on sturdy boots, and totter from square to square -
Admiring this honeyed writer's air.
Oh, evening all, lights of London, subdued spring-time!
Eucalyptus suburbs, just a short walk from bedlam and grime.
grey Mar 2018
You dont have feelings
Why are you here?
Hoping your feelings
Are very dear?
I don't wanna tell you
The bad news
But I have a gun..
And it will go "Pews"
Typical sound of a gun
This ain't gettin' anywhere ***,
Not copied or pasted
Not Generic or typical
OO I got a pickle
and im getting tickled
...this is weird
CA Smith Mar 2018
I'm a bit different,
that's what they always say.
I go about everything I do,
in my own sort of way.

I'm a bit unique.
Where others are straight I'm oblique.
When some choose red I choose blue.
That doesn't make me less of a person than you!

If who you are,
doesn't line up with even a single star,
then shine brighter then others do,
knowing that there's nobody else like you.

Walking about,
there's no need to pout.
Just smile and wave,
don't force yourself to be how they expect you to behave.

You are you,
and that's more than enough.
There's no need for changes,
that makes for too much fluff.

So if you're different,
just like me,
then think of it as a gift,
of which nobody else could receive,
and make your own special mark in history.
G Mar 2018
I feel like my legs have been stamped
and sent around the globe -
perhaps one flew to Austria to hear
the string quartet that stole my heart,
and the other walked to Amsterdam in
hopes of finding the soul I sold,
now stored on a shelf in a mason jar.

There is no metaphor,
only mileage -
a life lived long enough to realize
that love speaks louder than language,
and all an artist can do is strive to
describe the strangled kiss with
hit and miss letters,
myself no exception.

I remember tearing a photograph in two
and trying to stitch a half of each of
our faces together - forcing them to fit.
When I looked upon the product, the monster
I'd created, my legs began to shake.
If the leap of faith is
a quantum one
unexpected company
wants some
could be
strategically insignificant,
deemed incompetent,

rest my case
reset my face
and place an order at
the bar.

My Sunday
so far
so good.
This is what forever feels like  when you're stood at the end of a rainbow.
Helen Raymond Mar 2018
Before I knew I had a face, before my eyes were blue
I was an immigrant, a migrant in a world anew
A traveler, an explorer, taking note of my escapades
What hands had I?
What limbs?

There I was a creature of breath, dancing from brim to grin
With my novelty sovereignty, my command of you all
With a smile I conjured yours, with a scream I was pacified
What words had I?
What songs?

Alas you could not hear me or my wild thoughts
We could dance upon the ceiling, but you smiled dumb
So I roared and screamed like a heathen!
We were not the same.
I would  not  be tamed.

What was wearing my skin?
Before I knew I had a face, before my eyes were blue.
Before I was even a mild fancy of you.

When I was a beast of breath without identity
What was I before I was me?
What was wearing my skin?
just a weird thought I had in the shower
Nirvana you want
As God's grant
O those faces
Of relieved 'pupils'
After heavy days
Of an exam
Their minds not jammed
O have your thoughts crammed!
Buddha saw four sights
That caused him plight
Luxuries of palace
Couldn't prevent him
He took his flight
Into a world of light
Unknown as you might
In search of ultimate truth
Of this world's delight!
He was changed
Will you?
He formed a sangha
Oh not him
His pupils
So as we might
Remember something
From our book
Its heights!
Let's read and
Learn something
From around us
Let's form a sangha
For doing this
In this light!
Reading this
Caused you much plight
Like a plant afflicted
With blight?
I know it,right?
Some weirdness of thoughts!
Téa Rhyno Mar 2018
Some people say that love
is the only thing you need to be happy.
But is that really true?
If someone actually loved me,
like, REALLY loved me,
would that make me happy?

Maybe I want to be happy on my own..
Am I capable of making myself happy?
My depression says " you know you can't".
I mean, I guess it's true,
I'm not happy. I haven't been in a while..
And I'm all alone...

So I need someone?
Do I really need someone?
Someone who thinks they need me too?
Is that the key to this lock
that I've been trying to pick for years,
with broken nails and shaky hands?
Another person?
A boy who sees something in my eyes
besides a dim light, desperately trying to shine
over a raging sea of tears?

Maybe he is the key.
Or maybe he holds it.
But where is the lock?
Where? Here?
Buried inside my chest?
The lock is... my heart..?

But what will happen to me
if this boy unlocks me with his key?
What if my chest explodes
giving him the perfect opportunity
to steal my soul from my body?
To take my life away?

Is this life without love?
Do you need to love
and be loved
to finally feel alive?
                                           What is "Love"?
im just super confused
John AD Mar 2018
As I read, my mind in my own perception,I need time and rotation in my own destination
This war is not over , Dealing with this pain forever
A fever disease in my soul that took me from cancer
Incurable disease, find some treatment that doesn't exist.

Red eyes behind the mist , the visibility of my vision
Radiation in the skies can you feel the temptation?
Dead Trees with a keen eye for a mission
Melting in my soul ,alien abduction in my own invention.

Ambient is so dark,blackened beyond existence
Sweating,Shaking I felt doom incompetent
Auras of the illusion keeps chasing me
They want me to sleep in the grave at the cemetery.
It's better to express your ******* mind than to hide that **** behind
Gage B Mar 2018
What if there was an alternate universe
where I would have known that
mistake would have been made
and avoided it?

What if there was an alternate universe
where I just didn't care at all
and that everything I am now
just never happened?

What if there was an alternate universe
where at every point in time
I was positioned
slightly to the left?
Hmm. Just some things I think about I guess. Interesting to me, but probably not to you lol
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