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emily Sarker Aug 2018
My mind wants one thing
My heart wants another
And for my eyes, well they lay in the middle seeking to please them both
My mind orders my eyes to close and stay closed
But my heart orders for them to open to see you
When my heart takes over my mind gives in
When my mind takes over my heart gives in
For my heart sees nothing but unconditional love for you
But my mind sees the reality of the fact I cannot take a chance with hurt for now.
My mind will not risk letting you into my life in the fear you will hurt me
And my heart will not stop beating to be closer to you and loving you
As for my eyes, it sits, and watches this race
Heart vs mind who will win…….
i fell for him when my mind wasn't ready to love in fear of having my heart broken but i simply couldn't shake the feeling he gave my heart won<3
You were the it,
the only thing.
The inspiration I hadn't yet met.
The hypothetical metaphor,
in story book prose.
Anika May 2018
Just as the Earth had given up hope
The Moon came waltzing in.
He took her hand and guided her lane
And steered her clear from sin.

“Darling don’t make me throw you a rope,
“Even though you know I will.
“This world can drive anyone insane
“But yours is a special skill.”

And he stayed and showed her how to cope
Encouraging her to leap.
“Your destiny is more than the pain
“And your beauty you must keep.”

And he stayed and showed her the Earth’s scope
For his orbit kept him there.
They knew that the world had much to gain
From this formidable pair.

And then just before they could elope
The Sun finally broke free.
“Now’s the time for destiny to reign
“And there have always been three.”

But now this is a slippery *****
When the three become The One.
The Sun will set and the Moon will wane
But the Earth is never done.
Stewie Apr 2018
There will be a day, in which you meet a man who makes you whole again.
He will make you believe in magic
He won’t stray to another woman’s thighs
There will be a day, in which this man will cry tears with you
You will begin to wonder why you swore off love before him
He will redefine ‘the one’ all over again
Autumn Lewis Apr 2018
I love the one who makes me laugh for no reason
I love the one I've made it through all the seasons
I love the curve of his smile and the way his eyes grow when he sees me
I love the one who took the bitter out of my heart and replaced it with glee

I will never forget the touch of his skin for the first time
I will never forget the hours we spent on my back porch listening to the wind chimes
I will never forget the everlasting kiss that sealed our fate
I will never forget the words that took away my breath , "Would you want to date?"

I will never forget and always love the one
To my perfect boyfriend and mate I hope forever <3
Bella S Apr 2018
I thought he was the one
I was wrong.
My parents told me I was singing the wrong song
That I needed to be strong
Not to hold on
But I didn’t listen.
I chased an impossible dream
I needed a different scheme.
My heart wanted to grasp someone,
Call them mine
But I couldn’t consign.
I broke him,
He broke me.
I wanted to flee,
These chains that held me
Why? Oh, why does this hurt?
I felt like dirt.
Sitting in my skirt
Waiting for him to arrive,
But he left me to survive
The wilderness haunting
And he didn’t mind flaunting,
That I needed him more than he needed me.
He knows he wasn’t the one, but he left me to figure out that by myself
He left my heart on top of the shelf.
For me to climb high trying to reach it,
But I was so lost that he wouldn’t preach it.
Why? Oh, why did he do this?
Why did he flirt?
When all he did was hurt.
Tell me why this happened?
Why did he flatten
My once beating heart
And rip it apart.
For the mistakes he made
That he will never aid
But yet he never triads
The love I had for him,
Back to me.
Tell me why; so I can understand, so I can heal, so I can learn.
Tiana Marie Apr 2018
I was walking down the street the other day
and I swear I saw you walk past me.
Now, of course, you don't even know me, and,
well, to be honest, I don't really know you too.
But you believe in love at first sight, right? Well, don't you?

I bet you don't. You seemed too sophisticated for that.
I could tell by the way you walked on by
and the way you talked on your cell phone like you
had authority or like someone was waiting for you in strife
on the other side– I know I've waited for you my whole life.

When you walked on past, did you notice me?
Probably not, but that's okay. I'm not the type that turns heads.
I'm only the type that turns them away.
But, if you are who I think you are– my perfect Mr. Right–
then someday you will walk past me again. You just might.

On that day, I'll be ready. I promise you I will be.
I'll take you into my loving arms and kiss you softly.
Well, won't you like that? You must, for if you're my Mr. Right
then I'm your Mrs. Right. Unless you weren't sent from above
and even you– the perfect one– becomes an act of unrequited love.
I started a vlogging youtube channel! If you're interested, check it out! Please?
Tiana Marie Apr 2018
They say you'll know
when you feel the butterflies
take over your stomach
and you can't think.

They say you'll know
when you grab their hand
and you feel sparks
ignite in every direction.

They say you'll know
when your mind clouds
so much that you feel dizzy
and you have to take a rest.

But the day I knew
I didn't feel
In fact,
my mind hadn't been any more clear.

The day I knew
I was sick in bed
and you brought me some
chicken noodle soup.

It was a simple act
that told me you cared
and made me realize
how much I care too.
DancingEnt Apr 2018
He's the one
That kisses my fingers
From base to tip
As if nothing so fine has ever met his lips
He's the one
That holds me at night
While he snores in my ear
And it's the sweetest thing I'll ever hear
He's the one
That stays up late
Talking about his dreams
And it's enough to make me burst at the seams
He's the one
I'll spend every day with
And still find myself missing
All his loving and his kissing
He's the one
I'm going to marry
And we'll spend the rest of our lives
And falling in love all over
He's the One
Future Mrs. Something.
Liam B Mar 2018
As ships pass in the night
I still tremble upon your vision
morning and night your beauty never escapes
your smile melts me as a cutting torch renders the steel
and the warm rush fills the void

My soul pants for thee,
for you, O thief of my heart
my heart that waged a secret war within my chest
waving the white flag of surrender
you have won for I cannot fight it

The battle was as if
sending smoke signals from adjacent hilltops
a wordless struggle trying to search
finding two hearts that beat as one

As in the spoils of war
I am your secret trophy
if just only in your heart
where I hope you keep me

For my life is forever changed
just knowing you exist
a beautiful dream
I shall never forget.
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