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Poetic T Feb 2018
Elapsing into cognitive repercussions,
               a thought never one to fade.

Always an afterimage
  burnt on to the psyche
           of delicate dewdrops clinging.

Within a consciousness
              that never  evaporates
just lingers in a reflection of it hanging

Like its waiting to suffocate
           but the breath of reality
                              gives it respite.
Eve Feb 2018
You know
I've always heard
People saying and ranting
About going home
Home home home

I don't know why
My home is a place
A place where i never want to be
I hate it there

It's so suffocating
The minds there are ignorant
And and stifling
I hate it there

It's where my eyelids
Are pasted together
And where my lips
Are stapled together
I hate it there

It's where my thoughts
Are are vile
And my heart is
Just an *****
I hate it there

It's where there's always
A preach about god
But what god would
Allow stifle
Allow suffocation
Allow ignorance

It's a place that i hate
I hate
I hate

Sabila Siddiqui Feb 2018
“I can’t  b  r  e  a  t  h  e.  You’re trying to sheathe me from the world. But I just want  to scream and flee. I want to leave, I want to escape. I don’t want to be bounded, I don’t want to be caged. But your muscles are possessive, hands like shackles and ribs encasing and engaging. Your scent clings to my finger and your embracement breaks my bones. Your words make decisions for me, exerting boundaries onto me. You’re stifling my breath and suffocating me. You want my blood to move at your accord. But I am drowning, choking and gasping. You’re pushing me away by entitling me. Your possessiveness knows no limits as you become invasive. You say it’s just because you love me, that you would go beyond any limit; but it’s obsessive. I feel like I am on a leash. I am no longer my own person, but a puppet to my master. A land to your dominian.”
Sam Feb 2018
I suffocate tonight
In the shadows of you and I
Slowly engulfed by darkness
As I lay alone in bed

I suffocate tonight
In the absence of your love
Alone my soul decays
Burning slowly away
Nitika Feb 2018
I drowned myself in this water,
I called it some place home after too long.

I let it soak into me,
I let it surround myself with nothing else.

For so long I clung onto hope,
But now I knew it would never get better than here.

It was a moment of settling,
Something I knew I had to adapt for a lifetime.

I was from where they said words and actions mattered a lot,
But somewhere over here, anything would mean nothing.

For so long, I had told myself,
For as long as I can imagine,
I want you know it was since forever,
I recall,
I told myself everyday,
I had hope, and with this breath I could change.

But below the water, it was just bubbles,
And after a while when I stopped struggling,
I realised the satisfaction of not constantly reminding myself -it gets better

I had almost filled my lungs with water,
When I came to this realisation,
But the thought of no reminders,
No push through’s or
a show for everyone else;
To let the world know I would be fine
I was
doing okay right now
I really was only doing okay-
right now.

I don’t have a problem with you,
I fear you’d not be able to keep up with my problems,
Cause it’s not everyday some new tragedy,
It’s just a new understanding of my troubles.

Everyday deeper,
What wore be out the most,
Is to having to keep up for everyone around me,
So they could understand me more.

Right before

I’m living death.
Jaz Feb 2018
One wanted my body so bad
He was crippled by his desires

Another held me so tight
I thought I might suffocate

One more came along
He let me roam free
But even the freedom felt like a dream

There was one I found perfect
But he just wanted to use my kindness
And he didn't think twice about it

Boy after boy
I no longer have the desire to go on
I can no longer face the "I love you"s
Without breaking down in a puddle of tears
sunflower Feb 2018
They were, I doubt not,
see enough,
in the dark.

The thoughts, the whisper.
Haunt them,

They endured, I'm sure,
the hindrances.
They tried.

They breathe, live,
they fight.
They did.

They, human.
They are,
ㅡ strong.
For when I thought they are strong. They fight themselves. Suicidal thought is no less important, people need to help.

Seema Dec 2017
Cut my veins
Let these blood flow
Don't worry about the pain
Just let it go

Had enough to suffer
My heart and mind, both dead
Every step got tougher
Don't feel sad

It's crazy to live with such torments
Hopeless being torn by heart
Replay memories and the moments
Let those blades show their art

I am not afraid
No I am not
Just my existence fade
All that I got

Should I cry
So you can feel the guilt
Will you try
To patchup whatever we built

It's not happening tho
The night is here
Start your show
Do not fear

Let me close these eyes
Let my nails dig in pillows
Let me just feel the lies
Let me brim in the billows...

Fictional write.
Charlotte Ivy Nov 2017
Inside hazel eyes I suffocate
December breezes burn with hate
Irises crumble like castle towers
The Queen lost all power
trf Nov 2017
"this is hoffman, what's going on, where can i find her?"

"there's a nursery rhyme delivering your baby in 114."

"wait, what are you saying, ma'am?"

"nurse heimlich is delivering your baby in room 114!"

"oh sorry, i've been under the weather (chasing the dragon)."

      the fog finds you,
      it'll take your place in time,
      there is no rhyme or reason,
      or even frame of mind.
      the fog blinds you,
      it can't segregate,
      it'll capture all your secrets,
      it doesn't hesitate.
      memory recalls you,
      don't procrastinate,
      synapsis fire like machine guns,
      in the middle of the day.
      sensory remembers truth,
      better claim your fate,
      this ain't the time to run,
      new life won't cleanse your slate.

"jane! i'm here. how is our girl? where's doctor klein?"


"shush! mr. hoffman, i'm nurse heimlich. please take a seat.

there were complications with jane's umbilical chord."


"your baby's lung collapsed, causing her to suffocate. now, we did the best that we could, but the air and blood just wouldn't flow back to her heart."

"i was told there was a nursery rhyme delivering my baby in 114. this isn't a nursery rhyme!"

"then learn something from it, mr. hoffman. I sure am."
is it hard to swallow sometimes? does your breath take large gulps of air?
rest assured, as dr. heimlich knows exactly how you feel. here is a demon- stration.
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