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Rocky Abraham Feb 12
"Falling in love from across the table."

That Beautiful Day........

A beautiful day came to greet us, in the midst of our lives.
We were just ordinary friends, as we had always been.
You—the kind sister of my dear friend,
You arrived, and I joined on that day.

We chose a simple place to dine,
Just like how falling in love is simple.
With a simple person, in a simple way,
Sitting simply, speaking simply.

The world was bustling, yet time stood still.
Paused—just so I could gaze at you for a moment.
Through careful glances, I admired you.
That day, I fell in love… just a little.

Your smile and laughter remained constant,
Constantly pulling my gaze back to you,
Just to make sure—it was really you.
You, who melted my heart like water.

A whisper echoed softly within me:
"There she is… she has captivated you."
Oh sweet one, dearest woman,
A sweet blessing from God.
Thank you for gracing a moment of my life.
May we go further, beyond that day.

I have found Deogifta—God’s Gift.

Deogifta Graciani Lailossa🌻.
Maria Feb 6
I want to go home so much!
I want to go to my open essence.
There’s coffee on the table. It’s undrunk.
And there’s my future, which is pure taintless.

I want to go home, to my place.
The time is ripe: my heart and soul are holed.
To hell with being along! I go home!
I am invisible. And here I am cold.
Graeme Feb 1
The dinner table.
It is called what it is despite the use for all meals
starts out with breakfast
the kids get their backpacks from the chairs and go to school.

The dinner table.
Come lunchtime, sandwiches
prepared on its rough tired surface
waiting for the children to come home and enjoy them.

The dinner table.
Now comes dinner,
A place of comfort and good thing
where every expressed meal takes place in the American home.

The dinner table.
Wooden, ovoid piece of furniture located in the formal dining room
such a work of art in yet such a pleasant, morsel-resting masterpiece
a family heirloom often overlooked for its uses.

The dining room is where the family can relax at the universal dining counter for mealtime.

The kitchen is where the food is made and prepared. But tonight, we have other meal plans.

The dinner table.
Let us rest our heads upon its surface and say a prayer of thanks
let us praise the Lord for the food he has blessed us with.
Now let’s eat! This takeout looks delicious!
Written in 2013. This was written for a school poetry project.
Nemusa Dec 2024
Cluttered table speaks,
tokens of a life lived loud,
calm in chaos found.

Cups of coffee cold,
wine glasses stained by night's touch,
ashtrays hold secrets.

Paint smears on paper,
incense curling through the air,
cameras frozen time.

Books and tickets stacked,
recipes lost in the mess,
pills stillness provide.

He hates the chaos,
but these remnants hold my world,
quiet battles fought.
So my kitchen table is a mess and my partner hates it but tolerates it because he knows what it means to me... I love him dearly
Steve Page Oct 2023
He set out the long, round table
Sufficiently spatial for a up close wedding supper
with the family reclining,
face to face, facing the King,
with room for eternity
I'm been writing a lot about hospitality recently - but I've been trying to write on a completely different theme.
Bardo May 2023
Sitting at a table in a pub with some other people who look really upset, nay
   aghast at something I've just said
And I have this ventriloquist's Dummy on my
His nose is very red as are his ears, even his
   cheeks have a reddish tint
And he has this crazy wild look on his face
And he's also wearing this funny disjointed jacket which has all these very
   flamboyant colours on it
Just like the colours of all the Bottles of
   Spirits hanging over at the Bar

And I'm there and I'm pointing at the Dummy
   explaining to the other people
"It wasn't me, it was just the Drink talking!".
Happy May days ! A bit of fun.
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, and she dreams:?

expired sunset
a multicolored sky fired and met
wings of flee burnt rain
dawns of lasts in unseen flames

the table dines
lions chase forests of mine
like when the first sip shadowed
of the water green in lakes shallow

hands shot eyes intake
tremble ripped canvas of french fake
ashes unknown no name
to reach out faces or claim

polished the twenty third
out of the bathing bird
a Sunday morning motions
a faze of a dark table believed bad omen

Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, just an old a family memory on a dinner table--sorry no rhymes :>

to the no one who is not recognizing......
when I stopped for a long stare for me

I stopped and looked around me searching for something that
I don't know stashed deep into the picture I view

I smiled for the happiness that invades those hearts
for the gratitude that my soul is permeated
I crowned the thrones of blood in pure joy
I stole the sounds of laughter

I screened that shot that is bottled into the core of my memories that shot the reason I am on ground in this life
the reason that I believe in the reason that I hang on to the reason

that I long on my stormy nights and deprived alones
I locked them on that table of love and warm clouds attached
when I stopped for a long stare for me

                                                             ­                              ------ravenfeels
Celestial Nov 2020
Quaint, small and overall,
With the forest green.

Closest thing he has seen,
For a place to invite.
Those who lift the kites.

Beings who draw veins on leaves.
To whom believes,
In tiny things with wings.

He sings!
Chairs armless for their spread.
While exchanging the sweet bread.

Only three seats.
"One always open" he beats,
For an uncertain one.

Never to be filled it seems,
He still beams
Because he knows can see.
Amanda Hawk Jul 2020
I will sip

This life slowly

Remember you

By Friday

With each carbonated hiccup

Your face reminds me

Of brightly colored wrapping paper

Always loud with a mouth ready to be opened

So I will collect this life

Into a chipped tea cup

Slightly jagged edge that nips my lips

With every sip

Like our conversations

Gathering up tidbits

Of current events, laughter, and insults

Pour them across the table

Come Friday

So I will sip

This life slowly
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