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Bartholomew Oct 2018
I used to sit here all alone and contemplate on my life and the emotional crisis I bestow upon my very soul.

My favorite spot in the neighborhood.

The wind would blow as I sit here listening to the creak from the metal chain as this tire swing swung.....

Swung me away from this reality as I laid on the tire, eyez facing the clouds, the white swirls mixed in the baby blue canvas as the smell of the tan bark filled the air with its aroma.

Then one day you joined me.
My best friend.
My first love.
That real love.

I held you close and inhaled the scent of your hair. Held you tight because you were mine. In this deep trance called love but at that very moment I was falling deeper and deeper into your spell. My heart pounding.

Conversed about our future.

You mentioned that one day you would want to own the sky blue three story house across the street. The house with the white stairs and the sun face painted in the tympanum of the pediment. We admired it from the tire swing.

We sat on that swing and I held you for hours. I never thought that one day I would let go.
To ShellBee
rebecca Sep 2018
Isn’t this life hard?
Sometimes I wish we had a pause button, to just
stop everything for a moment,
take a breath for a while.
Not forever, but for a while.
Sometimes I wish we were closer, that we talked
like we used to. Sometimes I wish
you and I could go back to a few months ago,
back to last summer, when things were better,
before they went back to worse.
Sometimes I wish you hadn’t called quits,
before calling me first.
Sometimes I wish you would come find me,
hold me like you did before.
I wish you didn’t leave.
-why don’t you come back-
I wish you would come and keep me.
Come back?
missmoonlight Sep 2018
Holding onto something when it's hardly in your grasp,
Walking into forests when there’s thorns in the grass,
I'll keep following.

Chasing ghosts until the moon turns light,
Our hearts racing laced with all the colours of the night,
I'll keep following.

You keep me fighting,
You keep me wondering,
Show me the light and shelter me from the world outside.

You pull me closer than I ever thought you could,
No matter where I am I find my footsteps where you stood,
I get lost when you enter my mind,
The tide gravitates me by your side.
An absolutely magical, all consuming wholesome love.
a daydreamer Jul 2018
“I'm a mess”, he said, eyes so hollow
that I barely recognize him at all. “I'm the most pathetic human, aren't I?”

I wanted to say, no, you're not.
You've got the most alluring soul
that most angels would walk on earth
only to see you.

No, you're not a shack of mess,
for your heart is built of beautiful memories
and delicate love, for your smile
is worth to go war for, for your heart
is all I want to protect for.

I wanted to say—

“C'mon, don't be too sad,” I said while
elbowing his shoulder. “You're cool,
you know that?”

When he kept quiet, I continued,
“Well, she's not the only person
on earth after all.”
I hope you notice me
yellow soul Jul 2018
he is the first thing I think about in the morning
he is the last thing I think about at night
he is the only thing I dream about
he is the Only thing I want so bad, but I can’t have
he wants more than my sweet kisses and my hand in his
he wants us to be more than friends and I want to
but my parents are so strict,
that if I tell them all the things we love to do together
will be forbidden,
we weren’t be allowed in my room alone with the door closed
and I bet my parents will be so mean to him
he is my forbidden love the thing I really want but can’t have.
Nick Oh Oct 2017
Achy leaky Heart
Achy leaky Heart
What can I do
if she's torn you apart?
What can I do
if it's not you
she chose to be a part?

O' won't you tell me
Achy leaky Heart
Achy leaky Heart.
hannah Aug 2017
The swell of your feverish hands over mine.
Sweat soaking into my skin.
I’m clutching every part of you I can grasp,
Every part of you I can fit into my palm.

We’re sitting beneath the hollow tree,
Beneath the ocean of a sky,
Beneath the screaming black-billed cuckoos.

We don't say a word because we don't need to;
Just silent prayers burned between us,
Scarred into pale, malnourished bones.

I look at you as your sloe-eyed gaze
bores into the mountains of clouds swimming above us.

I want to kiss you,
But all I can do is lay my head on your shoulder,
Wishing I could build a home out of your collarbones.

I don't ever feel safe anymore.

Except when I’m forgetting everything, with you.

At dusk,
I tried to unlearn the way the gold in your skin,
Possessed your face in scintillant rays of spots.

I could count each one if I had the time,
But you’re already turning your spine stuffing back away from me,
And skipping back home

Without the bother or concern to look back.
I'm quite sad
By: Ramon Carlos T. Castillo (Jack Wilder)

We're in the days of our youth,
It's the perfect time to be alive,
Young and naive in the world of reality's mess,
So come with me and spread your arms wide,
Throw your problems and hang on tight,
We're about to break free and fly,
Going to disappear into the night,
Only being seen on the shades of traffic lights,
No worries, no tomorrow to bother about,
Just now and the both of us,
Gone with the wind fading into the darkness,
Forever, yes we'll be,
Forever, we'll be young.
As I write this poem at 1:30am please know that I have to wake up early tomorrow at 3:00 am to get ready for my scholarship appointment at 7:00 am. Please tell our God Almighty to lead me to safety.

Love Always,
Ramon Carlos
Late night stars Sep 2016
The Faster I run
The Slower and slower you walk

The Faster I fall into you
The Slower and slower you drop me

The Faster I call
The Slower and slower you pick up

The Faster I drown
The Slower and slower you jump in

The Faster I sink to the bottom
The Slower and slower you gather me up

I slow down and i'm ready to lay
but you pick up the pace ready to stay

The faster you move on to me
The slower and slower I move on from you
1 am
Lovey Aug 2016
You're heart is a song.
You're eyes are my favorite place to get lost.
You're love is my favorite thing to sink into.
Our little talks, our smiles, our stares at each other, our silence, our story. They are all my favorite dreams.

I love you, more than I thought.
Secretly you took my heart over.

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