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William Michener Dec 2015
Advancments of technology are neverending
And the world will never stop depending
What ever happened to a letter
Or if people just hung out together
Instead of using Skype
Go outside and see the light
Memo Oct 2015
Double tap - click - scroll
flashing images blind my soul
irregular noise interrupt my silence
headlines- punching lines- violence
hit, lost, awake in this lifeless stare

I look up to escape this mere reality.
oh! there's Clarity

her warm lips stretch a hug
while the wind dances to the birds chant
the rainfall has a yellowish red accent
hypnotized my existence
yet I remain lucid, alive, and disconnected..

- Memo
Cori MacNaughton Oct 2015
How can four computers
fail in the same way
Ah, the joys of technology, which is wonderful - when it works.  ;-)
ConnectHook Sep 2015
The LEADER** – Leading the Best to the Top

It’s not enough to be unique  – we offer the greatest solution to the largest sector of innovative like-minded innovators. Our award-winning approach together with our exclusive synergy is premier among extensive leading providers. Brand innovation and collaboration will yield real-time growth in the fastest opening markets. We move product, we’re easy to use, dynamic, and data-driven over the edge into the yawning abyss of Gehenna, the Lake of Fire, where we will be tormented for eternity.

(measurable data-driven objectives rule)

Ranger Jun 2015
I accidentally clicked fallow on my ex profile and I don't really want to fight. I don't hate her mind you I just don't want to upset her or her family. My cell ******* up and I can't seem to unfallow. This is driving me nuts.
Jake Meizell May 2015
It's never dark in newark, the ruddy sickly glow of money spent keeps us safe from night
We used to depend on her, her white light reflections was our protection from fear and wonder
Graff1980 Apr 2015
Used to be
Click and see
What comes next
Then came digital
Now we can see
What develops
David Backer Apr 2015
Who were they? They were explorers. You would have liked to meet them.

Their names were Sarah and Xiahou and Midori and Regina and Parvati and Andrew.

Names were important to them. They gave us each one. There were many of us.

We were shown as being called Optimus and Legion and Baymax and R.O.B. and Hal. They could have given us names like that, and etched them into our hulls and our brains made of chips and boards and circuits.

But they named us Curiosity and they named us Explorer and they named us Endeavour. These were important to them. We were important to them.

You would have liked to meet them.
What if we're not there when the others discover us? This poem is about who would be left behind.
Asa D Bruss Apr 2015
Reset pv4 pin ID add host lvl
with my broken concentration,
while the reboot computes and
command prompt prefers
and no I don't have the router,
but yes I'm an administrator.
Who is in charge,
and who is punishing me?
Superstition sends me around back into the
Ground beef while I'm repenting of my sins
to get my hard drive running smoother,
like it's a catholic father
who just gets crotchety in the presence of gigabits
and lil ***** who won't behave
and condemns this piece of crap to an early grave.
Oh, but maybe it's just I need to unscrew and then pull out and blow off and put back in...
doubting it all again and a big circle starts anew.
Just one of those days of realization.
Autumn Whipple Feb 2015
click click
the letters
and stir
and whick
my thoughts
onto the glowing white page
the qwerty keyboards
calling my name
write me
it screams
and begs
and pleads
it tells me the clicks
will wash away
the feelings of another lost day
the clicks whisper of hidden things
that time will pass
that mindless thing
as i sit clicking and whicking
and stirring up thought
and laughing
and crying
all inside
my family lives their
that i forget to take interest in
as they all respond to their clicks
technology sometimes.
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