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The Calm Feb 2019
I've spent so long trying not to feel
But you,
you made me feel
My heart a fortress, and you broke the shield  Unaware of the power you wield
Unaware of your strength,  your steel
In awe of your beauty , you queen must I kneel?
Your heart , I must steal
The consequences worth the deal
Your love helps me heal
Thanks, you found a cure
I was hiding behind the wall
But you made me feel
larni Feb 2019
“happy valentine’s day baby”

“stop texting me”

“don’t force love”

“i don’t love you like i used to”

“we can still be friends”
true times, true story.
crybaby Feb 2019
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’m late to this thread
I was getting some head
Faith Feb 2019
Ah, February
It is the month of love, and
Total rejection
Dani Just Dani Feb 2019
I can be a really skeptical person,
I don’t believe in ghost, and just think of weird things that happen as coincidences,

But, as flower petals magically float down toward my passenger seat, just before I close my car door.

I felt chills, as if memories from past lives rushed through my skin like electricity when you touch a Walmart cart.

Instant, waiting for a reaction.

And if that isn’t one hell of a metaphor,
I don’t know what is.
Mims Feb 2019
Suger kisses
Silly crushes
Candy hearts ask
"Will you be mine?"
Wandering eyes
A glance at her thighs
Thorns on the roses in the bouquet you bought yesterday
Two things that can pierce
And in between
Two things that bleed
Heart shaped cardboard boxes
Filled with chocolate
And caramel
Walking through target
Commercialised, consumerisim
And everyone likes talking about how
This holiday is what it is for more sales
Than romance
And its true
Sugar hearts do not equal ancient love
But we love to spend
Money and time
On someone we love
Or someone we are saying sorry to
Maybe its the same one
Humans are so cute
Making cards
Red and pink
And surprising with favorited
Chocolate things
But today is take out
The girl your 'one true' doesn't know about
Or maybe they do
But choose not to mention it
Because maybe they



Lacy black things
Long receipts
Long nights
Not at the office
Where you claim to be
Let me ask you
Were the flowers for her

As large, and as beautiful,

As the flowers for me?
Things I hear about in wine tainted conversations between the wives
lover Feb 2019
satin shades of ribbon tie the knot around my heart
more than I wanted to you I've given
tell me why should I play my heart?
like "does he love me, or not?"
I guess the sky is still blue and my feet are on the ground
I guess I've still got looks on my side when you're not around
but that means nothing now
all at once you lied too me
bet you feel like a flying bird but don't swallow me
because I want to be free and who am I for you to be?
I guess its just another Thursday on my own
i've made this one into a song if anyone wants to listen :)
Haylin Feb 2019

Cupid can go **** himself
Doesn't he know that arrows are for killing?
Does he even have a hunting license?

What was he thinking
When he shot
This hole
In my heart?

Was he trying to make me bleed out?
Lauren Kocher Feb 2019
The words boil up my throat,
But my lips hold them in tight.
My brain has conceded,
It is not worth the fight.
Salty tears fill my eyes,
As I hold back the pain.
I am filled with rage,
But my anger I must contain.
Some things deep in my heart,
Are just better left unsaid.
Despite how I feel,
I am going to bed.
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