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Cameron Boyd Aug 2016
The secret to happiness
is not minding some secrets staying hidden.

It's allowing an unexpected blush to sweep across your face
and not asking why.

It's forgetting to shut the double wide door
from the patio to your heart
and not asking your guests how they got there.

It's getting lost down city streets and accepting where you land
is where you were going all along.

It's dripping ink on cotton sheets through blown out veins
because you couldn't get the words out fast enough.

Happiness is vulnerability.
The walls won't come tumbling down
There's no horn player from Jericho
The fortress took years to build
And more scars than the stones let show

You chipped away at the barrier
You really, truly did
For a while some interior was exposed
The fortress' contents unhid

But danger is ever present
Some entrants will be foes
And castles have no filter
The drawbridge is either open or closed

And even thought the door was shut
You swam across the moat
Fighting to be let in
Not realizing the futility of your hope

In the end you will not win
No matter how strong the advance
The guards are strong and the castle cold
You never stood a chance

However, you left something long lasting
Something that cannot be taken back
You left a crack in the fortress
And maybe one day the walls will collapse
Sometimes you aren't as ready to love as others want you to be
Tamara Fraser Aug 2016
I’m so scared of what you’ll do to me.

I push you away at the start because I care.

I’m all cold fingers and neck as you inch closer.

I know that giving my heart over to your hands is delicate and dangerous;

I realise having it injured by you is more fatal than another, more blood loss,

more bruises, more painful blossoms.

I always want you nearer; no one can comfort as you can,

until you turn off the lights

for the night

and all I see are abandoned impressions of you around my room.

But I need to stop you. Right here.

I need to keep you an arms length apart from me;

stop you kissing and touching me.

Not because I don’t want you;

I will always reserve a place for you, always part of my dedication.

I want you all over, from head to feet.

But I need to stop myself from falling into the one abyss

I know too well.

I need to prevent you from loving me for a time,

or at all.

To keep you from breaking the blissful illusion I conjure;

to keep you from lying to me about why you can’t love me anymore.

To stop you from taking me over.

To stop you from making me believe you are like all the others before you,

inked and stabbed on my skin like knife cuts.

To keep me from imagining you were never there;

a dream that swirls with reality where it has no place.

To ensure you don’t start picking me apart with your teeth, while I sleep,

and you begin to fade.

I don’t want to meet the same river of conclusions, fussing and moaning and

screaming about the agony as you pull me apart one final time.

Take what you need and run.

Scoop it out like melting ice cream and disappear somewhere out of my reach yet

close enough to invade me again when you need to.

I don’t need to feel this again.

With you of all people.




There is a stone cage
Built slowly, over years
Broken down again and again
Foul hands digging into its carcass
Rending, tearing, destroying
To get at the sweet nectar of my soul
Blood dripping from hands
I love you i'm sorry I love you
Walls laced with iron and steel
Less malleable, less breakable
Build and build and build
He says he wouldn't hurt me
Such savagery is beyond him
But I know his type
The ones with the blue eyes
And the soft lips and the warm hands
Inside they're cold cold cold
Getting close enough to kiss
Before the torture starts
My walls will not be molded
For him to climb over and into me
I'll bleed him first if it means
He is too tired to hold me
**for i will never be harmed again
Astraea May 2016
The eyes are first to sparkle
To reveal boundless joy
The eyes shout euphoria from the very tops of every hill

The eyes are also first to glisten
Swimming in a salty pool
They blink and blink to hold them in but they won't always stay hidden

The eyes are the windows into the soul
They peer to see if it is broken
Or if it is still standing, resolutely strong and whole

The eyes can read a thousand lies
They peel back woven cloths
They offer a glimpse, a chance to check if anything is disguised

I keep my face turned away
My eyes fixed on something else
I keep my eyes averted just so I can avoid another's gaze

But when I do, when I hold
Your unwavering stare
Lightning bolts shoot through me, stirring deep and cold

A heightened awareness of every breath
Making sure to keep them steady
I keep up my end, never breaking, with all the courage I have left

Those eyes bore right into my being
A rawness fresh and apparent
Your eyes have now seen everything
I flinch, I sever the electric current
Opia is defined as the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
I've always found eye contact between two people to be intimate and unnerving and tend to avoid it when I can.
DCM May 2016
Life is not to be understood but to be taken              to its full potential
                                       A bit like love
               I don't know how our paths crossed or why we're here
             worrying on these questions is a sin
       For I enjoy the time we spend
                           The passion in your eyes is a dark brown yet shines a light hazel in the sun
         Black jet hair with every strand curling from end to end
                     My fingers running through it
I can feel your breath
              Releasing tension with each inhalation
       Whispering your doubts through every touch
     Your rich laugh full of sincerity allows for a smile
               Silence we share as we lean on each other
                        Everything around us could fall and we'd stay still in each other's arms
To the moon and back
            Below the depths of the ocean
                         As high as birds can fly
As far as the milky way
        All the stars in the night sky combined
                                 As many times as the sun has set on the west
Every **** second since we first met
                 Have I always had feelings for you
                    Mediocre and immature at first
      Yet I've fallen completely and utterly in love with you
         Vulnerable love yet I leave it in your hands
Cynthia Jean May 2016
heart and soul
poured out
like blood
on the ground
for all to see

walkin' on by
they don't
see me


cj 2016
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