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Gemma Jan 2020
You hug me.
You take me in your ams and you hold me so tight.
But with no end goal, other than me and you enjoying that moment and that embrace.  Knowing that it's right.
You kiss me.
On my lips, on my face, on my body.
But with no end goal other than me knowing you wanted to kiss me.
You listen to me, because you are interested in what I have to say. In my thoughts, in my mood, in my day.
You here my little stories, over and over again. Even though you could tell them yourself. You still listen, like it's the first time I've told you them.
You know I'm moody. And you work through it, you accept it as part of me and you love me anyway.
And that's why I know.
I know it's you. And I know it everyday.
All the times I needed you, I wish you could have been there. I did not know you then, I did not know that kind of "care" .
You came at just the right time, helped me through all my pain.
You didn't leave after you helped me, even though there was nothing for you to gain.
We have grown together you and I, we are building our life and heading for the sky!
You showed me true love, what it means to really care, you filled my heart and made it whole again, enough even, that I can share!
So I write these words for others to read, and I hope they understand, the universe has a story for you, even if it's not what you planned.
Samantha Renee Jan 2020
when you don't know what's happening or what to think
just that you need to get out
i'll walk with you.

when everyone else seems to leave or stop caring
and you don't know who to turn to
i'll stay with you.

when the world is falling to pieces around you
and you feel frozen, immobilized, trapped on your bed
i'll lay with you.

when the sun comes out once more
and the puzzle pieces start to fit together again
i'll run with you.

when your shouts turn to shrieks of joy
and smiles can't stop tugging at your lips
i'll laugh with you.

and i promise, no matter what may happen
through good and bad, big and small
i'll love you.
love through it all.
just had this idea in my head tonight and wanted to play around with it- any thoughts?
Allyssa Jan 2020
He became a reason of many.
A reason to laugh,
A reason to love,
A reason to be.
With every doubt I ever had,
It was like a cold wash of rain,
Wiping away any negativity that creeped upon me.
There was a wholeness about him,
The calm in the word safety,
A steadiness in the way he talks,
It became an overspill of excitement,
Much like the tide on a sunny day.
He reminded me of cold drives with all of the windows down,
The sound of an acoustic guitar when being plucked,
Drunken laughs and soft whispers of delicate words shared between breathless kisses,
Quiet hums in the still of an empty house.
He became my reason,
He became my home.
You're not just perfect, you're my perfect
Aquila Jan 2020
I suspect,
that my essence
was never meant
for such love.
all along,
all alone.

and thus I remain.
Cardboard-Jones Jan 2020
To everybody strugglin’, this is your song.
When you feel everything about you is so wrong.
And everyone tells you to move on.
So you try to pretend and play along.
It’s a feeling you’re afraid you won’t escape from.
Even more scared of what you might become.
Working so hard to keep it stable,
When there’s so much sitting on your table.
The weight feels so much like you’re not able,
Like you can’t overcome all the labels.
But you’re showing up,
And that’s alright.
So keep showing up,
It’ll be alright.
It’s a long fight.

Now the real you goes into hiding
Because there’s no one you can confide in.
You’re barely speaking up on these issues
Because all the say is “Oh my gosh, here’s a tissue.”
I understand.

Then the morning comes, can’t get out of bed.
Thinking of the day ahead, you’d rather be dead.
You hold it together, feet on the ground
Because you’re one bad moment from a breakdown.
Reminisce back when you could really shine.
But that’s the past tense, these are dark times.
You still face the day
Gotta show the world what you’re made of
‘Cause you know it’s too easy just to give up.
And you’re showing up,
And it’s alright.
And you’re not alone
In this long fight.
Give it a strong fight.
Steve Page Jan 2020
Big Art: The art of collaboration.

Big bouncing, cushioning,
resonating, in-phasing.

Small piece-by-piece-making,

patch-working, ingredienting,
combining, conjoining,

- collaborating.
Rifting off a phrase heard on the radio.
Grey Jan 2020
So much to do, so little time with you left..
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