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EP Robles Sep 2018
THAT in my fever while sanity has escaped by baluster
i continue to gaze in daze across the sea of white-
capped madness

Each o-shaped mouth
Each Black-bead eye
and all the ears
     all the chins

  speak an infinite story of nothing but sadness.
And within the orchestral pit finely dressed musicians
they shed b-flat note tears; their mannequin powder-white
skin a color of pink's sunsetting murmur.

Simply, the true story is off stage toward this
improbable army audience; the finely carved polychrome
citizens start to move;  half-bodied and more alive
than the flesh-kingdom.

   Last night.  Last night i felt.  
That one's life can be as real as one's imagination
   if you sinerely wish it.

:: 08-23-2018 ::
wishing the reader to decide what it means for them
EP Robles Sep 2018
THE PRECIOUS terror is realizing
most adults are dead children
or like a day that folds itself into

a basket of reborn night.  That long-
necked geese and stiff necks are
either pretending giraffes or self

consumed souls; ignoring the mirror's
reflecting thoughts introspection
devours it's own mouth.  

  Surrealism is hickey upon my heart
that bests freezer burn sunlight any
now.  Kiss me you brilliant stupid

:: 08-30-2018 ::
EP Robles Sep 2018
i am dumb.  you caught me eating  beach sand
when steak is upon the table.  And now my teeth
are crumbling sand castles / as youth begged me
to build my empire \ i am old. the guardian of
my soul reminds me a hater sees though blind and
lovers be blind but can see \an emptiness felt i
have never filled. The sensitive see more and
the poor eat feasts within their sleep.  i weep.
bolts of lightening.  laughter created the universe.
wewereso youthful and time yet born when the
few of us decided to explore the 'place of darkness'
and found life which creates life.  i am
dumbfounded.  by free will.  we all have it but
without choice.  _/_/_/___

:: 08-29-2018 ::
Merry Aug 2018
Contemporary art
Dada and surrealism
Paint in my heart
Stella Jul 2018
There’s the angel nodding at me
Just as I was thinking about independence
Or commitment?
Well aren’t they the same thing, anyway.
The typewriter unnumbs my brain
Makes it lose its soft malleability
That Ancient Greeks so despise to this day.
I can be good in that frozen brain
But I can’t be well. She looks
At me and smiles like a cat
And I get scared of the feathers of her words.
The sand the figurine
The cancer
All a grainy, grinding noise in my hand
She sees through me
And I am left with no one I can hide from
To ease my separation anxiety.

The keep where I keep my own mind’s words
Is looking at me, rejected.
That is because the angel’s words I need so much, that whe-
-n they finally arrive I’ve got to grab them before they get the chance to pull and drag me.

Drag me. Type type type. And then you wonder why I started getting migraines.Thirty soon and every decade it gets deeper. The disturbance. The divergence. The ******* through the elements of the dullest childhood in the whole **** world.

The end of some kind of sense.
Drinks turn to drinks, turn to drinks, turn to drinks,
Turn to acidic love,
Eviscerating my sight with technicolour,
An extraordinary hallucinatory rush,
Holding hands or laying in laps,
Falling into ribs or the booming bass of summer hits,
Rising and soaring then crashing into loops,
Of thought,
Falling into ribs or the booming bass of summer hits,
Falling into loops of thought,
Falling in love,
Texting my friends, feeling unsure if I’m thinking or talking,
Words on the screen convey the words in my head,
That’s mad,
The blinding light of a children show whirls,
I think I know my type,
I hope she kisses me,
I need to get out of this situation,
What about drawing?
Or music?
Or sit in silence for 45 minutes flat,
Or watch X2: X-Men United,
Stuck in loops,
Time has passed,
One sudden snap,
And it’s ******* awful,
Coming down,
Hold on and go to work,
Really good, I’ll try it next week,
And although I should know better; it all felt so magical and real,
I fell in love a little bit,
And lost myself a little more
Nis Jun 2018
"Tu ignorancia es un monte de leones, Stanton"
                                                        ­                                       -García Lorca

Juntos para morir,
separados para vivir.

