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ShininGale Oct 2020
"First of all I wrote this to remind myself in the future, but then realized I should share it:> so that those people who might feel the same would know that they're not alone. Take your time to read it and please no hate, the world should always be beautiful, agree? also, to let people know that being one doesn't mean being alone. enjoy for I have taken up a lot of time to gain courage to post it on public:>>"...

Hey, you must be the future me...or just probably the aged me.
Do you remember this day? one of your good friend's day.
The day you had an open eye about the pyramids of humans.
The denial is there but fear not for it is what you call 'normal'.

You saw how people tend to change for someone, change is fine.
But when I say change... you're having a flashback right now...
again, when I say change it should be always for the better because if not... it's not change, it is just the old world and the old thing you have there. Change is something that builds you not to destroy you, agree? I'm sure you do...because you're still the old you.

The old you that believes in changes, that fights for it. That defends the people that change for the better and despise those who not. The old you who holds the past so dearly yet so ready to let go of the broken memories, because the old you only trust him to make everything beautiful again.

if not, then forgive me for I have change...

Whatever you have realized today won't change its past, but surely made a better future and a better you. For I know you have realized that have one is enough and she's still with you, am I right? those people who made you feel like you were less, don't shout nor be furious...let your success scream for you, let it fight for you, let it be your freedom, but let him finish all the battles. No one nor nothing can top the faith when it comes to your trust in him, that's why promise yourself, me, that when 99.9% of you changes...let the 0.1%  be your faith! for you know he won't let you go!

The pain, the feelings and thoughts you have there...don't be upset because bare a little more and happiness will set.

What I really mean by this note...
you felt like your too different from the others, right?
yet you defended by saying "I know and I've accepted it for a very long time now". Yes, you do accept, yet you feel like you've been trap for a very long time and accepting the fact that they're up there made you free. that's all I mean. Let it go, being cautious is fine, but guilt for the wrong thing can ****. you bared since 7th to 11th, just...just let it go...focus on greater things and wholesome realities.

If they're not like you, always remember you are not like them.
If you can't be with them, be with the people who makes you feel enough. No dramas here, being emotional isn't my thing. Pardon me, if I sounded too dramatic nor emotional...I was just being realistic about life. life isn't life without those, right? K, no more explanation about that, cause the one besides you knows what you mean.

All I wanted to say was be happy for you have lived, be grateful for you have felt, be satisfied for you were blessed. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!!
To all the ones who feels like they're so different from the people around them;
DON'T BE!!! REMEBER UNIQUE IS GOOD!!! you have what I don't, I have what you don't... but still, we both have what we have and we should learn to be grateful for that.

let it go!!! let go of the things that holds you back and hides the real you. Let go of the people who makes you feel less and grab on tight to the ones who made you feel like you are more than enough. Remember you know you.

HBD to you mah friend, thank you for opening my eyes and allowing me to feel this today. I will surely do everything to make it, you guys know what you want and that's what I mean by 'make it'.

God bless you all!!!
~Being grateful with small things is better than being ungracious with the big ones.~

Hwuating!!! 01002002020012052AM
SiouxF Oct 2020
I trust you implicitly
I’m ready
Guide me
Show me the way
And remind me to breathe
Sarah Flynn Oct 2020
you are not the first man
to take off my clothes,

but you are the first man
to see me naked while
my clothes are still on.
ShininGale Oct 2020
I knew and I still know.
I knew that I didn't belong when we were still a circle.
I still know that I don't even in the hemicycle.

It doesn't matter if were whole, when every step feels like a broken glass that is scattered all over the place.

when you thought that having a lot is many, learn from master oogway... "the more you take, the less you have".
friends are great but honesty is the best.
Phanindra Prasad Oct 2020
We love, you love
You go, I go,
You leave, I cry
You lie, I break.
We are the single shroud of same body,
Like a compass we are a single soul,
Cosmos, lilac grow on our grave,
We swing on the far stars
No one will visit.
I will live, you will live.
love poem
ABIL Oct 2020
Dear Brother,

We do not have the same mother
But the trust I have for you,
Is like no other,
Cause the bond we have
Goes beyond a color

Through thick or thin
I will always have your back,
For the times you had mine
All the those dark days alone
When I could not be fine

Cause you more than just a friend or a homie
You my Brother
Cause you really know me
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