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Why do I feel empty
When I've had plenty?
Didn't know when to take the last shot
Or when it was enough

All I want to do is to give up
No more strength in my body
To lift a single cup
Always trying to be someone I'm not

I've grown tired of pretending
And tired of existing.
I am empty
I am lost
I am broken.
I am sad and I am miserable

But no one listens to me
Please just listen to me!

Just listen to me.
AE Dec 2020
In wakefulness,
Your heartbeat stutters in its attempts to make peace with the impulsive evening rain.
But when you soak in the fog and embrace the coolness of winter's breath,
you will find that it will quietly sew itself into the scars that line your heart, and illuminate through your wounds in the shape of a dying ember, radiating warmth.
little lion Dec 2020
wordswordswordswordswordswordswords flood my brain when I see you;
words of thanks,
words of care,
words of love...
but every time I see you, those words are blocked by the dam of thoughtsthoughtsthoughtsthoughtsthoughtsthoughtsthoughts of the past;
thoughts of our afternoons spent together,
thoughts of our plans and promises,
thoughts of us.
then my smile quickly fades once I start to remember the painpainpainpainpainpainpain that it caused...
the pain of the lies,
the pain of the longing,
the pain of knowing that those words, those thoughts, this pain is the only part of you that will ever be mine.
I'm trying so hard to convince myself that I'm over it, but there's still some of me that misses what we shared...
Celwyn Evans Dec 2020
Again. Again. Again.
I am in the circle
It has been with me forever
Five decades
Of going round
Round and round
I am tired of repeating
I am tired of being me
Joseph S Fusaro Dec 2020
universal love
must be
all inclusive
non exclusive
or else it is non-existent.

or whatever...

i let go of needing
i let go of preaching
i’m going to go sit under a tree
i’m tired of thinking
that i learned everything
i’m tired of thinking

Shakia Dec 2020
I listen to the sounds of the night.
It shadows everything but my plight.
Silhouette of dreams cloud my subconscious.
While memories  claw their way up making me nauseous.

You see life is like a hard pill to swallow. It's necessary and sometimes the pain dulls and makes you hollow.

In these moments I call bliss.
In these moments that I fear.
Because the numbness is sometimes too great, that even my mind gets scared.

The pleasure of nothingness that yearns for something. The immediate void that leaves you wanting.

But sometimes the numbness is what makes things okay. Just a second away from the pain that haunts me.

Walking a fine line of content and nonchalance. But when the pain comes back, somethingness wishes for the numbness that it lost.

Sometimes I feel like a ghost floating through life. Wanting to touch and feel but things just pass by.

My grip on reality is feeble. Loosening by the second as I teeter on the line.

But I can't ask for help because I'm supposed to be fine. I'm supposed to able to handle the struggle life throws my way, because even though I know pain is a subjective spectrum I still don't feel like I should complain.

My heart is confused my spirit is tired. The passion that once lives in my eyes has expired.

I know not of how to fix it and sometimes I'm scared that I can't because the word failure lives in me like it's my own personal chant.

So I listen to the night hoping it'll chase away my demons. Because the light only provides me more time to see them.
the powerbank's empty
bankrupt soul
heart bleeding red

corrosive feelings
dug deepest holes
filled them with lead

why no one told me
it would be that bad?
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