Como un manantial de loros te canto, Stanton
no se quien eres pero nunca nos encontraremos
cual cima de hipopótamos, cual valle de elefantes.

Podría seguir, seguir con mi orografía animal, Stanton.
Sentirme una Lorca envalentonada,
envalentonada como un monte de leones.
Pero no lo soy.

Sólo soy un intento de física,
un intento de poetisa,
un intento de mujer,
un intento de persona.
Un intento.

Reímos juntos aquel día,
aún hoy lloramos separadas.

Y este poema se torna pensamientos no ligados.
nuca lo estuvieron.
Mi ignorancia siempre fue un monte de leones.
Y mis pensamientos se tornan contra mí una vez más.

Contra mi cuerpo: mi archienemigo,
tantas veces te he escrito para herirte,
tantas veces te he herido para herirte.
Mi odio hacia ti es una riada de cuervos.

Contra mi mente: falsa amiga,
tantas veces te he usado para servirme
tantas veces me has herido al servirme.
Mi rencor hacia ti es un acantilado de ratas.

Y sí, este poema es una excusa para alabar el citado verso,
pero entre verso y verso se cuela mi odio,
cual filtro de lemures, cual escurridero de serpientes.
Mi odio por todo, mi odio por nada.

Y aquí termina mi canto, diciéndote una vez más, Stanton.
Tu ignorancia es un monte de leones.


                                   "Your ignorance is a mountain of lions, Stanton"
                                                        ­                                       -García Lorca

Together dying,
apart living.

Like a spring of parrots I sing to you, Stanton
I don't know who you are but we'll never meet
like peak of hippopotamus, like valley of elephants.

I could continue, continue with my animal orography, Stanton.
Feeling myself an encouraged Lorca,
encouraged like a mountain of lions.
But I'm not one.

I'm only an attempt of a physic,
an attempt of a poet,
an attempt of a woman,
an attempt of a person.
An attempt.

We laughed together that day,
even today we cry alone.

This poem turns itself thoughts not linked.
They never were.
My ignorance has always been a mountain of lions.
And my thoughts turn against me once again.

Against my body: my archenemy,
so many times I have written to harm you,
so many times I have harmed you tu harm you.
My hatred towards you is a stream of raven.

Against my mind: false friend,
so many times I have used you to serve me,
so many times you have harmed you to serve me.
Mi resentment towards you is a cliff of rats.

And yes, this poem is an excuse tu praise the mentioned verse,
but between verse and verse my hatred creeps in,
like filter of lemures, like sink of snakes.
My hatred towards everything, my hatred towards nothing.

And here my singing ends, telling you once again, Stanton.
Your ignorance is a mountain of lions.
Más que un poema, pensamientos poco relacionados inspirados por el verso de Lorca en "Poeta en New York"
More than a poem, thoughts with little connection inspired by the verse from "Pote in New York" by Lorca
Claire LeBoeuf May 2018
I am infested
   with bulbs which
sprout from my pores.
   mold and fungus -
living things.

i clean myself with windex
   i clean myself with bleach
but i am still
unable to uproot
   that which sprouts within me.
inspired by emily dickinson, i think.
Marco Buschini Dec 2016
Lie within chaos, and create comfort
In visions of endless love.
Riding slowly on the crest of a morning fling, and flutter,
The body stutters
Like a street dancer.
Shine in different directions
And end the yearning
For a love of creativity
By stripping off
And darting
Into a sea of uncertainty,
with a sense of
Unimaginable lust for what keeps you
Ticking like a sturdy clock.
Find the rhymes that combine
With what lies inside the mind,
To stumble upon the future pleasure,
That you unearth with delight,
As you wonder.
Inspiration is born out of desire.
Fuel to fire the birth of creation.
The mind quakes for a taste
Of the cake, that is blessed with greatness.
croob Apr 2018
slimy snake sam. cold cruel callous. harbor hamwich hats. justify juxtaposed jam-wads.
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