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NeroameeAlucard Feb 2019
What can you do
When you can't give someone a third of what they deserve?
Where can you find some more happiness to fill their eyes?
Why does this seem to happen to me all the time? I meet someone amazing and yet I still feel like I'm not worth anyone's time?

But enough with the self deprecation
For once my heart and head are United, unlike the nations
But this sensation, this feeling won't go away like pain without aspirin or julie Andrew's in a shop for sashes

What can you do? Leave it all on the table and hope they grab it
kmr Feb 2019
The petals drift
And lay down
Beside my feet
And my tears -
That are crashing,
To the ground.

The steps you take
Away from me
Are an echo
Of the pulse
Inside my veins.
Your footsteps fade
And with you
Goes my heart.

Leaving me broken
And empty.
Leaving me as only a husk
Of the person
I used to be
Before I loved you.
And before my love
For you
Destroyed me.
MissPine Feb 2019
by: MissPine

Happy is the man who gives love,
Even the moon and stars can't have.
At the beginning of every journey,
Rise thy spirit of love until eternity.
Thou shall not doubt nor ponder,
Since love is from now and forever.
Randy Ray Price Feb 2019
Roses are red.
Violets are, violet .
But blue is what they said
And I just don’t know why yet.

Roses are red.
Violets are still violet.
And don’t ever forget
That I love your, eye lid.

Roses are still red.
Oops I guess violets ARE blue ;)
(Insert something cheesy)
Cuz baby I LOVE you!
Ian Feb 2019
Whimsy and flowery language,
That's what I'm guided too when I think of you,
The softest of phrases, the gentler of thoughts,
A beating heart floating on the rivers of life,
Yearning simply to beat in unison with that one,
That feels so distressed and distant,
But is never more then a thought away.

Alas is it so,
That the flowery world of my mind is only there,
While the realities of the world rest heavily,
Upon the shoulders of your weary mind,
Making the joy mutually adored,
Feel like a pleasure unbeknownst to reality,
Distorted in the storm of disarray.

But, nonetheless that adoration persists,
It's permeates peace of mind,
Like a respite in the eye of that storm,
A resistant rebellion against the worst,
And a optimistic direction toward the future.

Oh it won't ever be,
So daunting and exhausting, navigating this world,
For by your side is a crew everwilling,
Led by a restless captain, with a light heart,
Yearning to beat in time with the queen of the sea.
Ky Feb 2019
What could I ask of Valentine's Day?
To be held tight and swept away?
For the sun to lift me to the sky,
or the moon to croon a lullaby?

To find myself - to grow, to learn?
For long lost dreams to now return?
To throw my heart, and it be caught?
For deepest fears to fade to naught?

For the softest kiss? The gentlest touch?
I used to think I asked too much.
Elaborate cards and frivolous gifts
could never truly capture this.

It seems unjust that just one day
is designated now to say
what love can bring, what love can do,
what I have found, in love, with you.
Elizz Feb 2019
Sugary morsels

How original
And romantic
I sigh
For the fourth time

I think
That I would much rather
Spend my valentine's day
Counting the flecks
Of grey in their eyes

How many times I've heard this laugh
I don't have a disdain for this love
That I've acquired
How many unfinished letters


That they'll receive
Glass droplets
Containing every sweet moment

For the moments that haven't been so sweet
Mint for keeping cool
Most of the times
And talking things out

Sage for the fights that we've come back from
A greater sense of understanding towards each  other
Lavender laze
For sleepy mornings

Hazy nights
For one's delight

I am going to kiss the moon tonight
Happy Valentines day ya'll! Wrap before you tap! (It's also national ****** day)
M H John Feb 2019
The rain falls too hard
The flowers die too soon
The balloons flew away
With all the polaroids too,
The letters all burn
Along with our memories
Tee Feb 2019
Today I couldn't wait to feel the excitement of guessing who wrote my valentines card,
but all I can feel is disappointment as nothing came in the post

Today I couldn't wait to smell some soft, fresh roses,
but all I can smell is the coffee that is pushing me through the day

Today I couldn't wait to hear a romantic ballad,
but all I heard was the busy fumbles of clumsy footsteps through the busy streets

Today I couldn't wait to see the way you looked at me after I spent hours deciding what top to wear,
but all I can see is my vision beginning to blur in the mad rush of daily life

Today I couldn't wait to taste the sweet, heart-shaped chocolates,
but all I can taste is the bitterness in my voice as I try and tell you how I feel

Today I was so excited to fall in love all over again,
but I'm falling out of love
Started this to improve my grammar so don't be too harsh with my grammar!
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