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Jamie King Jan 2015
Caramel lips, with a body bathed in whipped cream and melted chocolate. With a taste that invigorates every last sansation within.

my eyes are hypnotised as she softly whispers in my ears to dine and delight. Leading me to temples of pleasure.
Her fingers as soft as feathers of golden eagles.
I'm riddled as to why I feel so feeble.

she has mastered the art of knismesis while I am still an apprentince.
temptation consumes me whole, while she moans I indulge in her as the night slowly... grows
Wrote this one in the morning ... I don't think I need to explain further haha
Autumn Whipple Jan 2015
why are so many things so tempting?
why do people let their hearts rule their hands
rule their mouths
rule their minds
why do I?
I can't control my hands, my words my mind
the seduction is there
every step of the time
the rules the lines they all become blurred
and all my thoughts just whirl and stir
a cesspit of temptation
to do things I shouldn't
to do things that would hurt others but make life easier,
to disobey the rules
I've followed my entire life
don't spend too much time reading and study instead
the seduction is there
pulling along
changing my ways
making everyday a little harder
a little bit better
a cruel mistress with  
the best
of intentions
no notes suffice.
You're tempting me.

Releasing the demons in my mind
With their thoughts of you,
Craving, wanting to consume you,
Take you over, make you scream,
In pleasure, in ecstasy,
The thought of being in you.

Licking my lips, I want it.
I'm giving in.
I want to taste your flesh.
I want to have all of you.

You wont be able to handle it:
The devilish things I'd do to you.

But you're tempting me. I know,
You want it too.

So take it off.

You're mine to feast on tonight.
Maybe a bit too much? Haha.
I'm waiting for you to let me break you. Just like I've been trying not to. Like I know I can. You beg me for it sometimes. When you look at me with wide eyes, and parted lips, and tell me that you love me, and beg me to love you to. I'm waiting for the moment when the temptation is too hard to resist. When I smile through the bottom of a glass of whiskey and tell you the truth that's sits on the tip of my tongue. I'll give in to the temptation of him and his flesh. Then you'll be  alone, and so will I. Even though I'm wrapped in his arms.
Sally A Bayan Jan 2015
A box teases me
But aching limbs say, "Beware!"


Copyright 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***it is easy to fall,
       rising from the fall
            is what takes time.***
WickedHope Dec 2014
He calls me
his *****'s quiet,
straight edge friend,
but he doesn't know
the dark things
I do when I'm alone
and screaming.
No one does, really.
... I wish I was sXe, but I'm too
addicted to the physical temptations
my demons have placed in my hands. ***
Lynn Greyling Dec 2014
With your gentle way
you weave your magic
through my heart.

How can I resist
to know your touch,
look into your eyes?

How can I not
mould softly
into your arms?

I can think of times
a thousand, places
a myriad, to want
to be with you!
Rock n Roll Poet Dec 2014
Does anyone hear the footsteps of a lone man walking,
Hear the battle of his conscious and conscience that rages against his desires and temptations,
He hides a secret from the world,
It's easier for him to be locked away unable to hurt others,
They can't see the beast that is caged behind his eyes,
If they did they'd run, if they don't they should,
Unable to control the natural urge he had to burry the key long ago,
Keep the arm extended, let people believe they know.
But they don't, they can't, he will keep the animal out of sight,
Don't ask him to release it, you'll end up regretting it and getting bit.
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
Vicious desire becomes wild,
Heart pleads like a child.
Brain controls naughty heart
with scoldings stern and ****,
but heart controls all sensations.
God! help me control temptation.
they say this sage will help her come out.
the red smoke will bring her presence.
she dances in the woods ,
and you can only catch a glimpse of her.
her blonde hair flows like a river over rocks,
skin pale as the moon,
she moves so swiftly that she could be right behind you and youd have no idea.
you hear her voice singing her song.
"at break of dawn when theres barely any sun,
come to me my sad one. there was a little toolshed where he made us suffer. he sees everything, and were his forever. my body is the art of Lucifer.  so come to me my sad one. "
she repeats the song about 3 times but on the third you hear someone with her.
when the sage clears up its like nothing happened.
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