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Erik Luo Oct 2020
The universe in you
Is speaking to you
With the rhythm
of your heartbeat

Without deception
or trickery
Like a knowing
or feeling

of where you are going
Falling into place
Singing away
Your existence
Listen to it
Sanjana Tripathi Nov 2020
Open Sky

The distance between us,
Is been filled by the open sky.
When I look up in the sky,
I feel you are staring the same sky.

I make a wish to be with you,
When I see the shooting star.
I know you too wish to be with me,
When you see the falling star.

Among all the differences,
The only thing that connect us,
Is the open sky
And the twinkling stars.

I wish to be by your side,
Holding your arms,
Gazing the stars.
& Waiting for the star to fall.

-Sanjana Tripathi
Nica Monet Oct 2020
Some may know what I’d say
Some may know what I’d do
but no one knows the demons i hide
until i found the person i knew
that would understand me too

to show vulnerability
I confess with all the knowledge you now have
my mind wants to flee
for it is not for a public audience to hear nor see
as the world responds with sympathy or hostility
please i beg you respect my trust in you
and be gentle with me.
Opening up to someone for the first time is scary. But this is someone you trust so go with how you feel and take it slow :)
Jacob Lyons Oct 2020
Why say goodbye when my purpose was nothing abound?
Just a reminder that someone held you as valuable sound?
It was all my choice, and curiosity is such a painful flirt.
It’s easier to forget what you’ve lost than remember what you’ve found.
I know my heart like a fugitive reveals the shadow of a bloodhound.
So don’t act like I never listened while I have only been around.
I’m just a puzzle piece of a photo that only made you hurt.
Drop the framed history on the hardest part of the ground.

To give the key to someone
Who wouldn’t hold the door
If you wanted your closure
You could have said so much more
I know my worth
That’s why it hurt
I am not a golden coat and broken core
Some sad stuff I guess lol
Lee Jackman Oct 2020
Why do nice guys always come last?
Iv got so much love to give.
I would do everything in my power to give you the best life.
I would be loyal.
You would be loved.
You could trust me with everything.
Our children would know a loving father.
But it feels like you dont want that.
It feels like you would rather be with a player.
It feels like you would rather be cheated on.
It feels like you would rather you children didnt know there father.
Maybe you dont really want the nice guy?
Please excuse any spelling, Im dyslexic. I have not had the confidence to share any of my poems until very recently. So kind words please
Nina Oct 2020
You told me to give you time
Because the past girls in your life changed you
I understand
You have trust issues

So i waited
Willingly i waited
I even told you
I'll wait til you're ready

But i realised that i was waiting for nothing
Because you did nothing

You told me to wait for you
But you never once bothered to try

I waited for you to open the doors of your heart
I waited during the bad days
The heavy rain
The cold nights
You never let me in once
Nor be there with me

So i guess i can never make you trust me
Despite how loyal i was even when we are thousands of miles away
I waited for you
But you never cared

I was the fool that thinking making i could make you trust
Make you open the door

But I couldn't
You never wanted me
I wasted my time
And yet
Here i am
Still waiting
Even though you're long gone
Jas Oct 2020
Woodland gardens, in their clunky brown depth
Of wet, powdered strings soiled in sap
The raw scent of shapeless red clay lost and wondered -
Where I, remember briefly, catching a glimpse of a bear
Or rather it's fur.

Mingled in the concert, a blur of peculiar bursts of noises
Struck with no identity, whimsical and plain
The songs of festivities -
Cool, romantic winds fueled the ferris wheel
As the man pressed flatly in pools of his own vitality
Broke my heart into orbes of fear and empathy.

If you watch closely
You'll come to know that men won't lie when you're listening
They won't hide.
You'll lie for them to yourself when you catch your eyes closing.
Jay M Oct 2020
Falling, crawling
A facade of comfort
When all is unknown
Unsure if those that surround
Are indeed pure and sound

Show me,
When in chaos there is found
A steadfast soldier
Not a quivering snake
Come, be bolder
Shed those whom ring
False and a thing
Hidden with them
A dagger
To be plunged into an exposed side

Come, prove thy trustworthiness
Give me a reason
To take your hand
And believe you will never drop me.

- Jay M
October 7th, 2020
A poem for a script I'm writing.
Satvik gupta Oct 2020
The wind was still still ,
Her hands rose rose,

To her ,
The night present present
the moon's shine shone
the stars winked winks
the sea waved waves

her Heart hurt
closed the door
to love darkness
like never before
i m trying my level best to make a poem with homonyms , but it seems like it aint my cup of tea , still i  will try again .
Mystic Ink Plus Oct 2020
Barbaric act
That breaks
The faith
In humanity
Genre: Observational
Theme: Be kind
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