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Zywa Mar 2022
A human doesn't

belong to humanity --

It is not a group.
The concept of humanity is fictitious

Collection "The drama"
Zywa Mar 2022
Via Via I do approximately know who I am
someone among all the people

who keep the city alive
and show me my soul
We feed each other, therefore eat
each other as one body
mankind, hungering to live
approximately knowing who we are
among each other and the rest
on our long way
up, down
and around

The goals I had, lost
and not missed, lost
in ubuntu
A Via Via café

Bantu = people; munu/muntu = man

Ubuntu = becoming and being human through others, being one, I am because we are

Song "Ich bin den weiten Weg gegangen" ("I went the long way", 1974, Hildegard Knef)

Collection "The drama"
Zywa Feb 2022
A group deforms you:

you must conform, be alike --

or will be kept out.
Collection "The drama"
Zywa Feb 2022
What I secretly do
but not hidden
from myself, the truth
that I do not want to know
yet sometimes see
in the questioning eyes
of others, surprised
or hurt, on the border
of judgment on me
is the truth in the eyes
of my conscience that examines me
I sweat, it's a purgatory
and as long as it lasts, it is
hell: I am not
just myself
but one of the others

That's the drama
"Huis clos" ("No Exit" / "Closed doors", 1944, Jean-Paul Sartre)

Collection "The drama"
Ren Sturgis Jan 2022
I looked at you and I knew,
that my day had just begun.
You looked at me with that smile,
loaded with tons of fun.
We looked at each other,
and together we became one.
IC Jan 2022
So I found a free man
Who spreads his arms and takes me under his wing
One who chases his dreams
And takes me on his clouds
So our souls fly above
But still with both feet on the ground
Geschreven voor men sweeti Arend :)
Grey Jan 2022
an everlasting love
sometimes hidden
but always there.
Zywa Dec 2021
New Year's Eve: we face

an abyss, dangerously --

we stand hand in hand.
"De afgronden" ("The abysses", 1955, Ida Gerhardt)

Collection "Em Brace"
Zywa Dec 2021
Here is the hotspot:

a meander of people --

queueing for a shot.


The Welcome signposts

lead me deep into the maze --

At Shot I am out.
Booster dose --- Collection "The drama"
How can you W..SH
without "I"?

How can you L..VE
without "I"?

How can you M..SS
without "I"?

How can you be a FR..END
without "I"?

"I" really matters
But this "I" can never be TRI..MPHANT
without "U"...
Without you I'm nothing , but together we r everything
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