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I have loved you
From the moment our eyes
Met across the crowded street
On that scorching summer day

And though summer
Soon came to a bitter end
I have loved you through
Every season ever since

And I guess I always will
Petals in the breeze,
swirling around trees,
cherry blossom dance.
The long nights
We spent together
In each other's arms

A laugh we shared
We could only wish
That summer
Would never end

I had known from the start
I loved you
We watched the sunset

The sand in your hair
The smile on your face
My worries faded
With each word you spoke

But I saw the way you looked at her
When you thought I wasn't around
When I saw the sparkle in your eyes
That's when I began to cry

Do you not love me
My dear
I always thought you were the one
Who would settle all my fears

So now I wonder
Will we ever stay the same
Will you remember me
When summer ends again
Won first place in a writing contest, the theme was summer.
It's really old, but I really like how I did the last two lines

Little yellow trumpets that herald the coming Spring.
They shyly rise above the earth until, fully grown,
Then loudly proclaim
That Winter has turned on its heels
To give way to longer, warmer days.

And when their fanfare fades away,
the sweet peal of the bluebells can be heard,
Drifting across the early dawn.

And snowdrops smile,
Knowing that Summer will soon be here.
Not 'that' Daffodils poem!
If I am to die any time soon
Please, lord, let it be on a Sunday afternoon;
Let it be 15 degrees with a slight breeze;
Let it be under a soft sky with a purple hue;
Let it put an end to me feeling so blue;
As the aeroplane trails fade out of sight,
Let the blackbird song lull me into night.
I resign!
Nishu Mathur Feb 28
Up and down we gently go
Round and around in a spell —
While the music softly plays
On the carousel.

Up and down on a summer night
Where smiles and laughter dwell
Astride a golden horse and lion
On the carousel.

We'll wave as the world goes by
And carry a tale to tell
Singing a song of childhood
On the carousel
Someday summer comes again,
Someday the sun does away with cold winds.
Winter doesn't last forever,
Winter will leave us soon.
I know we're at it's end,
I can see the light linger longer.
Winter will come to a close,
Winter snows have ceased their blow.
Someday the warm rays will melt the ice,
Someday stars will glow in a warm evening again.
It's felt like ages since the first snow fall of this ever-lasting winter.
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